18:01:22 <flwang1> #startmeeting zaqar 18:01:23 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jun 27 18:01:22 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is flwang1. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:01:26 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'zaqar' 18:01:36 <flwang1> anybody around? 18:05:38 <vkmc__> o/ 18:05:47 <flwang1> oh my god 18:06:01 <flwang1> i'm thinking if i should cancel this meeting, again 18:06:08 <flwang1> last week, no one show up 18:06:24 <vkmc__> Is just the two of us? 18:06:36 <flwang1> vkmc__: i guess so 18:06:43 <flwang1> what's your time now? 18:06:51 <vkmc__> 3.06pm 18:07:13 <flwang1> ok, i just realized it's a good time for most of you guys, but not me :) 18:07:18 <flwang1> it's 6 am 18:07:22 <vkmc__> Maybe we should change the time... most contributors are based in Asia, right? 18:07:26 <vkmc__> Oh not good 18:07:56 <flwang1> i'm hesitating to do that again, maybe next cycle, depends on the contributors 18:08:30 <vkmc__> That's fine 18:08:47 <vkmc__> Agenda? 18:09:32 <flwang1> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zaqar-meeting-agenda 18:09:38 <flwang1> here is the agenda 18:09:49 <flwang1> now we're always using the etherpad to track the agenda 18:09:53 <flwang1> it's handy i think 18:09:59 <flwang1> than the wiki page 18:10:39 <flwang1> we do have some good patches need to reviewed so that we can get them in milestone 2 18:10:47 <vkmc__> Yeah :-) 18:10:52 <vkmc__> Easier to modify 18:10:57 <flwang1> #link Install guide for ubuntu and suse https://review.openstack.org/333536 18:11:11 <flwang1> the install guide is very important for zaqar 18:11:41 <flwang1> vkmc__: in case you missed this http://www.openstack.org/software/project-navigator/ 18:11:56 <flwang1> now we have meet 3/8 maturity policies 18:12:10 <flwang1> and after get the install guide done, we can meet another 1 18:12:38 <flwang1> and i also posted a patch to assert zaqar can support cold migration, then we will be able to meet 5/8 18:12:49 <flwang1> that's a very good sign for us 18:13:07 <flwang1> and another good thing is we can meet the diversity policy now 18:13:13 <vkmc__> Yeah I remember seeing we have diversity now 18:13:17 <vkmc__> That's really cool 18:13:22 <vkmc__> Yeah 18:13:37 <vkmc__> :-D 18:13:57 <flwang1> eva-i has a done a great job for the install guide stuff 18:14:13 <flwang1> above patch i just added the support for ubuntu and suse 18:14:23 <flwang1> to get a better coverage 18:14:27 <vkmc__> Yay Eva! 18:14:47 <flwang1> #link Trust notifer https://review.openstack.org/329520 18:15:02 <flwang1> this is a fantastic patch from therve 18:16:06 <flwang1> it's a really good notification driver, with that we can support almost all the openstack services as a subscrier 18:16:42 <vkmc__> Great! 18:16:54 <vkmc__> Cool feat 18:17:02 <vkmc__> I'll check it out 18:17:03 <flwang1> pls review it 18:17:17 <flwang1> #link Subscription confirmation https://review.openstack.org/316601 18:17:19 <vkmc__> Is it being used for any use case in particular? 18:17:41 <flwang1> oh, yes, for now, it can be used for mistral 18:17:58 <flwang1> so that we can get notification and trigger a mistral workflow 18:18:53 <flwang1> does that make sense? 18:19:09 <flwang1> you can get more info from the spec 18:19:39 <flwang1> though it's not titled as 'mistral notification driver' 18:20:01 <vkmc__> It does yeah 18:20:04 <flwang1> it can support almost all openstack services, that's why it's awesome 18:20:31 <flwang1> any more question? 18:23:30 <vkmc__> Not right now 18:23:50 <vkmc__> I'll review later today 18:24:07 <flwang1> as for the subscription confirmation, its spec has been discussed very long time 18:24:22 <flwang1> and now the code patch is in reviewing 18:24:49 <flwang1> those are the patches i would like to highlight 18:25:14 <vkmc__> K k 18:25:48 <flwang1> besides, i would like to highlight our newton's goal again 18:26:20 <flwang1> we will still focus on the docs, client and UI enhancement 18:26:38 <flwang1> meanwhile we will also do new features if we have bandwidth 18:26:40 <flwang1> so 18:26:49 <flwang1> 1. install guide 18:26:53 <flwang1> 2. api ref 18:27:03 <flwang1> 3. deprecate v1.1 18:27:15 <flwang1> 4. subscription confirmation 18:27:22 <flwang1> 5. trust notifier 18:27:26 <flwang1> 6. dead letter queue 18:28:15 <flwang1> those are the tasks i would like to completed in N-2, at least N-3 18:28:30 <flwang1> and basically, those are the stuff we want to deliver in Newton 18:30:16 <flwang1> #topic Support pre signed queue for zaqar client 18:30:39 <vkmc> cool 18:30:41 <vkmc> so we have 18:30:57 <vkmc> N-2 18:31:20 <flwang1> i'm not sure if we can complete all of them in N-2 18:31:35 <flwang1> that needs heavily review 18:31:48 <vkmc> Jul 11-15 18:31:48 <vkmc> yeah 18:31:52 <vkmc> it's too close 18:31:56 <flwang1> now we have 7 core reviewers 18:32:43 <flwang1> we should be able to deliver more reviews than we have done 18:33:01 <vkmc> yeah 18:34:21 <flwang1> anyway, i will work on those dirty stuff if nobody want to take it :D 18:34:41 <vkmc> which stuff? the pre signed support? 18:34:42 <flwang1> anything else? otherwise we will move to open discussion 18:35:03 <flwang1> vkmc__: yep, since i really want it :D 18:35:29 <vkmc> sounds good :) 18:36:15 <vkmc> ok, nothing else for this 18:36:24 <flwang1> #topic open discussion 18:36:42 <flwang1> summit is coming 18:36:50 <flwang1> we need to submit some topics 18:36:51 <vkmc> yeah :| 18:37:16 <flwang1> personally, i don't want to delivery another session just introduce what's zaqar 18:37:40 <vkmc> yeah, I think there are plenty of presentations on that 18:37:41 <flwang1> i would like to see a session to tell people how to use zaqar to resolve their painpoints 18:38:09 <vkmc> I was thinking more on giving a session with the latest integrations 18:38:10 <vkmc> say 18:38:13 <vkmc> Zaqar + Manila 18:38:18 <vkmc> Zaqar + TripleO 18:38:24 <vkmc> I wouldn't mind to research about the TripleO one 18:38:28 <flwang1> Zaqar + Manila??? 18:38:37 <vkmc> sorry 18:38:40 <vkmc> Zaqar + Mistral 18:39:15 <flwang1> vkmc__: if you can propose a session about how zaqar+ tripleO works, it would be great 18:39:46 <flwang1> what i'm thinking about zaqar+ mistral is the autoscaling 18:39:52 <flwang1> we have integrate with aodh 18:39:55 <vkmc> sounds good 18:40:52 <flwang1> and i'm trying to do a demo/presentation about aodh + zaqar + mistral + heat or aodh + zaqar + senlin for autoscaling 18:40:52 <vkmc> :D 18:40:56 <vkmc> w000t 18:40:59 <vkmc> so much integration 18:42:05 <flwang1> yep 18:43:09 <flwang1> vkmc: the dead line is 13 July, iirc 18:43:24 <flwang1> so be quick 18:43:37 <vkmc> yes it's July 13 18:43:39 <vkmc> cool 18:43:48 <flwang1> vkmc: pls keep me in the loop if you need any help 18:44:15 <flwang1> vkmc: you maybe interested in this patch https://review.openstack.org/319070 18:45:43 <vkmc> will do, will share an etherpad link as soon as I start drafting the preso 18:46:31 * vkmc clicks 18:46:59 <flwang1> vkmc: sound good 18:48:04 <flwang1> ok, that's all what i want to discuss today 18:49:50 <flwang1> anything else? 18:56:05 <flwang1> thank you, vkmc 18:56:05 <flwang1> #endmeeting