08:00:34 <ifat_afek> #startmeeting vitrage 08:00:35 <openstack> Meeting started Wed May 16 08:00:34 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ifat_afek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:36 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:39 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'vitrage' 08:00:41 <ifat_afek> H :-) 08:00:47 <eyalb> \o/ 08:00:50 <idan_hefetz> H 08:01:06 <Liat> Hi \o/ 08:02:16 <najjar> (≧∇≦)/ 08:02:31 <ifat_afek> najjar: Cool! 08:02:56 <ifat_afek> #topic Status and Vancouver preparations 08:03:01 <MinWookKim> Hello I was in the meeting for the first time today :) 08:03:05 <MinWookKim> May I join the meeting? :) 08:03:25 <ifat_afek> MinWookHim: Hi, welcome :-) 08:03:56 <MinWookKim> ifat_afek: Thanks : ) 08:04:02 <ifat_afek> Are you joining us in Vancouver? 08:04:20 <MinWookKim> Yes, i am going to attend the Vancouver Summit. 08:04:47 <ifat_afek> Great, I noticed you registed to our “advanced use cases” forum session, it could be a great opportunity to discuss your ideas 08:05:35 <MinWookKim> It looks very good. but i'm worried that I'm not good at English. : ( 08:06:09 <ifat_afek> It’s ok, we can show UI screenshots :-) 08:06:47 <ifat_afek> Any specific topic you wanted to talk about in the meeting today? 08:07:16 <MinWookKim> The action list panel has been modified. 08:07:34 <ifat_afek> I noticed, we didn’t have time to check it yet becasue we are very busy with preparing to Vancouver 08:07:38 <ifat_afek> Sorry 08:07:57 <MinWookKim> It's okay : ) 08:09:02 <MinWookKim> Other than that, I have nothing special. 08:09:10 <ifat_afek> Sorry that it’s taking so long, we’ll try to handle it right after Vancouver 08:09:38 <ifat_afek> So… some updates: both of our demos are almost ready, and will hopefully be recorded today. 08:09:43 <ifat_afek> The demos are for these sessions: 08:09:48 <ifat_afek> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2018/summit-schedule/events/20964/proactive-root-cause-analysis-with-vitrage-kubernetes-zabbix-and-prometheus 08:09:53 <ifat_afek> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2018/summit-schedule/events/20839/closing-the-loop-vnf-end-to-end-failure-detection-and-auto-healing 08:09:59 <ifat_afek> That’s it for me. 08:10:01 <ifat_afek> Any other updates? 08:11:34 <ifat_afek> Seems like everyone is busy… I suggest to keep it a short meeting today 08:12:06 <ifat_afek> BTW, the next two meetings will be canceled: next week most of us will be in Vancouver. And the week after many of us will stay in Canada/USA and travel. 08:12:26 <ifat_afek> We’ll meet again on Wednesday 6/6 08:13:22 <ifat_afek> Bye, and Good luck to us all in Vancouver :-) 08:13:25 <eyalb> bye 08:13:29 <MinWookKim> See you in Vancouver :) 08:13:43 <Liat> bye 08:13:58 <ifat_afek> #endmeeting