08:00:40 #startmeeting Watcher 08:00:41 Meeting started Wed Apr 22 08:00:40 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is licanwei. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 08:00:42 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 08:00:44 The meeting name has been set to 'watcher' 08:00:53 hi~ 08:03:01 #topic Review 08:03:58 most for Use unittest.mock instead of third party mock 08:04:12 https://review.opendev.org/#/c/721028/ 08:04:25 https://review.opendev.org/#/c/718125 08:04:37 https://review.opendev.org/#/c/718122 08:04:48 https://review.opendev.org/#/c/721007 08:05:41 721028 we just need to update, seems one line was missed which trigger pep8 08:05:42 Agree we consider therse patch 08:05:52 Ye. 08:06:27 718125, needs rebase as most changes are also in https://review.opendev.org/#/c/719340/ which has merged 08:07:06 Watcher release for Ussuri https://review.opendev.org/#/c/721472/ 08:07:33 718122 & 721007 are both for watcherclient but one has more line changes so should check what is the difference 08:08:26 Watcher release file looks good to me 08:09:08 I had submit remove six patch 08:09:27 Do you all think we merged it before release ? 08:10:06 chenke: your https://review.opendev.org/#/c/721612/ ? 08:10:33 ye 08:11:38 and this:https://review.opendev.org/#/c/721786/1 08:13:37 I don't think these are important for release 08:14:21 in my env. the py3 and pep8 passed. 08:14:43 ok. If you all think so. We can merged it in the next V. 08:14:47 I think for now this is okaj but for next release everything for python 2 needs to be removed 08:15:34 https://review.opendev.org/#/c/720140/ Initial watcher helm chart needs review 08:15:46 ok. 08:16:45 Unfortunately, you can not test this chart in k8s yet unless you build Watcher images and change image location in values.yaml 08:17:39 https://review.opendev.org/#/c/696677/ this needs to merge for images to be pushed to repository 08:19:20 Dantalion: ok 08:20:31 Dantalion: do you test in k8s env? 08:21:03 Once a few releases ago 08:21:51 I want to redo the test when the images are ready and there is time CERN can provide cluster for testing 08:22:37 Dantalion: great 08:23:05 cool 08:24:10 Dantalion: and I'll try to test in my env. 08:25:29 Cool thanks 08:26:14 last week jatinder Singh(Orange Labs & Networks) sent a mail to me 08:27:52 I have tested watcher service on openstack USSURI version with existing strategies yesterday. I have few queries regarding watcher service. Please help to advise on below point. 08:27:54 08:27:56 1. is there vm scheduling optimize use-case tested with watcher ? 08:27:58 2. is it feasible to develop a common strategy for Watcher with AI to achieve optimization at pre scheduling VM and post scheduling or any discussion on this ? 08:28:00 3. could we optimize VNFs that installed on NOVA with cpu-pinning environment ? 08:28:23 could you please share invite of next watcher meeting. 08:28:47 2. I think is feasible we speculated about it at CERN and envisioned it as an external service that integrated with Wathcer 08:29:06 He is welcome during watcher meeting for me anytime :) 08:29:16 I reply to him the meeting time , 08:29:32 but i don't know if he is online? 08:29:59 2. could integrate with the scoring module to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies as part of machine learning 08:30:39 I think it is best to discuss the questions when he can join a meeting 08:30:39 Dantalion: you can send mail to him:) 08:30:56 Do you have email? 08:31:16 jatinder1.singh@orange.com 08:31:45 I will email him, I also have a contact at CERN who is interested in machine learning for Watcher 08:31:51 maybe the can collaborate :) 08:32:08 Dantalion: great~ 08:34:40 These is my reply: 08:36:57 q1:About use cases, ZTE had tests at China Telecom in 2018. and CERN also tested Watcher last year. In addition, as far as I know, there are companies in Russia and Greece that have tested Watcher, but I don???t know the details. 08:36:57 q2:There is not much discussion about AI strategies. Watcher has a related BP: 08:36:57 https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/watcher-specs/specs/newton/implemented/scoring-module.html 08:36:57 q3:This depends on NOVA. For example, VM migration, Watcher's action is implemented by calling novaclient. 08:36:57 We will have IRC meeting at 8:00 UTC on April 22 on channel #openstack-meeting-alt, welcome to join us! 08:36:58 Community will have Virtual PTG on June 08:36:59 http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-April/014126.html 08:37:19 Do we need a time slot? 08:39:12 I think no. 08:39:30 I think it will be the same as regular meeting 08:39:48 We always manage to discuss all necessities within time so no additional time is needed 08:40:08 ok 08:40:12 ok 08:40:47 that's all for today~ 08:41:13 if no other questions, i'll end the meeting 08:41:39 ok 08:41:43 bye~ 08:41:59 okaj see you next time 08:42:12 see you all~ 08:42:18 #endmeeting