14:00:04 <EmilienM> #startmeeting tripleo 14:00:05 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 20 14:00:04 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is EmilienM. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 14:00:15 <EmilienM> #topic agenda 14:00:16 <EmilienM> * one off agenda items 14:00:18 <EmilienM> * bugs 14:00:20 <EmilienM> * Projects releases or stable backports 14:00:22 <EmilienM> * CI 14:00:24 <EmilienM> * Specs 14:00:26 <EmilienM> * open discussion 14:00:28 <EmilienM> hello, who is up today? 14:00:29 <d0ugal> o/ 14:00:30 <beagles> o/ 14:00:32 <pradk> o/ 14:00:34 <mwhahaha> o/ 14:00:34 <fultonj> o/ 14:00:35 <marios> o/ hello 14:00:58 <mandre> o/ 14:01:01 <ccamacho> hi! o/ 14:01:06 <hrybacki> o/ 14:01:16 <EmilienM> #topic review actions items from last week 14:01:25 <shardy> o/ 14:01:30 <matbu> o/ 14:01:48 <EmilienM> EmilienM to test tripleo with centos7.3 and see how it goes: we did it last week, it seems like our CI is now passing on centos 7.3 14:01:50 <dprince> hi 14:02:10 <EmilienM> EmilienM to send update on ML about releases ocata-2 and newton: done, mail sent. 14:02:17 <EmilienM> beagles propose policy edit for periodically abandoning old reviews 14:02:21 <EmilienM> HA & puppet experts to look https://review.openstack.org/#/c/408726/ 14:02:41 <sshnaidm> o/ 14:02:45 <EmilienM> sounds like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/408726/ is in bad shape and nobody reviewed it yet. 14:02:49 <EmilienM> we need to postpone this one 14:02:58 <EmilienM> #action HA & puppet experts to look https://review.openstack.org/#/c/408726/ 14:02:59 * beagles will do that right after mtg so it doesn't slide to bottom of list again 14:03:08 <EmilienM> beagles: thanks 14:03:16 <EmilienM> EmilienM to start postponing bugs / blueprints to ocata-3 or pike-1: done 14:03:41 <EmilienM> please let me know if I moved your blueprint to pike-1 and you're not happy. We can still discuss about it, and change. 14:03:46 <EmilienM> CI folks to review https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:3-node and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/410131/ 14:04:02 <EmilienM> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/410131/ is merged 14:04:21 <EmilienM> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:3-node+status:open still have 3 patches 14:04:38 <panda> o/ 14:04:50 <EmilienM> please review the 3 patches ^ so we can move forward with 3-nodes testing. 14:05:03 <EmilienM> we're done with actions, moving to off items 14:05:13 <EmilienM> #topic one off agenda items 14:05:20 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items 14:05:31 <EmilienM> there is no item this week, can we go ahead in the regular agenda? 14:06:25 <EmilienM> #topic bugs 14:07:23 <EmilienM> #link https://launchpad.net/tripleo/+milestone/ocata-3 14:08:02 <EmilienM> anyone has some specific bug to raise? 14:08:11 <trown> o/ 14:08:31 <EmilienM> 18 Confirmed, 76 Triaged, 49 In Progress targetted for ocata-3 14:08:56 <trown> (that is me arriving late not raising my hand for a specific bug) 14:09:10 <EmilienM> at some points, we might need some triage on what we need to fix in ocata-3 and what can be postponed 14:09:25 <EmilienM> trown: welcome! 14:09:53 <beagles> qquestin about https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1609688 14:09:54 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1609688 in tripleo "CI: nonha jobs fails in introspection step because of mistral error" [Critical,Confirmed] 14:09:59 <EmilienM> sshnaidm, panda: could you help in triaging bugs related to CI please? some of them are open but I don't think we still hit all of them 14:10:08 <weshay> 0/ 14:10:09 <beagles> is this a pretty isolated issue 14:10:11 <EmilienM> beagles: we fixed this one last night 14:10:11 <beagles> ? 14:10:13 <sshnaidm> EmilienM, sure 14:10:14 <beagles> ah okay 14:10:25 <shardy> EmilienM: perhaps we could have a bug squash day prior to ocata-3, as it'd be good to focus on landing some of those vs postpoining a lot to the RC weeks 14:10:26 <panda> EmilienM: ok 14:10:46 <beagles> I was hitting it in my env yesterday afternoon and noticed the alert tag had been punted, but missed the fix 14:11:08 <EmilienM> shardy: what an excellent idea :) 14:11:08 <shardy> I know folks will be busy with features, but perhaps we could focus on landing bugs just for one day, particularly if there are high priority ones we already know about 14:11:27 <EmilienM> beagles: update puppet-mistral / instack-undercloud / tht and you're fine 14:11:30 <trown> beagles: fix was three repo revert of fernet token stuff in tht/instack-undercloud/puppet-tripleo 14:11:34 <shardy> last cycle some folks consumed the m3 release as a preview of newton, and it didn't work out well because we released with a lot of bugs 14:11:35 <beagles> EmilienM: cool thanks 14:11:40 <beagles> trown++ 14:11:45 <beagles> +1 on shardy's proposal 14:11:46 <trown> oh... s/puppet-tripleo/puppet-mistral 14:11:55 <beagles> trown: ack 14:12:11 <beagles> thx 14:12:52 <EmilienM> shardy: i'll organize this bug squash after the break and hopefully we have a a good number of folks focusing on bugs during a full day 14:13:07 <shardy> Sounds good, thanks EmilienM 14:13:18 <EmilienM> #action EmilienM to organize TripleO Bug Squash Day, that will happen after the break 14:14:03 <EmilienM> I'm not aware of any critical bug not WIP already that we need to discuss 14:14:48 <EmilienM> let's move forward (feel free to raise it if we missed something) 14:14:56 <EmilienM> #topic Projects releases or stable backports 14:15:07 <EmilienM> so 2 things: 14:15:23 <EmilienM> we released ocata-2 last week. Congrats to the team! 14:16:15 <EmilienM> I'll repeat the message sent on the mailing-list. The focus in ocata-3 should be 1) finish a feature started in ocata-1 or ocata-2 and 2) stabilization: bug fixing, CI coverage, etc 14:16:58 <EmilienM> end of january is end of ocata-3 14:17:16 <EmilienM> we have less than 4 weeks to finish the features that we want in tripleo 14:17:29 <EmilienM> that said, the second thing is, I proposed a new release for Newton 14:17:34 <EmilienM> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/412643/ 14:17:48 <EmilienM> (-1 from jenkins because I'm waiting for a patch in tripleo-ui to land) 14:18:08 <marios> EmilienM: makes sense.. some things like the new hiera hook didn't appear in our osp10 setup so new newton release will hopefully fix that (it will end up in new osp10 builds too) 14:18:18 <EmilienM> do we have any blocker to release Newton? do you have a patch in progress that we need to wait for? 14:18:22 <marios> EmilienM: i mean makes sense for new newton release 14:18:39 <EmilienM> marios: good feedback, thanks! 14:19:18 <EmilienM> any feedback / question about release management? 14:19:45 <EmilienM> #topic CI 14:20:02 <EmilienM> so before we talk about our current CI work, I would like to thank everyone who helped hard last week in fixing TripleO CI 14:20:08 <EmilienM> as a result, we managed to promote the repos this morning 14:20:10 <gfidente> EmilienM marios sorry for going back a little but 14:20:17 <EmilienM> so again: thank yoy :-) 14:20:33 <gfidente> are you saying that with a new newton release we'll also switch to the new hiera hook? 14:20:39 <gfidente> (the Newton release 14:20:55 <EmilienM> gfidente: we are going to cut stable/newton with a new tag 14:20:58 <shardy> gfidente: No, we must not backport anything related to the hiera hook 14:21:04 <shardy> that will be part of the upgrade to ocata 14:21:07 <EmilienM> shardy: yep, exactly 14:21:21 <gfidente> shardy ack ok I was trying to understand marios' comment about the new hook 14:21:50 <shardy> marios: Yeah perhaps you can clarify, but that hook should never be added to newton builds 14:22:07 <marios> shardy: ah OK never mind then I thought we'd put that into newton 14:22:08 <shardy> I mean, the package may be available but we shouldn't require it until the ocata upgrade 14:22:15 <shardy> Ok, cool 14:22:33 <gfidente> delicate thing to upgrade 14:22:41 <EmilienM> thanks for clarifying :) 14:22:43 <gfidente> while probably transparent to end users 14:22:55 <marios> gfidente: well its currently being handled by removing the old data and installign the new hook on the upgrade init 14:23:13 <EmilienM> sshnaidm, weshay: do you mind if you could give an update on container CI job? what patch is blocking, etc... so we can dress a list of things to review 14:23:14 <shardy> yeah we might streamline that process but atm it's a pre-upgrade script 14:23:35 <dprince> to be clear we aren't planning on backporting the new optimized hiera hook into Newton are we? (I was not planning on this...) 14:23:37 <gfidente> ok thanks for clarifying and explaining 14:23:39 <weshay> EmilienM, we are good to go, I sent an update to the list.. w/ updated instructions and how to pull in the latest required patches 14:23:44 <EmilienM> dprince: not afik 14:24:01 <marios> dprince: yeah i thought we would but the discussion/clarification from shardy and now you is that we will not be backporting the new hiera hook 14:24:02 <dprince> okay, sounds good 14:24:08 <sshnaidm> EmilienM, weshay I'll start with a job then 14:24:11 <shardy> dprince: No, we're not, there's just been some confusion :) 14:25:03 <EmilienM> sshnaidm: is there any patch under review that would block this work? 14:25:20 <sshnaidm> weshay, ^ 14:25:56 <EmilienM> let me ask again: what are blocking tripleo CI to have this job running? 14:26:04 <EmilienM> tripleo-ci patch? etc 14:26:06 <sshnaidm> EmilienM, I think it's https://review.openstack.org/#/c/400986/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/393348/ 14:26:23 <EmilienM> sshnaidm: those are oooq 14:26:28 <EmilienM> sshnaidm: my question is about tripleo-ci 14:27:04 <EmilienM> shardy, matbu: what is the progress on major upgrade job? I've seen some patches have been done to make it happen, how close are we? 14:27:16 <sshnaidm> weshay, are all tht patches merged? 14:27:28 <shardy> EmilienM: It's working fine locally, but matbu has been working through some remaining issues related to the environment variables in CI 14:27:43 <weshay> sshnaidm, no.. none of them 14:27:49 <matbu> EmilienM: we are close, i just get an issue related to the ci script generaly 14:27:49 <EmilienM> shardy: I guess we're close then :) 14:28:02 <sshnaidm> EmilienM, weshay so which patches are blocking us? 14:28:03 <matbu> EmilienM: https://review.openstack.org/413106 14:28:08 <matbu> shardy: ^ 14:28:12 <EmilienM> weshay: could you please dress a list (using a common gerrit topic) of patches that we need? 14:28:18 <shardy> Yeah I think we're pretty close now but it would be great to get it landed this week, and potentially moved to the check queue 14:28:27 <matbu> I tried to explain the issue in the commit message, not sure if it's clear :) 14:28:41 <EmilienM> shardy: the first time we see experimental job passing, let's move it to check queue -nv (non voting) 14:28:47 <sshnaidm> EmilienM, I'd like to do it with oooq, it's more ready afaik, we can use non-merged patches there as workaround and have it running very soon 14:29:14 <EmilienM> matbu: you might want to rebase the upgrade patch on top of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/413106/ 14:29:23 <EmilienM> matbu: they conflict and they can't be tested together. 14:29:28 <matbu> EmilienM: btw i think we actually never test the uc-upgrade in ci 14:29:47 <matbu> EmilienM: yep i will do 14:29:48 <shardy> matbu: thanks - that explains why we didn't catch the nova cells v2 thing in CI 14:29:57 <EmilienM> sshnaidm: yes, please create a job with oooq and let's have it in tripleo-ci 14:30:02 <shardy> it broke undercloud upgrades, and I couldn't work out why CI didn't break 14:30:07 <weshay> EmilienM, sshnaidm https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:oooq-containers 14:30:27 <matbu> shardy: ha that explain, cool to catch that 14:30:43 <EmilienM> matbu: oh, I remember slagle reporting this kind of feedback a while ago, too 14:30:59 <shardy> matbu: should we actually be populating deploy.env instead of removing the source of it? 14:31:22 <EmilienM> weshay, sshnaidm: where are the patches in tripleo-ci and project-config to have the job? it's WIP ? 14:31:28 <matbu> EmilienM: shardy actually, if no CI folks have strong objection (and if CI is green on the review) it's safe enough to merged it quickly 14:31:30 <slagle> EmilienM: we have a job for that now, but it is nv 14:31:35 <sshnaidm> EmilienM, job already exists 14:31:44 <matbu> shardy: idk the use of sourcing it 14:31:55 <EmilienM> slagle: right, gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades-nv 14:31:55 <sshnaidm> EmilienM, I mean in project-config, it already runs 14:32:03 <EmilienM> matbu: were you saying gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades-nv is not doing what we want? 14:32:09 <matbu> shardy: i think if tripleo-ci expert could give their advice on it 14:32:22 <sshnaidm> EmilienM, I don't have a patch still, waiting on merged in oooq side.. 14:32:25 <matbu> EmilienM: yes it's doing minor upgrade (newton to newton) 14:32:37 <EmilienM> sshnaidm: and on tripleo-ci repo side? it's wip on your side? 14:32:40 <slagle> it's not doing a minor upgrade 14:32:59 <slagle> it does a major upgrade, by first installing the previous major release 14:33:09 <sshnaidm> EmilienM, yep, in WIP 14:33:13 <matbu> slagle: i think so 14:33:14 <EmilienM> sshnaidm: ok, good to know. Please keep us updates as soon as oyu have something 14:33:26 <sshnaidm> EmilienM, sure 14:33:42 <matbu> slagle: i have put an example in the review: http://logs.openstack.org/31/404831/32/check/gate-tripleo-ci-centos-7-undercloud-upgrades-nv/9f20ac6/logs/var/log/undercloud_upgrade.txt.gz#_2016-12-15_15_47_40_000 14:34:33 <matbu> slagle: in the log, the stable release is still set to newton and it configured the newton repo 14:34:33 <slagle> matbu: since the patch is against master, it starts by installing newton 14:34:52 <slagle> right, so it tests from newton to master, which is a major upgrade 14:35:27 <matbu> slagle: yes, but in toci_* the stable release to master minus 1 == newton, then the stable_release is dump in the deploy.env as newton and is never overriden 14:36:11 <matbu> slagle: in th e log ^ the delorean.repo should be master not newton 14:36:15 <matbu> smae 14:36:26 <matbu> same behavior with major overcloud upgrade 14:36:59 <EmilienM> so we want to take an action from here and discuss this topic offline? 14:37:18 <matbu> EmilienM: yep maybe 14:37:30 <EmilienM> #action matbu, slagle to figure undercloud major upgrade job status 14:37:37 <EmilienM> I'll let you figure that thing together ;-) 14:37:48 <matbu> yep thx 14:37:51 <EmilienM> #topic Specs 14:38:00 <EmilienM> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/tripleo-specs+status:open 14:38:17 <EmilienM> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/tripleo-specs+status:open 14:38:51 <EmilienM> some specs were waiting for +A, I want to give a last chance for them to merge 14:39:13 <EmilienM> the ones without review or with negative review, will be postponed to Pike. 14:40:20 <EmilienM> anything to discuss about specs? 14:41:16 <EmilienM> #topic open discussion 14:41:28 <EmilienM> I would like to talk about PTG a little, I forgot to add the item in the off items 14:41:44 <EmilienM> I'm about to bootstrap the discussion to prepare TripleO PTG sessions in Atlanta 14:41:56 <EmilienM> #action EmilienM sends an email to start preparing PTG 14:42:10 <shardy> EmilienM: that would be good, I was wondering about the PTG status 14:42:13 <EmilienM> one thing important to know is that we'll have a room between Wednesday and Friday included 14:42:17 <shardy> e.g how many sessions we have etc 14:42:28 <EmilienM> we'll have 3 days together 14:42:42 <EmilienM> monday / tuesday are horizontal sessions (infra, cross project, release, security, etc) 14:43:02 <marios> EmilienM: +1 shardy matbu i think an upgrades related one... iteration for P once we've got the composable /step based and also how the upgrades + containers would work since that is coming too 14:43:26 <EmilienM> since some people will be traveling on Friday, as usual, it would make sense to make the most important sessions on Wednesday and Thursday and maybe do hack sessions on Friday 14:43:59 <EmilienM> so I'll send an etherpad 14:44:01 <gfidente> shardy is that a good forum to bring some code for the workflowexecution resource too? 14:44:07 <EmilienM> folks, please add your topics in the etherpad as soon as you can 14:44:22 <EmilienM> gfidente: it will be our regular design sessions 14:44:31 <EmilienM> gfidente: like we previously did at Summit. 14:44:34 <shardy> gfidente: Yes that seems a good place to discuss it - we can get Heat folks involved too if needed 14:44:52 <EmilienM> if needed, we can create heat/tripleo sessions 14:44:54 * shardy wasn't sure on the final consensus re the ML thread last week 14:44:54 <gfidente> EmilienM yep but this is sort of 'horizonal' 14:45:21 <gfidente> tripleo/heat 14:45:59 <shardy> marios: agreed - I think we need proper upgrade support for the container based solution from day1, and to figure out how to migrate from non-container to container based deployments 14:46:02 <EmilienM> gfidente: exactly, we'll arange a common session 14:46:05 <marios> EmilienM: just wanted to note we had an upgrades squad syncup last week... info at http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-December/109022.html - may be useful for getting involved with reviews/testing for anyone interested 14:46:25 <shardy> marios: the current upgrade architecture doesn't consider that hybrid situation at all, so we'll need to think about it some more 14:46:26 <gfidente> I'll try to get cschwede involved too so we have a use case and possible some working code 14:46:30 <EmilienM> marios: excellent, and nice summary. 14:46:53 <EmilienM> marios, matbu: what is the plan for the pacemaker ansible module? Time is running out and we need to think where we put this code. 14:46:58 <EmilienM> matbu: have you made progress on that^? 14:47:20 <marios> EmilienM: in the worst case we will carry it in the tht (it is two py files) and for current testing we are even delivering/installing during the upgrade init 14:47:22 <EmilienM> maybe we can organize some swift/tripleo heat/tripleo mistral/tripleo ironic/tripleo sessions 14:47:31 <EmilienM> if you like the idea, I can't contact the PTLs and find a common slot 14:47:37 <EmilienM> I can* 14:47:53 <matbu> marios: yep thx (you are taping too fast :)) 14:48:11 <marios> matbu: i *love* my new keyboard :) 14:48:29 <matbu> hehe 14:49:10 <EmilienM> feel free to bring more topics or ask any question. Otherwise I'll close the meeting in 1 min 14:49:50 <beagles> /me is now curious about marios' keyboard 14:50:26 <EmilienM> matbu: I'll ping you after meeting to know, you haven't answered. 14:50:27 <matbu> i may have one question regarding tripleo-quickstart 14:50:49 <matbu> EmilienM: about the module ? (feel free sure) 14:51:09 <EmilienM> matbu: it would be nice to know the status of this thing, again, time is running out very fast and I still see this code in THT 14:51:32 <matbu> EmilienM: yep as marios said, the plan for now is to keep it in tht 14:51:57 <EmilienM> matbu: we can discuss it on #tripleo after meeting. What was your question? 14:52:28 <matbu> regarding the review in oooq, afaik the tripleo cores is cores also on oooq 14:53:02 <trown> yep 14:53:03 <matbu> but it looks like none of them is reviewing oooq 14:53:21 <EmilienM> none? trown does iirc 14:53:27 <trown> juan does quite a few reviews too 14:53:40 <EmilienM> I think it doesn't depend of whether or not you can +2, but also on your area of expertise. 14:53:49 <matbu> i have some reviews that is taking so long for being reviewed 14:54:12 <matbu> EmilienM: yep sure, but that's why i think there is little bottleneck here 14:54:13 <marios> i am not reviewing oooq i can promise to start 14:54:16 <trown> matbu: first I have heard about them 14:54:23 <marios> or rarely anyway 14:54:37 <slagle> i dont think that is a problem specific to oooq, but all our projects really 14:54:40 <EmilienM> matbu: when you're blocked, feel free to send an email to openstack-dev 14:55:03 <EmilienM> slagle: do you think we miss reviewers in all projects? 14:55:17 <matbu> EmilienM: ack 14:55:28 <slagle> EmilienM: i'm not sure what you're asking 14:55:32 * matbu should be much noisy :) 14:55:51 <slagle> i was saying that we have reviews that in all of our projects that take a long time to land b/c they are not reviewed 14:55:57 <trown> matbu: ya squeeky wheel gets the grease 14:56:21 <EmilienM> slagle: my question was, do we miss core reviewers in tripleo? 14:57:12 <slagle> i'm not sure. what do you think? 14:57:21 <shardy> EmilienM: yes, but we've been trying to grow the team, with some success over the last couple of cycles 14:57:29 <matbu> trown: hehe nice expression :) 14:57:41 <EmilienM> shardy: exactly 14:57:52 <EmilienM> we can't force people to review code in Gerrit 14:58:15 <EmilienM> what we can do is maybe write some documentation to welcome new reviewers 14:58:22 <d0ugal> well, we can, but the reviews get worse if they are forced :) 14:58:23 <shardy> Having work tracked and prioritized against milestones helps, as it can prevent patches from getting completely lost 14:58:27 <EmilienM> and document our best practices 14:58:35 <EmilienM> shardy: also! 14:59:02 <EmilienM> slagle, matbu: but your concern is 100% valid - we need to address it. 14:59:17 <EmilienM> we have 50s left, we might want to take it offline 14:59:54 <slagle> i miss all core and non-core reviewers! 15:00:01 <trown> hehe 15:00:07 <EmilienM> #endmeeting