12:00:00 #startmeeting watcher 12:00:00 Meeting started Thu Jan 23 12:00:00 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is marios. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:00 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 12:00:00 The meeting name has been set to 'watcher' 12:00:22 hello folks, lets do a roll call for a minute and we'll get going. 12:00:25 who is around today? 12:00:33 o/ 12:00:35 o/ 12:00:37 o/ 12:00:53 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/openstack-watcher-irc-meeting weekly agenda topics 12:01:28 we'll take those in order as usual please add any topics you want to present ^^ 12:01:35 o/ 12:01:43 o/ 12:02:11 ok lets get going 12:02:23 #topic sean: Reset the DPL model for Watcher project: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939488 12:02:34 sean-k-mooney: o/ around ^ 12:03:23 looks like sean-k-mooney is not currently available or momentarily afk... either way does anyone have any updates or comments on that ^ 12:03:33 I believe we discussed it last week too... checking the review for any latest 12:03:50 so, still needs votes from the other folks 12:04:04 maybe Martin still needs to -1 it 12:04:22 or whoever we replace Martin with? 12:04:23 #info needs votes from all existing DPL members https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939488 12:04:35 right in fact that info is wrong 12:04:40 Martin doesn't need to -1 it 12:04:47 the opposite 12:04:52 since he won't be working there any more 12:04:53 ok - I'll ping Martin and ask to take a look 12:05:00 just for this case 12:05:15 i mean, he should +1 it if anything, like he wants to reset his involvement 12:05:32 but not the whole model 12:06:09 " Watcher team either needs to opt-in the DPL 12:06:09 model for the next cycle or have the PTL in coming election." per the description on the change 12:06:14 so we need Martin and Dan to have a look. if they don't comment i think we can take that as they don't/can't be involved moving forward right? 12:06:57 ok - I'll take the action item to ping them and ask them to take a look 12:07:08 did we say chandankumar was interested in going into tact-sig? that would leave us with someone for tact-security then if Dan is not going to continue 12:07:29 we need to reach gmann on how to proceed, since watcher plans to continue with DPL but we also need to replace at least one liaison 12:07:30 ^^ dansmith when you are in? can you comment? 12:07:33 yes, I was about to say that, you can add me at the place of martin 12:07:36 #action rlandy will reach out to Dan and Martin about https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939488 12:07:40 thank you rlandy 12:08:29 so should/will one of us update that patch or should be ping Ghanshyam about it 12:08:47 to add Chandan and whoever else might take on the tact-sig does anyone know the proper etiquete? 12:09:37 tbd i guess we can revisit this next week 12:09:44 any further comments on this one? 12:10:49 k moving to the next topic ... 12:11:00 #topic (rlandy): watcher-tempest-plugin review ready for core votes: 12:11:21 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin 12:11:45 is that the right link rlandy ^ 12:11:55 (i got it from the etherpad) 12:12:50 this one ? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin/+/939517 12:12:55 i think https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin/+/938136/ 12:13:12 correct 12:13:16 right, both of those then? one is rebased on the other right? 12:13:16 marios: you have already added the other one 12:13:21 yes 12:13:22 all open: https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin+status:+open 12:13:41 Tested here: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher/+/939702?usp=search 12:13:42 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin/+/939517 12:13:48 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin/+/938136/ 12:14:27 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher/+/939702?usp=search Tested here 12:14:56 sean-k-mooney: please check when you next have reviews time ^^^ thank you 12:15:01 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin/+/939517 needs rebase i think 12:15:37 ack thanks amoralej ... chandankumar can you check ^ and then sean-k-mooney can vote 12:16:13 amoralej: marios sure, let me rebase it 12:16:26 thanks 12:16:34 anything further on this topic ? 12:16:42 chandan kumar proposed openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin master: Run make_host/instance statistics function for gnocchi datasource https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin/+/939517 12:17:55 moving on ... 12:17:59 #topic marios: watcher decision engine prometheus datasource https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher/+/934423 12:18:24 so i think we can merge this? sean-k-mooney as previously discussed 12:18:32 the last update was ~2 weeks ago (tomorrow) 12:18:43 there are no further requests or comments and -1 12:19:16 chandan kumar proposed openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin master: Run make_host/instance statistics function for gnocchi datasource https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher-tempest-plugin/+/939517 12:19:32 so sean-k-mooney please have a look and merge https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher/+/934423 when you next have time for reviews o/ thanks 12:19:54 +1 to merge it 12:20:02 thank you dviroel 12:20:06 and all reviewers 12:20:23 yep i will do that today 12:20:29 thank you sean-k-mooney 12:20:49 and sorry i was not around before but i am now 12:20:49 #info merging prometheus datasource https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher/+/934423 12:20:55 np sean-k-mooney 12:21:03 anything else before we move to the next topic? 12:21:43 nope 12:21:50 ;) 12:22:00 moving on 12:22:06 #topic (marios): bug triage summary 12:22:19 so i think rlandy you added a related item on the agenda 12:22:43 we had another bug triage call/irc meeting combination this week 12:22:45 fetching logs 12:23:03 #info weekly bug triage meeting minutes Minutes: https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/watcher_bug_triage_21_january_2025/2025/watcher_bug_triage_21_january_2025.2025-01-21-12.00.html 12:23:18 Alfredo Moralejo proposed openstack/watcher master: Add support for instance metrics to prometheus datasource https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher/+/938893 12:23:24 we got through a few this week, we did them newest first this time around 12:23:38 anything anyone wants to add or hilight? 12:24:28 per rlandy item on the agenda, we said we would have one more call/irc combination next week at the same time (tuesday 1200 utc) 12:24:38 just if anyone else wants to run the call? 12:24:40 we need someone to chair so we can give rlandy a well deserved rest 12:24:47 thank you rlandy 12:24:49 otherwise I can do it 12:25:02 do you *want* to do it? :D 12:25:03 it will be the last focused bug call 12:25:16 I'm fine with it either way 12:25:16 i mean, if you want/don't mind then we can cancel the call for volunteers... ;) 12:25:24 I'll do it 12:25:29 \o/ 12:25:32 thank you rlandy 12:25:58 rlandy++ 12:25:58 #info rlandy will chair bug triage call tue 28 1200 UTC 12:26:27 rlandy: bug czar 12:26:43 k any other comments or concerns before we move on 12:27:27 only rlandy can talk on gmeet, write on lauchnpad and on irc at the same time 12:27:40 yes :) 12:27:44 lol - not that hard 12:28:10 moving to the next topic 12:28:16 #topic (marios): chair for irc meeting feb 06 12:28:26 we have a chair for next week thank you dviroel o/ 12:28:31 :) 12:28:38 can we have a volunteer for the next one on feb 06? 12:28:58 I'll do it 12:29:02 i.e. this meeting in 2 weeks 12:29:18 ok thank you again rlandy :) 12:29:48 #info rlandy will chair irc meeting feb 06 1200 UTC 12:30:15 ok moving on then... 12:30:21 i don't see any other topics so... 12:30:26 #topic open floor 12:30:32 anything else someone wants to bring up? 12:30:39 anything from the mailing list we can hilight? 12:30:44 marios: do we need to return to the governance discussion if sean-k-mooney is with us now? 12:30:53 sure 12:31:28 i just sent a new ps on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher/+/938893/ with doc fix 12:31:34 please reset your vots 12:31:42 thanks for updating amoralej looking now 12:31:48 the DPL topic 12:32:12 we can if ye want. at the end 12:32:28 we are there :) 12:33:16 sean-k-mooney: ^ 12:33:19 so we have 2 related topics actully. on the dpl topic, we coudl revert to the PTL model but i think we would need to propose nomination this week if we wanted to do that 12:33:39 otherwise we can continue with the dpl process for one more cycle to see if that works for us 12:33:50 i think we only one we don't have is replacement for dan tact-security 12:34:16 ah.. onboarding too 12:34:20 ke chen 12:34:27 so onboarding is not actully required 12:34:32 ok 12:34:58 if needed i cna do the tact-security role but ill reach out to dan and see if they are willing to continue in that role later today 12:35:21 marios: are you ok to contiue to be the infra liasion 12:35:29 #info please revisit https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/watcher/+/938893 (and parent patch merging today) 12:35:32 sean-k-mooney: yes 12:35:49 so the 3 required roels are infra, security and release 12:35:49 and chandankumar also wanted to join sean-k-mooney 12:36:01 ack 12:36:24 lets check with gman what the process is and if we shoudl propsoe a new revision to the patch after we check with dan 12:36:31 sean-k-mooney: so rlandy already has an action item to reach out to dan and martin can you please coordinate with rlandy ? 12:36:37 do we need martin to vote or can chandankumar just replace? 12:36:49 no problem to reach out to martin if that is the way to go 12:36:58 so i think if we follow the process stictly 12:37:04 sean-k-mooney, you can coordinate with dan 12:37:10 I'll reach out to martin 12:37:14 if we dont all vote -1 in time then the patch is merged and we revert to ptl model 12:37:23 then we can submit a new patch to go back to dpl 12:37:29 well i mean, if its like that we already have a couple -1s on it 12:37:50 so as you said (and we mentioned earlier in this meeting) we also need to ask Ghanshyam if we can update the patch or post new one 12:38:12 and if they are ok to contues as release liason 12:38:19 right 12:38:32 lets follow up with peopel asyc of the meetign and try and resolve this by the end of the week 12:38:35 do you want to do that and rlandy will reach out to dan and martin as previously agreed here? 12:38:50 that being reach out to ghanshyam 12:39:08 i can reach out to dan and gmann 12:39:15 ok thank you sean-k-mooney 12:39:32 #action sean-k-mooney to reach out Dan and Ghanshyam re https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939488 12:39:32 what about chenke? 12:39:38 right dviroel 12:39:53 i can email them too i guess and see if they resopond 12:40:04 great thanks sean-k-mooney 12:40:22 the ohter option is we coudl have a ptl election + still have addtional liaons 12:40:26 #action sean-k-mooney to reach out to chenker re https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/939488 12:40:35 so that always our backup plan if this does not pan out 12:41:02 any other topic for open floor? 12:41:06 ok so we first need to check with them if they plan to continue, and after that decide who is going to take the empty chairs :) 12:41:20 right dviroel 12:41:22 yep 12:41:28 so related topic. 12:41:32 but i think as we discussed here we should be covered on the 'who will take them' 12:41:42 so mostly it is a sanity check that indeed they won't be around/interested 12:41:48 (unless they might be i don't know) 12:41:49 ;) 12:42:17 i didnt get to send this yet but im currently working on an email regarding expandign the watcher core teams 12:43:03 i am going to try and send that today and ill reach out to peopel before i do to confirm if they are ok with being nominated 12:43:26 great thanks sean-k-mooney 12:43:27 for now i am not going to propose removign anyoen form the core groups with the excption fo martin 12:43:54 ++ 12:43:59 we have discussed this in a couple of the recent irc meetings too... this being expanding our core group especially since reviews are starting to back up 12:44:08 since martin will nolonger be aroudn ill remove them form the watcher tempest plugin core group but if they return we can alwasy readd them 12:44:11 as just one example my prometheus datasource has been sitting for 2 weeks 12:44:20 because we will merge it with one core +2 12:45:03 yep so im going to be conservite in my proposal and we can revisit this topic again after/at the ptg 12:45:18 but my propsal is to email the list 12:45:26 and reivew next week 12:45:40 sounds good 12:45:42 if there are no objections after the next meetign ill apply the chagnes in gerrit 12:46:05 lgtm 12:46:21 that was all i had on that topic. 12:46:28 any further comments or concers on this one? 12:47:04 #info sean-k-mooney will propose expanding the core groups with post to openstack-discuss 12:47:28 any other topics for today? 12:49:14 thanks all for your participation o/ 12:49:17 #endmeeting