14:00:11 <mwhahaha> #startmeeting tripleo 14:00:12 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 22 14:00:11 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mwhahaha. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:15 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 14:00:17 <jrist> o/ 14:00:19 <fultonj> o/ 14:00:24 <abishop> o/ 14:00:25 <mwhahaha> #topic agenda 14:00:25 <mwhahaha> * review past action items 14:00:26 <mwhahaha> * one off agenda items 14:00:26 <mwhahaha> * bugs 14:00:26 <mwhahaha> * Projects releases or stable backports 14:00:26 <mwhahaha> * CI 14:00:26 <mwhahaha> * Specs 14:00:27 <mwhahaha> * open discussion 14:00:27 <mwhahaha> Anyone can use the #link, #action and #info commands, not just the moderatorǃ 14:00:28 <mwhahaha> Hi everyone! who is around today? 14:00:32 <fultonj> o/ 14:00:33 <beagles> o/ 14:00:35 <ansiwen> o/ 14:00:35 <matbu> o/ 14:00:38 <shardy> o/ 14:00:53 <abishop> o/ 14:00:58 <adarazs> o/ (partly) 14:01:16 <sshnaidm> o/ 14:01:19 <jpich> o/ 14:01:30 <cdearborn> o/ 14:01:30 <mwhahaha> #topic review past action items 14:01:36 <mwhahaha> EmilienM to prepare tripleo pike rc1 by friday if things go right 14:01:42 <mwhahaha> so we're goign to do rc1 this week 14:02:23 <mwhahaha> other action item was CI related which was completed 14:02:24 <rasca> o/ 14:02:24 <atoth> o/ 14:02:41 <mwhahaha> that was it on action items 14:02:44 <mwhahaha> moving on 14:02:48 <mwhahaha> #topic one off agenda items 14:02:49 <mwhahaha> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items 14:03:05 <mwhahaha> doesn't look like we have any agenda items at the moment 14:03:11 <mwhahaha> does anyone want to talk about anything specific? 14:03:25 <jrist> just wanted to mention our bp-websocket-logging 14:03:28 <jrist> it's almost ready for rc 14:03:33 <jfrancoa> o/ 14:03:33 <jrist> I think that's the hold up 14:03:34 <jrist> or one of them 14:03:43 <mwhahaha> link? 14:04:14 <mwhahaha> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/websocket-logging 14:04:16 <trown> o/ 14:04:28 <oidgar> o/ 14:04:30 <mwhahaha> jrist: looks like jsut two outstanding patches 14:04:35 <jrist> yeah 14:04:46 <jrist> thanks for the quick link :) 14:05:34 <jrist> that's it from me/UI 14:05:49 <mwhahaha> ok thanks 14:05:55 <mwhahaha> any other items? 14:07:14 <mwhahaha> sounds like no 14:07:30 <mwhahaha> moving on... 14:07:35 <mwhahaha> #topic bugs 14:07:35 <mwhahaha> #link https://launchpad.net/tripleo/+milestone/pike-rc1 14:07:49 <mwhahaha> so we're going to be cutting rc1 on thursday 14:08:14 <owalsh> ansiwen: not sure, I've not seen that 14:08:15 <mwhahaha> please take some time to look at the outstanding rc1 bugs 14:08:32 <thrash> o/ 14:08:55 <mwhahaha> it looks like we have a few alert bugs 14:09:04 <mwhahaha> lets work on getting those addressed today if possible 14:09:37 <sshnaidm> mwhahaha, https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1712102 is resolved and we should promote today 14:09:38 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1712102 in tripleo "CI: glance on overcloud fails with AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'Rados'" [Critical,Triaged] 14:10:04 <mwhahaha> sshnaidm: cool 14:10:13 <ooolpbot> URGENT TRIPLEO TASKS NEED ATTENTION 14:10:13 <ooolpbot> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1691403 14:10:14 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1691403 in tripleo "containerized overcloud - neutron-openvswitchagent fails to start" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Ian Main (imain) 14:10:14 <ooolpbot> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1702955 14:10:14 <ooolpbot> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1712098 14:10:15 <ooolpbot> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1712102 14:10:15 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1702955 in tripleo "tripleo upgrade jobs timeout on stable/ocata" [Critical,Triaged] 14:10:16 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1712098 in tripleo "Periodic master tempest job with 107 failures" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Arx Cruz (arxcruz) 14:10:25 <mwhahaha> how timely 14:10:34 <mwhahaha> -^ those, we need to fix them :) 14:10:52 <mwhahaha> arxcruz: do we know what's up with tempest job? 14:11:40 <mwhahaha> Slower: do we have a patch for https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1691403 ? 14:11:41 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1691403 in tripleo "containerized overcloud - neutron-openvswitchagent fails to start" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Ian Main (imain) 14:11:57 <ansiwen> owalsh: ^^^ ;-) 14:14:42 <mwhahaha> ok then moving on i guess 14:14:54 <kristaps_> guys what can mean this two errors : http://paste.openstack.org/raw/619044/ 14:14:55 <mwhahaha> please take some time today and check out the critical issues 14:15:01 <mwhahaha> moving on 14:15:08 <mwhahaha> #topic projects releases or stable backports 14:15:45 <mwhahaha> As i've mentioned a bunch of times, we will be cutting rc1 this week 14:15:58 <mwhahaha> are there any backports that need reviews? 14:17:29 <openstackgerrit> Giulio Fidente proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates master: Use switch to containers instead of take over playbook for ceph-ansible https://review.openstack.org/496243 14:17:31 <mwhahaha> guess everything is fine 14:17:35 <mwhahaha> moving on 14:17:41 <mwhahaha> #topic CI 14:17:42 <shardy> mwhahaha: yes there's one for composable-networks, sec 14:17:53 <mwhahaha> #undo 14:17:53 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #topic CI 14:18:13 <shardy> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/493933/ 14:18:39 <mwhahaha> shardy: ok i'll take a look today, ovb was tming out 14:18:59 <shardy> That one and also https://review.openstack.org/#/c/495367/ 14:19:17 <shardy> yeah the ovb jobs were failing but otherwise green 14:19:31 <shardy> I think we can declare composable networking complete after those two land 14:19:39 <shardy> modulo testing/bugs ;) 14:20:31 <mwhahaha> shardy: cool thanks 14:20:42 <mwhahaha> #topic CI 14:20:59 <mwhahaha> we did a bunch of work last few weeks around CI so the jobs are doing much better 14:21:51 <mwhahaha> Anyone have anything else to mention about CI? any pressing problems? 14:23:48 <mwhahaha> sounds like no 14:23:51 <mwhahaha> moving on 14:23:55 <mwhahaha> #topic specs 14:23:56 <mwhahaha> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/tripleo-specs+status:open 14:24:05 <jrist> oh snap spec time 14:24:11 <mwhahaha> Since we're moving into queens, please take some time to review specs 14:25:33 <mwhahaha> that's probably all about specs for now 14:25:34 <mwhahaha> #topic open discussion 14:25:41 <mwhahaha> now is the time to talk about anything else 14:26:10 <mwhahaha> if no one wants to talk, I'll close the meeting in 3 minutes 14:28:02 <oidgar> question 14:28:04 <arxcruz> mwhahaha: today worked, I'm monitoring the jobs 14:28:06 <gfidente> we got coverage for ceph-ansible in scenario001 14:28:22 <fultonj> yay 14:28:25 <gfidente> hurrah and thanks all the people who helped etting there :D 14:28:26 <mwhahaha> cool 14:28:36 <shardy> nice work :) 14:29:01 <oidgar> there was a change in about month ago about docker services and mysql client: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/481965/7 14:29:29 <oidgar> I'm not sure if this is the right time and place, but since this change my deployment fails with optional services 14:30:07 <mwhahaha> oidgar: do you have a specific error message? Have you filed a bug? 14:30:21 <mwhahaha> oidgar: we had the same change in non-containerized version for some time and it's needed for HA 14:30:32 <oidgar> https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/gir2bIpBm3lgJJuWnWYk6g 14:30:45 <oidgar> mwhahaha: did not filed a bug yet 14:31:12 <mwhahaha> oidgar: please file a bug, looks like octavia was missed or has a conflicting configuration 14:31:14 <oidgar> I know that when I comment out those changes in my octavia.yaml file it works 14:31:24 <oidgar> mwhahaha: no problem 14:32:00 <mwhahaha> oidgar: it's a duplicate declariation so there might be an ordering problem. Might also check with bandini on your issue. If you give me a bug i'll take a look as well 14:32:10 <kristaps_> guys, after openstack overcloud deploy on remote node see this error : https://pasteboard.co/GGOEi81.jpg 14:32:16 <kristaps_> enyy ideas? 14:32:23 <pabelanger> sorry, for CI things. If you are still rechecking a specific patchset (likely in check) please make note why that is. If you have having to recheck over and over, please reach out to myself. As we fix CI, you should no longer need to recheck as agressive 14:32:32 <bandini> mwhahaha, oidgar: ack. cc me on a bug and I will try to take a peek this week 14:32:57 <oidgar> mwhahaha, bandini: thanks both! 14:33:45 <mwhahaha> ok any more things to talk about? 14:33:50 <kristaps_> and in httpboot both images are empty seems: http://paste.openstack.org/raw/619045/ 14:34:15 <sshnaidm> pabelanger, this advice is good for any time 14:35:03 <mwhahaha> since there's nothing else, thanks everyone 14:35:06 <mwhahaha> #endmeeting