14:00:01 <marios> #startmeeting tripleo 14:00:02 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 16 14:00:01 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is marios. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:04 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:06 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 14:00:12 <marios> #topic agenda 14:00:12 <marios> * Review last minutes & action items 14:00:12 <marios> * One off agenda items 14:00:13 <marios> * Bugs & Blueprints 14:00:13 <marios> * Projects releases or stable backports 14:00:15 <marios> * Specs 14:00:17 <marios> * open discussion 14:00:20 <marios> Anyone can use the #link, #action and #info commands, not just the moderatorǃ 14:00:33 <marios> Hello tripleo o/ who is around today? 14:00:50 <fmount> o/ 14:01:08 <slagle> howl 14:01:19 <marios> caw caw 14:01:28 <chandankumar> \o 14:01:34 <marios> k folks will catch up as usual let's get going 14:01:45 <marios> #topic review last meeting logs & action items 14:01:54 <rlandy> o/ 14:02:00 <marios> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tripleo/2021/tripleo.2021-02-02-14.00.html 14:02:09 <marios> checking logs - anyone have something to bring up from last meeting ? 14:02:31 <marios> i have some update for the ci usage topic but it is in the etherpad already 14:03:11 <openstackgerrit> Ronelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements stable/train: Up pbr requirements - failing openstack-tox https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements/+/775832 14:03:14 <marios> k moving on then to one-off items 14:03:18 <marios> #topic one off agenda items 14:03:18 <marios> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/tripleo-meeting-items 14:03:29 <openstackgerrit> Ronelle Landy proposed openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements stable/train: Check that etc/resolv.conf.ORIG exists before edit https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-puppet-elements/+/775591 14:03:42 <marios> few community related items 14:03:50 <marios> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/773110 train released - thanks to Elod for doing that 14:04:04 <marios> it was the first one for ~ 1 year apparently so thanks Elod 14:04:12 <marios> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/772570 Merged os-apply|collect|refresh-config projects to independent 14:04:29 <marios> this was discussed on the list - fyi it is now done so no stable/wallaby for these ^ 14:04:31 <fultonj> o/ 14:04:37 <marios> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-February/020274.html https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/774244 stable/rocky rocky-eol release 14:05:00 <marios> this has been brought up a few times - first proposed early december (but discussed before that too) 14:05:11 <marios> it is actually happening now so if you object go say so on the patch or on the list ^^ 14:05:25 <marios> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-February/020365.html [tripleo][ci] socializing upstream job removal ( master upgrade, scenario010 ) 14:05:54 <marios> this is in response to the TC reaching out as we discussed in our last meeting. for this sprint the ci team has prioritized related work ... one of the major items is 14:06:02 <marios> the master upgrade jobs - see the mail for more info 14:06:12 <marios> last one... 14:06:18 <marios> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2021-February/020451.html [tripleo] moving tripleo-ipsec to independent release model 14:06:42 <marios> similar to os-collect-config & friends, the proposal is to have the same for tripleo-ipsec. slightly different reasons prompted it (broken release jobs) but it makes sense for us 14:06:53 <marios> there has been some discussion in that thread ^^ in time we may retire that repo 14:07:00 <marios> but for now we can move to independent 14:07:12 <marios> anyone have any comments or questions on any of those please? 14:07:58 <marios> k then from the CI team we have one item, related to the CI reduction effort 14:08:00 <marios> topic branch 14:08:05 <marios> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:tripleo-ci-reduce 14:08:08 <marios> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:tripleo-ci-reduce 14:08:18 <marios> (i think extra space means it isn't logged) 14:08:35 <marios> questions or comments on that work ? 14:08:47 <marios> slagle: is the deployment stuff yours? 14:09:19 <marios> or whoever put the deployment section there are you around ? 14:10:03 <marios> k i can copy/paste it here for the logs... looks like slagle has connection issue possibly ^ 14:10:19 <marios> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tripleo-ephemeral-heat 14:10:19 <marios> Patches are posted. this week: (DNM) Ci patch to test overcloud deployment 14:10:25 <marios> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tripleo-ephemeral-heat 14:10:32 <marios> slagle: back? 14:10:32 <slagle> yes, that is mine 14:10:40 <slagle> sorry, got booted 14:10:40 <marios> slagle: please go ahead just pasted the first part of it 14:10:47 <marios> slagle: ack saw you dropped np 14:11:04 <slagle> the patches are posted and working for a basic oc deployment, although there are still some ci breakages to address 14:11:23 <slagle> i wanted to draw attention to #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-tripleoclient/+/775302/2 14:11:47 <slagle> as that will be a change to all the artifacts generated during the deployment to use a single directory per deployment 14:11:52 <slagle> instead of scattered around 14:12:11 <slagle> that is all. 14:12:14 <marios> slagle: sounds very sensible ;) 14:12:22 <marios> slagle: i mean single directory 14:12:56 <slagle> great :) 14:12:58 <marios> any comments or questions on this 14:13:20 <marios> added that patch to my reviews list slagle if it is still around tomorrow morning 14:13:29 <fultonj> having a --working dir for all of those things (config-download, overcloudrc, etc) sounds nice to me 14:13:30 <marios> thanks for your update slagle 14:13:39 <marios> fultonj: speaking of which :) 14:13:47 <marios> please go ahead storage folks when you're ready 14:14:00 <fultonj> #info 3 reviews to move scenario001 to cephadm instead of ceph-ansible 14:14:00 <fultonj> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ansible/+/770674 14:14:00 <fultonj> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-ansible/+/771034 14:14:00 <fultonj> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/+/767294 14:14:13 <fultonj> we have 3 patches we'd like to merge to get 001 onto the new stuff 14:14:24 <fultonj> thanks marios for your initial review 14:14:30 <fmount> marios: we need some help to review/merge those three reviews 14:14:38 <fmount> thanks marios fultonj for helping :D 14:14:43 <fultonj> fmount made some updates so i think your suggestions are in there 14:14:55 <fmount> yeah 14:14:58 <marios> fultonj: fmount: thanks 14:15:04 <marios> so reviews please tripleo ^^^ 14:15:21 <fultonj> so we'd like to merge these this week if possible. thank you 14:15:57 <marios> thanks for the update fultonj fmount 14:15:59 <fultonj> that's all from storage 14:16:12 <marios> anyone have anything further for one-off items before we move on? 14:17:03 <marios> #topic Bugs and blueprints 14:17:03 <marios> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/ 14:17:03 <marios> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/tripleo-ansible 14:17:03 <marios> #link https://launchpad.net/tripleo/+milestone/wallaby-3 14:17:07 <marios> #link https://launchpad.net/tripleo/wallaby 14:17:25 <marios> oof 441 bugs targeted 14:17:41 <openstackgerrit> Lukas Bezdicka proposed openstack/tripleo-heat-templates stable/train: [train-only] Add FFWD workaround for UEFI systems https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates/+/774679 14:17:49 <marios> usual reminder please check any bugs you have previously commented on or assigned to you and lets try close any that are old/won't fix etc 14:18:21 <marios> any bugs someone wants to hilight in particular ? ysandeep|ruck arxcruz|rover o/ folks anything blocking gates these days ;) 14:18:37 <ysandeep|ruck> marios, ci is green 14:18:39 <marios> though i think gate was pretty green today 14:18:45 <marios> ysandeep|ruck: thanks for sanity check 14:18:50 <arxcruz|rover> marios: nope, there are some failures on upgrade/update but i'm still monitoring 14:18:55 <arxcruz|rover> because happened only once 14:18:55 <marios> k let's move on if there is nothing else on bugs anyone? 14:19:16 <marios> thanks arxcruz|rover 14:19:50 <marios> #topic Project releases or stable backports 14:19:52 <marios> #info tripleo wallaby repos https://releases.openstack.org/teams/tripleo.html#wallaby 14:20:07 <marios> mentioned the train release and rocky-eol in the community items already 14:20:12 <marios> any release requests? 14:20:17 <marios> or any other release related business ? 14:20:52 <marios> is anyone interested in learning more about how we make a 'release' (tag the git repos) 14:20:57 <marios> i can include more folks next time i do it, if you haven't before and are interested 14:21:05 <marios> potentially someone other than the ptl can be release liaison 14:21:22 <marios> if you are interested ping me about it if you don't want to here 14:22:03 <marios> k moving on 14:22:06 <marios> #topic specs 14:22:07 <marios> #info https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/tripleo-specs 14:22:07 <marios> #info https://opendev.org/openstack/tripleo-specs/src/branch/master/specs/wallaby 14:22:19 <marios> i think all done for wallaby stuff now 14:22:20 <marios> checking 14:22:51 <marios> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-specs/+/772442 is new but we are aiming to merge it end of wallaby for action in X 14:22:56 <marios> for tripleo-repos 14:23:16 <marios> another new one there https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-specs/+/771229 14:23:19 <marios> slagle: ^ 14:23:30 <marios> but seems same, i.e. merge into late wallaby but bring it in X 14:23:53 <marios> slagle: haven't noticed it but you posted it a month ago ;) 14:24:10 <marios> anything else on this topic from anyone? 14:25:04 <marios> #topic open discussion 14:25:06 <marios> Anything else that folks want to bring up to the meeting? 14:25:39 <marios> does anyone else fancy moderating the meeting next time? 14:25:52 <marios> e.g. you always wanted to run an irc meeting but never got the chance to ;) 14:25:53 <marios> haha 14:26:03 <marios> let me know if you are interested in trying it 14:26:29 <marios> k, if there is nothing else, then let's call it at the top of this minute 14:26:42 <marios> thanks everyone for your updates and comments today 14:26:49 <openstackgerrit> Grzegorz Grasza proposed openstack/tripleo-common master: Add python3-pymemcache to tcib https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-common/+/775400 14:26:53 <marios> next meeting Tue 02 March 14:27:01 <slagle> marios: yes, i posted it at the request of ramishra and bogdan. i will not have time to work on it, and they indicated they may want to take it over 14:27:02 <marios> last chance anything else? 14:27:13 <marios> slagle: ack (re the spec) 14:27:14 <marios> slagle: thanks 14:27:26 <slagle> if not, we can consider it officially back-burnered until the next cycle 14:27:48 <marios> slagle: yeah we have similar situation with our spec, not sure if it will merge in wallaby, likely will but unlikely to be implemented before X 14:28:32 <marios> k last, last call anything else someone wants to comment on today? 14:29:03 <marios> #endmeeting tripleo