14:00:09 <mwhahaha> #startmeeting tripleo 14:00:09 <mwhahaha> #topic agenda 14:00:09 <mwhahaha> * Review past action items 14:00:09 <mwhahaha> * One off agenda items 14:00:09 <mwhahaha> * Squad status 14:00:09 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jun 18 14:00:09 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mwhahaha. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:10 <mwhahaha> * Bugs & Blueprints 14:00:10 <mwhahaha> * Projects releases or stable backports 14:00:11 <mwhahaha> * Specs 14:00:11 <mwhahaha> * open discussion 14:00:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:12 <mwhahaha> Anyone can use the #link, #action and #info commands, not just the moderatorǃ 14:00:12 <mwhahaha> Hi everyone! who is around today? 14:00:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 14:00:32 <dpeacock> o/ 14:00:50 <jfrancoa> o/ 14:00:56 <weshay> 0/ 14:00:58 <marios> o/ 14:01:23 <ekultails> o/ 14:02:55 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/puppet-tripleo stable/stein: RabbitMQ: always allow promotion on HA queue during failover https://review.opendev.org/665473 14:02:56 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/tripleo-upgrade stable/stein: Update tripleo-validations before upgrading the undercloud. https://review.opendev.org/665619 14:02:57 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/puppet-tripleo master: Allow overriding pacemaker_node_ips for staged upgrade https://review.opendev.org/664869 14:03:27 <mwhahaha> light attendance today 14:03:48 <beagles> o/ 14:04:10 <panda> \o 14:04:37 <mwhahaha> alright lets get on with it so we can get back to work 14:04:47 <mwhahaha> #topic review past action items 14:04:47 <mwhahaha> mwhahaha to send an ML note about a last call for specs - DONE 14:04:47 <mwhahaha> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2019-June/007062.html 14:05:07 <mwhahaha> please read that ML post if you haven't already, I will be -2'ing any pending specs that haven't been spoken for 14:05:10 <mwhahaha> aka all of them 14:06:34 <mwhahaha> That's it on the past action items, moving on. 14:06:38 <mwhahaha> #topic one off agenda items 14:06:38 <mwhahaha> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items 14:07:11 <mwhahaha> The agenda is currently empty, Any one have anything they wish to bring up? 14:09:02 <rh-jelabarre> o/ 14:09:16 <evrardjp> o/ 14:09:29 <EmilienM> nope 14:09:46 <mwhahaha> k moving on 14:09:50 <mwhahaha> #topic Squad status 14:09:50 <mwhahaha> ci 14:09:50 <mwhahaha> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ci-squad-meeting 14:09:51 <mwhahaha> upgrade 14:09:51 <mwhahaha> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-upgrade-squad-status 14:09:51 <mwhahaha> edge 14:09:51 <mwhahaha> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-edge-squad-status 14:09:52 <mwhahaha> integration 14:09:52 <mwhahaha> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-integration-squad-status 14:09:53 <mwhahaha> validations 14:09:53 <mwhahaha> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-validations-squad-status 14:09:54 <mwhahaha> networking 14:09:54 <mwhahaha> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-networking-squad-status 14:10:06 <mwhahaha> anyone want to highlight some status items? 14:12:39 <mwhahaha> sounds like nope. moving on 14:12:43 <mwhahaha> #topic bugs & blueprints 14:12:44 <mwhahaha> #link https://launchpad.net/tripleo/+milestone/train-2 14:12:44 <mwhahaha> For Train we currently have 25 blueprints and 519 (+3) open Launchpad Bugs. 519 train-2. 103 open Storyboard bugs. 14:12:44 <mwhahaha> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/76 14:13:15 <mwhahaha> Any bugs that need to be talked about? 14:13:41 <mwhahaha> As a note, we should probably spend some time to close out tripleo-ui bugs on storyboard since we've retired the project 14:16:08 <mwhahaha> alright moving on 14:16:08 <mwhahaha> #topic projects releases or stable backports 14:16:20 <mwhahaha> EmilienM: have we done a stable release recently? 14:16:41 <Tengu> \o/ (late, sorry) 14:17:14 <EmilienM> no 14:17:20 <EmilienM> mwhahaha: I'll produce one this week 14:17:25 <mwhahaha> k thanks 14:17:32 <mwhahaha> any other release items? 14:17:42 <EmilienM> not from me 14:18:21 <mwhahaha> k 14:18:24 <mwhahaha> #topic specs 14:18:24 <mwhahaha> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/tripleo-specs+status:open 14:18:52 <mwhahaha> as a reminder, I'll be going through and blocking any specs that haven't been spoken for 14:18:59 <mwhahaha> #topic open discussion 14:19:01 <mwhahaha> anything else? 14:20:31 <EmilienM> get back to work :P 14:20:34 <Tengu> beagles: hmm.. RDO doesn't like my last patch iteration apparently... http://logs.rdoproject.org/28/663528/8/openstack-check/tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001/02979c4/logs/undercloud/home/zuul/undercloud_install.log.txt.gz it doesn't have the dnsmasq_wrapper_enabled for some reason... ?! 14:20:40 <mwhahaha> indeed 14:20:43 <mwhahaha> #endmeeting