20:08:30 <CarolBarrett> #startmeeting WOS Mentoring 20:08:30 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep 21 20:08:30 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is CarolBarrett. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:08:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:08:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'wos_mentoring' 20:08:44 <CarolBarrett> Hi All - Sorry for being late 20:08:47 <aimeeu> hello! 20:08:50 <CarolBarrett> Who is here for the mentoring team meeting? 20:08:56 <CarolBarrett> Hi Aimeeu 20:08:59 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: hi :) 20:09:13 <vkmc> o/ 20:09:14 <CarolBarrett> Glad you could join Ildikov 20:09:15 <vkmc> hey hey 20:09:22 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: if we have audio, I'm only on IRC 20:09:32 <CarolBarrett> Only IRC today 20:09:47 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: ok, cool, tnx for clarification! 20:09:53 <mrmartin> o/ 20:09:59 <CarolBarrett> Emily isn't joining today, but she laid out the agena 20:10:19 <CarolBarrett> The 1st item is about the Speed Mentoring - Call for Mentors 20:11:37 <CarolBarrett> I don't see any update on this in email or on wiki - Does anyone know status? 20:12:48 <CarolBarrett> OK - then let's move to the next topic 20:12:54 <CarolBarrett> #topic Upstream Training 20:13:05 <CarolBarrett> Idilkov can you give an update on this? 20:13:58 <ildikov> yeap 20:14:17 <ildikov> we are having progress with updating the already existing content 20:14:46 <ildikov> we have a few patches merged already and will continue and hopefully finish until the training with the updates 20:15:01 <ildikov> I was asking about mentors here last week 20:15:08 <ildikov> I don't have an update on that part yet 20:15:35 <ildikov> we are aiming for at least 5 but maybe even up to 10 mentors/helpers for the actual training 20:15:38 <vkmc> ildikov, is there a bug tracker or something for the upstream training content? 20:16:21 <ildikov> vkmc: we have an etherpad, I need to update it a bit with the latest progress: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/upstream-university-improvements 20:17:09 <ildikov> vkmc: the open reviews are here: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/training-guides 20:17:15 <ildikov> tagged with [upstream] 20:17:16 <CarolBarrett> ildkov: do you have people working with you on the mentor content? 20:17:19 <vkmc> ildikov, thx 20:17:35 <ildikov> the basic idea is update everything we can get to and add notes to the etherpad regarding who's working on what 20:17:47 <ildikov> we are also re-organising content a bit 20:18:15 <ildikov> vkmc: if you plan to help out, you can either pick a section and update that or you can also think about ideas for exercises 20:18:58 <ildikov> I would like to have more conversation and hands on even when we're at the beginning and more of lectures than touching code I think it's better to let people talk, search fro information for themselves, etc 20:19:45 <ildikov> so basically I think we could do a better job to teach people how to solve problems and spend a bit less time with just talk to them 20:19:49 <CarolBarrett> That makes sense to me - there are lots of ways for people to contribute to the community 20:19:55 <vkmc> ildikov++ 20:20:17 <vkmc> yeah, I got that feeling... people were expecting to have a hand-on rather than hearing more about governance and that 20:20:23 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: I think there's a sign up for mentorship that includes the question that who can participate on the training 20:20:40 <CarolBarrett> On the website? 20:20:47 <vkmc> something I think it will be helpful as well, is to explain the dynamic of the workshop before starting 20:20:55 <ildikov> vkmc: I think we could somehow make even the governance part more interesting if we put some thoughts around that 20:20:58 <vkmc> say... we are going to explain you this and that, and you will do this and that 20:21:02 <vkmc> ildikov, agree 20:21:13 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: that's a good question, I would need to check the logs from the last meeting to be sure 20:21:29 <CarolBarrett> #link: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Mentors 20:21:46 <vkmc> ildikov, we could do some improv in order to illustrate which kind of situations governance deal with and how do they do it 20:21:58 <CarolBarrett> #link: https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/mentoring 20:22:02 <ildikov> vkmc: yeap, and having exercises about finding the info and then we can talk about the meaning of things and focus on best practices, etc 20:22:05 <vkmc> yeah 20:22:49 <ildikov> vkmc: +1, so if you have time and interest in brainstorming about ideas to improve these things please let me know! 20:22:50 <CarolBarrett> I don't see anything about creating content for training in the mentoring sign-up form or the wiki 20:23:14 <CarolBarrett> Think we need a plan for this, esp if you want content by Barcelona - is that your target? 20:23:54 <vkmc> ildikov, will do! thanks 20:24:13 <ildikov> vkmc: we plan to have a Google Hangout on aligning about the content updates this week: http://doodle.com/poll/7x2wtpqa2579eihb 20:24:23 <vkmc> ildikov, awesome! 20:24:31 <ildikov> if you can find any slot that works for you, we can touch on this topic as well 20:24:49 <CarolBarrett> Gotcha - thanks! 20:24:51 <ildikov> Friday looks the most probable day 20:25:07 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: the content update is ongoing and we have a few hands for that 20:25:13 <CarolBarrett> Anything else on this topic? 20:25:14 <vkmc> yeah... friday would work better for me too 20:25:22 <vkmc> great, let's do that 20:25:39 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: when I'll have more info about the sig ups I will have a better idea how many people interested in participating in the mentoring program 20:26:02 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: also we need people for the training who sit together with the students and help them 20:26:15 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: that's not finalised yet, who can come and do that 20:26:33 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: also, do you have any update on having content for the WGs module? 20:26:40 <ildikov> vkmc: great! 20:26:52 <CarolBarrett> ildikov: What signups are you referring to? Upstream training? 20:27:21 <ildikov> vkmc: considering your mentoring expertise, I would be really glad if we could count on you on this! 20:27:28 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: yeap 20:27:40 <vkmc> ildikov, sure thing, I booked my flights accordingly :) 20:27:43 <CarolBarrett> ildikov: Working to have a draft of the WG content this week - Edgar and I discussed the outline in Guadalajara 20:27:48 <CarolBarrett> OK 20:27:53 <vkmc> ildikov, will be arriving BCN on Saturday night 20:28:01 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: we added a small questionnaire about areas of interest and also the willingness of participating in the mentoring program 20:28:20 <ildikov> vkmc: amazing!!! tnx! :) 20:28:24 <vkmc> np! 20:28:30 <CarolBarrett> ildikov: to what questionaire was this added? 20:28:47 <ildikov> vkmc: I also meant the preparation part as I smell you have great ideas how to make the training more interesting! :) 20:29:08 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: the registration form to the training contains it 20:29:08 <vkmc> ildikov, sure, count me in for that as well 20:29:39 <CarolBarrett> All sounds good 20:29:42 <CarolBarrett> Ready to move on? 20:29:45 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: we felt it could be a good idea to check what people are up to and get enough mentors to cover the needs 20:29:54 <ildikov> vkmc: tnx much! 20:29:55 <CarolBarrett> +1 20:30:16 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: yeap, we can sync up on the WGs separately 20:30:21 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: thank you! 20:30:27 <CarolBarrett> OK - Next topic 20:30:40 <CarolBarrett> #topic • Follow ups with mentors freed from matches 20:30:50 <CarolBarrett> MeganR are you here? 20:31:29 <CarolBarrett> I don't see her here - Does anyone else have an update on this? 20:31:57 <CarolBarrett> OK - moving along... 20:32:08 <CarolBarrett> #topic Graduation plan discussion 20:32:40 <CarolBarrett> This topic is about how do we define 'done' for a mentoring session? 20:33:01 <CarolBarrett> And how do we communicate that and facilitate that with the matches 20:33:30 <CarolBarrett> Thoughts? 20:35:00 <CarolBarrett> The main purpose of wanting to define the end of a mentoring session is to enable new mentees to be paired up 20:35:19 * diablo_rojo sneaks in lae 20:35:21 <diablo_rojo> *late 20:35:28 <CarolBarrett> and to help keep a focus on working towards goals in a mentoring relationship 20:35:41 <aimeeu> I received feedback from a mentee on the graduation subject and am trying to locate the email... 20:35:48 <CarolBarrett> Hi diablo_rojo - thanks for joining 20:36:09 <CarolBarrett> aimeeu: that would be good to hear 20:38:04 <CarolBarrett> Ok - if there's no thoughts on this one, we can move on.... 20:38:04 <aimeeu> found it! Jaime thought checking in at 3 months was a good idea but had no opinion on graduation or length of program 20:38:31 <diablo_rojo> I would agree with that 20:38:37 <CarolBarrett> aimeeu: Thanks - Do you know if the check-in emails were sent? 20:39:03 <CarolBarrett> do either of you have thoughts on how long we should support a match before we propose they graduate? 20:39:11 <ildikov> I think it's also good to have a "target" to reach as opposed to something seemingly endless 20:39:20 <diablo_rojo> I think its going to vary based on the pair of people 20:39:21 <aimeeu> CarolBarrett: Yes, I think Emily or maybe Megan (or Danielle?) sent emails 20:39:25 <ildikov> and I didn't really mean time as target 20:39:52 <aimeeu> I remember Jaime saying that the mentoring relationship just kind of comes to a natural end, some pairs sooner than others 20:40:05 <ildikov> but more to see how successful the mentee is and how much he/she can do things by him/herself, etc. 20:40:06 <CarolBarrett> Agree 1 size doesn't fit all - what are some of the thoughts on options? 20:40:22 <diablo_rojo> Erin Disney at the foundation updated the follow up survey, but I dont know that its been sent out to current mentor/mentees 20:40:50 <diablo_rojo> I have the survey though so if I get a list of names I can email the current group. 20:41:41 <CarolBarrett> diablo_rojo: Do you want to ping Erin and check on her plans? 20:42:03 <diablo_rojo> For? 20:42:18 <diablo_rojo> I don't think she was the one that was going to send it out to the group. 20:42:31 <diablo_rojo> Not sure who signed up for that 20:42:50 <CarolBarrett> I was thinking to see if she plans to send out the updated survey or if she was looking to you (or someone else) to do that 20:43:22 <diablo_rojo> Someone else had volunteered I thought 20:43:24 <CarolBarrett> I think we'd need to get the list of names from Emily 20:43:26 <diablo_rojo> Don't remember who though 20:43:34 <diablo_rojo> Might have to look back through logs. 20:43:35 <CarolBarrett> can you share the link to survey? 20:43:54 <diablo_rojo> I had volunteered to send out the new survey to collect more mentor/mentees/ 20:44:10 <diablo_rojo> Sure one sec 20:44:50 <diablo_rojo> https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/mentoring_feedback_survey 20:44:54 <CarolBarrett> diablo_rojo: Gotcha! For that one, it would seem like we'd send it to a couple of Community mail lists. Like: Dev, User Committee, Product WG, etc 20:46:08 <diablo_rojo> I can definitely do that. I am only subscribed to the dev so thats what I was going to do, but I can add the others. 20:47:15 <CarolBarrett> diablo_rojo: you can find a list of the maillists here: 20:47:22 <CarolBarrett> #link http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo 20:47:31 <diablo_rojo> CarolBarrett gracias :) 20:48:32 <CarolBarrett> I think it would be good to include Community, Foundation, Marketing, OpenStack, Openstack-dev, Product-WG, User Committee, Women-of-Openstack 20:48:48 <CarolBarrett> diablo_rojo: can you send that out this week? 20:49:13 <diablo_rojo> Yep :) 20:49:24 <CarolBarrett> Great! Thank you! 20:49:33 <CarolBarrett> The last topic for today 20:49:46 <CarolBarrett> #Topic Mentoring for people coming from other open source projects 20:50:32 <CarolBarrett> I think this is about helping people coming from other OpenSource communities (OPNFV as an example) to understand how to contribute to OpenStack 20:50:50 <ildikov> that would be really good 20:51:29 <ildikov> and I think having some focus on things like WGs is even more important for this one 20:51:32 <CarolBarrett> ildikov - Have you gotten requests for this type of content? 20:52:02 <ildikov> not directly 20:52:35 <ildikov> I was involved in OPNFV a bit more earlier 20:52:48 <diablo_rojo> Gotta drop here, but if there is anything else you need from me- bother ildikov and she can tell me :) 20:52:55 <CarolBarrett> I see the value of this, but given that we can't meet the mentoring match demand from within our community, I would rather use content on our website or a session at a Summit to handle this 20:53:35 <ildikov> if we can just have more pointers regarding how they can participate that helps as sometimes even communication about ideas go slowly and not always that well 20:54:17 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: at this stage I agree, let's point them to the doors and address mentoring when that step is done if you know how I mean 20:54:41 <ildikov> diablo_rojo: sure, don't read the logs, I will give you tasks! ;) 20:54:43 <CarolBarrett> Is the upstream training recorded? Could we point them to the section on WGs? 20:55:26 <ildikov> as far as I know it's not 20:55:48 <ildikov> but I think I can get a lightning talk slot, I will ask 20:55:53 <CarolBarrett> Oh well. We can always post the content for people to find 20:56:03 <CarolBarrett> That would be good 20:56:19 <ildikov> recording the whole training is not that valuable from the perspective of it is hands-on mostly and we plan to have group exercises 20:56:49 <ildikov> but I'm sure we can find a way to cover this, I will ask around and let you know 20:56:51 <CarolBarrett> understand - was really looking for just this 1 module 20:56:58 <CarolBarrett> Thank you. 20:57:06 <CarolBarrett> We're almost out of time - any opens? 20:57:08 <CarolBarrett> #topic Opens 20:57:13 <vkmc> quick one 20:57:24 <vkmc> Outreachy internships application has opened last week 20:57:35 <vkmc> we would need to spread the word about this program 20:57:43 <vkmc> deadline for application is Oct 17 20:58:06 <CarolBarrett> is there a link you can share? 20:58:10 <vkmc> there is 20:58:18 <CarolBarrett> I haven't heard about this 20:58:19 <vkmc> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Outreachy 20:58:28 <CarolBarrett> Thanks! 20:58:41 <vkmc> we have a few internship ideas already and several interested applicants 20:58:43 <vkmc> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Internship_ideas 20:58:51 <CarolBarrett> Thanks 20:58:58 <CarolBarrett> Any other opens? 20:59:02 <vkmc> thanks! 20:59:45 <CarolBarrett> OK - That's it for today. Emily will be back for our meeting next week. Thanks Everyone! 20:59:56 <CarolBarrett> #endmeeting