17:01:38 <hartsocks> #startmeeting vmwareapi 17:01:38 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 19 17:01:38 2014 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is hartsocks. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:39 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:01:41 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'vmwareapi' 17:01:48 <hartsocks> Hi folks, who's around? 17:01:50 <ik__> when is hackathon? 17:02:00 <browne> i'm here 17:02:03 * rgerganov is here 17:02:41 <rgerganov> garyk told me that he won't make it 17:02:48 <hartsocks> ik_: sorry to run you off. 17:03:55 <tjones> hi 17:04:02 <hartsocks> rgerganov: I got a note too. Short meeting then? 17:04:09 <hartsocks> :-) 17:04:13 <rgerganov> hartsocks, agree 17:04:32 <ssurana> :) 17:05:06 <hartsocks> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/VMwareAPI#Agenda 17:06:12 <hartsocks> I think most folks were aware that the FF for blueprint proposals passed around the time of our last meeting (back on Feb 05) 17:06:40 <hartsocks> What this means is we have to stop proposing new BP to Nova. 17:07:01 <hartsocks> That doesn't mean code has to be perfect today though. (but perfect is nice) 17:07:36 <hartsocks> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Icehouse_Release_Schedule 17:07:53 <hartsocks> Feature Freeze is actually March 4th. 17:07:57 <browne> side note: the agenda link has a dead link to https://wiki.openstack.org/w/index.php?title=NovaVMware/AdministratorGuide&action=edit&redlink=1 17:08:16 <hartsocks> #action clean out dead link in wiki 17:08:25 <hartsocks> browne: thanks. 17:08:46 <hartsocks> So, March 4th if your code isn't "perfect" it's not getting in. 17:09:28 <browne> hartsocks: does that mar 4th date apply for bugs too? 17:10:02 <hartsocks> FF is for BP but... 17:10:12 <hartsocks> it's probably a good idea to have the bugs ready too. 17:10:18 <browne> ok 17:10:24 <hartsocks> Once that deadline hits it's really hard to get attention. 17:10:54 <hartsocks> The rule on Bugs is you may backport them if you can get reviews and cycles to do it. 17:11:03 <tjones> browne: keystone may have different rules than nova too 17:11:08 <hartsocks> It's better to have the bug fix in before the version is cut. 17:11:27 <browne> ok thx 17:12:08 <hartsocks> Oh, yeah. Each project can have different internal deadlines. The link is for OpenStack in general. A project's deadline won't be any *later* than the posted deadline on the wiki. 17:12:50 <hartsocks> So, for example, Nova has moved up its deadlines for the sake of reviewer sanity. 17:13:22 <hartsocks> So after typing all of that... 17:13:35 <hartsocks> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/vmware-subteam-icehouse 17:13:45 <hartsocks> I took some time this AM to update our etherpad. 17:14:20 <hartsocks> I will try to keep that up-to date on where things are in icehouse. 17:14:43 <hartsocks> I usually do an update pass every Wednesday morning. With the deadlines looming I will try to be more frequent. 17:15:20 <hartsocks> There's a section in there for critical bugs. These are intended to free Minesweeper. 17:15:43 <hartsocks> Okay. 17:15:48 <hartsocks> #topic blueprints 17:16:06 <tjones> that is very good. the core reviewers tend to jump on those bugs that will help minesweeper 17:16:35 <hartsocks> I've only identified two so far. There's bound to be more. 17:17:02 <hartsocks> Just for the record: 17:17:12 <tjones> should we be also calling out dependencies? Im concerned about our long dependecny chains 17:17:21 <hartsocks> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/autowsdl-repair 17:17:52 <hartsocks> (the reason Minesweeper was not accepting the patch is that Minesweeper uses proxies and I never tested in a proxied environment.) 17:18:07 <hartsocks> tjones: I could do the homework for dependencies 17:19:21 <hartsocks> Does anyone have a BP that they need to talk about before we move to bugs? 17:19:45 <sabari> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vmware-spbm-support 17:19:49 <sabari> needs some reviews. 17:20:23 <hartsocks> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/vmware-spbm-support,n,z 17:20:31 <hartsocks> That's a *number* of patches 17:20:48 <rgerganov> I will take a look at these 17:21:06 <sabari> Thanks Rado. 17:21:10 <rgerganov> I want to restore my patch for favoring shared datastores and this is somehow related 17:21:26 <rgerganov> I mean we need to come up with good DS selection algorithm 17:21:40 <hartsocks> I'm already concerned that https://review.openstack.org/#/c/66666/12/nova/virt/vmwareapi/vim.py interacts with what I'm trying to do. 17:21:46 <sabari> So that was you, I remember to have seen that patch, but couldn't relate to who was working on it. 17:22:31 <hartsocks> rgerganov: yes, I remember we figured out we need to rank the DS somehow but we never fleshed out how to do it. 17:22:39 <sabari> the change was need to make use of the vim as a base class for pbm connections. 17:23:16 <sabari> hartsocks: can you post the link for the change that you are doing. 17:23:21 <hartsocks> how does that affect the normal vSphere WS SDK interactions? 17:23:50 <hartsocks> sabari: this is that autowsdl business. It seems to be continually blocked or ignored. 17:24:10 <sabari> it doesn't affect the standard connection mechanism. For SPBM, we need to connect to a new endpoint using a new wsdl. 17:24:29 <hartsocks> yes, but you've modified the soap connector code… 17:24:37 <hartsocks> soap URL code 17:25:00 <hartsocks> so what I'm concerned about is that this might accidentally mean if my patch merges I will break your SPBM support. 17:25:12 <sabari> kind of just a tweak so that we can get the url's for both code flows properly. 17:25:56 <sabari> I view the change by pbm code to be a bit cosmetic. 17:26:04 <sabari> it doesn't change a lot of semantics. 17:26:13 <sabari> i will take a look at your code. 17:26:55 <hartsocks> thanks. Looks like Jenkins doesn't like my tests anymore. 17:28:33 <hartsocks> Okay, so moving on... 17:28:39 <vuil> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vmware-vsan-support has a couple of patches 17:28:47 <vuil> available for review as well 17:29:18 <vuil> though I'd say wait a day or two as a few of the patches can use another round of update of the oslo vmware lib 17:29:40 <rgerganov> vui, what kind of infrastructure do I need to test vsan? 17:29:42 <tjones> vuil: is that moving along ok? 17:29:49 <tjones> the oslo stuff 17:30:08 <rgerganov> tjones, we have the repository created -- oslo.vmware 17:30:09 <vuil> same for spbm, kinda :-) 17:30:21 <vuil> I can walk you through it later. 17:30:27 <rgerganov> vuil, thanks 17:31:10 <tjones> rgerganov: when i checked last week it was blocked on an infra issue. is it unblocked? 17:31:51 <rgerganov> https://github.com/openstack/oslo.vmware 17:31:56 <rgerganov> fresh and clean 17:32:11 <tjones> awesome 17:32:30 <tjones> um… there is nothing in there yet… 17:32:39 <tjones> i mean other than the directory structure and stuff 17:33:00 <vuil> The action is happening here: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/oslo.vmware,n,z 17:33:01 <rgerganov> yes but Vipin resubmitted his patches 17:33:26 <hartsocks> wow. lots of action. 17:33:38 <tjones> gr8 17:34:06 <vuil> looks like dims is helping with bringing the dependencies needed 17:34:15 <hartsocks> Is this work still going to make icehouse-3? 17:35:18 <rgerganov> not sure, we should talk to Vipin 17:35:19 <vuil> Think the library is in good shape, we just need to get the project set 17:35:43 <vuil> up properly for review/verification 17:36:40 <hartsocks> okay, lots to stay on top of then. 17:38:30 <hartsocks> Anything else on blueprints? Anything on blueprint priority? 17:40:01 <hartsocks> #topic bugs 17:40:34 <hartsocks> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/vmware-subteam-icehouse 17:40:48 <hartsocks> I ran my bug priority report this morning. 17:40:56 <hartsocks> The report itself has some bugs. 17:41:04 <tjones> looks like we need to do some triage 17:41:41 <hartsocks> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=vmware 17:42:15 <hartsocks> as far as what's tagged vmware, 6 un-triaged isn't so bad… 17:42:39 <hartsocks> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1278149 17:42:43 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1278149 in nova "VMware: InstanceNotRescuable hit during rescue tempest tests" [Critical,Fix committed] 17:42:57 <hartsocks> Should that be tagged for our sub-team list? 17:42:58 <tjones> yes - but there are 200 in nova and now that i am the "bug czar" i'd love our list to be 0 :-D 17:43:07 <hartsocks> heh. 17:43:45 <tjones> i'll take a look at that one 17:44:12 <hartsocks> So, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-vmwareapi-team this still useful? 17:44:33 <tjones> yes it should. I will add it. yes the project is very much used by our customers and partners 17:44:43 <hartsocks> okay. 17:45:20 <hartsocks> We can do bug-triage outside the meeting in #openstack-vmware 17:45:26 <tjones> ok 17:46:09 <hartsocks> open discussion or is there a bug someone needs to bring to our group attention? 17:46:59 <hartsocks> #topic open discussion 17:47:12 <hartsocks> okay, any topics at all? 17:47:38 <tjones> ok sure 17:48:12 <tjones> i want to make sure i know what our top 5 critical bugs are for icehouse. so i look at your list…. *loooking* 17:48:54 <tjones> and i see ordered by prio - but that is nova prio which may not be our customers prio 17:48:55 <tjones> right? 17:49:09 <hartsocks> it's a combination 17:49:20 <hartsocks> it's nova priority + vmwareapi subteam priority 17:49:30 <hartsocks> the sum of the two priorities is the overall rank. 17:49:40 <tjones> ok great! so high/critical is high for nova, critical for our customers - correct? 17:49:45 <hartsocks> right 17:49:53 <tjones> excellent! that is exactly what i need 17:50:23 <hartsocks> That lets us follow the rule that a driver that's non-gating literally can *never* rise to Critical/Critical 17:50:33 <tjones> right 17:50:51 <hartsocks> The Nova core are trying to conserve "Critical" to mean "breaks *all* of OpenStack" … but you knew that. 17:51:15 <tjones> yep 17:51:34 <hartsocks> I have a separate list for "blocks Minesweeper" but I've not figured out how to fold the three different priorities together (or whether I should bother) 17:52:24 <tjones> i don't think it is needed. when we have minesweeper blockers i ask the core guys to take a look and they are very responsive 17:52:44 <tjones> so i'd just bring those 2 to their attention either IRC or ML 17:52:46 <hartsocks> cool 17:53:50 <hartsocks> A note on testing... 17:53:54 <hartsocks> Unit testing. 17:54:34 <hartsocks> I have been trying to improve my use of mocks and I did something a little rude this morning … I dropped a test on someone-else's patch. 17:54:48 <hartsocks> I handed over the original patch so I felt it wasn't too terrible 17:54:57 <hartsocks> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73865/8/nova/tests/virt/vmwareapi/test_driver_api.py 17:55:10 <hartsocks> Starting at line 462 17:55:25 <hartsocks> I managed to mock out all the API except for the code under test. 17:55:42 <hartsocks> Then I used asserts to do assertions on wether the API was used correctly. 17:55:53 <hartsocks> I couldn't figure out how to explain this without code. 17:56:22 <hartsocks> But, using the mocks, we can assert that a task is created and waited on. 17:56:53 <hartsocks> I would like to do more testing in this direction because I feel it will allow us to cover more branches and scenarios. 17:57:10 <rgerganov> the problem with mocking is that creates tight coupling between tests and code under tests 17:57:27 <rgerganov> but it is the way to go in most of the cases 17:57:54 <hartsocks> Compared to writing a fake.py which has to cover all possible use scenarios the Mocking could actually be less coupling. 17:58:33 <hartsocks> The problem with the fake.py is that as you increase the number of scenarios it can cover you come closer and closer to building a simulator of the system under test. 17:58:45 <hartsocks> Perhaps I can learn to do better Mocks. 17:58:56 <hartsocks> But in the test I've linked... 17:59:06 <hartsocks> I get to actually initialize the real object under test. 17:59:27 <hartsocks> A reviewer can come in and see… yes… that's the object under test, not a fake version. 17:59:41 <hartsocks> That's my soap box on the topic anyhow. 18:00:09 <tjones> i'd like to be able to write better tests. i will spend some time looking at this 18:00:30 <hartsocks> It's not what I would call good code, but I'm trying. :-) 18:01:00 <browne> i definitely like using mock over mox or fakes 18:01:35 <hartsocks> This particular set of mocks I wrote because instead of pulling serviceContent the code was pulling the Vim object… it made the wrong API calls. 18:01:47 <hartsocks> The test enforces call order. 18:02:10 <hartsocks> Looks like we're out of time. 18:02:14 <hartsocks> #endmeeting