08:00:03 <ifat_afek> #startmeeting vitrage 08:00:04 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 24 08:00:03 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ifat_afek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'vitrage' 08:00:20 <eyalb> \o/ 08:00:22 <ifat_afek> Hi :-) 08:00:36 <idan_hefetz> Hi! 08:00:40 <yujunz> hi 08:03:01 <ifat_afek> Agenda: 08:03:10 <ifat_afek> • Status and Updates 08:03:17 <ifat_afek> • Open Discussion 08:03:31 <ifat_afek> #topic Status and Updates 08:03:40 <ifat_afek> python-vitrageclient 2.0.0 was released this morning 08:03:54 <ifat_afek> It includes changes in the templates API, and new APIs: webhooks, alarm show and get alarm count 08:04:09 <ifat_afek> Later today I’ll ask to release vitrage 2.0.0 and vitrage-dashboard. All important features are merged: graph and event persistency; templates CRUD and webhooks support. 08:04:24 <ifat_afek> The release candidate deadline is February 5-9, so we will have another release of vitrage (and maybe vitrage-dashboard) near that date. 08:04:33 <Liat> Hi 08:04:50 <ifat_afek> But for python-vitrageclient, today’s release should be the final Queens release 08:05:01 <ifat_afek> I’ll soon ask to update it in the global-requirements 08:05:12 <ifat_afek> Note that stable/queens branch was created for python-vitrageclient, but I won’t ask to create it for vitrage yet (unless you think that I should) 08:05:22 <ifat_afek> It means that master will be used for Rocky for python-vitrageclient and for Queens for vitrage – quite confusing 08:05:50 <ifat_afek> Please try not to push changes to python-vitrageclient in the coming two weeks… 08:05:57 <ifat_afek> That’s it for me 08:07:51 <ifat_afek> Any other updates? 08:08:19 <yujunz> I don't have much update recently. Stuck at some internal urgent issues. 08:08:33 <ifat_afek> Ok 08:08:44 <yujunz> So some blueprint on my side will probably be postponed to Rocky 08:09:04 <yujunz> And we may have further clarification on the coming PTG 08:09:22 <ifat_afek> No problem. There are no releases to vitrage-specs, so you can move the blueprints when you have the time 08:09:29 <yujunz> Besides, I had a look at the healthcheck propoal 08:09:34 <ifat_afek> Sure, that’s a good time to put the link again: 08:09:42 <ifat_afek> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/vitrage-ptg-rocky 08:09:46 <yujunz> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/531456/ 08:10:06 <ifat_afek> Do you think the proposal is good? 08:10:27 <yujunz> Currently, there are not much discussion yet. And it looks a bit sophisticated. Trying to understand more. 08:10:33 <idan_hefetz> btw, i added a new ideas" 08:11:01 <idan_hefetz> btw, i added a "new ideas" section to the etherpad, welcome to add there... 08:11:37 <ifat_afek> Great. You mean “ideas for discussion” or just “ideas for Rocky”? 08:11:44 <yujunz> I believe oslo team is also attending the PTG, so I suppose there would be some relevant discussion. 08:12:12 <idan_hefetz> I guess for Rocky would be nice 08:12:32 <yujunz> That's all from me 08:13:00 <ifat_afek> Ok. Because we could have ideas that are simple and don’t require a discussion :-) 08:13:31 <eyalb> i am still struggling with the tempest :-( 08:13:47 <yujunz> I saw the patchset reaches 60 ! 08:13:52 <eyalb> 60 patches ... 08:13:58 <yujunz> It is the largest one I have ever seen 08:14:09 <eyalb> yes and it will be bigger 08:14:20 <ifat_afek> Eyal might have reached #1 place in OpenStack… 08:14:39 <eyalb> :-) 08:14:39 <yujunz> I'm curious what makes it so difficult? 08:14:51 <eyalb> tests are failing 08:15:12 <eyalb> and also because our tempest test were written wrong 08:15:20 <eyalb> decoupling is hard 08:15:30 <eyalb> we need to refactor all the tests 08:15:49 <eyalb> thats it for me 08:16:19 <ifat_afek> This is already a topic in the PTG etherpad… 08:16:29 <ifat_afek> Any other updates? 08:16:33 <dwj> Can it be finished in this release? 08:16:43 <eyalb> dont think so 08:16:51 <dwj> OK 08:17:10 <ifat_afek> Should we tag a release for the new tempest-plugin repo? even if it’s not working? 08:18:02 <eyalb> I have no idea 08:18:10 <eyalb> I will need to ask someone 08:18:12 <ifat_afek> Ok, I’ll check what other teams are doing 08:18:27 <ifat_afek> So far I think most of them only released the client libraries 08:19:20 <ifat_afek> Anyone else wants to update? 08:21:22 <ifat_afek> #topic Open Discussion 08:21:27 <ifat_afek> Reminder - Vancouver CFP is open! 08:21:33 <ifat_afek> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-January/126192.html 08:21:38 <ifat_afek> We can submit session proposals until February 8th. 08:22:18 <ifat_afek> Any other issue for discussion? 08:24:19 <ifat_afek> Bye, see you next week 08:24:27 <yujunz> bye 08:24:28 <eyalb> bye 08:24:30 <dwj> bye 08:24:36 <ifat_afek> #endmeeting