20:00:22 <ekhugen> #startmeeting wos-mentoring 20:00:23 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 12 20:00:22 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ekhugen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:00:26 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'wos_mentoring' 20:00:43 * diablo_rojo waves 20:00:54 <CarolBarrett> Hi 20:00:59 * ekhugen waves to diablo_rojo and CarolBarrett 20:01:04 <diablo_rojo> :) 20:01:19 <aimeeu> good day! 20:01:29 <ekhugen> hi aimeeu! 20:01:35 <ekhugen> anyone else here for wos-mentoring? 20:02:00 <ildikov> o/ 20:02:20 <ekhugen> hi ildikov! 20:02:29 <ekhugen> #topic Speed Mentoring 20:02:54 <ekhugen> so I haven't heard back from the foundation what our current signup numbers are yet 20:03:50 <ekhugen> I know Nicole wanted all the baseball card info by Friday 20:03:53 <CarolBarrett> That's too bad 20:04:05 <diablo_rojo> Who did you ask ekhugen ? 20:04:28 <CarolBarrett> I have gotten limited responses to the email I sent to the volunteer mentors - no bball card info yet... 20:04:46 <ekhugen> diablo_rojo I sent an email to erin disney 20:05:21 <diablo_rojo> ekhugen, let me see if I can get the number for you. 20:05:50 <ekhugen> carolbarrett last year I think we took info from the mentoring surveys, but I don't know if all our mentors this year are also signed up on the form 20:06:35 <CarolBarrett> I'll send a reminder email tomorrow, for the Friday deadline. If we don't get responses, we can see about cobbling the info together. 20:06:42 <CarolBarrett> Are there any new Mentor volunteers? 20:06:45 <ekhugen> I will look though and see if there's any information in the forms we can use 20:06:59 <CarolBarrett> Sounds good - Thanks 20:07:19 <ekhugen> hopefully diablo_rojo will tell us shortly if there are any new mentors on the list 20:07:51 <diablo_rojo> We have 22 people signed up for the Speed Mentoring session 20:08:10 <diablo_rojo> Let me check on mentor/mentee signups. 20:08:41 <diablo_rojo> We have 36 mentors/mentees 20:09:28 <ekhugen> wow, that's a pretty big jump, can you send me and carol the list of mentor names and emails, please? 20:09:39 <CarolBarrett> Good Stuff 20:09:53 <diablo_rojo> give me email addresses and I will share the spreadsheet with you :) 20:10:12 <diablo_rojo> Emily I think you are already on it. 20:10:50 <ekhugen> cool, thanks diablo_rojo 20:10:55 <aimeeu> +1 20:11:34 <diablo_rojo> You guys should have access now. 20:12:03 <CarolBarrett_> Sorry, had to drop and rejoin. Can you repost the link? 20:12:17 <ekhugen> so we'll see, but hopefully we'll have an equal mix of mentors in career and technical, do we need to have a threshhold number to have two separate groups? 20:12:35 <diablo_rojo> CarolBarrett_, I added you to the spreadsheet so you should have an email about it :) 20:12:48 <CarolBarrett_> Thanks - Just got it 20:13:01 <diablo_rojo> Cool :) 20:13:10 <ekhugen> oh sorry, that's the mentoring form, erin had one that just showed the RSVPs for the Speed Mentoring session 20:13:40 <diablo_rojo> Oh, let me see if I can get access to that. 20:13:41 <ekhugen> she just sent me a summary, she didn't give me access to a spreadsheet 20:14:50 <CarolBarrett_> It looks like there are 12 Mentors 20:15:20 <CarolBarrett_> ekhugen: should I send the email to the new mentor signups? 20:15:23 <ekhugen> right, those people may or may not have signed up for Speed mentoring though 20:15:36 <CarolBarrett_> ohhhhh 20:15:52 <ekhugen> sorry, too many spreadsheets 20:16:02 <diablo_rojo> Some of them may have indicated wanting to help with other events though 20:16:23 <diablo_rojo> Second to last question in the survey 20:17:18 <ekhugen> yes, so last week I did reach out to the mentors signed up to ask if they wanted to do upstream university 20:17:45 <ekhugen> and we got a couple, I'll probably send out another email this week to the new mentor signups, I think ildikov still needs mentors for that, right? 20:18:14 <ildikov> ekhugen: yeap, that's correct 20:18:42 <ildikov> ekhugen: we have people for Monday, we're short on Sunday 20:18:48 <ekhugen> I can mention speed mentoring too in that email 20:19:14 <ekhugen> okay, I'll mention that in the email too 20:19:26 <ildikov> ekhugen: thank you! 20:19:27 <Nicole> Quick clarification ... How many do we have for the speed mentoring session on Monday? 20:19:59 <diablo_rojo> Nicole, 22 people signed up. Not sure what the breakdown is exactly. 20:20:58 <ekhugen> so with the small number of signups, do we still want to have two groups, for career and technical mentoring? 20:21:38 <CarolBarrett_> Can we make that call next week? Do you recall whether the sign-ups came in just before the Austin summit too? 20:22:51 <ekhugen> carolbarrett_ I think we can wait until next week, I think for austin we were tracking more by this time 20:22:59 <diablo_rojo> Looks like 7 of the signups said they were mentors. 20:23:17 <ekhugen> so that's just one more than we had on our list, right? 20:23:17 <Nicole_> Excellent, thanks! 20:23:42 <diablo_rojo> I *think* so 20:23:54 <Nicole_> And I think the request for mentor stats/data went out earlier, with a due date of this Friday. Carol distributed. 20:24:15 <ekhugen> Nicole_ can you take info next week as well? 20:24:23 <CarolBarrett_> Yes 20:24:28 <diablo_rojo> So maybe we need to poke at our mentors and ask for the bbcard data? 20:24:52 <ekhugen> I think carol mentioned she was planning to do that 20:24:58 <CarolBarrett_> diablo_rojo: I was planning to send a note tomorrow as a reminder 20:25:01 <diablo_rojo> Way ahead of me :) 20:25:21 <ekhugen> thanks CarolBarrett_ diablo_rojo can you send her the 7th mentor signup name/email, please? 20:25:53 <Nicole_> Next Monday is the latest to make our print run date for the bb cards. 20:26:06 <ekhugen> the 17th? 20:26:07 <Nicole_> I'll be handcarrying them over. 20:26:20 <CarolBarrett_> It's going to be tight! 20:26:25 <Nicole_> Yes, Mon, 17th. 20:26:42 <Nicole_> Let me know if I need to negotiate a rush / workaround. 20:27:00 <diablo_rojo> ekhugen, On it. 20:27:04 <ekhugen> okay, I think we actually have a good number of mentors for the number of mentees right now 20:27:14 <ekhugen> I'm not sure that we need to ask for more mentors, right? 20:27:44 <CarolBarrett_> Do we know the balance for tech/career across mentees and mentors? 20:27:53 <Nicole_> How many mentors did we have in Austin? 20:28:07 <diablo_rojo> I think the ratio is good. More mentees would be nice, but I think that with this proportion there will be a higher quality of interaction. 20:28:27 <Nicole_> yes, agree, it does seem so. 20:29:02 <ekhugen> in Austin I think we had like 20 20:29:12 <ekhugen> but then we had about 75 signups 20:29:48 <Nicole_> And Austin was the first speed mentoring session, right? So, maybe we're simply seeing a difference in domestic vs international? 20:30:00 <ekhugen> yes, that's correct 20:30:00 <diablo_rojo> To be fair, IBM, HPE and now Mirantis are all doing huge layoffs so the attendance will be less in Barcelona than Austin 20:30:50 <CarolBarrett_> Tough times! 20:31:00 <aimeeu> so is AT&T, and we are sending only a small group 20:31:01 <ekhugen> is overall attendance much less? I wonder too if we aren't seeing as many new people as in Austin 20:31:37 * aimeeu apologizes to all for sneaking away to an appointment 20:31:45 <ekhugen> thanks aimeeu 20:31:54 <ekhugen> let us know if you have any questions! 20:32:36 <ekhugen> okay, so we have this presentation for the mentor call next week https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lkt5NAhhFnGgRFuOCoiliJLJDxo1tAWle0dkYhvxnm8/edit#slide=id.g110437b82a_0_0 20:32:48 <ekhugen> that goes over the basic flow, are there any questions about that? 20:32:58 <ekhugen> I think Nicole's bringing the baseball cards and the lanyards 20:33:02 <ekhugen> I'm bringing a bell 20:33:28 <ekhugen> Nicole are you bringing table numbers? 20:34:07 <CarolBarrett_> I think the slides look good! 20:34:44 <ekhugen> oops nicole_ are you bringing table numbers? 20:35:07 <Nicole_> yes 20:35:15 <ekhugen> awesome 20:35:25 <ekhugen> anything else that anyone can think of that we need to bring? 20:35:39 <CarolBarrett_> nothing comes to mind 20:36:03 <Nicole_> and reconfirming -- we're also bringing the baseball cards & jeweled lanyards. 20:36:15 <ekhugen> diablo_rojo, I hate to keep asking for spreadsheet links, but Megan didn't join this week, do you have the follow-up survey results? 20:36:25 <ekhugen> sounds good Nicole_ 20:37:08 <Nicole_> re the baseball cards, any insight into print quantity per mentor? 20:37:32 <ekhugen> well if we have roughly 15 mentee signups right now 20:37:41 <diablo_rojo> Let me see if I have access to that one myself. 20:38:01 <ekhugen> to be safe, let's assume double that 20:38:22 <ekhugen> so each table would have 4-5 mentees, and if we do 3 rotations, that's 15 mentees per mentor 20:38:34 <ekhugen> so 15 of each baseball card sound good? 20:39:17 <Nicole_> sounds good! 20:40:06 <Nicole_> actually, we'll print 20 per mentor, to be safe ... i think it's 4 cards per sheet. 20:40:41 <ekhugen> okay, and I'll look into whether we have any mentors or mentees who can share their experiences, based on the responses to the follow up survey 20:41:13 <ekhugen> anything else for speed mentoring? 20:41:58 <CarolBarrett_> nothing from me 20:41:58 <ekhugen> okay, I think maybe time-wise we should skip to upstream university 20:42:06 <ekhugen> #topic upstream university 20:42:21 <ekhugen> ildikov, anything you want to talk about with that, other than the need for mentors on sunday? 20:42:38 <ildikov> that's the main thing 20:43:04 <ekhugen> okay, any other questions on upstream? 20:43:06 <ildikov> we are getting better with the content, will give a thought of the agenda and timing of the modules and breaks 20:43:23 <ildikov> as I said earlier Sunday is more of an issue 20:43:35 <ildikov> but we could use more people overall 20:43:46 <ildikov> we have over 60 people signed up for the training 20:44:00 <ekhugen> wow, so that's tracking even more people than austin, right? 20:44:14 <ildikov> I'll contact them tomorrow the latest and try to get confirmation they're coming 20:44:32 <ekhugen> cool 20:44:53 <ildikov> we planned to draw the line at 50 now too, but the numbers got a push recently 20:45:14 <ildikov> so we closed the registration now and see how many people we can actually get in the room finally 20:45:22 <ekhugen> could we maybe advertise speed mentoring at the upstream training too? 20:45:36 <ildikov> of course! 20:46:04 <ekhugen> cool 20:46:26 <ekhugen> anything else on upstream? 20:46:27 <ildikov> if anyone here can come by on Monday to say a few words or diablo_rojo and myself will do that 20:46:38 <diablo_rojo> ekhugen, I added you to the Mentoring Feedback Spreadsheet. 20:46:44 <ekhugen> thanks diablo_rojo 20:47:19 <ekhugen> I think I'm doing greeting at the registration desk on Monday afternoon, is the upstream rooms near that? 20:47:45 <ekhugen> I could probably stop in quickly, near the end of the training? 20:48:01 <ildikov> ekhugen: that's a pretty good question, I haven't checked yet 20:48:13 <ildikov> ekhugen: will come back to you on this 20:48:42 <ekhugen> okay, sure 20:49:09 <ekhugen> okay anything else for upstream? 20:49:58 <ekhugen> #topic summit meetup 20:50:12 <ekhugen> I think we talked last week about meeting for breakfast on Thursday morning 20:50:30 <ekhugen> did 8am work for people, or was that too early (or not early enough?) 20:50:53 <CarolBarrett_> Yes! 20:51:51 <Nicole_> i'd love to meet up. 8a works for me. 20:52:54 <ekhugen> okay, is anyone else at the barcelona princess hotel? 20:53:06 <ekhugen> it sounds like they have a breakfast buffet 20:53:06 <CarolBarrett_> Not me - I'm at the Hilton 20:53:31 <CarolBarrett_> How far is that from the CCIB? 20:54:12 <ekhugen> the princess hotel is the one right by the ccib 20:54:40 <ekhugen> the hilton is right there too though 20:55:19 <ekhugen> would the hilton be better (or maybe cheaper) for breakfast? 20:55:45 <CarolBarrett_> As long as it's in the area, I'm good meeting there 20:56:36 <CarolBarrett_> No idea about cheaper... 20:57:07 <ekhugen> they have an alacarte breakfast, it looks like 20:57:21 <ekhugen> so let's plan to meet at the hilton at 8? 20:57:38 <ekhugen> is everyone on the groupme app? 20:57:44 <ekhugen> so we can get in touch that way? 20:57:58 <CarolBarrett_> I'm not yet, but will get on it. Do you want to send out a meeting invite too? 20:58:05 <ekhugen> sure, I can do that 20:58:32 <ekhugen> okay, any other topics in our last few minutes? 20:58:34 <CarolBarrett_> Thanks 20:58:47 <CarolBarrett_> nothing from me 20:59:03 <ekhugen> okay, well thanks everyone! 20:59:12 <ekhugen> have a good afternoon/evening! 20:59:19 <CarolBarrett_> Talk to you soon 20:59:34 <ekhugen> #endmeeting