08:00:52 <ifat_afek> #startmeeting vitrage 08:00:53 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 31 08:00:52 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ifat_afek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:54 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:56 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'vitrage' 08:01:23 <ifat_afek> Hi :-) 08:01:33 <eyalb1> \o/ 08:02:06 <idan_hefetz> Hi! 08:04:26 <ifat_afek> #topic Status and updates 08:04:35 <ifat_afek> Last week we released the first Stein version of python-vitrageclient 2.4.0 08:04:45 <ifat_afek> . I did not release vitrage and vitrage-dashboard, because I’m still waiting for two bug fixes 08:04:57 <ifat_afek> Since we are working by the cycle-with-intermediary model we don’t have to release by specific dates 08:05:07 <ifat_afek> Besides that, I spent most of my time preparing a demo for Berlin, so I didn’t progress with Nova versioned notifications 08:05:14 <ifat_afek> That’s it for me 08:05:53 <idan_hefetz> My update 08:05:55 <eyalb1> I am finishing up the hands on lab in berlin 08:06:05 <eyalb1> thats it 08:06:10 <idan_hefetz> :) 08:06:42 <idan_hefetz> To reduce memory consumption of vitrage-graph service, there is a process for handling template api's evaluations (TemplateWorker). 08:06:58 <idan_hefetz> This process can be removed by moving it's logic to the evaluator workers. 08:07:18 <idan_hefetz> Also, 08:07:52 <idan_hefetz> Also, I'm investigating this issue: 08:08:00 <idan_hefetz> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/1770390 08:11:49 <ifat_afek> Thanks 08:12:39 <ifat_afek> Anyone else wants to update? we are very few today… 08:13:24 <e0ne> hi 08:13:24 <e0ne> a really short update from me 08:13:32 <ifat_afek> e0ne: Hi 08:13:37 <e0ne> I'm working on xstatic-* packages for vitrage-dashboard 08:13:43 <ifat_afek> Great 08:13:45 <e0ne> I've got some js errors 08:14:00 <e0ne> so I'll ask some help later today or tomorrow 08:14:11 <ifat_afek> Ok, you should probably talk with Alon 08:14:20 <ifat_afek> He’s not on IRC now, but I’ll tell him you need his help 08:14:28 <e0ne> I don't have an environment by the hand, so I can't say now what actually goes wrong 08:14:36 <e0ne> ifat_afek: thanks! 08:14:58 <mnajjar> hi 08:15:07 <ifat_afek> mnajjar: Hi 08:15:50 <mnajjar> i'll update that i'm working on Vitrage lab along side eyalb1 08:16:50 <mnajjar> building image, fixing scenario and custom changes to Vitrage 08:17:02 <mnajjar> that's from my side :D 08:17:28 <ifat_afek> Thanks 08:17:47 <ifat_afek> I guess we are done, unless someone wants to talk about another issue 08:17:49 <e0ne> according to the nodejs-npm-run-test job for vitrage-dashboard - I'll propose a patch today to fix it 08:18:03 <e0ne> that's all from my side for today 08:18:40 <ifat_afek> e0ne: but does that fix all of the problems, or do you still need Alon’s help? 08:18:55 <e0ne> ifat_afek: it's a different issue:( 08:19:23 <ifat_afek> e0ne: ok, sorry, you got me conused :-) 08:19:33 <e0ne> ifat_afek: np 08:20:51 <ifat_afek> Let’s close the meeting. See you next week! 08:21:07 <eyalb1> bye 08:21:31 <ifat_afek> #endmeeting