19:58:15 <ekhugen> #startmeeting WOS-mentoring 19:58:16 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Aug 31 19:58:15 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ekhugen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:58:17 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:58:19 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'wos_mentoring' 19:58:48 <aimeeu> hello! 19:58:54 <ekhugen> hi aimeeu 19:59:04 <ekhugen> anyone else on for WOS-mentoring yet? 19:59:06 <diablo_rojo> Hola :) 19:59:16 <ekhugen> hi diablo_rojo 20:00:05 <ekhugen> we'll give people a few more minutes to join 20:01:31 <ildikov> o/ 20:01:40 <ekhugen> hi ildikov! 20:01:58 <ildikov> hi ekhugen! 20:02:08 <ekhugen> #topic WOS-mentoring agenda https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/WOS_mentoring_12_3 20:02:51 <ekhugen> I guess it's just the 4 of us, so might as well get started 20:03:14 <ekhugen> First topic is speed mentoring at Barcelona 20:03:39 <ekhugen> I think we said we were going to put out a call for more mentors probably next week or so 20:04:06 <ekhugen> does anyone want to volunteer to send out the email to the listservs (probably the general one and the -dev one)? 20:04:12 <diablo_rojo> That survey has been all updated and stuff right? 20:04:45 <ekhugen> oh that's a good point diablo_rojo, I was going to talk about surveys later 20:05:05 <ekhugen> but I still haven't heard back from Erin that the mentoring feedback survey is updated 20:05:20 <ekhugen> we were going to send her the updates to the main survey after we got the feedback survey out 20:05:27 <diablo_rojo> I can volunteer to email the dev one :) 20:05:43 <diablo_rojo> Has the for to be a mentor gotten updated too? 20:05:46 <diablo_rojo> *form 20:05:59 <ekhugen> no, we had the updates for that ready, but we didn't send them to erin yet 20:06:16 <vkmc> o/ 20:06:24 <ekhugen> she was kind of swamped with summit stuff, do you work with her regularly diablo_rojo 20:06:28 <ekhugen> hi vkmc 20:06:34 <diablo_rojo> Erin Disney? 20:06:49 <ekhugen> yes 20:07:21 <diablo_rojo> I can probably get her to give me access to it to make the necessary changes. 20:07:40 <ekhugen> oh that would be great, I can send you an email with the changes 20:07:57 <ekhugen> can you pm me your new email at the foundation, please? 20:08:02 <diablo_rojo> sure :) 20:08:10 <ekhugen> thanks! 20:08:53 <ekhugen> okay, so aside from the call for mentors, anything to talk about on Speed Mentoring? 20:09:22 <aimeeu> Has it been officially scheduled yet? 20:09:29 <diablo_rojo> aimeeu +1 20:09:50 <ekhugen> aimeeu no, I haven't seen that the summit has been opened up for workgroups sessions yet 20:10:17 <aimeeu> Ok. That's coming in the next couple of weeks I presume. 20:10:42 <aimeeu> Are we thinking Tuesday morning? 20:11:06 <ekhugen> I hope it's coming soon 20:11:14 <ekhugen> yes, we were thinking Tuesday morning again, before the keynotes 20:11:59 <diablo_rojo> Seems like a good time to me. 20:12:07 <aimeeu> +1 20:12:44 <ekhugen> we will definitely need volunteers, as well 20:13:16 <ekhugen> should we put out a call for volunteers in the WOS meeting? last time we had 3-4 people and I think that worked out well 20:13:48 <aimeeu> That's probably the best approach. I'm hesitant to commit since I don't know if work is sending me. 20:14:14 <ildikov> it sounds like a good idea, you can never ping people enough times 20:14:25 <diablo_rojo> Volunteering to be the mentors? Or for what? 20:14:26 <ekhugen> okay, the next WOS meeting is on Labor Day in the US, is anyone planning on calling in? 20:14:39 <aimeeu> I think that meeting has been cancelled 20:15:08 <ekhugen> well we said we'd send out a call for mentors in mid-september, but we'll also need volunteers to help direct people/help with the rotations 20:15:25 <ekhugen> also room setup and cleanup 20:15:46 <aimeeu> I can certainly help with setup/cleanup etc (if I'm going...) 20:15:50 <diablo_rojo> ekhugen I would call in. 20:16:05 <diablo_rojo> But I think aimeeu is right.. I think its been cancelled 20:16:11 <aimeeu> The WOS Agenda tracker has the next meeting scheduled for 19 Sept 20:16:18 <diablo_rojo> Should we email the WoO mailing list? Or just wait? 20:16:23 <ekhugen> oh okay, sorry I was looking at the calendar entry instead 20:16:58 <ekhugen> I think waiting until the meeting on the 19th won't be too bad 20:17:11 <ekhugen> hopefully everyone will know for sure if they'll be in Barcelona or not by then 20:17:16 <diablo_rojo> Still over a month in advance. 20:17:28 <diablo_rojo> Yeah that should be good. 20:17:31 <aimeeu> For helping the day off - I'll add it to the meeting agenda etherpad 20:17:43 <ekhugen> thanks aimeeu 20:18:36 <ekhugen> we'll probably also need some help ahead of time, last time we did a prep meeting for the mentors to let them know what to expect 20:18:42 <ekhugen> and we did the baseball cards 20:18:47 <diablo_rojo> I talked to Erin and she is making the changes to the form now. 20:19:24 <ekhugen> oh awesome! it'll be good to get that out and get some feedback on how the first round of matches have gone 20:20:28 <ekhugen> so maybe if we ask at the meeting on the 19th for volunteers to help with the speed mentoring event day of and also help with prep 20:21:20 <diablo_rojo> Sounds good to me 20:21:37 <aimeeu> I've added that to the meeting agenda 20:21:58 <ekhugen> cool, any other questions or topics on Speed Mentoring? 20:23:19 <ekhugen> okay, next topic is interaction with upstream training, ildikov any updates? 20:23:41 <ildikov> the training is now added to the schedule: https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/#day=2016-10-23 20:23:42 <ekhugen> #topic WOS-mentoring interaction with upstream training 20:23:56 <ildikov> ekhugen: sorry, I was too fast :) 20:24:06 <ildikov> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/#day=2016-10-23 20:24:12 <ildikov> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/#day=2016-10-24 20:24:42 <ildikov> the RSVP is also open, we have 50 people as a limit for the course and 20 spots on the waiting list 20:25:10 <ildikov> I've just recognised that the mentoring program question is missing from the form, so I'll ask for an update 20:25:16 <ekhugen> nice ildikov 20:25:48 <ildikov> we are planning for remote/virtual sprints to update the existing content and have new modules as well 20:26:40 <ekhugen> are you still planning a tooling sprint as well? 20:27:11 <ildikov> if anyone interested from this group I created a Doodle poll to see what dates can work: #link http://doodle.com/poll/geaq6fdsg749nsnc 20:27:54 <ildikov> ekhugen: I need to double check that with Marton, but if we can find a slot with a few people interested I think we can add that as well 20:28:29 <ekhugen> alright, let us know 20:28:38 <ildikov> ekhugen: as we are getting closer to the Summit it might get lower priorities depending on progress with the training content and setup 20:28:54 <ekhugen> is the upstream training team looking for everyone to also be in the mentoring program as well as upstream training, or is that just optional 20:29:44 <ildikov> I sent out a mail to the WoO and Docs mailing lists, so if you're interested you can also send a reply, it might gets more people interested 20:30:14 <ekhugen> sounds like a good idea 20:30:22 <ildikov> ekhugen: you mean the attendees to participate in the mentoring program? 20:30:38 <ekhugen> right, last time we really encouraged everyone to sign up for both 20:31:05 <ekhugen> I don't know if that was really necessary though 20:31:20 <ildikov> so the question that's currently missing is Whether the applicants are interested in attending a mentoring program or not 20:31:38 <ekhugen> okay, so we're just going to offer that as an option this time 20:31:40 <ildikov> maybe it's a sign that the phrasing was not good enough in the original one :) 20:32:01 <ildikov> so the thing is that I don't think we can force people into it 20:32:25 <ildikov> so the idea behind the question was to see how much people are interested 20:32:38 <ekhugen> well last time we did spend a lot of time "encouraging" people into it and yeah, maybe it's better to just ask if they're interested 20:32:43 <ildikov> I would like to encourage people as well as we all know the training itself will not be enough 20:33:01 <ildikov> it's a good foundation, but it's really the step before the first kinda thing 20:33:31 <ekhugen> yes, agreed 20:33:37 <ildikov> if you have any suggestion on how to phrase a question to be an encouragement as well that would be great 20:34:10 <ildikov> also if you have any other suggestions I'm happy to do those as well, like social media, etc. 20:34:34 <ekhugen> hm, maybe something like "Mentoring can be a great way to continue learning after the class has ended. Would you be interested in signing up for the long-term mentoring program?" 20:34:48 <ildikov> I would like to avoid having much effort in paring people with mentors, etc. and end up not many people interested 20:35:11 <ildikov> cool, that definitely sounds better than my original one was :) 20:35:46 <ildikov> Thanks! 20:35:59 <ekhugen> yw 20:36:11 <ekhugen> anything else about the interaction with upstream and mentoring? 20:36:21 <ildikov> we are also trying to have a more modular architecture for the training 20:36:42 <ildikov> and extending the scope with modules like documentation or working groups 20:37:21 <ildikov> if any of you have an area in mind that would be great to have covered as part of this training please ping me or add it to the etherpad 20:37:22 <ekhugen> that makes sense, so the modules could be taught individually to groups that have less time? 20:37:50 <ildikov> also if any of you would like to participate in putting together the material for either of these modules you're more than welcomed :) 20:38:21 <ekhugen> thanks 20:38:23 <ildikov> I would rather say that we would like to reach out to people who's primary focus is not necessarily code contribution 20:39:10 <ildikov> so we plan to have a common introduction part to talk about where and how to register, how to communicate, where to find information, etc. 20:39:46 <ildikov> and then have the more specific modules in parallel 20:40:41 <ildikov> like who's interested in code they can learn how to run the unit and functional tests for instance, while others interested more in docs they can learn how to build docs with Sphinx locally 20:40:51 <ekhugen> also good ideas 20:41:14 <ildikov> it also depends how diverse the group will be by the end of the day, maybe everyone will want to do only code this time 20:42:07 <ekhugen> yes, definitely, is there anything you need from the mentoring team, other than maybe help on writing the modules? 20:42:18 <ildikov> but the material itself should be easy to maintain, so I'm not afraid of having wasted efforts on this as it will all be publicly available and can be visited later by anyone to learn something new 20:42:47 <ildikov> I wonder how much you have mentors for these new modules? 20:43:23 <ekhugen> you mean mentors who can help write the modules? 20:43:25 <ildikov> for instance the WG concept sometimes seems a bit unclear to even those who run one 20:43:54 <ildikov> so I meant more how we can help and maybe even mentor these people 20:44:17 <ildikov> I wouldn't say it's for Barcelona though, I think it's a more long term question 20:44:56 <ekhugen> oh like mentors for non-technical things? we do have the career mentoring available for non-technical people 20:45:06 <ekhugen> and I think several of our mentors there are workgroup leaders 20:45:21 <ildikov> ah ok, that's great! 20:46:11 <ildikov> then I would say if anyone can chime in and if not writing, but reviewing the material as we go that would be very helpful 20:46:55 <ildikov> in my experience reviewing can be an even bigger bottleneck than finding someone to add content 20:47:00 <ekhugen> okay, maybe we can send out a note to our career mentors at some point and ask if any of them are interested in helping review the material 20:47:04 <ekhugen> maybe after barcelona 20:47:18 <ildikov> that sounds good 20:47:49 <ildikov> I can also send out summary mails with a few review links as a reminder if anyone has the bandwidth to check them 20:47:59 <ekhugen> okay, cool 20:48:25 <ildikov> I don't have much more in mind now, I think we touched on the most important parts 20:48:48 <ekhugen> okay, thanks! 20:48:55 <ekhugen> next topic was the graduation plan 20:49:09 <ekhugen> #topic mentoring graduation plan 20:49:29 <ekhugen> last time we said we wanted to wait until we had some more people 20:50:29 <ekhugen> do we have enough people to discuss it? or do we want to wait for the feedback survey results to discuss it more? 20:50:33 <diablo_rojo> Right. I still don't have any ideas lol. 20:50:44 <diablo_rojo> I think the survey results would help. 20:50:50 <aimeeu> Maybe the survey results will give us ideas 20:50:53 <diablo_rojo> And the survey hasn't been sent out yet right? 20:51:13 <ekhugen> right, once erin has that updated, we can send it out 20:51:20 <diablo_rojo> I have a link for it that I can pm to whomever wants to right the email to the current mentor/mentees. 20:51:32 <diablo_rojo> Ha ha *write 20:51:36 <diablo_rojo> not right 20:51:41 <diablo_rojo> Wow its been a long day 20:51:57 <ekhugen> it's just this one, right (write :-p)? https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/mentoring_feedback_survey 20:52:19 <diablo_rojo> Yes that looks right ;) 20:52:56 <ekhugen> so yes, does anyone want to volunteer to send out the emails (after Erin gets the updates in, obvs)? 20:53:07 <ekhugen> I can generate the list of emails 20:54:14 <diablo_rojo> Wait a sec..she said it was updated... this is the link she gave me. https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/mentoring_feedback_survey 20:54:36 <diablo_rojo> Does that not have the changes? 20:54:48 <ekhugen> well it doesn't say Austin anymore so that's update. I think we also asked if the follow up question could have a box for them to put in a way for us to follow up 20:55:01 <ekhugen> because otherwise we won't know how to contact them 20:55:11 <ekhugen> (or even who they are) 20:56:50 <ekhugen> I can send erin a follow up email 20:57:05 <diablo_rojo> Okay cool. 20:57:11 <ekhugen> I think we only have a few minutes left before the next meeting starts, any other topics? 20:57:27 <ekhugen> are we okay with every other week meetings, or should we go back to every week as we get closer to the summit 20:57:34 <ekhugen> #topic open discussion 20:58:09 <diablo_rojo> Maybe do every week towards the end of September/ start of October? 20:58:32 <ekhugen> okay we'll revisit in on the 14th 20:58:37 <ekhugen> revisit it* 20:58:52 <ekhugen> thanks everyone for attending! 20:59:17 <diablo_rojo> Thank you! 20:59:22 <ekhugen> #endmeeting