12:11:38 #startmeeting upstream_korea 12:11:39 Meeting started Tue Dec 13 12:11:38 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ianychoi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:11:40 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 12:11:42 The meeting name has been set to 'upstream_korea' 12:12:04 #topic greeting(인사) 12:12:17 #topic greeting 12:12:27 #topic greeting 12:12:55 #undo 12:12:56 #undo 12:12:56 Removing item from minutes: #topic greeting 12:12:56 #undo 12:12:57 Removing item from minutes: #topic greeting 12:13:04 #topic greeting 12:13:14 인사 12:13:18 인사 12:13:22 hi 12:13:29 #link http://docs.openstack.org/ko_KR/upstream-training 12:13:57 #info 오늘 한국 서울, 토즈 강남점에서 두 번째 업스트림 트레이닝 스터디를 개최하였습니다. 12:14:12 #topic lunch menu 12:14:26 업스트닝 트레이닝 시 무슨 점심 메뉴가 좋을까요? 12:14:34 sushi 12:14:41 63빌디 시푸드 뷔페 12:14:41 #idea 도시락 12:14:42 펭귄 쓰시 12:14:50 #idea 샌드위치 12:14:53 햄버거 12:15:18 #help 12:15:24 #help 12:15:28 #idea 샌드위치 12:15:30 #help 도움! 12:15:48 #vote 12:15:59 #info 샌드위치? 12:16:08 #topic open discussions 12:16:10 기타 12:16:13 #endmeeting