20:00:45 <ekhugen> #startmeeting wos-mentoring 20:00:46 <zara_the_lemur__> (and apparently I can't spell, either; thanks, dhellmann!) 20:00:46 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Dec 7 20:00:45 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ekhugen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:47 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:00:49 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'wos_mentoring' 20:01:05 <ekhugen> hi, anyone here for women of openstack mentoring? 20:01:57 <ekhugen> ildikov it might be just the two of us 20:02:20 <ekhugen> hi CarolBarrett 20:04:03 <CarolBarrett> Hi ekhugen 20:04:22 <ekhugen> I think it's just the two of us, aimee and meganr said they couldn't make it today 20:04:52 <CarolBarrett> OK 20:04:54 <ekhugen> so do you have any topics you particularly want to talk about? 20:05:01 <CarolBarrett> Have you gotten many responses to the Match emails? 20:05:26 <ekhugen> I had 15 responses so far 20:05:32 <ekhugen> and 13 people have not responded 20:05:47 <ekhugen> so I think I'll send around a final reminder to those 13 before I remove them from the list 20:05:56 <ankur-gupta-f> Sorry to interrupt. If I were to refer members of my team to join up WoS where should I refer them to. 20:05:59 <ekhugen> #topic new matches 20:06:20 <ekhugen> ankur-gupta-f this is the signup form https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/mentor_mentee_signup_pre_barcelona 20:06:33 <ekhugen> and there's more information here https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Mentors 20:06:57 <ankur-gupta-f> perfect. Thank you 20:07:01 <ekhugen> yw 20:07:22 <ekhugen> but yes, I was pretty pleased with how many people responded, and hopefully we'll get a few more from a reminder email 20:07:49 <ekhugen> I thought I'd be nice and give them another week to respond, since it's december and many america/europe people are probably getting into holidays 20:08:19 <CarolBarrett> Good to hear of the response rate- sounds like a good follow-up plan 20:08:31 <diablo_rojo> Hello :) 20:08:43 <ekhugen> hi diablo_rojo 20:10:06 <ekhugen> so for the next round of emails, I'm going to send them from my gmail, so I'll use the new gmail 20:11:04 <ekhugen> I haven't experimented with it yet, but I think I can send it so it looks like it's coming from the new one Megan set up 20:11:29 <ekhugen> did anyone have any questions or comments on the new gmail? 20:13:29 <CarolBarrett> Nope - I'll keep an eye out for emails in my gmail account too 20:13:46 <ekhugen> any other comments on matches? I have been updating this spreadsheet as I hear from people https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r2ZZNq7MBNJNKr0g_QlnQvhmkTSC8pf1x4DC-_NMfhA/edit#gid=0 20:14:39 <CarolBarrett> Good! 20:15:25 <ekhugen> I did start copying the gmail on all mentoring stuff, but I think that doesn't necessarily notify the delegates to the email 20:16:42 <ekhugen> and I don't really have much of an update on the project, I asked the infra team to add me to the mentoring scripts team 20:16:45 <CarolBarrett> So far I haven't seen anything in my gmail account 20:16:48 <ekhugen> but I haven't gotten a response on that yet 20:17:29 <ekhugen> I think once I'm added to the project team, I can actually create the git repository and put stuff out there 20:18:20 <ekhugen> that's all I had 20:18:32 <ekhugen> anything else CarolBarrett or diablo_rojo? 20:18:35 <CarolBarrett> Nothing from me 20:18:39 <diablo_rojo> Nothing from me either 20:18:54 <ekhugen> okay, cool, thanks everyone! 20:19:00 <diablo_rojo> THanks for the updates :) 20:19:03 <ekhugen> have a good day 20:19:11 <CarolBarrett> You too! 20:19:23 <ekhugen> #endmeeting