14:10:47 <bzurkowski> #startmeeting trove 14:10:48 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Mar 13 14:10:47 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bzurkowski. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:10:49 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:10:51 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'trove' 14:11:00 <bzurkowski> #topic roll call 14:11:11 <bzurkowski> Hello everyone 14:11:16 <khasior> Hi 14:11:55 <bzurkowski> Let's wait another 2 minutes 14:15:01 <bzurkowski> OK, there are only two of us today 14:15:16 <bzurkowski> Maybe the rest will come later 14:15:33 <bzurkowski> #topic recent changes 14:16:17 <bzurkowski> I reviewed the documentation changes propsed by Darek 14:16:28 <bzurkowski> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/633815/ 14:16:31 <bzurkowski> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/636225/ 14:16:57 <bzurkowski> Added several remarks, but in general they look good to me 14:17:45 <bzurkowski> Today I plan to review Galera bootstrap change 14:17:47 <bzurkowski> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/640295/ 14:18:36 <bzurkowski> I also worked on integration with Tempest 14:18:39 <bzurkowski> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/638694/ 14:19:29 <bzurkowski> Tried to populate "database" configuration into Tempest configuration and run Tempest job in Zuul 14:20:01 <bzurkowski> I think I will need more time with this one until its ready 14:20:16 <bzurkowski> kasper: What about you? :) 14:20:21 <khasior> Recently I pushed first patch with changes introducing support for Cassandra 2.2+ 14:20:35 <khasior> But I am still working on it 14:22:25 <khasior> I also saw your patch about data race in Cassandra 14:23:26 <bzurkowski> Yeah, unfortunately it didn't fix the CI job... 14:24:00 <khasior> I think it is related to Cassandra 2.2 which isn't supported yet - Role manager was introduced with version 2.2 14:24:02 <bzurkowski> But the issue with race condition in this version of Cassandra is known and we should merge the change anyway 14:25:03 <bzurkowski> Correct. Role manager was introdced in 2.2, but superuser setup delay was implemented eariler 14:25:13 <khasior> I looked into Tesora Trove repository to check haw they fixed the issue - they just add 5 second timeout 14:25:33 <bzurkowski> Which issue? 14:26:51 <khasior> The one connected with CASSANDRA-11942 14:28:33 <bzurkowski> Could you provide the reference in code? 14:30:41 <bzurkowski> But maybe first let's finish the "recent changes" topic 14:31:03 <bzurkowski> Do you have anything to add? 14:31:31 <khasior> Hm, but now I am not sure if I am talking about same issue: https://github.com/Tesora/tesora-trove/blob/master/trove/guestagent/datastore/experimental/cassandra_3/service.py 14:32:42 <khasior> Nothing from my side 14:32:52 <bzurkowski> OK, then 14:32:53 <bzurkowski> #topic datastore versioning 14:33:49 <bzurkowski> I don't see any timeout 14:34:10 <khasior> sorry, not timeout but sleep(5) 14:34:36 <bzurkowski> I don't see any sleep neither 14:36:35 <khasior> Ah... I am looking at a particular patch - Please have a look at commit 7d5a77cd 14:39:18 <bzurkowski> I will look at it after the meeting because don't have the repository cloned locally 14:39:32 <bzurkowski> Regarding datastore versioning 14:39:41 <bzurkowski> Did you encounter any issues that you want to discuss? 14:42:04 <khasior> I have some doubts about preffered approach - If we have Cassandra, versions 2.1, 2.2, 3+ - should we have one common strategy for all of them, or 2.2 should derive from 2.1, 3+ from 2.2 etc. ? 14:44:57 <bzurkowski> It's a good question 14:45:51 <bzurkowski> It depands on how much the interface of the datastore changes with each version 14:47:07 <bzurkowski> Theoreticaly the breaking interface changes should happen only when the major version changes 14:47:29 <bzurkowski> In that case we could have a base class for each major version: cassandra_2, cassandra_3 etc. 14:48:27 <bzurkowski> And introduce derivative classes for minor versions only when needed 14:48:41 <khasior> In case of Cassandra it seems that version 2.2 introduces major changes that break trove compatibility 14:49:14 <bzurkowski> Version 2.2 in relation to 2.1 intoduces breaking changes? 14:49:25 <khasior> yes 14:49:34 <khasior> for example role manager 14:49:39 <khasior> or UDFs 14:49:53 <bzurkowski> I see 14:50:29 <khasior> Having implemented 2.2 versions 3.0+ may work out of the box 14:51:24 <bzurkowski> This is problematic 14:52:08 <bzurkowski> You provided an example that even minor versions may introduce breaking changes from Trove's point of view 14:53:11 <bzurkowski> Then we should consider implementing separate strategy for each minor version 14:53:29 <bzurkowski> Have separate configuration namespace for each etc. 14:55:26 <bzurkowski> The time is almost up 14:55:44 <bzurkowski> Let's move the discussion offline and summarize it during the next meeting 14:55:53 <khasior> ok 14:56:13 <bzurkowski> Thank you for participating the meeting 14:56:25 <bzurkowski> Bye 14:56:29 <khasior> Bye 14:56:36 <bzurkowski> #endmeeting