14:01:57 <weshay|ruck> #startmeeting tripleo 14:01:57 <weshay|ruck> #topic agenda 14:01:57 <weshay|ruck> * Review past action items 14:01:57 <weshay|ruck> * One off agenda items 14:01:57 <weshay|ruck> * Squad status 14:01:58 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 19 14:01:57 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is weshay|ruck. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:59 <weshay|ruck> * Bugs & Blueprints 14:02:00 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:02:01 <weshay|ruck> * Projects releases or stable backports 14:02:03 <weshay|ruck> * Specs 14:02:03 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 14:02:05 <weshay|ruck> * open discussion 14:02:07 <weshay|ruck> Anyone can use the #link, #action and #info commands, not just the moderatorǃ 14:02:07 <beagles> o/ 14:02:09 <weshay|ruck> Hey folks! who's around? 14:02:11 <fultonj> o/ 14:02:12 <Tengu> \o/ 14:02:28 <tkajinam> o/ 14:02:30 <owalsh> o/ 14:02:32 <EmilienM> o/ 14:02:46 <marios> o/ 14:03:11 <rfolco|rover> o/ 14:04:00 <openstackgerrit> Alex Schultz proposed openstack/os-collect-config master: Stop testing python2.7 https://review.opendev.org/691638 14:04:13 <cloudnull> o/ 14:04:20 <weshay|ruck> #topic review past action items 14:04:20 <weshay|ruck> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tripleo/2020/ 14:04:34 <weshay|ruck> nothing open from last week 14:04:35 <openstackgerrit> Alex Schultz proposed openstack/os-collect-config master: Stop testing python2.7 https://review.opendev.org/691638 14:04:43 <weshay|ruck> #topic one off agenda items 14:04:43 <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items 14:04:53 <openstackgerrit> Alex Schultz proposed openstack/os-collect-config master: Add tls proxy support for Zaqar https://review.opendev.org/726304 14:05:07 <weshay|ruck> fultonj, asked about the ptg schedule 14:05:15 <fultonj> https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tripleo-ptg-victoria 14:05:24 <weshay|ruck> they've locked the ethercalc so we'll have to use an ^ etherpad 14:05:32 <weshay|ruck> 1/2 hour slot per topic 14:05:37 <fultonj> what is the process by which a proposed topic gets assigned a slot? 14:05:40 <openstackgerrit> Alex Schultz proposed openstack/os-collect-config master: Stop testing python2.7 https://review.opendev.org/691638 14:05:47 <openstackgerrit> Ronelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras master: WIP: Add option to set custom ceph parameters for containers https://review.opendev.org/728953 14:06:02 <openstackgerrit> Alex Schultz proposed openstack/os-collect-config master: Add tls proxy support for Zaqar https://review.opendev.org/726304 14:06:08 <weshay|ruck> fultonj, self sign up... I'll cross check what is not on the schedule and fit it in if we can 14:06:13 <fultonj> ok 14:06:16 <weshay|ruck> fultonj, I'll follow up w/ an email 14:06:23 <weshay|ruck> fultonj, thanks for the prompt 14:06:31 <fultonj> in previous PTGs we've started with retrospectives so we should probably leave that open for the PTL 14:06:38 <fultonj> (the first of the first) 14:06:53 <fultonj> thanks weshay|ruck 14:06:53 <weshay|ruck> aye.. 14:07:31 <weshay|ruck> regarding the release: targeting TripleO release 5/21, can slip through the to 27 and still be in the two week window. 14:07:31 <weshay|ruck> slip will depend on bugs, quality etc. 14:07:52 <weshay|ruck> patches are up w/ a -1 to branch and release.. 14:08:05 <weshay|ruck> there is currently still ci and packaging work on going 14:08:14 <weshay|ruck> amoralej, any comments on ussuri? 14:08:34 <amoralej> sorry, i'm in a call, reading back 14:08:44 <amoralej> ups, moving to 27th? 14:08:55 <weshay|ruck> reminder to everyone to stay in touch w/ their friends and family :) 14:09:16 <weshay|ruck> amoralej, still targeting this thrs, 21st.. but it may slip 14:09:21 <amoralej> ah, ok 14:09:29 <amoralej> we'd like to release in RDO before ptg 14:09:36 <amoralej> so i think we are still on time 14:09:54 <weshay|ruck> amoralej, aye.. any major blockers in packaging at this time? 14:10:02 <amoralej> no so far 14:10:26 <amoralej> i've also asked kolla to branch and release something that we can build 14:10:33 <amoralej> as we need it also in GA 14:10:35 <weshay|ruck> k cool.. nothing major yet from CI.. seeing mixed results in upstream and third party checks 14:10:57 <weshay|ruck> amoralej, is that a hard dep? 14:11:16 <amoralej> well, i'd like to make container images build part of release criteria 14:11:22 <amoralej> and that requires kolla 14:11:46 <amoralej> so that, any user can create tripleo container images from cloudsig builds 14:11:48 <weshay|ruck> ok.. will be watching their projects in openstack/releases 14:11:58 <amoralej> thx 14:12:51 <weshay|ruck> looks like mark has started.. 14:12:56 <weshay|ruck> amoralej, thank you :) 14:13:14 <weshay|ruck> #topic Active Squad status 14:13:14 <weshay|ruck> ci 14:13:14 <weshay|ruck> #link https://hackmd.io/IhMCTNMBSF6xtqiEd9Z0Kw?both 14:13:14 <weshay|ruck> validations 14:13:14 <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-validations-squad-status 14:13:15 <weshay|ruck> ceph-integration 14:13:17 <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-integration-squad-status 14:13:19 <weshay|ruck> transformation 14:13:21 <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-ansible-agenda 14:13:23 <weshay|ruck> mistral-to-ansible 14:13:25 <weshay|ruck> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-mistral-to-ansible 14:13:34 <weshay|ruck> any of the squads have reviews that are needed, or anything for release? 14:13:47 <cloudnull> nothing major to report on the mistral to ansible front. 14:14:01 <cloudnull> progress is still being made with derived params 14:14:03 <weshay|ruck> k k 14:14:16 <fultonj> ack 14:14:22 <fultonj> slow going but i've mocked in more stuff 14:14:29 <cloudnull> couple of reviews could use some love https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:mistral_to_ansible+status:open+(project:openstack/python-tripleoclient+OR+project:openstack/tripleo-ansible) 14:14:55 <cloudnull> fultonj++ work in https://review.opendev.org/#/c/719466/ has been great 14:15:09 <fultonj> cloudnull++ did most of the work :) 14:15:39 <cloudnull> its a team effort 14:16:19 <weshay|ruck> GROUP HUG 14:16:40 <weshay|ruck> #topic Bugs & Blueprints 14:16:41 <weshay|ruck> #link https://launchpad.net/tripleo/+milestone/ussuri-rc3 14:16:49 <openstackgerrit> Toure Dunnon proposed openstack/tripleo-ansible master: Adding playbook support for changes coming to python-tripleoclient. https://review.opendev.org/720087 14:16:51 <weshay|ruck> Bugs: 14:16:51 <weshay|ruck> 4 New, 241 Incomplete, 8 Invalid, 4 Won't Fix, 4 Confirmed, 177 Triaged, 118 In Progress, 47 Fix Released 14:17:04 <weshay|ruck> Storyboard bugs. 14:17:04 <weshay|ruck> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/76 14:17:14 * weshay|ruck reminds self to triage story board 14:17:56 <weshay|ruck> #topic specs 14:17:56 <weshay|ruck> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/tripleo-specs+status:open 14:18:13 <weshay|ruck> I'll email folks about specs and topics on openstack-discuss today 14:18:49 <weshay|ruck> again the topics look awesome, specs along w/ topics are ++ 14:18:58 <weshay|ruck> #topic open discussion 14:18:58 <weshay|ruck> Anything else that folks want to bring up to the meeting? 14:19:24 <weshay|ruck> Folks.. I do see getting patches merged over the last 1.5 weeks has been very hard.. 14:19:42 <weshay|ruck> sucks, I know and I also feel that pain.. 14:20:04 <weshay|ruck> things are slowly returning to a normal level of kind of annoying and mildly sucks vs. terrible 14:20:10 <EmilienM> the gate was very busy last week, due to the ussuri release 14:20:22 <EmilienM> it's always like this :) 14:20:27 <EmilienM> this week should be better 14:20:27 <weshay|ruck> it is.. 14:20:34 <weshay|ruck> so far this week is better 14:21:15 * weshay|ruck notes.. I will quickly at PTG propsing a change to this meeting 14:21:53 <weshay|ruck> so if you are here, thank you.. and think about suggestions for changing the format of this meeting, schedule.. etc.. etc 14:22:07 <weshay|ruck> thanks all 0/ 14:22:08 <weshay|ruck> #endmeeting tripleo