14:00:19 <EmilienM> #startmeeting tripleo 14:00:20 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 5 14:00:19 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is EmilienM. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 14:00:29 <EmilienM> #topic agenda 14:00:31 <openstackgerrit> Bogdan Dobrelya proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient master: Align roles file to become a normalized path https://review.openstack.org/572404 14:00:32 <EmilienM> * Review past action items 14:00:34 <EmilienM> * One off agenda items 14:00:36 <EmilienM> * Squad status 14:00:38 <EmilienM> * Bugs & Blueprints 14:00:40 <EmilienM> * Projects releases or stable backports 14:00:42 <EmilienM> * Specs 14:00:44 <EmilienM> * Open discussion 14:00:46 <EmilienM> Anyone can use the #link, #action and #info commands, not just the moderatorǃ 14:00:48 <EmilienM> hello, who is around? :) 14:00:51 <ccamacho> hola o/ 14:00:52 <rasca> o/ 14:00:53 <d0ugal> o/ 14:01:05 <jtomasek> o/ 14:01:06 <Tengu> \o/ 14:01:10 <shardy> o/ 14:01:12 <marios> o/ 14:01:32 <radeks> o/ 14:01:32 <chem> o/ 14:01:34 <EmilienM> #topic review past action items 14:01:35 <jrist> o/ 14:01:48 <EmilienM> we didn't take actions during the last meeting, so next topic : 14:01:57 <EmilienM> #topic one off agenda items 14:02:01 <holser__> o/ 14:02:02 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items 14:02:14 <EmilienM> anyone wants to bring one off topic this week? 14:02:19 <matbu> o/ 14:02:56 <EmilienM> sounds like no 14:02:58 <Tengu> EmilienM: sudo thingy in tripleoclient maybe? 14:03:13 <EmilienM> Tengu: sure, go ahead 14:03:13 <Tengu> not sure this is a place/time to discuss that 14:03:32 <bandini> o/ 14:03:34 <EmilienM> Tengu: I suspect it can take a while :D 14:03:45 <Tengu> ok. so, there are currently a couple of issues with "sudo" calls in the openstack client 14:03:59 <Tengu> EmilienM: so do I :). anyway. might be good to put a light on it. 14:04:04 <myoung> o/ 14:04:11 <arxcruz|ruck> o/ 14:04:35 <Tengu> Basically, main openstack command requires non-root, while the undercloud deploy requires a global "sudo" - meaning undercloud is deployed as root only. this creates many issues 14:04:53 <Tengu> among them, rights issues on generated files, they are owned by root instead of stack. 14:05:01 <Tengu> not to mention NOPASSWD:ALL in sudoers. 14:05:37 <Tengu> anyway. I'm working on a patch that will allow to get a sudo content for stack. 14:06:02 <Tengu> it aims to replace some (ok, many) native python call by subprocess in order to get a proper sudo call where it's needed. 14:06:14 <Tengu> basically, it concerns directory creation and some chowns. 14:06:21 <openstackgerrit> Sergii Golovatiuk proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/pike: Backport patches from master https://review.openstack.org/572407 14:06:51 <Tengu> sooo... any concern about that? I know sec team would be happy with that, but what about here? :) 14:07:08 <EmilienM> it looks cool, at least if we can fix the files permissions for now 14:07:11 <Tengu> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1761595 14:07:12 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1761595 in tripleo "files created by undercloud installer are owned by root in a user's folder" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm) 14:07:22 <dpeacock> o/ 14:07:24 <Tengu> one of the issue that will be corrected with my current work 14:07:45 <Tengu> the other one is a bit more "global" :). 14:07:45 <EmilienM> I know we have been discussing about the sudo commands lately, it's good to start poking at it 14:07:57 <Tengu> "Voilà" :) 14:08:07 <Tengu> and it alows me to dig deep in all those processes. 14:08:12 <EmilienM> Tengu: let us know on the mailing-list any updates! 14:08:18 <Tengu> EmilienM: I'll do 14:08:21 <EmilienM> cool 14:08:33 <EmilienM> myoung: go ahead 14:09:42 <myoung> CI Community Meeting starts immediately upon this meeting closing @ https://bluejeans.com/7050859455. All are welcome, ask/discuss anything! Add to agenda (or just join): https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting 14:09:58 <EmilienM> awesome 14:10:02 <myoung> message.end()' 14:10:10 <EmilienM> which bring another topic we just discussed with shardy a few minutes ago 14:10:20 <openstackgerrit> Raoul Scarazzini proposed openstack/python-tripleoclient stable/queens: Convert enable-ssh-admin.sh to python https://review.openstack.org/572155 14:10:34 <EmilienM> shardy: do you want to give a quick update on testing openshift in our CI (where we are and where we go?) 14:11:16 <shardy> EmilienM: sure, we plan to revive scenario009-multinode.yaml which was an experimental job testing deployment of openshift with tripleo 14:11:52 <openstackgerrit> Honza Pokorny proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add recover_deployment workflow https://review.openstack.org/566699 14:11:53 <shardy> we need to work out the best way to consume a stable version of openshift and openshift-ansible, then stabilize the job so it can run in the check/gate queue 14:12:19 <EmilienM> shardy: good news, testing :-) - would it be fine to set a target of rocky-m3 for this job as "check/non voting" and voting+gate in Stein? 14:12:25 <shardy> probably we also need to add some configuration to quickstart as I'd prefer to use custom roles instead of hijacking the Compute/Controller ones 14:12:47 <shardy> EmilienM: yes that sounds reasonable - I think flaper87 already started looking into it, and I'm happy to help 14:12:50 <EmilienM> unless it has been proved to be stable in m3, then we can move it to gate but I have doubts now, since we deploy some things from source 14:13:20 <EmilienM> shardy: would you mind to create a blueprint, targeted for m3 for that effort? 14:13:22 <shardy> EmilienM: yeah I think we should be cautious about the gate since it's not a critical integration for most OpenStack patches 14:13:26 <EmilienM> shardy: so we can keep track of this discussion 14:13:38 <shardy> EmilienM: sure, I didn't realize we raised blueprints for CI coverage 14:14:08 <EmilienM> shardy: sometimes we do (rarely) but here I feel like it's something we can track at least 14:14:28 <shardy> Ok, I wonder if a bug would be a better fit if we intend to capture discussion? 14:14:34 <EmilienM> shardy: moving to storyboard, a blueprint will become a story, which fits with this kind of effort 14:14:34 <shardy> and it's basically a testing gap vs a feature? 14:14:38 <EmilienM> shardy: ++ for a bug! 14:14:40 <shardy> EmilienM: Ok 14:14:48 <EmilienM> alright, anything else before we move on? 14:14:54 <EmilienM> (next topic: squads) 14:15:25 <EmilienM> Tengu, myoung, shardy : thanks for the one off topics :-) / moving on 14:15:28 <EmilienM> #topic Squad status 14:15:35 <EmilienM> ci 14:15:38 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting 14:15:40 <EmilienM> upgrade 14:15:42 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-upgrade-squad-status 14:15:44 <EmilienM> containers 14:15:46 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-containers-squad-status 14:15:48 <EmilienM> config-download 14:15:50 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-config-download-squad-status 14:15:52 <EmilienM> integration 14:15:54 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-integration-squad-status 14:15:56 <EmilienM> ui/cli 14:15:58 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ui-cli-squad-status 14:16:00 <EmilienM> validations 14:16:02 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-validations-squad-status 14:16:04 <EmilienM> networking 14:16:06 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-networking-squad-status 14:16:08 <EmilienM> workflows 14:16:10 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-workflows-squad-status 14:16:12 <EmilienM> security 14:16:14 <EmilienM> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-security-squad 14:16:16 <EmilienM> please take some time to update the etherpads 14:16:46 <shardy> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1775190 OpenShift CI coverage 14:16:47 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1775190 in tripleo "Add CI coverage for openshift deployment" [Undecided,New] 14:16:54 <EmilienM> slagle, jrist, beagles, thrash, jaosorior ^ 14:16:58 <EmilienM> shardy: thx 14:16:59 <openstackgerrit> Rafael Folco proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Move scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades to check https://review.openstack.org/572187 14:17:11 <jrist> EmilienM: on it 14:17:39 <EmilienM> anything outstanding to discuss about squads this week? 14:18:08 <jaosorior> not much from the security squad side. We are currently working on two items: * Public TLS by default * limiting sudoers rights 14:18:15 <jaosorior> we'll get an update on the sudoers work tomorrow 14:18:34 <EmilienM> jaosorior: nice, you want to talk with Tengu (if not already) then :-) 14:18:35 <Tengu> jaosorior: I'll get in touch with your team regarding my current work I guess :). 14:18:36 <jaosorior> and public TLS by default is blocked until jaganathan submits a patch that enables derive_parameters by default 14:19:07 <jaosorior> EmilienM: yeah, I'm aware of what Tengu's doing. It definitely helps in the sudoers effort. 14:19:12 <EmilienM> good 14:19:18 <jaosorior> Tengu: can you bring up what you're doing tomorrow so you can sync with lhinds ? 14:19:41 <Tengu> jaosorior: pushing a mail to the openstack-dev ML today, and will be connected tomorrow. 14:19:57 <EmilienM> anything else about squads? 14:20:56 <EmilienM> moving on 14:20:59 <EmilienM> #topic bugs & blueprints 14:21:03 <EmilienM> #link https://launchpad.net/tripleo/+milestone/rocky-2 14:21:06 <EmilienM> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/76 14:21:19 <EmilienM> I'm not sure we have outstanding bugs this week, I haven't seen any alert and gate is green 14:22:02 <openstackgerrit> John Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add ability to upgrade FROM change under test https://review.openstack.org/572419 14:22:03 <openstackgerrit> John Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci master: Add logic/tests for n->n+1 upgrades https://review.openstack.org/572420 14:22:07 <EmilienM> status for blueprints: 14:22:10 <EmilienM> 3 Unknown, 5 Not started, 8 Started, 3 Slow progress, 15 Good progress, 7 Needs Code Review, 4 Implemented 14:22:11 <EmilienM> and bugs: 14:22:14 <EmilienM> 3 New, 12 Incomplete, 19 Invalid, 2 Won't Fix, 2 Confirmed, 542 Triaged, 164 In Progress, 6 Fix Committed, 194 Fix Released 14:22:37 <openstackgerrit> mathieu bultel proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Handle root user case for ssh access creation https://review.openstack.org/572325 14:22:50 <EmilienM> please update your blueprints, it'll help me and Alex 14:23:08 <EmilienM> things are going to move to rocky-m3 by the end of the week 14:23:33 <EmilienM> anything related to bugs / blueprints that we need to discuss? 14:24:23 <EmilienM> #topic projects releases or stable backports 14:24:35 <EmilienM> so this week is rocky milestone 2 14:24:47 <openstackgerrit> Dougal Matthews proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Remove the output from the heat.stacks_get action result https://review.openstack.org/572396 14:24:49 <EmilienM> Alex and I are off for the rest of the week so I'll propose the release today 14:24:57 <EmilienM> and start moving the launchpads to m3 14:25:12 <EmilienM> any concern or question? 14:26:29 <EmilienM> alright 14:26:35 <EmilienM> #topic specs 14:26:38 <EmilienM> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/tripleo-specs+status:open 14:27:01 <jrist> EmilienM: do you mean storyboards? 14:27:36 <EmilienM> jrist: I need to catchup on that 14:27:52 <jrist> ok 14:28:00 <jrist> note UI team is going through our storyboard this week 14:28:08 <jrist> maybe Monday is a better time for UI storyboard to change to 3 14:28:27 <EmilienM> it was supposed to be migrated during m2 but I think we haven't done it 14:28:42 <EmilienM> jrist: sure, please do it yourself, it would help me a lot 14:29:02 <EmilienM> #topic open discussion 14:29:09 <EmilienM> anything we want to bring on before we close the meeting? 14:29:44 <EmilienM> let's call it a meeting - have a nice day folks 14:29:46 <EmilienM> #endmeeting