20:00:27 <ekhugen> #startmeeting wos-mentoring 20:00:27 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Dec 14 20:00:27 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is ekhugen. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:28 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:00:30 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'wos_mentoring' 20:01:05 <ekhugen> Hi, who's here for the women of openstack mentoring? 20:01:07 <CarolBarrett> Hi 20:01:10 <MeganR> Hi 20:01:17 <ekhugen> Hi Carol and Megan 20:01:41 <CarolBarrett> Hi ekhugen 20:01:59 <ekhugen> #topic Matches update 20:02:11 <ekhugen> matches spreadsheet is here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r2ZZNq7MBNJNKr0g_QlnQvhmkTSC8pf1x4DC-_NMfhA/edit#gid=0 20:02:20 <ekhugen> I've been updating on the far right as I heard from people 20:03:08 <ekhugen> I think I only have 6 people to kick off the list because of no responses 20:03:21 <ekhugen> and one person responded that their job had changed and they didn't want mentoring anymore 20:04:01 <MeganR> oh that is interesting 20:04:34 <diablo_rojo> Hello 20:05:01 <ildikov> Hi 20:05:17 <ekhugen> hi Kendall and Ildiko 20:05:42 <ekhugen> MeganR which part is interesting? 20:05:47 <MeganR> Hi 20:06:04 <MeganR> That someone had a job change - I've heard that a couple of times 20:06:51 <MeganR> and no longer is interested in mentoring, hit return too soon 20:07:13 <ekhugen> oh okay, yes, I thought it was nice of them to let us know 20:07:42 <ekhugen> I think the remaining 6 I'll leave on the list and just cross them off, rather than actually deleting rows? 20:07:52 <CarolBarrett> Makes sense 20:07:58 <ekhugen> unless someone has a better suggestion of how to delete people? 20:08:29 <ildikov> MeganR: it can also be the case that the assignment wasn't 100%, when the mentee signed up 20:08:49 <MeganR> I like leaving them, just crossing off, so there can be reference if needed. 20:08:53 <diablo_rojo> Yeah I would keep the info and just cross them off 20:08:58 <MeganR> ildikov: very true! 20:08:58 <ildikov> MeganR: with the upstream training we have many people around who're interested, but then don't get the time allocation after :( 20:09:01 <diablo_rojo> MeganR, +1 20:09:12 <ildikov> MeganR: +1 20:10:06 <ildikov> maybe add a note if we know the reason they quit 20:10:38 <ekhugen> ildikov +1 I put a note for the one guy who responded all the way over in the rightmost column 20:11:17 <ekhugen> should a final email be sent to them, that they're removed from the list and they can fill out the form again if they want to re-apply? 20:11:31 <ildikov> ekhugen: oh, cool, I need to navigate better :) 20:11:53 <MeganR> I think that is a good idea, kind of closes the loop 20:12:19 <ildikov> I think so too and it's always good to tell them they can re-apply 20:13:12 <diablo_rojo> I agree. Ties up loose ends 20:13:24 <ekhugen> okay, sounds goo 20:13:26 <ekhugen> d 20:13:30 * ekhugen can't type today 20:13:51 <ekhugen> if anyone else wants to send out emails, I'm happy to pass the job along too 20:15:00 * ekhugen figured that would go over like a ton of bricks :-) 20:15:06 <CarolBarrett> :) 20:15:10 <ildikov> :) 20:15:35 <MeganR> and I can't blame a poor phone connection! :) 20:15:42 <ekhugen> anything else on matches? 20:16:03 <CarolBarrett> not from me 20:16:10 <ekhugen> I think it's a good response, only 6 no shows, I was expecting it to be a lot more (I think we had 13 last week) 20:16:49 <ekhugen> #topic open 20:16:50 <CarolBarrett> I agree, it is a good sign 20:17:04 <ekhugen> anyone have any other topics 20:17:15 <ekhugen> maybe meganr anything about the email 20:17:28 <CarolBarrett> I saw the Boston Summit sponsorships note come out 20:17:31 <MeganR> what is our meeting schedule over the next few weeks? 20:18:19 <ekhugen> I'm out the next two weeks, so I was not going to run this meeting, does anyone want these? 20:18:46 <MeganR> ekhugen: the only question right now about email is I need to verify Carol's address, may have it incorrect. Carol - I pinged you in a sep. channel. Otherwise it looks fine. 20:19:01 <CarolBarrett> I'm out til the 3rd too... let's pick it up on the 11th? 20:19:03 <ekhugen> cool, thanks Meganr 20:19:14 <MeganR> CarolBarrett +1 20:19:19 <ekhugen> carolbarrett +1 20:19:21 <CarolBarrett> MeganR: Are you looking for my gmail address? 20:19:48 <MeganR> I am - I pinged you in a sep. channel, didn't know if you wanted it here. 20:19:59 <aimeeu> +1 to resuming on the 11 January 20:20:12 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: +1 20:20:21 <diablo_rojo> +1 20:20:23 <CarolBarrett> MeganR: What channel did you ping me on? 20:20:41 <ekhugen> do people want the calendar invites for the new year? 20:20:43 <MeganR> IRC 20:20:54 <MeganR> yes to the calendar invites, please 20:21:14 <CarolBarrett> MegnaR: Which IRC channel? I didn't know there was a question for me to respond to...? 20:21:24 <CarolBarrett> +1 on calendar invites 20:21:29 <CarolBarrett> For Boston sponsorships, the Speed Mentoring breakfast was one of the options. I think we should know who the sponsor will be by the time we get back from the Holidays. 20:21:34 <ekhugen> I realized I could send them from gmail instead of from my work address, I know some people have had trouble with the calendar invites 20:21:42 <MeganR> I pinged you directly - no worries, I'll send you an email. 20:21:50 <CarolBarrett> MeganR: Sorry! 20:21:51 <ekhugen> preference on gmail vs. lotus notes calendar entries? 20:22:15 <MeganR> gmail +1 20:22:17 <diablo_rojo> CarolBarrett, thats awesome :) 20:22:21 <aimeeu> gmail +1 20:22:29 <CarolBarrett> gmail +1 20:22:45 * ekhugen is not surprised by the lack of love for lotus notes 20:22:53 <MeganR> sorry! 20:24:00 <diablo_rojo> ekhugen, that is probably the #1 thing I dont miss.. 20:24:02 <ekhugen> and carolbarrett that's awesome 20:24:21 <ekhugen> I keep thinking one of these days I'll find someone here who loves it 20:24:35 <ekhugen> but I've been here for 10.5 years and.... 20:24:46 <CarolBarrett> ekhugen: There's always hope... 20:25:56 <ekhugen> I was out on Monday, was there anything from the general women of openstack meeting that we should discuss? 20:26:05 <CarolBarrett> I need to grab lunch and get ready for my next meeting - Happy Holidays to you all! 20:26:15 <CarolBarrett> Bye 20:26:19 <ekhugen> thanks CarolBarrett! Happy new year! 20:26:22 <ildikov> CarolBarrett: Happy Holidays! 20:26:25 <MeganR> Happy Holidays! 20:26:57 <diablo_rojo> Happy Holidays! 20:27:23 <ekhugen> any other topics? 20:27:36 <MeganR> I'm good. 20:28:42 <ekhugen> cool, well thanks everyone for a really great year! I think we've done a lot with the mentoring program because everyone's really pulled together 20:29:02 <MeganR> Thank you for keeping us on point! 20:29:04 <ekhugen> I hope you all have a great holiday and happy new year! 20:29:32 <ildikov> ekhugen: +1 20:29:37 <diablo_rojo> Thanks ekhugen for all your hard work! 20:29:59 <ildikov> And have a great holiday everyone! And have some rest, well deserved! 20:30:09 <ekhugen> you're welcome :-) 20:30:21 <ekhugen> #endmeeting