14:00:14 #startmeeting trove 14:00:15 Meeting started Wed Jan 2 14:00:14 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dkrol. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:16 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:18 The meeting name has been set to 'trove' 14:00:32 Hello! 14:00:49 Is there anyone there? :) 14:06:33 Hi, I am. B is on holidays and M can not come today :0 14:06:35 :) 14:06:51 Hmmm 14:07:03 Great to have you :) 14:07:16 thanks :) 14:07:48 But I suppose we will need to wait for them to have full meeting :/ 14:08:35 so maybe next week? B will be back, and M might be also there. 14:08:42 I have an update about pre check goal 14:09:11 I implemented 1 check to start it and to close the goal for now 14:09:19 I wanted to ask m. 14:09:35 Piowowarczyk about python 3 support 14:10:11 B didn't do a review of trovestack redesign as far as I can tell 14:10:30 And the last topic was about documentation :) 14:10:41 Do you have any update? 14:11:33 From my side, I was only able to help some guy in #openstack-trove channel about troubleshooting in terms of image building 14:11:38 And what about P? 14:11:56 That is great 14:12:22 Was it about mysql? 14:12:31 P, hmm is rare guest 14:13:27 dkrol: he was able to build image with DIB, but was not able to use it with Trove 14:14:22 But what kind of data store did he want? 14:14:22 as far as we went some timeout was the issue (might be the lack of cloudinit), so I am waiting him to reply 14:14:37 dkrol: I think it was mysql 14:15:06 Ah ok 14:15:34 Ok, than we can end our meeting here :) 14:15:51 sure :) 14:15:54 And let's meet next week 14:15:59 Thanks for coming 14:16:04 ok, see you around Darek :) 14:16:13 And have great new year! 14:16:24 you too! :) 14:17:21 See you next week 14:17:30 o/ 14:17:41 #endmeeting