03:00:09 <hongbin> #startmeeting zun
03:00:10 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 10 03:00:09 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is hongbin. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
03:00:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
03:00:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'zun'
03:00:20 <hongbin> #topic Roll Call
03:00:52 <kevinz> o/
03:01:02 <hongbin> hi kevinz
03:01:18 <kevinz> hi hongbin
03:01:34 <hongbin> let's pause a few minutes for potential attendees
03:01:55 <hongbin> kevinz: how is life? busy?
03:02:53 <kevinz> hongbin: so-so, I'm take time to working about openstack-helm on Arm from my company request...
03:03:09 <hongbin> kevinz: i see
03:03:58 <hongbin> #topic Announcement
03:04:07 <hongbin> 1. Please join the OpenStack User Survey
03:04:13 <hongbin> #link https://www.openstack.org/user-survey/survey-2018/landing
03:04:23 <hongbin> just FYI
03:04:32 <hongbin> #topic Blueprints
03:04:34 <kevinz> hongbin:I will submit the propersal this week :-)  since it is the last week for CFP:-)
03:04:57 <hongbin> kevinz: ack
03:05:06 <kevinz> hongbin: You know it's hard to compile the proposal
03:05:16 <hongbin> kevinz: yes, it is hard ...
03:05:34 <hongbin> kevinz: i know
03:05:55 <hongbin> kevinz: hope you will write a good proposal
03:06:04 <kevinz> Thanks
03:06:06 <hongbin> 1. OpenStack as a virtual Kubernetes node (assignee: kevinz)
03:06:14 <hongbin> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/zun/+spec/zun-connector-for-k8s
03:06:22 <hongbin> #link https://github.com/virtual-kubelet/virtual-kubelet/pull/239
03:06:42 <kevinz> Just let you know I still have 50% time working on Zun. I will fix the Kata with Capsule in the next two weeks
03:07:02 <hongbin> kevinz: cool, take your time
03:07:27 <kevinz> I will recheck
03:07:46 <hongbin> ok
03:08:03 <hongbin> just let me know if you needs helps
03:08:31 <kevinz> OK, I will check the status after recheck
03:08:50 <hongbin> i don't think recheck will work though...
03:09:09 <hongbin> to kick their CI, i guess you will need to update the PR
03:09:26 <hongbin> like adding a commit or amend the existing commit
03:09:30 <kevinz> sure
03:09:36 <kevinz> I will do know
03:09:44 <hongbin> :)
03:09:54 <hongbin> ok, anything else on this topic?
03:10:04 <kevinz> No
03:10:10 <kevinz> That's all from my
03:10:12 <kevinz> side
03:10:13 <hongbin> cool
03:10:35 <hongbin> i didn't see kien is here, so skip the quota one
03:10:42 <hongbin> 3. OpenStack Zun as Amphora driver (assignee: hongbin)
03:10:48 <hongbin> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2002117
03:11:46 <hongbin> for this one, we need to run haproxy in a docker container for replacing the VM
03:11:57 <kevinz> Yes
03:12:01 <hongbin> i am going to use the haproxy container image in dockerhub
03:12:20 <hongbin> a requirement is the ability to inject a config file before creating the container
03:12:50 <hongbin> so, it leads to this BP: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/zun/+spec/inject-files-to-container
03:13:26 <hongbin> i have been working on it in the weekend, and here are the WIP patches: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/inject-files-to-container+(status:open+OR+status:merged)
03:13:58 <kevinz> hongbin: High efficiency
03:14:02 <deepak_mourya> hi all, sorry for the late
03:14:19 <hongbin> deepak_mourya: hi, np
03:14:28 <hongbin> deepak_mourya: thanks for joining
03:15:06 <hongbin> so, any question for this topic so far
03:15:46 <kevinz> hongbin: No. I'd like to try it in serverless kubernetes
03:16:19 <hongbin> kevinz: for sure, this feature should be re-used for the etcd image as well
03:17:06 <kevinz> yes
03:17:20 <hongbin> :)
03:17:51 <hongbin> ok, that is all from my side
03:18:13 <hongbin> there is no critical bugs at the last week
03:18:24 <hongbin> so skip the bugs topic
03:18:30 <hongbin> #topic Open Discussion
03:18:40 <hongbin> any topic to bring up?
03:18:51 <deepak_mourya> not from my side
03:19:18 <hongbin> deepak_mourya: ack, hope everything go well on your side
03:20:04 <hongbin> kevinz: btw, i guess you are aware of the gophercloud PRs?
03:20:46 <kevinz> Yes I see the PR merged
03:20:50 <kevinz> with the email
03:21:23 <deepak_mourya> yea a bit busy in some recent activity now, so just reviewing the patches now-a-days
03:21:24 <hongbin> kevinz: ack, just let me know if you have any feedback about the PR
03:21:41 <kevinz> hongbin: Sure I will
03:21:46 <hongbin> kevinz: however, all the PRs have merged, it is too quick :)
03:22:10 <hongbin> kevinz: i was trying to cc you in each PR so that you are in sync
03:22:37 <hongbin> deepak_mourya: ack, cool, take your time on that
03:23:38 <hongbin> ok, all, thanks for joining
03:24:07 <hongbin> have a good day, everyone, see you next time
03:24:10 <hongbin> #endmeeting