17:02:53 <jcoufal> #startmeeting UX 17:02:54 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jul 7 17:02:53 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jcoufal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:55 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:02:57 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ux' 17:03:06 <jcoufal> Hello everybody 17:03:25 <jcoufal> First of all I have to apology, I need to leave in 30 min, but feel free to continue afterwords without me 17:03:36 <jcoufal> agenda: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/UX 17:03:47 <jcoufal> #topic Meeting alternating times 17:04:06 <jcoufal> So last meeting we didn't have many attendees 17:04:16 <jcoufal> so it looks that the alternating times are confusing 17:04:37 <jcoufal> especially with bi-weekly occurance 17:05:12 <jcoufal> therefore there was suggestion to keep the meetings regular, on Mondays this time, every other week 17:05:54 <jcoufal> with this we can put into the meetings some regularity 17:06:18 <jcoufal> do you all agree? or is there anybody against this proposal? 17:06:25 <lblanchard> +1 17:06:35 <rbertram> I think it's a usability enhancement 17:06:40 <rbertram> +1 17:06:45 <david-lyle> +1 17:06:52 <kadenceA> +1 17:07:14 <jcoufal> general agreement, nice 17:07:32 <jcoufal> so next meeting will be in 14 days, the same time as this one 17:08:03 <jcoufal> #topic Wireframes review tool 17:08:27 <jcoufal> Adi couldn't make this meeting, but is there anybody who can give update on the progress here? 17:08:29 <lblanchard> I left my feedback in the etherpad…does anyone have the link? 17:08:36 <jcoufal> jackib probably? 17:08:51 <jackib> nope 17:08:55 <jackib> it's not on the meeting page 17:08:57 <jcoufal> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/uxtools 17:11:06 <jcoufal> Alright, it looks there are still just 2 given options, with some feedback left 17:11:15 <jcoufal> if nobody has any updates...? 17:11:45 <jackib> I don't have anything 17:12:16 <jcoufal> then I wll need to sync with Adi to see what's going on there 17:12:45 <jcoufal> #topic Faceted Search 17:13:06 <jcoufal> last meeting we discussed this briefly but within smaller audience so we punted the topic to this meeting 17:13:31 <jcoufal> there is quite old blueprint for this: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/faceted-search 17:13:42 <jcoufal> but recently started by Travis 17:14:17 <jcoufal> The goal is to provide rich powerful search engine for Horizon 17:14:45 <jcoufal> and the question is - Is anoyone in the UX group actively working on this? Has anyone given feedback in the past on it from a design perspective? 17:14:57 <lblanchard> I have not been actively working on this... 17:15:03 <david-lyle> so the work in that bp is dependent on a limited amount of meta-data that will be stored in glance in the future 17:15:19 <jcoufal> Is anybody interested in helping and designing here? 17:15:28 <david-lyle> that's not the short term answer or perhaps even the long term 17:16:32 <jcoufal> david-lyle: does that mean that until Glance supports this, we cannot do anything in Horizon, right? 17:17:04 <david-lyle> I would like to see a concept that incorporates current API capabilities 17:17:28 <david-lyle> and include the meta-data queries once available 17:17:44 <jcoufal> did Travis moved somehow forward with that? Do you know about some initiative? 17:18:40 <david-lyle> Travis started work on this before the summit, there was a grander architecture in mind, but the scope changed 17:18:57 <david-lyle> so a giant db of all things in openstack isn't going to happen 17:19:23 <david-lyle> what the graffiti work has become is storing meta-data definitions in glance 17:20:47 <jcoufal> alright, I guess we should wait with some UX designs until some architecture concept is done first 17:21:32 <david-lyle> jcoufal: it would be beneficial to work on the UX of search based on API capabilities 17:21:51 <lblanchard> would an ideal search on table design be helpful? 17:21:54 <david-lyle> that's an accomplishable goal and would still be a great improvement 17:21:56 <lblanchard> Would it help drive requirements? 17:22:59 <david-lyle> lblanchard: I think designing to use current API capabilities and how to improve upon that to drive development 17:23:06 <david-lyle> would be highly useful 17:25:35 <david-lyle> lblanchard: so yes, as long as it builds on what's currently available 17:25:55 <david-lyle> capabilities wise, not current implementation wise 17:27:48 <lblanchard> david-lyle: okay thanks 17:28:23 <lblanchard> jcoufal: unfortunately I don't have cycles currently to take this on…maybe keep it on the agenda to ask…or maybe we just need a blueprint for UX around it? 17:28:36 <jcoufal> alright, I think we will get back to this topic at least one more time 17:29:01 <jcoufal> #topic Open Discussion 17:29:12 <jcoufal> now it's time for any agenda you have on top of your mind 17:29:24 <jcoufal> any question, feel free to ask or to point to something 17:29:27 * zehicle side note - if you are looking for Refstack. we're on -alt 17:29:36 <david-lyle> launch instance? 17:30:04 <david-lyle> I don't feel like we have a solid plan forward on improving the launch instance flow 17:30:06 <jcoufal> I am sorry I need to leave now, but please don't get disturbed and continue 17:30:24 <david-lyle> jcoufal: add lblanchard as a chair so she can end the meeting 17:30:28 <jackib> Cedric and Maxime are setting up some usability testing for later this month 17:30:47 <jcoufal> david-lyle: you know how to add a chair? 17:30:52 <jackib> testing the version Maxime did and potentially some mocks for another option 17:30:54 <david-lyle> #chair lblanchard 17:31:04 <jcoufal> #chair lblanchard 17:31:05 <openstack> Current chairs: jcoufal lblanchard 17:31:09 <jcoufal> that was easy :) 17:31:12 <david-lyle> _1 17:31:14 <david-lyle> +1 17:31:21 <jcoufal> thanks, I will still be around though 17:31:31 <jcoufal> have a great day all and thank you for participation 17:31:35 <lblanchard> :) 17:31:58 <lblanchard> alrighty…anyone have anything else around faceted search? 17:32:42 <david-lyle> jackib: I feel the current proposed improvements are a bandaid of sorts, I think something more drastic is necessary 17:32:53 <david-lyle> but I may have missed some points in the conversation 17:33:15 <jackib> well…I agree but I think doing some testing will prove that…and then give us a reason to change that design 17:33:21 <lblanchard> oh sorry we are already on open discussion :) Some chair I am! 17:33:25 <jackib> rather than starting over 17:34:45 <david-lyle> jackib: I don't have a grand idea for it, so I'm in favor of incremental improvement, but I don't know that it will get us all the way there 17:35:01 <david-lyle> but can improve the experience in the interim 17:35:21 <lblanchard> jackib, david-lyle: yeah, I agree…since there has been work done to improve it already by some folks maybe we can do the testing and drive even more changes based on testing feedback 17:35:28 <lblanchard> ones that feel less like bandaids? 17:35:37 <jackib> that's kinda what I was thinking 17:36:03 <jackib> I think we revisit after the testing - put the results out there and get feedback on proposed solutions 17:36:25 <jackib> I'd like the testing to happen sooner, but I'm not doing the planning :) 17:37:57 <david-lyle> I'm going to play with a more visual workflow, if I can ever find the time 17:38:08 * david-lyle won't ever find the time :( 17:38:35 <jackib> hmmmm….if you elaborate on what you mean I could give you a hand 17:38:51 <Toshi> I feel like from implementation point of view, if it is provided more like general UI component, that'd be great. 17:39:02 <david-lyle> just thinking about building the instance out of the elements almost topographically 17:39:20 <Toshi> Is it only for instance view? 17:40:37 <Toshi> I mean is it re-useable for other UI? 17:41:12 <david-lyle> Toshi: nowhere near that far yet, maybe the framework 17:41:41 <david-lyle> I may be off in left field, let me try to work through it a bit more 17:42:00 <david-lyle> at least wireframe it 17:44:10 <Toshi> david-lyle: got it 17:44:13 <david-lyle> Like a lot of things in Horizon, I just feel like we can paint a better picture than we are now to help the user understand the relationship amongst the components 17:44:43 <david-lyle> Toshi: I think the network topology is a great example 17:44:59 <david-lyle> thanks for that :) 17:45:58 <Toshi> david--lyle:Thanks, grad to hear that :) 17:46:37 <lblanchard> any other topics? 17:48:41 <lblanchard> sounds like that's all I guess... 17:49:22 <lblanchard> thanks everyone…I believe our next meeting will be in two weeks on Monday the 21st 17:49:43 <jackib> bye! ;) 17:49:48 <Toshi> Thanks! 17:50:06 <david-lyle> lblanchard: #endmeeting 17:50:13 <lblanchard> #endmeeting