08:00:30 #startmeeting Watcher 08:00:31 Meeting started Wed Feb 12 08:00:30 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is licanwei. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:32 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:34 The meeting name has been set to 'watcher' 08:00:42 hi~ 08:00:54 hi 08:01:01 long time no see in watcher 08:01:52 hi guys, I want to reintroduce myself after so much time 08:02:06 oh. Welcome. 08:02:55 I do not know if you remember but I belong to a team in grnet which is using watcher to itd deployemnts 08:03:11 Are you from cern? 08:03:34 GRNET, an organization in Greece 08:03:36 skatsaounis: hi 08:04:13 skatsaounis: I know you :) 08:04:23 Seeing your name has some impressions, you are welcome again. 08:04:49 before starting discussing anything else I want to inform you that from now on watcher can run on charmed OpenStack with juju 08:05:08 #link https://github.com/openstack/charm-watcher 08:05:35 skatsaounis: Great! 08:05:43 Great 08:05:52 and from ussuri and on the dasbhboard plugin https://github.com/openstack/charm-watcher-dashboard 08:06:11 Dantalion: are you here ? 08:06:54 skatsaounis Thanks. 08:09:48 chenke, you are welcome. When the new release of charms is launched we are going to install in production. From that point we are going to use watcher heavier plus we have interest into joining you for its development 08:10:06 skatsaounis: which strategy of Watcher do you use? 08:11:07 right now we are experimenting so I do not have a concrete answer. The main problem of us was to have it deployed in Juju. 08:12:00 I think the last time we tried with vm consolidation 08:12:35 skatsaounis: ok, thanks 08:12:38 I have a question. 08:12:54 pls 08:13:22 we would love to use MaaS instead of ironic. Is there any chance to make it happen? 08:14:38 I mean we would like to have something like this and we are willing to help bring it into Watcher. In that case we could work with all strategies 08:14:45 if you don't use saving energy strategy, i think the answer is no 08:15:20 yes this is the case. We want to use saving energy but there is no interface for MaaS 08:15:55 yes, now there is no interface for MaaS 08:16:36 are you positive if we try to add it? 08:17:08 no problem, i think 08:18:33 cool then :) this is it from my side. I would realy love to hear from you. What is the current status of the project? How many people are contributing to it? what are your future plans? 08:22:09 ah~, as many other openstack projects, no more people work for watcher 08:23:12 as you can see, dantalion, chenke, suzhengwei and i 08:23:36 ok, all of you work for ZTE? 08:23:42 no 08:23:44 no 08:24:21 Although we don't seem to have many people, everyone is professional and enthusiastic. 08:25:01 fine! To speak the truth I was afraid that you are planning to abandon it. I am satisfied to hear that 08:25:29 and as I already told you from our first contact with the project we are very positive to it. 08:25:44 dantalion for CERN and suzhengwei for Inspur 08:26:47 there is high chance to even join you in development, but first things first. Do you have any timeline or requirements which I can take a look at? 08:26:48 skatsaounis: I wish more company can join watcher :) 08:27:15 s/requirements/future goals 08:27:52 In fact, our ptl is very responsible, our commits processing is fast, and reviews are performed almost daily. 08:28:54 skatsaounis: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/watcher-specs/priorities/ussuri-priorities.html 08:29:58 skatsaounis: you can fill a new blueprint for your requirement 08:30:04 licanwei, thank you. And supposing that we want to add MaaS interface then we have to write a new spec along with them, right? 08:30:15 08:30:22 skatsaounis: yes 08:30:25 yes 08:30:25 ok you were faster to answer hehe 08:32:29 fine, I believe you got me covered for all my answers 08:34:16 If you have an question. you can send maillist to us. 08:34:32 about event based audit authentication 08:34:33 an/any 08:34:53 chenke: +1 08:35:17 Aodh can send webhook api with authentication 08:36:44 so i plan to add a new config option, such as enable_webhook_auth, to enable or disable webhook authentication 08:37:25 I think that adding a switch is reasonable for the watcher. 08:37:40 about Watcher helm charts, because dantalion isn't online, 08:37:48 discuss next time 08:37:55 agree 08:39:10 if no other questions, will end the meeting 08:39:49 no q from my side 08:40:40 thank you skatsaounis and chenke 08:40:45 bye~ 08:40:58 by all licanwei chenke 08:41:13 bye* 08:41:16 #endmeeting