20:01:03 <ekhugen_alt> #startmeeting wos-mentoring 20:01:04 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 30 20:01:03 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ekhugen_alt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:01:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'wos_mentoring' 20:01:21 <ekhugen_alt> Hi, who's here for the mentoring meeting? 20:01:37 <aimeeu> Hi all. I'm on mobile so limited a bit in my typing 20:01:49 * ekhugen_alt waves to aimeeu 20:02:08 <MeganR> Hi 20:02:28 * ekhugen_alt says hi to MeganR 20:02:43 <ekhugen_alt> diablo_rojo or carolbarrett are you on? 20:03:15 <diablo_rojo> ekhugen_alt, here :) 20:03:15 <ekhugen_alt> I received emails from Kendall and Carol, so I'm assuming they're going to join 20:03:27 * ekhugen_alt waves to diablo_rojo 20:04:04 <ekhugen_alt> so as we're typing I'm finally sending out the match emails 20:04:13 <ekhugen_alt> #topic New Matches 20:05:37 <ekhugen_alt> diablo_rojo do I have update authority on the spreadsheet here? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r2ZZNq7MBNJNKr0g_QlnQvhmkTSC8pf1x4DC-_NMfhA/edit#gid=0 20:05:58 <ekhugen_alt> it won't hurt anything if I add new columns for people's matches, right? 20:06:06 <diablo_rojo> let me see 20:06:51 <diablo_rojo> ekhugen_alt, you have edit permissions 20:06:57 <ekhugen_alt> okay, thanks! 20:07:06 <diablo_rojo> np :) 20:07:17 <ekhugen_alt> I think from our last meeting, we talked about following up with the mentors and mentees within a week 20:07:35 <ekhugen_alt> so I'm asking them to respond confirming the match and that we have the right info 20:07:47 <ekhugen_alt> and then if no reply, we'll just undo the match 20:08:30 <ekhugen_alt> if they do reply, then I'll direct them to the getting started guide https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rXLWga17J3TXENNTvJgNJ4ol9N3_FgH20y_gFrITR_Y/edit 20:10:19 <ekhugen_alt> make sense? 20:10:40 <MeganR> yes 20:11:00 <ekhugen_alt> anything else on matches, I am really sorry it's taken me so long 20:11:12 <diablo_rojo> Makes sense to me 20:11:19 <diablo_rojo> No worries, we are all busy :) 20:11:56 <ekhugen_alt> I did wonder, all the email correspondence, would it make sense if I made a new gmail account for it? 20:12:15 <ekhugen_alt> is there a way that we could share a gmail account? I feel weird having this all sitting in my work email 20:13:16 <MeganR> well, we could create a gmail account, and then cc it on all communication 20:15:06 <ekhugen_alt> yeah I was wondering if that would make sense and that way if I'm out then other people can see what's going on with the mentors and mentees 20:15:27 <ekhugen_alt> is there a better way to share a gmail account than just sharing the password? 20:16:37 <MeganR> we could set up a mailing list - have multiple emails for one gmail account 20:16:38 <diablo_rojo> not that I know of 20:19:34 <ekhugen_alt> meganr I'm not sure how to do that, do you want to set up one to show us? 20:20:17 <MeganR> Sure - I can have it by the next meeting, if that is ok 20:21:24 <ekhugen_alt> sure, that would be great, thanks! 20:22:08 <ekhugen_alt> okay, anything else on new matches? 20:22:42 <ekhugen_alt> #topic New OpenStack project 20:23:24 <ekhugen_alt> the patch to create the project did merge so openstack-mentoring-scripts is an official project now 20:24:43 <ekhugen_alt> so I think I need to pick up around the middle of this page http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/creators.html 20:24:53 <ekhugen_alt> to finally get the git repository set up 20:25:16 <ekhugen_alt> any questions or comments on that? 20:25:33 <diablo_rojo> That's super exciting :) 20:26:45 * ekhugen_alt will be more excited when she finishes the project creator's guide 20:28:32 <ekhugen_alt> so I think that's all I had to talk about 20:28:35 <ekhugen_alt> any other topics? 20:28:38 <ekhugen_alt> #topic open 20:29:53 <ekhugen_alt> okay, I think we can end early, I'm sure we all have lots of other work to do! 20:30:02 <MeganR> Thank you! 20:30:09 <aimeeu> thanks emily! 20:30:15 * ekhugen_alt thanks everyone, wishes you all a good week 20:30:22 <ekhugen_alt> #endmeeting