14:04:02 #startmeeting tripleo 14:04:02 Meeting started Tue Mar 29 14:04:02 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is slagle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:02 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:04:02 The meeting name has been set to 'tripleo' 14:04:12 good morning/day. who's around? 14:04:15 o/ 14:04:21 hello 14:05:09 only one item on the agenda today 14:05:13 #topic community 14:05:19 Reminder that we have the PTG coming up next week 14:05:30 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/tripleo-zed-ptg-topics 14:06:01 o/ 14:06:11 TripleO is scheduled for M 13-17, T/W 13-15, in UTC 14:06:33 oh it's two days now 14:06:40 you can still add topics to the etherpad if there is anything that is late breaking 14:06:41 or 3! 14:06:51 slagle i see you submitted some specs are you planning to discuss them? 14:06:59 yes 14:07:18 cool 14:09:01 i'll adjust the schedule as needed depending on the number of topics. we may not have enough for wednesday, but i wanted to reserve it just in case 14:09:08 #topic open discussion 14:11:07 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras/+/834352 14:11:28 working on deploying ceph before overcloud in scenario001 14:11:36 just an fyi 14:12:06 i'll probably ping someone from CI team for review when it's ready 14:12:49 fultonj, thanks.. We can also use quickstart to deploy ceph on a separate node.. I guess that need some updates as well 14:13:04 separate node? >1 14:13:24 ysandeep: that would be "external ceph" 14:13:40 (if it's a separate node) 14:13:40 sorr late 14:13:50 For example, use quickstrat to deploy 3 controller + 1 compute + 1 ceph env 14:14:08 a multinode job then 14:14:22 fultonj, yes https://github.com/openstack/tripleo-quickstart/blob/master/config/nodes/3ctlr_2comp_3ceph.yml 14:14:40 ^^ I think we should test ceph in ovb job too. 14:14:59 ysandeep: yes, that too will need a smiilar change 14:15:40 fultonj, thanks, we can discuss offline 14:15:44 +1 14:17:15 alright, thanks folks. 14:17:21 #endmeeting