14:03:33 <csatari> #startmeeting weekly_edge_computing_group_call 14:03:34 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 10 14:03:33 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is csatari. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:03:35 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:03:37 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'weekly_edge_computing_group_call' 14:03:49 <csatari> #topic roll call 14:05:17 <csatari> #topic Action Items 14:06:42 <csatari> #info Glance discussion started but needs some more info from Glance. 14:08:35 <csatari> #action Gerg0 to organize a meetging about Galnce on the edge with jokke_ and orher Glance esxpers 14:09:20 <csatari> #topic Berlin CFP 14:09:59 <csatari> #info ildikov would like to do a panel what Beth will not be able to moderate. 14:10:36 <csatari> #info We are looking for volunteers to moderate or participate. 14:13:19 <csatari> #action Beth to put on a placeholder and invite us to formulate the abstract. 14:13:27 <csatari> #topic Use cases 14:13:51 <csatari> #info Covered 2 use cases. 14:14:03 <csatari> #link http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/use_cases_subgroup_weekly_call/2018/use_cases_subgroup_weekly_call.2018-07-09-20.10.html 14:14:12 <csatari> #info Minutes ^^^ 14:15:23 <csatari> #info We will synch with OPNFV Edge Project to make the use cases similar to theirs. 14:16:06 <csatari> #topic Glace 14:18:21 <csatari> #topic Dublin Edge notes 14:26:46 <csatari> #info For the small and the medium we should use the Dublin definitions 14:29:53 <csatari> #info We can use the large from the OPNFV definitions. 14:30:30 <csatari> #action Gerg0 to comment this to the OPNFV EC definitions. 14:31:34 <jokke_> I'll try to find time to go through the notes and provide feedback still 14:31:45 <jokke_> been just quite hands full recently 14:31:53 <esarault> Need to go off the audio, competiting meeting 14:33:43 <csatari> #topic Keystone 14:34:26 <csatari> #info Still looking for volunteers: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ECG_Keystone_Testing 14:40:13 <csatari> #info We should think about how to ensure that these tests are not running in non federated cases. 14:42:16 <csatari> #info StarlingX Synchronisation framework 14:42:22 <csatari> #topic StarlingX Synchronisation framework 14:42:45 <csatari> #link https://www.dropbox.com/s/ihczi2f5odccn6f/SynchFramework-DC-StarlingX.pptx?dl=0 14:48:27 <csatari> jokke_: Thanks. Can you check the Glance related questions here: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/edge-computing/2018-July/000328.html ? 14:51:02 <csatari> #info Maybe can be plugged info a vanilla OpenStack, but we do not for sure. StarlingX is working on partitioning their projects to smaller, independent, decoupled parts. 15:02:39 <csatari> #endmeeting