20:00:11 <ekhugen_alt> #startmeeting wos-mentoring 20:00:12 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 9 20:00:11 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ekhugen_alt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:00:15 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'wos_mentoring' 20:00:39 <ekhugen_alt> hi, who's here for women of openstack mentoring? 20:01:05 <ekhugen_alt> aimeeu? 20:01:19 <ekhugen_alt> ildikov? 20:01:44 <ildikov> o/ 20:02:05 <aimeeu> Hello! 20:02:29 <ekhugen_alt> we also have danielle on the phone 20:03:15 <ildikov> ekhugen_alt: should I call in too? 20:03:35 <ekhugen_alt> I think danielle is going to join the IRC chat, actually 20:03:50 <aimeeu> Ok - I was just looking up the number. ;) 20:03:54 <ildikov> ok, cool :) 20:03:59 <ekhugen_alt> I know Carol said she had a conflict 20:04:44 <ekhugen_alt> #topic Speed Mentoring 20:04:53 <ekhugen_alt> Any feedback from the speed mentoring session to discuss? 20:05:00 <ekhugen_alt> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/speed-mentoring-barcelona 20:05:58 <ekhugen_alt> I think one of the things we're going to request for next summit is to have it during lunch instead 20:06:06 <ekhugen_alt> hi DanielleLynch! 20:06:52 <ildikov> ekhugen_alt: I think that should be better timing 20:06:54 <aimeeu> That sounds like a good idea. 20:07:10 <ildikov> ekhugen_alt: like how we agreed on this for the WOO gathering as well 20:07:27 <ildikov> there are always many people dealing with jet lag, etc. 20:07:52 <aimeeu> ... or late nights socializing with colleagues... 20:08:09 <ekhugen_alt> I wondered, did anyone hear back from mentors about how they thought it went? 20:08:18 <ekhugen_alt> did people like the career/technical split? 20:09:44 <aimeeu> I thought people liked it, although I haven't heard from anyone directly 20:10:09 <ekhugen_alt> I think the app feedback was all 5 stars, but not a lot of constructive feedback 20:10:46 <ekhugen_alt> anything else for speed mentoring? 20:10:46 <aimeeu> ah, yes, people always have a hard time creating constructive feedback 20:11:13 <ekhugen_alt> I think there are going to be some questions about it in the survey nithya is making for WoO 20:12:13 <ekhugen_alt> so next topic, feedback survey 20:12:18 <ekhugen_alt> #topic Feedback Survey 20:12:24 <ekhugen_alt> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w0lQUva-vHHdHU3WLEqFnuC-FGuzI6Ma2J6Q8YKRONk/edit#gid=0 20:12:43 <ekhugen_alt> I think that kendall made that viewable 20:13:09 <ekhugen_alt> a lot of the feedback seems to be around making goals and also making sure that mentors/mentees are actually interested and available 20:14:16 <ekhugen_alt> I need to send another note to the foundation to ask if we have the contact info for people who said they could be contacted later 20:14:32 <ekhugen_alt> since that bit of info somehow missed the spreadsheet 20:15:19 <ekhugen_alt> I think maybe I'll extract the comments into an email, unless someone else wants to volunteer to do that? 20:16:04 <aimeeu> The only constructive criticism is around better defining the program - goals, timeframe, expectations 20:16:34 <ekhugen_alt> yeah, so I thought with the next round of matches, I'd make them respond within a week if they want to stay matched 20:17:06 <ekhugen_alt> I think maybe we gave people too long before we unmatched them, and then that made following up hard 20:17:30 <aimeeu> That sounds good. I think the "biweekly updates" is a bit of stretch for everyone involved. 20:17:49 <ekhugen_alt> maybe then follow up at 1 month to ask if they have goals defined 20:17:57 <ekhugen_alt> just to provide more structure 20:18:19 <aimeeu> How about giving them some defined goals as a starting point? 20:19:29 <ekhugen_alt> so we had a getting started guide with example goals 20:19:34 <ekhugen_alt> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rXLWga17J3TXENNTvJgNJ4ol9N3_FgH20y_gFrITR_Y/edit 20:19:53 <ekhugen_alt> are you thinking of something more than that aimeeu? 20:19:56 <aimeeu> ah, ooops, I guess some of the mentors and mentees weren't the only ones to not read the guid 20:20:23 <ekhugen_alt> is there a way we could make the getting started guide more readable/accessible? 20:20:30 <aimeeu> Nope - your goals look good. 20:20:50 <aimeeu> Maybe not Google Docs? 20:21:30 <ekhugen_alt> aimeeu do you think it should be directly in the wiki? or is there a better format? https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Mentors 20:22:02 <aimeeu> I'm thinking of the fewest clicks possible, so yes probably the wiki. 20:22:22 <ekhugen_alt> do you want to take a stab at extracting the google doc into a wiki section? 20:22:28 <ekhugen_alt> aimeeu ^? 20:23:07 <aimeeu> I'll try - it may happen in the middle of Dec tho - gearing up for an OPNFV Plugfest/Hackfest in the beginning of Dec 20:23:42 <ekhugen_alt> okay, I'll just put a direct link to it in the match emails for the next round of matches 20:23:52 <aimeeu> sounds good 20:23:53 <ekhugen_alt> so hopefully they'll read it 20:24:12 <ekhugen_alt> anything else on the feedback survey? 20:24:45 <ekhugen_alt> #topic Next round of matches 20:25:08 <ekhugen_alt> so I sent out the email a bit ago with the automated matching tool and the suggested matches, did anyone get a chance to look at that? 20:25:55 <ekhugen_alt> I'm waiting for Carol's feedback on the career matches 20:26:46 <ekhugen_alt> I did also start to get an openstack project going so others can contribute to the matching code too https://review.openstack.org/#/c/393926/ 20:28:52 <ekhugen_alt> Any other feedback or concerns on the automated matches or the next round? I know we're later than we wanted to be with it 20:30:03 * aimeeu shamefully still trying to locate Emily's email 20:30:20 <ekhugen_alt> oh I can re-send it aimeeu 20:30:25 <ekhugen_alt> I think it was during summit week 20:31:13 <aimeeu> found it 20:31:27 <ekhugen_alt> cool 20:33:07 <ekhugen_alt> maybe if people think of any feedback we can discuss over email? 20:33:36 <aimeeu> Sounds good 20:33:40 <ekhugen_alt> I think I'm out of topics 20:33:43 <ekhugen_alt> #topic open 20:34:06 <ekhugen_alt> ildikov any feedback from the upstream university on the mentoring program? 20:34:31 <ildikov> we tried to encourage people to sign up to the mentoring program 20:34:48 <ildikov> we also sent out the links in the follow up mail after the training 20:35:16 <ildikov> I know that there were people interested, I don't have info whether they finally signed up or not though 20:35:33 <ekhugen_alt> we have 43 signups right now in the spreadsheet 20:35:54 <ekhugen_alt> I don't know when they all came in, but that's a good number and a bit more than before the summit 20:36:12 <ildikov> I can check the names if we have anyone there from the training 20:36:32 <ekhugen_alt> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r2ZZNq7MBNJNKr0g_QlnQvhmkTSC8pf1x4DC-_NMfhA/edit#gid=0 20:36:39 <ekhugen_alt> there's the link to the spreadsheet 20:36:51 <ildikov> ekhugen_alt: do you have a link to that spreadsheet? 20:37:11 <ekhugen_alt> ildikov it's right above, like 2 lines up 20:37:40 <ildikov> ekhugen_alt: sorry, just lost connection for a bit, I can see the link now 20:38:10 <ildikov> ekhugen_alt: I will report back on the numbers if I find matching names 20:38:17 <ekhugen_alt> anything else from upstream that we can incorporate back into the mentoring program? 20:38:21 <ekhugen_alt> cool thanks ildikov 20:38:39 <ildikov> ekhugen_alt: we are also thinking about bringing parts of the training or workshops to local events, like OpenStack Days 20:39:02 <ildikov> I don't know whether the speed mentoring or anything would make sense there too 20:39:07 <ekhugen_alt> nice, that sounds like a good idea 20:39:26 <ekhugen_alt> and we're happy to share how we did speed mentoring, if anyone is interested in replicating that event 20:39:29 <ildikov> the idea is to connect people within the local communities 20:39:51 <ildikov> cool, that would be great to have that info available 20:40:31 <ekhugen_alt> maybe I'll put links to the speed mentoring training out on the wiki page, so that other people know where that is 20:40:40 <ildikov> and if you have any further ideas on what could be good to do/try at these events please share :) 20:40:57 <ildikov> ekhugen_alt: sounds great, thank you 20:41:39 <ekhugen_alt> yw ildikov and if I think of any other events, I'll let you know 20:41:46 <ekhugen_alt> any other topics from anyone? 20:42:55 <ekhugen_alt> okay I think we can end a few minutes early 20:42:57 <ekhugen_alt> thanks everyone! 20:43:11 <ildikov> thanks! 20:43:27 <ekhugen_alt> #endmeeting