17:00:40 #startmeeting vmwareapi 17:00:41 Meeting started Wed Apr 8 17:00:40 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tjones1. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:42 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:45 The meeting name has been set to 'vmwareapi' 17:00:49 hi folks 17:00:56 anyone around? 17:01:03 o/ 17:01:17 quite today 17:01:21 yeah 17:01:34 i haven't run this meeting in so long i forgot the syntax to start it ;-) 17:01:46 lol 17:01:52 #start? 17:01:59 startmeeting 17:02:06 with a # 17:02:10 ok 17:02:31 #topic bugs for kilo 17:03:42 so thangp your https://review.openstack.org/#/c/142174/ got a +2 from sean… but no one else (and lost it on rebase). Want to ping the cores again about it? rc1 came out yesterday, so im thinking it may not make it... 17:03:52 so close.... 17:04:06 i dont think it will make it 17:04:17 just 1 more +2.... 17:04:18 it's not so important to push it into rc1 17:04:43 i'm not sure what the bar is to land in rc2 17:05:15 me either - if i were thierry since it is not breaking existing functionality i would push it to L 17:05:31 yeah, my thinking too 17:05:36 and since't it 17:05:44 is new really it probably can't backport 17:05:49 which is a bummer 17:06:22 :) we'll get it in by L (i hope) 17:06:36 Hi all 17:06:43 im adding it to our L tracker 17:06:48 ok thx 17:07:24 #topic liberty focus 17:07:25 https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/vmwareapi-liberty 17:08:22 Glance is not yet open for L. But I need to start drafting the specs. 17:08:44 we have 3 topics for the summit. Hypervisor id, shared datastore in the scheduler, and vcenter passwords. 17:09:09 sabari: will you be proposing the vc bypass in the glance meetings? 17:09:46 and anything about image introspection in glance? 17:10:08 tjones1: yeah, I will be proposing them during the summit. 17:10:17 but the specs will be done before that 17:10:24 can you add those to the section on the top so we can track that? 17:10:32 under summit topics 17:10:35 tjones1: Sure. 17:10:56 hehe - we are both doing it. i'll stop 17:11:12 anyone here for cinder or neutron? 17:11:17 don't think so, but just checking 17:11:54 tjones1: haha yeah, I added that 17:12:13 thangp: do you have anything new you want to tackle for liberty? 17:12:51 tjones1: nothing in mind... I have cinder objects to finish up, and it's going to take most of my time 17:13:10 tjones1: I like to see live-upgrades for cinder :) 17:13:13 we can talk about cinder stuff here - not just for nova any more ;-) 17:14:28 i'd like to see that too ;-) 17:15:27 #topic open discussion 17:15:35 anything else you guys want to discuss? 17:16:13 nothing here :) 17:19:30 ok we are done 17:19:34 thanks guys 17:19:37 #endmeeting