15:01:09 <flaper87> #startmeeting Zaqar 15:01:09 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Sep 7 15:01:09 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is flaper87. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:10 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:11 <flaper87> Courtesy ping: vkmc therve ryansb flwang dynarro jasondotstar 15:01:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'zaqar' 15:01:13 <flaper87> Courtesy ping: vkmc therve ryansb flwang dynarro jasondotstar 15:01:18 <flaper87> Courtesy ping: vkmc therve ryansb flwang dynarro jasondotstar 15:01:24 <flaper87> #topic roll call 15:01:26 <flaper87> o/ 15:01:27 <vkmc> o/ 15:01:38 <vkmc> \o 15:01:43 <flaper87> I guess flwang is sleeping 15:01:49 <flaper87> ryansb is on holiday 15:01:53 <flaper87> therve: may be around 15:02:00 <therve> Hola 15:02:00 <flaper87> and dynarro is probably eating supper 15:02:56 <flaper87> actually, dynarro is joining. She just forgot the channel name. :D 15:03:14 <vkmc> haha 15:03:48 * flaper87 waits a few seconds 15:03:54 <flaper87> there she is 15:03:59 <flaper87> #topic Agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Zaqar#Agenda 15:04:07 <flaper87> #undo 15:04:08 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0xa7a2990> 15:04:09 <dynarro> o/ 15:04:10 <flaper87> #topic Agenda 15:04:13 <flaper87> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Zaqar#Agenda 15:04:20 <flaper87> Pending important reviews 15:04:22 <flaper87> Docs sprint (Friday, September 11th) 15:04:25 <flaper87> Mitaka Summit preparations 15:04:36 <flaper87> Those are our topics for today, besides the recurent ones 15:05:06 <flaper87> #topic Pending important reviews 15:05:15 <flaper87> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/209910/ flwang policy 15:05:17 <flaper87> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/206080/ notifications over websocket 15:05:38 <flaper87> The policy patch has received several iterations and it seems to be on its final state 15:05:55 <flaper87> vkmc: it'd be cool if you could take a look at it late today since ryansb is on holiday 15:06:07 <vkmc> flaper87, will do 15:06:25 <flaper87> There's also therve's notification over websocket, which depended on vkmc's patch that landed earlier today 15:06:36 <vkmc> that will need a rebase 15:07:12 <therve> I think it's been done already 15:07:29 <diga> o/ 15:07:34 <flaper87> Other than that, please, give priorities to bugs assigned to this milestone: https://bugs.launchpad.net/zaqar/+milestone/liberty-rc1 15:07:37 <flaper87> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/zaqar/+milestone/liberty-rc1 15:07:39 <flaper87> diga: hey there :D 15:08:00 <diga> Hello flaper87 15:08:00 <flaper87> There are three bugs in-progress and 2 triaged 15:08:11 <flaper87> help reviewing/fixing those is very welcomed 15:08:38 <flaper87> anything else? Otherwise we'll move on 15:08:55 <flaper87> #topic Docs sprint (Friday, September 11th) 15:09:04 <flaper87> I've collected some of the topics and questions that I believe it'd be cool to have answered in the docs but I don't think the list is complete. It'd be great to have some help completing this list so that we're ready for friday. 15:09:07 <flaper87> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zaqar-liberty-doc-sprint 15:09:09 <flaper87> Ah, btw, remember that we'll have the docs sprint on Friday, September 11th 15:09:10 <flaper87> #info Zaqar's docs sprint on Friday, September 11th. 15:09:16 <vkmc> w00t, thanks flaper87 15:09:42 <therve> Cool 15:09:58 <flaper87> I don't have much else to say here other than please add topics and make some time on Friday to contribute 15:10:11 <flaper87> even 1h can get you to write a good part of the docs 15:10:31 <therve> flaper87, Can we talk about the gate? 15:10:45 <flaper87> therve: yup, one more topic and the floor will be yours 15:10:49 <flaper87> #topic Mitaka Summit preparations 15:11:09 <flaper87> Again, not much to say other than asking for contributions: 15:11:11 <flaper87> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Mitaka-Zaqar 15:11:29 <flaper87> That's the etherpad for the next summit and it'd be great to start collecting topics there 15:11:38 <flaper87> there's a small template that you can copy/paste 15:11:54 <flaper87> add as many ideas as you want, we'll vote later 15:12:06 <flaper87> and the next PTL will help organizing the schedule 15:12:18 <flaper87> comments? thoughts? concerns? 15:12:38 <flaper87> #topic Zaqar's gate (therve) 15:13:01 <therve> So yeah you patch about logs made me realize the poor state of our gate 15:13:10 <therve> I think we have several jobs basically doing nothing 15:13:16 <therve> 2 on the server and 1 on the client 15:13:32 <therve> There may be not much to discuss than "let's fix this" 15:14:07 <flaper87> absolutely, earlier today I was like: "Wait a minute, where did all the http calls go?" 15:14:18 <flaper87> that question was followed by a: "Oh crap" 15:14:34 <therve> Yeah I think logs are the tip of the iceberg :) 15:14:48 <flaper87> I think I know what's going on, it likely broke when we moved to the plugin 15:14:58 <flaper87> since I did the migration, I'm happy to take this on 15:15:04 <flaper87> last famous words 15:15:12 <flaper87> I'm sure there'll be a shitload of things to fix 15:15:18 <flaper87> (sorry for swearing) 15:15:20 <therve> flaper87, I can try if you want. 15:15:27 <therve> Your time is more precious than mine :) 15:16:08 <flaper87> lol, thanks! :D 15:16:20 <flaper87> So, I think the issue is here: https://github.com/openstack/zaqar/blob/master/devstack/gate/gate_hook.sh or in project-config 15:16:36 <therve> Yeah 15:16:40 <therve> I have at least one idea to try 15:16:41 <flaper87> Somewhere in the execution of the gate_hook something is *not* happening 15:16:50 <flaper87> therve: go for it 15:16:56 <flaper87> happy to help if needed 15:17:09 <therve> Will do 15:17:22 <flaper87> I'll then work on fixing the client's functional gate, which is broken as well 15:17:27 <flaper87> as dynarro knows and suffers 15:17:30 <flaper87> :P 15:17:45 <dynarro> LOL 15:17:51 <dynarro> indeed 15:17:56 <flaper87> therve: thanks for bringing this up 15:18:06 <flaper87> vkmc: you mentioned you wanted to fix Rally's gate 15:18:09 <therve> No problem! 15:18:13 <vkmc> I did yes 15:18:21 <flaper87> vkmc: will you have time for that before Liberty is out? 15:18:31 <vkmc> certainly the lack of logs in the gate are making that harder 15:18:40 <flaper87> Also, the stable gate is pretty broken as well 15:18:42 <vkmc> but yeah, I'll try to have it fixed by then 15:18:59 <flaper87> but that I think I know how to fix 15:19:07 <vkmc> :) cool 15:19:16 <flaper87> vkmc: please, otherwise, I'm tempted to remove the Rally gate and add it back later 15:19:30 <flaper87> HAving a non-voting job for so long makes me sad 15:20:07 <flaper87> ok, anything else on this topic? 15:20:22 <therve> I'm good! 15:20:31 <flaper87> moving on 15:20:36 <flaper87> #topic Open Discussion 15:20:40 <flaper87> I've nothing else 15:20:43 <flaper87> :D 15:21:03 <flaper87> unless there's something ppl want to talk about, I'll call this a short meeting and move on with our tasks 15:21:07 <vkmc> flaper87, nooo, not with the rally gate! 15:21:11 <vkmc> I'll fix it 15:21:36 <flaper87> vkmc: ok ok :) 15:21:42 <flaper87> thanks 15:21:48 <vkmc> :) 15:22:05 <flaper87> ok, thanks folks! 15:22:12 <vkmc> waaaaaaaaaaait 15:22:14 <flaper87> Enjoy your week 15:22:16 * flaper87 waits 15:22:35 <vkmc> so for the OpenStack summit, cpallares and I will be presenting about websocket 15:22:50 <vkmc> and we discussed about doing a demo 15:23:07 <vkmc> every feedback on how that demo should look would be welcome 15:23:16 <vkmc> I already got some feedback from flaper87 15:23:30 <vkmc> but I'm also interested in hearing your thoughts therve, since you worked a lot on the websocket driver 15:24:06 <flaper87> one of the things vkmc and I mentioned offline was to do some sort of Game 15:24:17 <flaper87> it'd be really cool 15:24:20 <dynarro> cool! 15:24:22 <flaper87> (that requires therve's patch) 15:24:26 <vkmc> yeah 15:24:50 <vkmc> we have to think this through... because it will help to show what Zaqar is capable off and therefore gain some adoption :) 15:25:29 <flaper87> #action dynarro flwang therve ryansb vkmc cpallare to think about possible demos for Zaqar at the summit 15:25:32 <vkmc> #link http://sched.co/49vj 15:25:44 <therve> vkmc, I'd be happy to help looking for the presentation and/or some code 15:25:51 <therve> I won't be there unfortunately 15:25:55 <vkmc> therve, thanks! 15:25:57 <vkmc> oh :( 15:26:18 <flaper87> vkmc: btw, thanks for presenting about Zaqar 15:26:22 <flaper87> that's super great 15:26:32 <vkmc> \o/ it will be fun 15:26:52 <vkmc> I'm glad the proposal has been accepted 15:27:28 <flaper87> w000h000 15:27:29 <dynarro> \o/ 15:27:29 <vkmc> well, I'll start drafting something and will let you guys know 15:27:30 <flaper87> ok 15:27:36 <flaper87> awesome 15:27:40 <vkmc> thanks flaper87 15:27:41 <flaper87> etherpad should be fine 15:27:45 <vkmc> yeah 15:27:47 <flaper87> anything else? anyone ? 15:28:22 <flaper87> #endmeeting