19:04:27 <mrhillsman> #startmeeting uc 19:04:28 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Dec 17 19:04:27 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mrhillsman. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:04:30 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:04:32 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'uc' 19:04:40 <leong> o/ 19:04:46 <mrhillsman> #topic RollCall 19:05:07 <mrhillsman> Agenda #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/uc 19:05:11 <VW_> hey folks - sorry - running late 19:07:25 <mrhillsman> #topic Previous Meeting Follow-Up 19:08:57 <mrhillsman> anything to share from previous meeting VW_ leong spotz ? 19:09:02 <VW_> I did not get to spend as much time on the doc as I planned, but hopping to today 19:09:13 <VW_> "the doc" meaning the annual report 19:09:20 <VW_> that was the one big thing from last week 19:09:43 <leong> will update the annual report this week.. just got the info from the team 19:11:44 <mrhillsman> ok great 19:11:57 <mrhillsman> that was the next thing on the agenda 19:12:02 <mrhillsman> #topic Annual Report 19:12:52 <mrhillsman> I added some links to the agenda etherpad 19:12:57 <mrhillsman> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/uc 19:13:32 <mrhillsman> aprice did you have any specific needs on this topic? 19:13:37 <mrhillsman> or anything you wanted to cover? 19:16:22 <aprice> No specific needs 19:16:26 <aprice> One main difference 19:16:33 <aprice> Is that instead of a separate UC update 19:16:40 <aprice> It will be combined with the TC update 19:16:48 <aprice> As an OpenStack update 19:16:55 <aprice> Consistent with the pilot projects. 19:17:00 <aprice> So just an FYI on that 19:17:26 <VW_> noted 19:21:16 <mrhillsman> thx aprice 19:21:26 <mrhillsman> #topic AOB 19:21:34 <mrhillsman> anything else to cover today? 19:22:28 <mrhillsman> i'm going to start the patches for the election today 19:22:38 <mrhillsman> any reservations about announcing it this week? 19:23:11 <mrhillsman> i figure since we have decided on the dates giving folks as early an announcement as possible is best 19:23:49 <VW_> no reservations here, mrhillsman 19:23:54 <VW_> earlier awareness is better 19:24:43 <mrhillsman> ++ 19:24:48 <mrhillsman> spotz leong? 19:26:04 <leong> ++ 19:26:35 <VW_> other than that, do we want to officially call the next meeting as Jan7? 19:26:45 <mrhillsman> ++ 19:26:56 <VW_> I mean I love you all, but not sure I'm going to hang out with you on Christmas Day or New Year's :P 19:27:18 <mrhillsman> lol 19:27:19 <mrhillsman> same 19:28:13 <mrhillsman> well, i guess we can end today's meeting? 19:28:55 <VW_> +1 19:28:59 <leong> +1 19:29:07 <mrhillsman> thx everyone for joining 19:29:20 <mrhillsman> have a great christmas and new year 19:29:23 <mrhillsman> #endmeeting