#tripleo: tripleo
Meeting started by cloudnull at 14:01:11 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- rollcall (cloudnull, 14:01:35)
- http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tripleo/2019/tripleo.2019-07-25-13.00.html
- https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ansible-agenda
- https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/board/174
- Recap (cloudnull, 14:05:04)
- ACTION: : owalsh and
cloudnull to get the osa connection plugin into a standalone repo
and packaged (cloudnull,
- AGREED: (cloudnull,
- ACTION: look into ARA
once its packaged (cloudnull,
- Open Discussion (cloudnull, 14:10:52)
- https://docs.openstack.org/tripleo-ansible/latest/
- ACTION: ccamacho and
ekultails to sync up on creating some more general molecule
documentation within integrated tripleo (cloudnull,
Meeting ended at 14:31:55 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- : owalsh and cloudnull to get the osa connection plugin into a standalone repo and packaged
- look into ARA once its packaged
- ccamacho and ekultails to sync up on creating some more general molecule documentation within integrated tripleo
Action items, by person
- ccamacho
- ccamacho and ekultails to sync up on creating some more general molecule documentation within integrated tripleo
- cloudnull
- : owalsh and cloudnull to get the osa connection plugin into a standalone repo and packaged
- ekultails
- ccamacho and ekultails to sync up on creating some more general molecule documentation within integrated tripleo
People present (lines said)
- cloudnull (52)
- ccamacho (10)
- sshnaidm (9)
- openstackgerrit (7)
- openstack (3)
- gfidente (3)
- ekultails (2)
- EmilienM (2)
- mnaser (1)
- fultonj (1)
- mwhahaha (1)
- d0ugal (1)
- rbrady (1)
- dpeacock (1)
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