14:00:55 <jaosorior> #startmeeting tripleo 14:00:56 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 26 14:00:55 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jaosorior. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:57 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:59 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 14:01:13 <jaosorior> #topic agenda 14:01:21 <jaosorior> * Review past action items 14:01:23 <jaosorior> * One off agenda items 14:01:25 <jaosorior> * Squad status 14:01:27 <jaosorior> * Bugs & Blueprints 14:01:29 <jaosorior> * Projects releases or stable backports 14:01:31 <jaosorior> * Specs 14:01:33 <jaosorior> * open discussion 14:01:35 <jaosorior> Anyone can use the #link, #action and #info commands, not just the moderatorǃ 14:01:37 <jaosorior> Hey folks! who's around? 14:01:39 <beagles> o/ 14:01:39 <dpeacock> o/ 14:01:41 <Tengu> «o/ 14:01:42 <bogdando> o/ 14:01:44 <chandankumar> \o/ 14:01:45 <ksambor> o/ 14:02:00 <panda|ruck> o/ 14:02:00 <marios> o/ 14:03:28 <dprince> hi 14:03:44 <rfolco|rover> o/ 14:04:13 <fmount> o/ 14:04:14 <jfrancoa> o/ 14:04:16 <fultonj> o/ 14:04:36 <weshay> 0/ 14:04:42 <jaosorior> #topic review past action items 14:04:43 <jaosorior> None. 14:05:00 <jaosorior> #topic one off agenda items 14:05:02 <jaosorior> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items 14:05:19 <jaosorior> The first topic is: (rfolco): Quick updates on Fedora 28 containers build: tripleo-repos tool now supports Fedora 28 for setting repos and mirrors. Check job to be added to RDO given the nuances around unmergeable Kolla patches. Epic: https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/epic/445. 14:06:22 <jaosorior> rfolco|rover: ^^ 14:06:22 <weshay> marios, ^ 14:06:26 <rfolco|rover> The goal is to have a check jon in rdo at the end of this sprint to track progress on f28 containers build. That's it. Happy to provide more detail if any questions. 14:06:26 <derekh> bnemec: EmilienM ya it was me, a old HD died where I was running it, I'll sort it out and get it back, 14:06:34 <rfolco|rover> check job* 14:06:44 <marios> jaosorior: rfolco|rover is rover this sprint so we quiquell zbr|out and i are trying to get those merged see https://tree.taiga.io/project/tripleo-ci-board/us/650?milestone=220350 for info and we can discuss some more in the ci meeting next if anyeone is interested in more 14:07:31 <marios> jaosorior: quiquell has been trying to get the job to run in rdo jobs for the upstream at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636160 14:07:51 <marios> jaosorior: main news item compared to last week is that we will only be runing in in check non voting and in rdo for now not upstream 14:09:14 <rfolco|rover> thanks marios 14:10:21 <jaosorior> marios: thanks for the update 14:11:48 <jaosorior> #topic Squad status 14:11:59 <jaosorior> ci 14:12:00 <jaosorior> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting 14:12:02 <jaosorior> upgrade 14:12:04 <jaosorior> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-upgrade-squad-status 14:12:06 <jaosorior> containers 14:12:08 <jaosorior> #link https://trello.com/b/S8TmOU0u/tripleo-podman 14:12:10 <jaosorior> integration 14:12:12 <jaosorior> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-integration-squad-status 14:12:14 <jaosorior> ui/cli 14:12:16 <jaosorior> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ui-cli-squad-status 14:12:18 <jaosorior> validations 14:12:20 <jaosorior> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-validations-squad-status 14:12:22 <jaosorior> networking 14:12:24 <jaosorior> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-networking-squad-status 14:12:26 <jaosorior> security 14:12:28 <jaosorior> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-security-squad 14:12:30 <jaosorior> edge 14:12:32 <jaosorior> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-edge-squad-status 14:12:34 <jaosorior> Any squad wanting to bring up their status, or a topic for the general public? 14:12:38 <Tengu> Validation: we need reviewers on https://review.openstack.org/636930 and https://review.openstack.org/636581 - those two are the base of the whole work, and it would be good to get them merged sooner than later. 14:13:12 <Tengu> As next steps will involve the addition of ansible-runner to those two changes, we're stuck for now :). 14:13:17 <Tengu> help is really appreciate. 14:13:30 <Tengu> (end of communication ;)) 14:15:01 <jaosorior> Tengu: added myself as a reviewer. Thanks for bringing that up 14:15:13 <Tengu> :+1: 14:15:14 <Tengu> :) 14:17:37 <jaosorior> #topic bugs & blueprints 14:17:39 <jaosorior> #link https://launchpad.net/tripleo/+milestone/stein-3 14:17:41 <jaosorior> For Stein we currently have 21 (for stein-3) blueprints open in Launchpad. 14:17:43 <jaosorior> Bugs: 522 (-45) stein-3 in Launchpad. 104 (0) open Storyboard bugs. 14:17:44 <openstack> bug 522 in Launchpad itself "translation percentage off the scale" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/522 - Assigned to Carlos Perelló Marín (carlos) 14:17:45 <jaosorior> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/76 14:20:55 <jaosorior> #topic projects releases or stable backports 14:23:51 <jaosorior> #topic projects releases or stable backports 14:25:00 <manojawa> Hello All... My existing cluster has - 1 X Director, 3 X Controllers & 10 X Compute nodes. All Baremetal. When I tried to add 11th node, it is failing with error "resources.AllNodesDeploySteps: resources.ControllerDeployment_Step5: Error: resources[2]: Deployment to server failed: deploy_status_code : Deployment exited with non-zero status code: 6 ". Need help in understanding and fixing the issue. 14:25:39 <manojawa> I can provide any required details about my setup 14:27:57 <manojawa> I searched a lot. I see lot of links with the same error "Deployment exited with non-zero status code: 6", but none of them have any resolution 14:28:05 <jaosorior> #topic specs 14:28:07 <jaosorior> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/tripleo-specs+status:open 14:28:08 <manojawa> or any root cause 14:28:09 <jaosorior> Any specs folks want to bring attention to? 14:28:11 <fultonj> manojawa: we're in a meeting ATM 14:28:52 <manojawa> Oh.. I am sorry 14:29:25 <fultonj> manojawa: no prob, you can ask when we're done :) 14:29:45 <jaosorior> #topic open discussion 14:29:47 <jaosorior> Anything else that folks want to bring up to the meeting? 14:30:06 <fultonj> jaosorior: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1817688 14:30:08 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1817688 in tripleo "job that test ceph in periodic pipeline for stable branches are getting the wrong configuration" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami) 14:30:20 <fultonj> jaosorior: panda|ruck and i are working on this 14:30:35 <fultonj> jobs which are broken are not voting ATM 14:30:41 <manojawa> fultonj: Thank you ! By what time will the meeting be done from now? 14:31:05 <fultonj> plan is in bug linked above , if any questions we're here but wanted to point it out 14:31:14 <fultonj> jaosorior: that's all (unless there's questions) 14:31:26 <jaosorior> ack, thanks for the update. 14:31:32 <weshay> fultonj I'm going to raise this in the ci community mtg in a few.. if you could join that would be super 14:31:37 <panda|ruck> fultonj: jaosorior we'll discuss the bug more in the community meeting 14:31:48 <fultonj> weshay: ok 14:33:22 <bogdando> Wrt ordering our CI jobs on the linting/unit results, I revived https://review.openstack.org/#/c/568543/ see also ML topic http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/ 14:33:22 <bogdando> 2019-February/003142.html . My patch basically fails on zuul's "graphs freezing" and I don't know how to proceed with it. So if anyone wish to handover/assist... 14:33:40 <EmilienM> o/ (late) 14:33:47 <bogdando> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/003142.html 14:34:09 <bogdando> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-February/003142.html 14:34:10 <weshay> ah thanks 14:35:24 <bogdando> IMO we can make openstack-infra folks happy dancing if introduced such an ordering for tripleo CI pools) 14:36:39 <weshay> I'll raise this as well in the ci community 14:36:43 <weshay> mtg 14:36:47 <bogdando> thanks 14:36:57 <weshay> bogdando++ 14:37:14 <marios> bogdando: seems sensible btw first link is 404 for me 14:37:26 <bogdando> marios: yeah, sorry for that 14:37:28 <marios> bogdando: but yeah if we can have same for py27/pep8 etc for example right 14:37:36 <marios> before even running jobs 14:37:41 <bogdando> right 14:37:46 <marios> there may be more to do but that is just the simple/obvious case 14:38:34 <panda|ruck> I have concens, we don't run lin and tox for every change, only the ones in emit-releases-script 14:39:34 <panda|ruck> also the templates are used in other repos than tripleo-ci 14:39:36 <bogdando> panda|ruck: sure, the details should be adjusted 14:39:54 <bogdando> just that the very idea seems doesn't work for zuul, or that was me doing it wrong 14:40:26 <marios> bogdando: we use it in periodics 14:40:36 <marios> bogdando: like the container build job is dependency for all the others 14:40:57 <bogdando> marios: oh, then should be not a biggie to catch up that for standalone jobs at least 14:41:00 <marios> https://github.com/rdo-infra/review.rdoproject.org-config/blob/e1d81ff7a4e1f19eb4ce1577f0f370acec3e0adc/zuul.d/tripleo.yaml#L41-L106 14:41:06 <marios> bogdando: eg ^ 14:41:31 <panda|ruck> marios: yes, but in tripleo-ci it's very complicated, we serve multiple repos, and the jobs listed in the current dependencies are not run every time 14:42:09 <marios> panda|ruck: ack sure i just agreed with the idea, doesn't mean it will work everywhere ack on us not running th elinting etc for each change 14:42:11 <weshay> panda|ruck are other projects using our project-template? 14:42:13 <marios> panda|ruck: but in general i like the idea 14:42:20 <weshay> or just the jobs.. I think just the job 14:42:21 <panda|ruck> let's discuss in the community meeting 14:42:27 <panda|ruck> weshay: templates also 14:43:01 <weshay> panda|ruck hrm.. k.. please grab me a link where a project outside of tripleo is using tripleo-multinode-container-minimal 14:43:07 <weshay> or other example 14:43:27 <panda|ruck> weshay: tht 14:43:58 <panda|ruck> weshay: https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/blob/master/zuul.d/layout.yaml#L4 14:44:16 <bogdando> so more places to amend 14:44:34 <weshay> hrm 14:44:41 <weshay> that's not outside of tripleo though 14:44:55 <bogdando> lets just to fix that freezer cuz warm beer is not cool 14:45:05 <weshay> lolz 14:46:19 <panda|ruck> motion to move to community meeting 14:47:09 <weshay> aye 14:49:44 <jaosorior> #endmeeting