14:00:09 <acabot> #startmeeting watcher 14:00:10 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 10 14:00:09 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is acabot. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'watcher' 14:00:16 <acabot> hi 14:00:22 <tpeoples> o/ 14:00:28 <jed56> \o 14:00:29 <acabot> our agenda for today #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Watcher_Meeting_Agenda#02.2F10.2F2016 14:00:37 <dtardivel> hi 14:00:48 <vincentfrancoise> o/ 14:01:43 <acabot> #topic Announcements 14:01:50 <sballe> o/ 14:02:28 <acabot> #info Watcher mid-cycle meetup took place last week in Austin 14:02:47 <acabot> dedicated etherpad is #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-watcher-midcycle 14:03:08 <sballe> great meeting BTW. Thanks to everybody who attended. we made great progress on all fronts 14:03:32 <acabot> sballe +1 14:03:53 <edleafe> o/ 14:04:17 <acabot> #info edleafe submitted a Nova BP https://review.openstack.org/#/c/276840/ 14:04:17 <tkaczynski> hi guys 14:04:18 <sballe> hi edleafe It was great having you at the meetup 14:04:24 <sballe> hi tkaczynski 14:04:37 <acabot> hi tkacynski & edleafe 14:04:47 <dtardivel> I submitted this morning 2 patchsets in order to check automatically requirements on watcher and python-watcherclient: 1 patchset on the openstack/requirements project, and another one on the openstack-infra/project-config project, according to #link http://docs.openstack.org/developer/requirements/#enforcement-in-projects 14:05:02 <edleafe> sballe: it was great seeing you all. I enjoyed the progress we made 14:05:06 <tkaczynski> yes, it was a great meeting, very useful 14:05:16 <tpeoples> thanks dtardivel, was going to do that today :) 14:05:47 <acabot> #topic Review Action Items 14:06:02 <acabot> we have many specs in review 14:06:27 <acabot> and as we have updated priorities last week for mitaka some of them need a drafted spec 14:07:05 <alexchadin> o/ 14:07:26 <tpeoples> +1 acabot, playing catch up on other things from last week, but will get a spec drafted for my bp 14:08:31 <tkaczynski> same from me: I had to catch up with my project, moving now to work on the bp (setting up environment, reviewing code etc.) 14:08:34 <acabot> sballe : could you please confirm that https://review.openstack.org/#/c/276586 is the targeted strategy for the hands on lab ? 14:09:19 <acabot> it is related to the BP https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/workload-balance-migration-strategy 14:09:27 <sballe> yes it is ... junjie should be starting work as soon as he is back from Chinese christmas 14:10:01 <acabot> because we talk about workload balance in the BP and then airflow balance in the spec... 14:10:34 <sballe> it is the same. I'll ask him to use the same terminology in both bp and spec 14:10:38 <acabot> ok 14:10:50 <acabot> #action sballe jwcroppe review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/276586/1 14:11:32 <acabot> #action seanmurphy add a PS to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/271028/ 14:12:17 <acabot> tkaczynski : I need a drafted spec for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/scoring-module 14:12:33 <acabot> tkaczynski do you need help to submit it ? 14:13:22 <acabot> there is a quick doc https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Watcher/Contributing if you need it 14:14:05 <tkaczynski> acabot: my idea was to get everything up and running first and good understanding of what I'm going to do. once I do that I can work out some details of the spec. I believe I should have that in the next few days 14:14:21 <acabot> #action tkaczynski add a drafted spec for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/scoring-module 14:14:24 <acabot> ok 14:14:28 <jed56> tkaczynski : +1 14:14:56 <acabot> #action tkaczynski jed56 update description of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/scoring-module 14:15:16 <tkaczynski> acabot: ok 14:15:20 <acabot> #action tpeoples add a drafted spec for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/cluster-model-objects-wrapper 14:15:39 <tpeoples> roger that 14:15:50 <acabot> jed56 we need a spec https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/select-destinations-filter 14:16:06 <acabot> #action jed56 add a drafted spec for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/select-destinations-filter 14:16:09 <jed56> yes of course i will do as soon as possible 14:16:33 <acabot> alexchadin what about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/watcher-overload-underload ? 14:17:06 <alexchadin> I'm woking on it. I suggest there will be first version on the next week 14:17:12 <alexchadin> Hello everyone! 14:17:16 <acabot> ok 14:17:22 <jed56> hi alexchadin 14:17:29 <acabot> #action alexchadin add a drafted spec for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/watcher/+spec/watcher-overload-underload 14:17:44 <acabot> lets move to Watcher code 14:17:58 <alexchadin> i'm writing this as strategy 14:18:42 <jed56> alexchadin: cool 14:18:58 <acabot> alexchadin great, please try to use terms from our glossary http://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html 14:19:12 <acabot> alexchadin in your spec 14:19:36 <dtardivel> #link http://factory.b-com.com/www/watcher/doc/watcher/glossary.html 14:19:49 <acabot> we need reviews on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/274165/ & https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275106/ 14:19:50 <alexchadin> ok, i'll rewrite it soon 14:20:32 <acabot> alexchadin and push it asap and set the workflow to -1 to set it as a work in progress 14:20:41 <acabot> alexchadin thx 14:20:47 <alexchadin> ok 14:21:52 <acabot> tpeoples added documentation for devstack set-up and needs review https://bugs.launchpad.net/watcher/+bug/1538291 14:21:53 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1538291 in watcher "Improve DevStack documentation" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Taylor Peoples (tpeoples) 14:22:08 <acabot> sorry the link is https://review.openstack.org/278244 14:22:43 <tpeoples> tkaczynski: would be great to have you review ^ since you're going through that right now 14:23:29 <dtardivel> tpeoples: I will review it too 14:23:42 <tpeoples> thanks 14:23:46 <tkaczynski> tpeoples: sure, I'll have a look 14:24:02 <acabot> #action dtardivel review https://review.openstack.org/278244 14:24:23 <acabot> #action tkaczynski review https://review.openstack.org/278244 14:25:00 <acabot> #info we have our new watcher-dashboard repo https://github.com/openstack/watcher-dashboard 14:25:12 <tkaczynski> btw: is there a way to see all the action items after the meeting? 14:25:26 <acabot> tkaczynski yes there is a log 14:25:34 <tpeoples> tkaczynski: #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/watcher/ 14:25:58 <acabot> vincentfrancoise updated our internal code to fit horizon plugin requirements 14:26:20 <tkaczynski> tpeoples acabot thanks! 14:26:32 <acabot> the initial commit is open for reviews https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277342/ 14:26:41 <acabot> with a pretty large code base ;-) 14:26:55 <tpeoples> acabot: i am going to review the UI code, but will probably take some time since it's a huge patchset 14:27:09 <vincentfrancoise> It's a bit difficult to review 7k LOCs 14:27:27 <acabot> thx tpeoples, anyone wants to review it ? 14:27:50 <acabot> #action tpeoples review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277342/ 14:28:20 <vincentfrancoise> but if you can go through the README.txt + try to set it up that would be good enough 14:28:21 <dtardivel> acabot: I will review only readme part 14:28:39 <vincentfrancoise> at least for now 14:28:51 <edleafe> vincentfrancoise: good point. We should all strive to break patches up into digestible chunks 14:28:51 <tpeoples> yes, i plan to do a quick glance over it, but it will be good to get the repo seeded with the code. once more people are using it we can incrementally add improvements instead of having it 100% perfect before merging IMO. i don't want the review to sit there for weeks/months just cause it's so big 14:29:22 <acabot> #action dtardivel acabot review README.txt in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277342/ 14:29:31 <vincentfrancoise> FYI, I used trove-dashboard and sahara-dashboard as a reference 14:29:33 <tpeoples> +1 edleafe, but may be hard to do it at this point since they have had it done for some time 14:29:59 <edleafe> tpeoples: understood - just a suggestion to keep in mind for the future 14:30:05 <tpeoples> definitely 14:30:06 <vincentfrancoise> tpeoples: +1 14:30:40 <acabot> #topic Blueprint/Bug Review and Discussion 14:30:58 <tkaczynski> edleafe +1 14:31:35 <acabot> sballe : tmetsch planned to submit a BP during the mid-cycle, how do you want to deal with it ? 14:31:56 <acabot> sballe : BP regarding the ability to merge multiple action plans into a single one 14:31:57 <sballe> he is waiting for another bp 14:32:13 <sballe> I'll ping him and have him do it 14:32:34 <acabot> ok 14:32:35 <sballe> he told me there is a dependency on another bp to be submitted first 14:33:23 <acabot> sballe: the graph model is related to a BP tpeoples is working on 14:33:40 <sballe> ok 14:33:43 <acabot> sballe: but maybe it is the same one 14:34:07 <acabot> I have 2 TODOs on the mid-cycle etherpad :-) 14:34:09 <tpeoples> i'm not sure that was related to the merging of action plans though? 14:34:10 <sballe> I'll check at the todos from the meetup and sync-up with tmetsch 14:34:19 <acabot> ok thx 14:34:27 <jed56> IMHO, graph model is one use case of the BP of tpeoples 14:34:55 <sballe> I agree so maybe thta was the bp we were talking about. I'll get himto submit the other bp asap 14:34:56 <acabot> jed56 I think we need to clarify this point in specs 14:34:59 <tpeoples> right, but for the cluster model. not sure how that is tied to the action plans directly 14:35:11 <jed56> acabot : +1 14:35:26 <jed56> tpeoples : what do you mean ? 14:35:28 <sballe> acabot: +1 14:36:25 <tpeoples> graph model was to represent the environment (cluster if you will). merging of action plans seems only tangentially related? 14:36:42 <jed56> no :) 14:37:09 <sballe> I'll make sure tmetch joins the IRC moving forward 14:37:27 <acabot> sballe +1 ;-) I think we will need him 14:37:36 <sballe> I agree 14:37:52 <jed56> the merging of action plan can be done later. 14:38:36 <jed56> IMHO, we need before to have good strategies and after think about how can we merge different action plan comming from different strategy 14:38:47 <sballe> jed56: acabot he will join in 2 mins 14:38:52 <acabot> edleafe thx for submitting the BP for newton to the Nova team, what about the select_destinations() API ;-) ? 14:39:02 <sballe> tmesch 14:40:15 * edleafe is on a call right now 14:41:01 <acabot> #info mitaka-3 status https://launchpad.net/watcher/+milestone/mitaka-3 14:41:13 <acabot> with updated priorities 14:41:20 <edleafe> acabot: I discussed that with some people, and there seems to be almost zero chance of that ever making it into Nova 14:41:30 <sballe> acabot: metsch is now befreax 14:41:39 <sballe> and is in the RC 14:42:04 <acabot> edleafe : ok thank you for asking :-D 14:42:18 <jed56> edleafe: thanks for trying : ) 14:42:26 <sballe> edleafe: +1 14:42:28 <tpeoples> edleafe: over IRC? just curious if there's logs for the record 14:42:28 <edleafe> it was a longshot :) 14:42:30 <acabot> as discussed last week, we will implement our own method for now 14:42:52 <edleafe> tpeoples: no, I PM'd a few people 14:43:02 <tpeoples> OK 14:44:11 <acabot> all our BPs are assigned, do not forget to update the delivery status 14:44:43 <sballe> acabot: +1 14:44:56 <acabot> #topic Open Discussion 14:45:19 <acabot> we received requests yesterday on IRC to support SSL in Watcher 14:46:06 <acabot> I have no idea about the priority of this feature 14:46:14 <sballe> that makes sense to me but I am not sure where that fits in our priorities 14:46:18 <dtardivel> yes we add 2 guys running Watcher on their platform, and they had some issues related to SSL Certificates 14:46:43 <cdupont> Hi acabot, regarding our BPs it's paused for the moment due to resource issues as announced before 14:46:57 <sballe> dtardivel: can they do the work? 14:47:02 <tpeoples> dtardivel: what are the issues? 14:47:04 <cdupont> were're working on that issue, we'll let you know... 14:47:38 <acabot> cdupont : ok as I did not received any update for 1 month, it was unprioritized for mitaka 14:47:42 <dtardivel> SSL certicate error on novaclient 14:48:26 <cdupont> acabot: Ok no pb 14:48:30 <dtardivel> tpeoples: I'm building devstack with USE_SSL=TRUE 14:48:33 <tpeoples> hmm, not configurable with the watcher_clients_auth section? 14:48:39 <dtardivel> to try to reproduce the issue 14:49:03 <tpeoples> ok 14:49:25 <acabot> sballe : dtardivel asked them to register a bug but they didn't...not sure they want to fix it ;-) 14:49:32 <edleafe> dtardivel: what is the error? No SSL, or can't verify the cert? 14:50:01 <dtardivel> tpeoples: I will try to figure out if it is only a documentation issue (configuration part) or not ... 14:51:03 <dtardivel> I don't reminber. It was not clear.... 14:51:52 <tpeoples> ok dtardivel, let's try and get more details from them if you can't reproduce their issue 14:52:03 <acabot> I forgot to mention that our talks are now open to votes 14:52:06 <dtardivel> tpeoples: +1 14:52:21 <acabot> #info vote for https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/vote-for-speakers/Presentation/7108 14:52:22 <sballe> +1 14:52:34 <acabot> #info vote for 14:52:39 <sballe> acabot: we have two 14:52:58 <acabot> #info vote for https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/vote-for-speakers/Presentation/7113 14:52:59 <tkaczynski> do I need a new account in order to vote? 14:53:33 <acabot> you need to have signed the openstack agreement 14:54:46 <acabot> tkaczyncki : https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/How_To_Contribute#Contributor_License_Agreement 14:55:29 <acabot> sballe : any update regarding next mid-cycle and congress meeting ? 14:55:52 <acabot> sballe : there is no rush on that ;-) 14:56:09 <sballe> I just sent email out about the mid-cycle and haven't done any about congress yet 14:56:17 <acabot> sballe : thx 14:56:22 <sballe> I did attend the cross-project meeting yesterday 14:56:40 <sballe> mostly discussions about quotas 14:57:01 <acabot> #info sballe attends cross-project meeting http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/crossproject/2016/crossproject.2016-02-09-21.01.html 14:57:02 <tkaczynski> sballe do we have CCLA for Intel? 14:57:26 <sballe> I am assuming we do 14:57:38 <tpeoples> acabot: are we going to send out a midcycle summary (or did i miss it)? 14:58:04 <acabot> #action acabot send a midcycle summary on the ML 14:58:11 <tkaczynski> sballe the page is saying that there is a list of contributors from the company 14:58:17 <acabot> tpeoples: yes, I planned to do it by EOW 14:58:24 <tpeoples> awesome 14:58:41 <tkaczynski> I wonder how I can get to this list (if there is one) 14:58:59 <sballe> tkaczynski: ok not sure. Let's take this off-line 14:59:05 <acabot> time to end the meeting, thank you guys 14:59:14 <sballe> already? 14:59:14 <tkaczynski> thank you 14:59:19 <jed56> bye 14:59:21 <sballe> bye 14:59:25 <acabot> #endmeeting