Tuesday, 2015-07-21

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adam_gdrwahl, http://paste.openstack.org/show/393505/ dont suppose you've hit this in getting stable/juno up?00:55
adam_goh, nvm01:05
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Move AKANDA_RUG_DIR from settings to plugin.sh, allow overrides  https://review.openstack.org/20389301:11
adam_gso i needed this to get stable/juno deployed okay https://review.openstack.org/#/c/203897/01:34
adam_gdrwahl, that gets me an instance booted but cannot be reached, dont seem to hit the same issue as you01:34
adam_gs/instance/router instance/01:52
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puranamrcan't join webinar? it is cribbing for adobe flash!17:27
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adam_gunit tests failing and blocking merges, fixed by https://review.openstack.org/#/c/203819/  plz review17:32
adam_gdavidlenwell_, around?17:33
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adam_gdavidlenwell, deploying vxlan multihost--is the router appliance expected to be reachable before the 2nd node is installed and vxfld setup?17:41
davidlenwelladam_g: good questions.. I'm not sure .. sean and rama picked up that project and got vxfld working while I was put on something else..17:42
davidlenwellpuranamr: ^^ ?17:42
adam_gdavidlenwell, ah17:42
adam_gdavidlenwell, also, not sure if you saw my msg. but your crazy osx editors seem to be saving files yo touch with 0755 permissions17:43
adam_gnose apparently  skips test_*.py files that are executable17:43
adam_gso thats why our devstack test hasn't been blowing up on failures recently, t hasn't been running17:43
davidlenwelladam_g: lame.. I was trying a new editor on seans recomendation .. looks like im gonna go back to vi in terminal windows.17:44
puranamrgood find adam_g!17:44
adam_gdavidlenwell, im sure its configurable. which editor? atom?17:44
davidlenwellit probably is17:44
davidlenwellit wasn't consistant .. so im not 100% sure it was the editor17:45
davidlenwellI'll look into it17:46
davidlenwellthanks for digging into that17:46
adam_ghttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/204185/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/204188/ fix unit tests similarly on stable branches17:56
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sarobadam_g: better to just use kilo nova and akanda for now to build demos18:21
sarobadam_g: dont you think?18:21
adam_gsarob, maybe. does kilo still build? :p18:28
adam_gthe liberty 1 milestone should be fine18:28
adam_gthe nova patch in question merged like last week i think18:29
sarobadam_g: i was focused on getting stable/juno configs completed18:31
sarobadam_g: last time i tried building kilo it failed18:31
adam_gsarob, the keystone issue you guys were hitting is user error18:31
sarobadam_g: whose? :)18:31
sarobadam_g: whats the errororo18:32
adam_gthe HOST_IP in localrc was set to the wrong IP18:32
adam_gso keystone was trying and failing to bind to a non-existent addr18:32
sarobadam_g: son of a nutcracker18:32
adam_gin the future if things fail to start in devstack, try running the thing manually to get some debug infos18:32
adam_gkeystone is sorta special case because devstack sets it up behind mod_wsgi, so something like that isn't immediately obvious in apache logs18:33
sarobmeaning service18:33
adam_gyou can run keystone outside of apache by running keystone-all18:33
adam_gother services shoudl spit the failures into screen session18:33
sarobadam_g: yeah18:34
sarobill take another stab and double check that my juno fail was for that reason18:35
adam_gdavidlenwell, sshuttle -r adam@
davidlenwellyeah .. i've already been playing with sshuttle18:37
adam_gdavidlenwell, gets me a janky vpn to everything on behind via ssh18:37
davidlenwellits awsome18:37
adam_gyea, super handy. i run it in a screen/tmux session in the foreground tho. its daemon mode is kinda wonky and sometimes doesn't clean iptables  up properly on shutdown18:37
sarobdavidlenwell and adam_g get us to the point of being able to demo this friday18:43
adam_gsarob, all you need is a snapshotted devstack ?18:45
sarobi have a bunch of other stuff to do.18:46
saroby'all picking this up would be super duper18:46
davidlenwellwe god it18:52
davidlenwellgot it .. I'm also picking back up on the driver stuff18:52
saroby'all putting the demo config into the ops repo so i can recreate when required18:55
sarobpuranamr: i need you to get stable/juno vxlan akanda configuration into the ops repo18:57
sarobpuranamr: verify whats there is good is more of what i meant18:58
puranamryeah understood18:58
sarobpuranamr: work with drwahl and rods if they are still having problems with the configs18:59
sarobpuranamr: cool thx18:59
sarobpuranamr: foot feeling better?18:59
puranamri was rushing to get to the team meeting and put a wrong step out and sprained the ankle, so had to retreat back :(19:00
puranamrthanks for asking!19:00
sarobpuranamr: feel better. meetings arent worth getting injured for ;)19:04
drwahlsarob: after running the vxfld services, i was kind of expecting there to be some sort of briding between the controller node and the compute node19:32
drwahlbut there was none. am i mistaken in expecting to see some sort of bridge or interface?19:32
puranamrdrwahl: i can work with you helping set the vxfld service19:42
drwahlit seemed like they were easy to get them working given the instructions i followed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xSjYVUO6J88QS6nah1TBBLHBm8iIcXjr_9t8SkMxovw/edit#19:42
puranamrthat link is asking for permission to access19:44
drwahli think sarob created that document19:45
drwahlbut it essentially says to run the typical 'python setup.py install', then muck with 1 config file, then run vxsnd/vxrd (depending on which node)19:46
sarobpuranamr: use your akanda account19:46
puranamrsarob: ok19:46
puranamrno you wouldn't see any br instances in the running vm instances.19:51
puranamru will see in the host, like vxlan-1009 etc19:51
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puranamrbased upon if it is controller / compute19:51
drwahlright, but i'm not seeing that on the controller (or on the compute node)19:57
drwahlwill those interfaces be created shortly after the vxfld services are started?19:57
puranamrno when you run the devstack stack.sh script it gets created20:01
puranamrthe service is started after the completion of the stack.sh script20:01
puranamrto compare notes, u could log onto dhc-user to see the interface list20:02
drwahlah, that'll be helpful. thanks20:02
drwahlbleh, looks like it's expecting an ssh key that i don't have20:04
puranamru could run ssh-import-id drwahl and the try connecting20:05
drwahli have my keys loaded. i'm not sure how that server would have my public key though20:06
puranamrtry connecting20:06
drwahlnope. pubkey denied20:07
puranamrdid you use dhc-user@
puranamrdid it let in?20:08
puranamrcan u run with -vvv option and paste the output20:09
adam_gpuranamr, did you add his pub key to dhc-user's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ?20:11
puranamradam_g: no20:12
adam_gpuranamr, the ssh-import-id thing only works for users who have launchpad accounts /w ssh keys loaded there20:12
puranamradam_g: ok i see20:12
drwahlya. wasn't sure how my pub key would be on that box :)20:12
puranamradam_g: can i go ahead and add his public key to the authorized_keys list20:14
drwahlok, i think i may have found at least part of the issue i'm having: we had to install vxfld into a virtualenv because the 'setup.py install' command was breaking our pythonpath20:15
puranamrdrwahl: can u put in ur public key20:15
adam_gpuranamr, you could do whatever you want, its not my system. :)20:16
puranamradam_g: :)20:16
drwahlso after stack.sh finishes, the vxfld services are not running, which suggests to me that stack.sh isn't aware of them20:16
puranamryes vxfld is outside stack.sh20:17
drwahloh ok. when you said "the services gets started after stack.sh", i thought you meant as part of the stack.sh scripts20:18
drwahlbut you must mean manually20:18
drwahlok, so after stack.sh, i don't see any vxlan interface, regardless of whether i start up the vxfld services or not20:19
drwahlso maybe my localrc is messed up?20:19
drwahlthat's the controller node20:20
puranamrwhy is the ak-rug service enabled?20:22
puranamri see that the conf that was shared has it20:23
puranamrnot your fault :)20:23
drwahlsarob: ^^?20:23
sarobdrwahl: asking why ak-rug enabled in local.conf?20:24
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puranamrdrwahl: can u pl unstack and comment the line enable_service ak-rug20:24
puranamrafter u unstack, pl see ifconfig -a / ip link show to ensure that you do not see any interfaces hanging around20:25
drwahlthere are a ton of tap interfaces20:26
drwahlafter the  unstack20:27
drwahli'll just rebuild, since i have this documented/automated with vagrant20:28
puranamrok, before you run stack.sh, pl comment out the line enable_service ak-rug20:31
drwahlwill do. i'll let you know when stack.sh completes20:32
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/akanda-rug: Remove remaining references to oslo.cfg namespace  https://review.openstack.org/20381920:52
drwahlok, stack.sh finally finished21:10
drwahland all i have is eth0, lo and virbr021:10
puranamron the control nodde?21:15
drwahlon both, fwiw21:15
puranamrsomething doesn't add up21:16
puranamrdevstack log?21:16
adam_gpuranamr, huh? why should he be removing 'enable_service ak-rug' ?21:17
puranamradam_g: this is to bring up the vxfld (software vteps) in his lab environment.21:18
adam_gpuranamr, right, but that gets stood up alongside akanda, no?21:18
puranamrthis is being done on stable juno21:19
puranamrdrwahl: looking at the log, few cycles ...21:22
puranamrdrwahl: did you follow all the steps outlined in the doc, without missing anything21:29
drwahlhere's my setup script: http://pastebin.com/VqRp3UKn21:30
drwahlit was in-line with the document at one point21:31
puranamri do not see apt-get upgrade after update21:32
drwahli can give that a shot. i tried it earlier and it didnt' seem to make much of a difference. our images usually aren't *too* far out of date21:34
drwahlbut i'll give it a shot to rule it out21:34
puranamrone more thing,21:37
puranamri am comparing notes with the config that i used. so few seconds more21:42
puranamrdrwahl: can u sent the content of controller_local.conf?21:45
drwahlyup, one moment21:45
puranamrpl comment out ak-rug and uncomment q-dhcp, q-l3 and q-meta21:48
puranamrrest is fine21:48
puranamrsimilarly the compute_local.conf too21:48
puranamrin pastebin21:48
drwahlrestacking with those changes21:51
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puranamrone more minute21:52
puranamrpl change the NOVNCPROXY_URL to the SERVICE_HOST IP21:53
puranamrit is referring to the example values still21:53
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drwahlah, ya21:53
puranamrand i see couple of plugin info also missing in the compute local.conf21:53
drwahlwe're really just wanting to see the vxlan stuff in action and get a setup where we can begin playing with it21:54
drwahlso the vnc stuff probably isn't a huge deal21:54
puranamrnot vnc21:54
puranamrbut plugins are missing21:54
puranamrrest is ok21:57
drwahlthat needs to be in the compute nodes local.conf?21:57
puranamryes correct21:57
puranamrsorry my bad, just a sec21:57
puranamrno pl ignore, multiple screens here21:58
puranamrgot messed up21:58
puranamrsorry for the confusion. u r ok with the compute21:59
drwahlsorry, just to be clear, should the compute local.conf have those plugins or not?21:59
puranamrcontroller should have22:01
puranamrnot the compute22:01
drwahli'm just about done for the day. i'm going to rebuild these VMs from script (vagrant) and kick off a stack.sh with these localrc changes and then take off22:04
drwahli'll touch bases with you tomorrow on my progress22:04
drwahlthanks for your help today puranamr22:04
puranamrsure np, still comparing the devstack.log. i will be around to help you, if you will be around22:04
puranamroh sorry did not see the earlier msg22:05
puranamrsure thanks22:05
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