Wednesday, 2015-07-22

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davidlenwelladam_g:  tested .. looks great!16:07
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/akanda-rug: Remove tight loop from notifications process
puranamrdrwahl: ping17:19
drwahlso, a fresh completed after i left yesterday17:21
drwahland i still don't see any vxlan interfaces17:21
puranamri compared the logs after our chat, and found one possible difference17:22
puranamrfor the latest run, if it is possible to put in the pastebin the devstack.log i could confirm17:23
puranamrdrwahl: can u pl unstack one last time (possibly)17:26
drwahlsure thing!17:27
drwahlok, unstack is completed17:28
puranamrpl do sudo apt-get upgrade -y17:30
puranamrassuming u have done apt-get update17:31
drwahli did an upgrade before stack.sh17:31
puranamrupdate or upgrade?17:32
drwahlsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade17:33
puranamrdrwahl: can u share your stack running through a video session17:56
drwahli can give you a login to the box, if that'd be more helpful17:57
drwahlyou can login to the box dhc-user@ password is akanda18:00
puranamrpermission denied :(18:02
drwahlone sec18:03
drwahlbleh, do you have your public key handy? that might be easier18:05
drwahlnevermind. got it working18:06
drwahlyou should be able ot login now with that password18:07
drwahl(stupid ssh daemon was refusing to restart...)18:07
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puranamrable to login18:20
drwahlpretty much everything is under /opt/stack18:21
puranamryup exploring18:21
drwahlif you care to see the scripts vagrant ran, they are under /vagrant/scripts/vxlan*18:21
puranamrsure, will take a quick look18:22
puranamrdrwahl: did u unstack it already?18:28
puranamrok will kick of shortly18:29
puranamri can run it directly or through vagrant script?18:30
drwahlthat's pretty much the one thing my vagrant script doesn'18:30
drwahlt do18:30
puranamrok i will run from /opt/stack/devstack18:30 takes too long for my patience, so i have vagrant create the VMs and prepare them, then i log in and run (ya, from /opt/stack/devstack)18:31
puranamrit won't be too long. actually, for this time, i will run it :)18:31
puranamrdrwahl: ok?18:33
drwahlsorry, warming up some leftover spaghetti :)18:37
drwahlfeel free to do whatever you want to that machine. i can easily remake it18:37
puranamrsure, got the issue18:39
drwahldo you need/want access to the compute node?18:40
puranamrlet me finish the controller one, and get it as per what is expected18:41
puranamrthen i will get to the compute18:41
drwahlok. same login credentials. you can git to it via (from the controller) or
drwahlapparently i have git on my brain :)18:44
puranamrno worries, i will ssh from the controller18:45
puranamru can do ifconfig / ip link show18:47
puranamrsee all teh vxlan interfaces!18:47
drwahlsigh.... so where did i screw up?18:47
drwahllooks like maybe was missing18:50
drwahli need to step away for a few minutes. i should be back in like 10 minutes or so19:04
* drwahl is back19:27
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puranamrthe other miss is giving devstack to feed on localrc, it is deprecated, only local.conf it expects19:45
puranamrso it gladly skips lot of things including vxlan19:45
drwahlodd... when i tried to call the file local.conf, it wasn't autoloading it19:45
drwahlbut when i renamed the file to localrc, it loaded it just fine19:45
drwahlpuranamr: are you done playing with these VMs? i'd like to try to rebuild from scratch and see if i can get it working19:53
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: devstack: set use_ipv6=True in nova.conf, workaround nova bug
adam_gdavidlenwell, so what are the issues this solves ? whats broken without it19:59
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adam_gnvm found it20:23
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Fix debug and browse config issues
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puranamrdrwahl: i am not happy with the compute node, i am checking the log, give me a few minutes20:50
puranamrdrwahl: did u already take out the compute vm20:52
drwahlsorry, ya20:58
drwahli was a little hasty :(20:58
davidlenwellhey adam_g sorry .. we were at lunch..21:00
openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Remove 0755 permissions from files
davidlenwellalso adam_g you can see that I abandoned that patch.. it was just a really fast fix so sean could use browse..21:03
openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed stackforge/akanda-rug: Driver code (wip)
adam_gdavidlenwell, ya.. the issue still stands, tho.. 204748 should fix it a bit cleaner21:03
davidlenwellyep .. thanks for handling that!21:04
drwahlpuranamr: fwiw, a fresh build of the controller VM (and subsequent results in a controller with vxlan interfaces. so that is some great progress!21:07
puranamri wanted to see a similar output for the compute too21:07
drwahli just ran on the compute node21:08
drwahli'll get you a login to this freshly built compute node21:08
drwahldhc-user@ password is akanda21:12
puranamru haven't changed the localrc to local.conf in the compute node21:13
drwahldoh! i did it on the controller and forgot to on the compute node21:15
* drwahl blushes21:15
puranamrand also the SERVICE_HOST ip is not replaced, still y.y.y.y21:15
drwahli just updated the vagrant scripts i'm using to fix the local.conf iss ue21:15
drwahlya, i was trying to come up with a way to automate the generation of that value21:16
puranamrlet me take a quick look at the vagrant script before u run21:16
drwahlbut vagrant doesn't exactly help at all21:16
drwahlwell, vagrant runs the script technically, so it's already been run21:16
drwahlbut it's in /vagrant/scripts/vxlan_<node>_setup.sh21:16
puranamru need to add sed to SERVICE_HOST too21:17
drwahlya, the issue is i don't have a value to set21:17
drwahl'cause i don't know what hte IP is going to be21:17
puranamrlet us add that in the local.conf manually to test it out21:18
drwahli'm happy to do so now. didn't want to step on your toes if you were poking around at that box. or you are welcome to do that if oyu want21:18
drwahlthe local IP of the controller node is
puranamrok will change the local.conf and run from there21:19
sarobadam_g: demo builder question21:46
sarobadam_g: where would the key listed in site.yml pull from?21:47
adam_gsarob, the ssh keys?21:47
adam_gfrom launchpad21:47
sarobLP, okay, duh21:47
sarobso id use my key to get in21:48
sarobchange the akanda user passwrd21:48
adam_gactually i was going to set a passwd for the akanda user21:48
saroboh, okay21:48
sarobwhered that21:48
adam_gsarob, user gets created at demo_builder/ansible/roles/base/tasks/main.yml21:50
sarobright now would it prompt during build?21:51
sarobi dont see where the passwrd input would come from21:52
adam_gsarob, it'd be hard-coded21:56
puranamrdrwahl: r u starting the vxfld (vxrd) in the compute by default?22:02
drwahl'cause, again, i need the controller nodes IP, which i don't have in an automated way22:03
puranamrps -eaf | grep vxrd22:03
puranamrdhc-user  9060 29626  0 22:01 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto vxrd22:03
puranamrroot     32736     1  0 21:20 ?        00:00:00 /opt/stack/vxfld/venv/bin/python /opt/stack/vxfld/venv/bin/vxrd -c /opt/stack/vxfld/venv/vxfld/vxrd.conf -d22:03
puranamrthis is on the compute node22:04
drwahlya, i manually started that22:04
puranamri was running, so when did you start that?22:04
davidlenwelladam_g: sshuttle is the shiznit22:04
drwahlpuranamr: 21:2022:04
drwahlso 40 minutes ago22:04
puranamrnope, i will clear off that22:05
puranamri want to get the compute as we needed then we can start the vxrd processes22:05
drwahlthat's fine22:05
drwahldo w/e you need/want to that box22:05
adam_gdavidlenwell, Ya, super handy22:08
davidlenwellsadly doesn't do icmp by default ..22:17
davidlenwellso I thought it didn't work for a second.. but tcp works great22:17
puranamryes, let me continue, shall update you when i am done22:20
drwahlok, i'm taking off for the day, but i'll try to poke my head in a little later this evening22:22
puranamrwill update you22:32
adam_gsarob, thats not an issue with the playbook--ansible cant ssh to the instance you're pointing it at22:56
saroblp sarob key is same as default local key22:57
adam_gsarob, it hasn't done any of that yet, it cant even connect22:57
adam_gsarob, you can ssh manually to ?22:58
sarobyup, on there now22:58
adam_glogged in as what user?22:58
sarobhmm, akanda actually22:59
adam_gTBH i wouldn't mess with the builder ansible stuff just yet22:59
adam_gits not done22:59
adam_gand you wont be using it to spin up demos22:59
sarobthis is a prebuilt instance22:59
adam_gprebuilt instance? huh?22:59
sarobi built it before23:00
adam_gno, the ansible stuff assumes a fresh instance23:00
sarobbut its not ready yet23:00
adam_gwhats not?23:00
sarobyour ansible script23:01
adam_gnot yet23:01
sarobokay, i thought you would be done today...23:01
sarobill build and ping you if something breaks23:03

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