14:11:19 <spotz> #startmeeting uc 14:11:21 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jul 2 14:11:19 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is spotz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:11:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:11:25 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'uc' 14:11:35 <spotz> #chair spotz Vw zioproto mrhillman 14:11:36 <openstack> Warning: Nick not in channel: mrhillman 14:11:37 <openstack> Current chairs: Vw mrhillman spotz zioproto 14:11:39 <spotz> There better 14:11:45 <VW> woo hoo! 14:13:51 <zioproto> I have a question to warm up 14:14:05 <spotz> Ok 14:14:05 <zioproto> IIRC we will again have elections for UC members soon ? 14:14:17 <zioproto> is it every 6 months ? is it August ? 14:14:19 <VW> correct 14:14:23 <spotz> Yeah 14:14:27 <VW> we should vote in August 14:15:59 <zioproto> OK. Thanks for confirming. I would like to announce that I will not be able to run again in the election this time. But I would like to help advertising the election to make sure the community is involved and we have enough candidates. :) 14:16:07 <spotz> I know it got pushed back last time, but I think we should make sure it’s early enough if someone needs to know before PTG/OPS meetup? 14:19:20 <spotz> #chair leong spotz zioproto vw 14:19:21 <openstack> Current chairs: Vw leong mrhillman spotz vw zioproto 14:19:21 <VW> agreed 14:19:29 <zioproto> How the date to vote is defined ? Should we come up now with a date that makes sense with the next events ? 14:19:40 <spotz> Sorry to hear theat Zioproto:( 14:19:47 <VW> yes, sorry to hear zioproto 14:19:55 <VW> fwiw - I do intend to re-run 14:19:56 <spotz> I think it might be in governance, I know the TC stuff was 14:21:24 <zioproto> I am also sorry, but I will not be able to allocate time on that in the future, so it makes no sense to run again :) It is better to involve someone with more time ;) 14:22:02 <spotz> Yeah I can understand that 14:22:18 <spotz> vw you want to actually lead? 14:23:02 <VW> I can 14:23:35 <spotz> I just assumed you were:) I only started cause zioproto missed the # in the command:) 14:23:53 <VW> cool 14:23:58 <VW> real quick... 14:24:04 <VW> #topic roll call 14:24:07 <VW> o/ 14:24:15 <zioproto> o/ 14:24:46 <aprice> o/ 14:24:56 <Leong> o/ 14:25:01 <john_studarus> o/ 14:26:00 <VW> awesome! 14:26:09 <VW> #topic upcoming election 14:26:30 <VW> let's get back to that bit shall we 14:27:25 <jamesmcarthur> O/ 14:27:45 <zioproto> It would make sense to start talking about the election at the upcoming events, so people can think about who to vote, or propose their candidancy 14:28:51 <VW> yes - and I'm trying to figure out some timing bits for it 14:30:12 <VW> I feel like we want to have elections done and folks decided on by mid to late August 14:31:17 <mrhillsman> ugh I lost track of time 14:32:01 <VW> no worries 14:32:06 <VW> you are just in time, mrhillsman 14:32:27 <VW> zioproto wisely pointed out we need to start thinking about the next election 14:33:05 <VW> but I'm going to play time cop a little - we need to spend no more than about 10 minutes on it right now, so we can make sure our guests like aprice and john_studarus don't have topics they need to cover :) 14:33:07 <mrhillsman> yes, we should start announcing actually this month 14:33:29 <mrhillsman> I think we can start a thread on what we need to do 14:33:48 <mrhillsman> We have all the stuff we captured from the last one, steps to run election and what not 14:34:03 <Leong> Not forgetting that many people may take summer vacation:) 14:34:08 <spotz> o/ late for rollcall:) 14:35:09 <spotz> VW are you going to run again? So we have an idea if it's 1 or 2 empty seats? 14:35:28 <VW> well, technically, there are two seats open regardless :) 14:35:32 <VW> but yes, I intend to run again 14:36:36 <mrhillsman> also we have to make sure we involve the right voters based on our auc additions 14:37:01 <VW> indeed 14:37:40 <mrhillsman> I can start the thread today 14:38:39 <Leong> +1 mrhillsman 14:39:49 <spotz> vw Well yeah cause you need to be revoted in but it gives us an idea of where we stand:) 14:39:49 <jamesmca_> Before elections start, need to make sure we understand new AUC criteria. 14:40:10 <jamesmca_> I'm not sure if all of the positions we discussed at the PTG were voted on. 14:40:29 <spotz> jamesmca_: Do we have a way yet for folks to know they're AUC? 14:41:11 <jamesmca_> spotz: You mean like a list somewhere? 14:41:17 <mrhillsman> we did vote iirc but I will include that in the thread? 14:41:34 <spotz> jamesmca_: Or we've talked about a badge in the profiles 14:41:38 <mrhillsman> wanted to make sure we did not go over the 10 minutes 14:42:10 <jamesmca_> spotz: We haven't, to my knowledge, determined all of the criteria for an AUC. I think that would be a first step. 14:42:22 <VW> Well, at a minimum, let's add an agenda item next week to have a formal vote on any remaining AUC items 14:42:26 <mrhillsman> or we of course can continue to discuss here after meeting 14:42:32 <VW> that too! 14:42:49 <VW> but we should leave room in the next meeting for any official actions related to it 14:42:51 <mrhillsman> I'd hate for us to wait too long for getting this moving 14:42:52 <spotz> jamesmca_: Okie 14:43:05 <mrhillsman> We can always vote any time ;) 14:43:27 <mrhillsman> as long as we document appropriately 14:43:55 <VW> that's true too 14:44:07 <VW> ok last call - any more election related things right now? 14:44:12 <spotz> Let's see it Jimmy and aprice have anything to discuss then circle back? 14:44:38 <VW> #topic other business 14:44:43 <jamesmca_> spotz: Nothing else for me. 14:44:51 <VW> jamesmca_ aprice john_studarus - anything else we need to discuss? 14:45:16 <aprice> nothing from me - the user survey is open for one more month, so I definitely want to make sure we are continuing to encourage folks to take it 14:45:25 <VW> agreed 14:45:46 <VW> also, be sure to pass around the link to the mini-survey for the Ops mid-cycle. We are trying to wrap that up too 14:45:54 <aprice> we got great traction from the openinfra days in china & korea (over 100 completed), but there are still several obvious users who have not taken it 14:45:56 <VW> Chris sent a reminder to the Ops list today 14:46:01 <spotz> And a reminder for the ops meetup hit the list just now too 14:46:02 <Leong> aprice: I have send the message to PRC channels for the user survey 14:46:05 <spotz> I was typing that!:) 14:46:08 <aprice> leong: thanks!~ 14:46:17 <VW> that's awsome aprice 14:46:35 <VW> yeah - we should tweet/email folks as UC members about the survey 14:46:53 <aprice> +1 14:47:12 <aprice> i will see if the OpenStack handle can tweet a reminder today so that yall can RT and add something 14:47:27 <mrhillsman> ++ 14:47:34 <spotz> +1, that's what I've been doing a lot, plus an occasional one 14:48:13 <aprice> that's all from me :) 14:48:32 <Leong> Btw, any issues with the invitation letter for financial Team? 14:48:53 <VW> I didn't see any at first pass Leong, but will try to re-read it 14:50:20 <mrhillsman> looked good to me 14:50:25 <john_studarus> Oh real quick 14:50:26 <zioproto> Leong: LGTM 14:50:27 <mrhillsman> i believe i commented to the same via the thread 14:50:44 <john_studarus> Id love to see some progress on groups.openstack.org 14:51:10 <john_studarus> We are still suffering from a good way to track all the groups and organizers... 14:51:12 <Leong> For the Financial Team, we also need more participation from the rest of the world.. if anyone know who is interested to join or help to promote, that will be great! 14:51:39 <aprice> john_studarus: ashferg has been working with Meetup.com to set up a Meetup Pro account 14:52:01 <Leong> mrhillsman: yes thanks and also aprice 14:52:16 <aprice> we are hoping to make progress this week so that we can have something to share with the ambassadors in the next week or so 14:52:45 <john_studarus> When should groups hear the birthday funding status? 14:53:02 <aprice> then roll out to the community members who are interested in a wider community meeting. Lauren discussed this with Marton who manages the Groups Portal so we can test this out to see if it's better 14:53:14 <ashferg> We’ll be transferring the funds starting today 14:53:33 <Leong> PDX meetup is coming week Jul 9th 14:53:56 <mrhillsman> i think the only issue mentioned regarding meetup vs groups was the actual information that could be captured since meetup's api is a bit lacking 14:54:06 <mrhillsman> but not sure they have improved on it or what their plans are 14:54:21 <mrhillsman> that could maybe be something to ask meetup about too 14:54:38 <mrhillsman> maybe openstack community can help them see a new use case 14:54:40 <john_studarus> A report on the total groups funded would be appreciated so I can follow up with those organizers 14:55:13 <aprice> mrhillsman: yeah, that's a great idea. 14:55:16 <john_studarus> Id like to keep the momentum going with each group after their July birthday meetup 14:55:21 <VW> do we want to spend some time on groups.openstack next week? 14:55:27 <VW> or user groups in general 14:55:40 <VW> trying to get an agenda going now before it slips our minds 14:55:47 <mrhillsman> we should def put on agenda 14:56:04 <mrhillsman> also if you would be so kind to add wg/team/sig review 14:56:10 <mrhillsman> wg/team specifically 14:56:26 <spotz> Might not be a bad idea. I'm pretty sure Auston group is now dead, I think Arkady mentioned that Brent wasn't involved anymore but could be wrong on that 14:56:44 <zioproto> sound good to me 14:57:05 <zioproto> Lets understand how to cope with these groups once the organizer disappears 14:57:17 <mrhillsman> #action mrhillsman start thread re election handling 14:57:36 <mrhillsman> ++ zioproto 14:57:53 <mrhillsman> i would expect ambassadors to have that under wraps though 14:58:06 <spotz> I do think we should try to do something ourselves in regards to the OpenStack b-day in Austin/SA kinda sad if the home doesn't celebrate 14:59:24 <VW> ok - roughed out agenda 14:59:25 <jamesmca_> technically, we're not considered the home office :) 14:59:26 <VW> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/UserCommittee#Meeting_Agenda.2FPrevious_Meeting_Logs 14:59:32 <mrhillsman> we are at time ;) 14:59:35 <zioproto> I will have to leave sharp at 17:00 to another appointment. Bye bye ! :) 14:59:46 <mrhillsman> ttyl zioproto 14:59:50 <spotz> Well besides the foundation Rackspace is in the area. Just sad:( 14:59:57 <spotz> Seeya zioproto! 15:00:53 <mrhillsman> i'll be around for another hour 15:01:27 <VW> I'll be online till 2ish CDT 15:01:29 <VW> but have a few meetings 15:01:33 <mrhillsman> same 15:01:35 <jamesmca_> spotz: perhaps the Austin and SA groups can meet up for a birthday tube in New Braunfels 15:01:56 <spotz> jamesmca_: Works for me, I'll even cook out! 15:02:25 <spotz> I'm about just ping if I don't reply, but that's a given I get distracted:) 15:02:53 <VW> awesome, then I think I'll close this out officially since we are two minutes over ? 15:03:24 <VW> #endmeeting 15:03:43 <VW> hmmm... 15:03:56 <spotz> #endmeeting