Friday, 2014-10-17

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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack/heat: Integration test for software-config tools
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elynnmorning all :)02:13
asalkeldhi elynn02:16
elynnHi asalkeld02:17
elynnI reply your comments in patch
asalkeldelynn afaik py3 doesn't have __unicode__ and __str__ should return unicode02:19
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asalkeldmmm, i am not totally correct02:22
elynnWhat you concern is in __str__ function and in __unicode__ function. These two function will override str() and unicode()02:23
elynnstr() and unicode() is call by six.text_type()02:23
elynnSo there is no need to use six.text_type() in __str__ and __unicode__02:23
asalkeldit's more the behaviour of __str__02:24
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asalkeldin py3 it should return unicode02:24
asalkeld(as i understand)02:24
asalkeldi'll remove my -102:25
asalkeldand look into it a bit more02:25
elynnyes, python3 is return unicode when using str02:27
elynnso when using six.text_type(self) in python3 is meaning str(self)02:27
elynnwhich calls __str__ function of the class02:27
elynnso using str() in __str__ function is right.02:28
asalkeldyip , you are right02:28
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openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/heat: Don't shadow local variables "resource"
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openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/heat: Put a cap on our cyclomatic complexity
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openstackgerritAngus Salkeld proposed a change to openstack/python-heatclient: Put a cap on our cyclomatic complexity
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asalkeldschool run, brb04:41
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat-templates: Use packaged heatclient in the heat-config element
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack/heat: Imported Translations from Transifex
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sdake_can anyone paste the contents of keystone endpoint-list for me please?06:28
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tiantianis this?06:33
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sdake_thanks tiantan06:35
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sdake_tiantaian can you run keystone service-list please and pasted?06:38
sdake_TIA :)06:38
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praveenkumarHi, I have a heat template which we are using to create stack/instance ( but when I create instance using this template default instance user come as "ec2-user" for a particular image but if I create a instance without heat using same image then default user is "cloud-user'?06:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Support Cinder scheduler hints
praveenkumarIs heat do some magic behind the scene for manipulating user information?06:42
sdake_tiantain thanks a bunch06:43
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sdake_tiantian rather06:43
tiantiansdake_: np06:43
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thervepraveenkumar, Not magic, but in the configuration you have the default user for instances06:49
therveYou can change the configuration, or override the user in the template06:49
praveenkumartherve: is it come under admin_user field?06:50
skraynevGood morning all :)06:50
thervepraveenkumar, admin_user is how you change it in the template06:51
pas-hamorning all :)06:51
skraynevasalkeld, pas-ha: hi06:51
praveenkumartherve: alright, I will change it in global config then.06:51
tiantianskraynev: hi06:53
skraynevhi tiantian :)06:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: ResourceGroup update refactor
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openstackgerrithuangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/heat: Inherit roles for create_trust_context()
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openstackgerritMike Spreitzer proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add optional health maintenance to OS::Heat::ASG
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asalkeldhi skraynev pas-ha07:14
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ckmvishnuhave a question regarding using db transactions07:28
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ckmvishnuis a transaction safe across multiple heat engine instances.07:29
ckmvishnu comment by "Miguel Grinberg" makes sense07:30
ckmvishnuAs mentioned in comment, if "select for update" had to be used, I guess, stack_lock_create also needs to be changed.07:31
ckmvishnuplease advise. found a link which might be helpfull
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ckmvishnuAlso there is another comment asking to drop and importing the same from oslo. He's also asked to contribute log_exception to oslo07:35
ckmvishnuasalkeld: any comments?07:35
asalkeldhi ckmvishnu07:35
asalkeldi am not a db expert, but another approach is to have a project/tenant table and make the name unique per tenant07:36
ckmvishnuasalkeld: added log_exception as per your sugessions, but Doug need it in oslo and wants heat to use oslo.utils07:36
ckmvishnushall i do that07:36
ckmvishnuasalkeld: ok.07:36
asalkeldckmvishnu, then it's just a try/fail07:37
asalkeldbut means adding to the schema07:37
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asalkeldckmvishnu, honestly not sure on the best approach07:37
asalkeld(just giving you some options)07:37
ckmvishnuasalkeld: ok.07:38
ckmvishnuregarding oslo?07:38
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asalkeldthe unique name07:39
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ckmvishnuno log_exception in excutils.py07:39
asalkeldwhere is the review about log_exception?07:39
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asalkeldckmvishnu, yeah we are not to change that code07:40
asalkeldif you really need to add something , then post a review to oslo.incubater07:40
asalkeldand sync the changes across07:40
ckmvishnugot it.07:40
asalkeldbut that looks familiar07:41
asalkeldckmvishnu, are you comming to summit?07:41
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asalkeldckmvishnu, are you adding some specific dev sessions for convergence?07:41
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ckmvishnuasalkeld: no.07:42
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ckmvishnuclint should be our man :)07:43
asalkeldis there someone on your team coming?07:43
asalkeldok, just clint07:43
asalkeldthat's a problem, he is now ptl of ooo07:43
asalkeldhope he has time07:43
asalkeldwould it make sense to do a brain dump with some of us before summit?07:44
asalkeldvia g+/skype?07:44
asalkeldso we can discuss any of your concerns know where you are07:45
ckmvishnuthat would be great.07:45
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shardymorning all07:56
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skraynevhi shardy07:56
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Qiminghi, shardy07:59
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/heat: Add unicode support for resource name
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shardyasalkeld: Hey, ref bug #1381136, does TemplateResource override FnGetRefId to return an ARN for the CFN wrapper provider templates?08:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1381136 in heat "TemplateResource RefId is wrong" [Medium,Confirmed]
shardyI'm looking at removing it, so we just return the nested stack ID, but don't want to break anything you did previously08:22
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openstackgerritPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add console_urls atttribute to server resource
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asalkeldhi shardy, was just comping supper08:28
shardyasalkeld: np we can chat some other time08:29
asalkeldnp, full of spicy curry now08:30
shardymmmm curry :)08:30
asalkeldi think this:
asalkeldneeds to be an arn08:31
asalkeldso you can do a heat resource-show08:31
asalkeldget the physical res id08:31
asalkeldand do a stack show of the nested stack08:31
shardyasalkeld: hmm, ok - msprietz has the complaint that get_resource: <nested thing> then returns an ARN, not the stack ID08:32
shardywhich initially seems to be a valid concern (other than his comments re the AWS Stack resource)08:32
asalkeldso it shouldn't matter as long as the get_ref_id works08:32
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shardypreumably he wants to output the stack ID's for some other reason08:33
shardythe report is a little vague so perhaps we need to push for an actual use-case08:33
asalkeldshardy, you see the hp convergence guys are not coming to summit08:34
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asalkeldso we probably need to sync with them before08:34
shardyasalkeld: Yeah, that's dissapointing to say the least :(08:34
asalkeldwe need to generate some concrete sessions08:34
asalkeldbit tricky without them around08:34
asalkeldshardy, i am off to watch some news, but i'll be back08:35
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skraynevasalkeld: btw, do we have schedule for design-sessions? could you give a link on it, because I have not met it :(09:02
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openstackgerrithuangtianhua proposed a change to openstack/heat: Don't stop update immediately on error
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skraynevasalkeld: thx09:27
* skraynev dropped everything and go to read etherpad, because have promised long time ago himself to read it!09:30
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openstackgerritAnant Patil proposed a change to openstack/heat-specs: Persisting dependency graph & resource versioning.
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openstackgerritAnant Patil proposed a change to openstack/heat-specs: Persisting dependency graph & resource versioning.
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pas-hayay! got french visa :)12:10
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Qimingpas-ha, congrats!12:12
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jdandrea(here anyway)12:47
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jdandreaRegarding ... when an ASG scales up or down, is that considered a stack update?13:01
jdandreaIf so, do ASGs call pre-update/post-update lifecycle plug points at scale-time? If not, shouldn't they? (Refer back to the holistic scheduling use case of lifecycle plug points.)13:02
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jdandreaSecond thought (somewhat related): ResourceGroups now have an index_var ... but AutoScalingGroups do not. I know I could make use of it in both (in any generator resource, really).13:05
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Qimingjdandrea, scaling IS implemented as a stack-update, the update task will call the plug-ins if there are such plug-ins13:05
* jdandrea could file a blueprint, if that's appropriate.13:05
jdandreaQiming: That's terrific!13:06
jdandreaI was trying to find where the connection was in the source, and didn't see it.13:06
* jdandrea needs better glasses.13:06
jdandreaQiming: *nods* I was looking for a change to, but it sounds like that's not necessary if scaling up/down instigates a stack update.13:07
jdandrea(already, that is)13:07
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Qimingregarding the missing of index_var in ASG, that is because ResourcGroup and ASG are not related to each other, at least at the moment13:10
jdandreaQiming: They both derive from StackResource though. I wonder if index handling could be promoted to StackResource, which could have a _index_var_name() method (or something) that subclasses could respond to. It would still be up to the subclasses to provide the index_var property.13:13
Qimingjdandrea, just thoughts above my head, I would prefer not doing that13:14
Qiminga StackResource could be a wrapper of any type of resources13:14
jdandreaQiming: True. I see LoadBalancer, NestedStack, and TemplateResource too. Another thought: add a _uses_index_var() that defaults to False, and subclasses can override and return True if they want to use it. (Trying not to duplicate the index code, is all.)13:15
Qimingjust leave it at ResourceGroup, which meant to be a collection of homogeneous resource types, would be okay?13:16
jdandreaQiming: I want to have %index% in a ASG though, not just a RG.13:17
Qimingmy understanding is that is doable, though not a trivial task13:17
therveThe semantic is a bit tricky in case of ASG13:18
jdandreaQiming: Ah. I thought it would be a similar operation.13:18
jdandreaArrgh. Hmm ...13:18
Qimingan ASG is a ResourceGroup whose member list can be triggered by a so called policy13:18
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Qimingafter scaling up and down several times, index_var won't mean anything useful13:19
Qimingthink of PID namespace on Linux13:19
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jdandreaQiming: Interesting, right. The index_var would have to keep increasing, but then you have gaps if there's ever scale-down, then scale-up. Not sure if gaps are ok (maybe they are though)?13:20
jdandreaIndex suggests a contiguous list, 0-n13:21
Qimingconsidering that guys may be referencing ASG members using index, ... you cannot re-assign index to members13:22
jdandreaHere's what got me thinking about it in the first place:
jdandreaI was thinking: "What if I could just provide those scheduler hints myself, outside of heat?" Then I thought: "Wait, for ASGs, how do I do that without a unique index?"13:23
jdandreaQiming: Agreed, reassignment would be asking for trouble.13:23
Qimingif you don't reassign index values, there will definitely be holes13:24
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jdandreaQiming: Mhm.13:24
jdandreaUnless the holes are allowed and the indexes refer to a ghost resource that has since been deleted. (Not sure if that would fly in practice, but how else do we get to that point?)13:25
Qimingjdandrea, I think the intent to provide stack-update plug-points was to feed nova scheduler with some additional information13:26
jdandreaQiming: That's correct.13:26
jdandreaI thought we couldn't modify the stack/template from within Heat though, thus the Stack Lifecycle Scheduler Hint. If that blueprint goes through, then I won't need %index% support in ASGs because Heat will adorn resources with Heat-specific hints for me.13:27
Qimingthen the semantics of index becomes an immortal ID?13:27
jdandreaQiming: Sounds that way, yeah.13:27
jdandreaLike a database table index? Always increasing.13:28
jdandreaBut, again, it might be immaterial if stack-lifecycle-scheduler-hint happens.13:28
jdandrea(Not just Nova scheduler, but Cinder too. Anything that takes a scheduler hint.)13:29
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jdandrea(Cinder V2, that is.)13:29
Qimingwhy don't you just use the resource id itself?13:30
QimingI mean, the UUID13:30
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jdandreaAt plug-point time, we don't know the UUID so we have no way to tie the scheduling info back to the resource when it is instantiated and about to be scheduled.13:32
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jdandreaAt best, we know the stack ID (I hope!) and the resource path.13:32
Qimingpoints taken13:32
jdandrea(This is for the holistic scheduling use case.) *nods*13:32
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thervejdandrea, If you don't have the id why would you have the index var?13:33
jdandreaIf we knew the UUIDs ahead of time, yes, that would be fantastic. I suspect OS doesn't work that way though. You can't ask for a UUID ahead of time.13:33
Qimingright, a chicken-egg problem13:33
thervejdandrea, Heat has an internal UUID for the resource13:34
therveYou have the resource id which is external, but there is also a Heat resource UUID13:34
Qimingid vs. physical_resource_id13:34
jdandreaWell, if I don't have lifecycle scheduler hints, I have to add my own.13:34
jdandreaThat means I need some way to adorn my template with hints that are unique. For ResourceGroups, that's easy: %index%. For ASGs ... ???13:35
jdandreaAh, that's right, Heat's resource UUID is specific to Heat. It represents the declaration in Heat.13:35
jdandreaThe phys one is what you get back from Nova, Cinder, et. al, right?13:35
jdandreaEven then, we don't know the Heat resource UUID at preview time, thus the resource path looks like my best bet (and for a RG, I'd probably get resource-1, resource-2, etc.)13:36
jdandreaFor a ASG ... not sure how to pass in the 1/2/3/... without a similar %index% var.13:37
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Qimingjdandrea, I don't know if you have noticed that there is a specs in Nova to add tags to Nova servers13:42
zanebjdandrea: 1/2/3 doesn't make sense for an ASG, because resources are added or removed all the time... and the oldest ones get removed first13:42
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Qimingmaybe that is a viable solution for this kind of use cases13:42
jdandreaQiming: I didn't notice. Anything that could be scheduled would need it though (e.g., Cinder come v2).13:43
Qimingthen maybe cinder volumes need tags as well, :)13:43
Qimingusing index is too dangerous, imo13:44
jdandreazaneb: *nods* scroll back ... I think we're aligned on that. I'm just trying to figure out how I can pull off this holistic scenario absent a stack lifecycle scheduler hint.13:44
jdandreaQiming: Yeah, indexes need to stay with their scaled instances and not be reassigned, and then the holes ... :/13:44
Qimingah, the specs has been approved:
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thervejdandrea, So why do you need a counter for scheduler hints?13:47
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therveThe idea I guess is "don't schedule other units on that same host"? Or something else?13:48
jdandreatherve: I need a way to uniquely identify resources at preview time (from outside of heat), save that wth my whole-app/holistic scaling decisions, then have a way to reference those unique resources when the scheduler filters kick in.13:49
jdandreaIf stack lifecycle scheduler hints aren't available for that, then I need some other mechanism.13:50
therveHum. Uniquely identifying resources sounds like the mechanism, not *what* you want to do.13:50
jdandreaCall it thinking ahead for a worst case scenario? I don't know if that blueprint has wings.13:50
zanebthere's no way to uniquely identify things that don't exist13:51
zanebbecause there are an infinite number of things that don't exist13:51
zanebergo you need an infinite number of bits to represent them uniquely13:51
jdandreazaneb: When a stack is previewed, we get to see the resource names, yes?13:51
zanebI have no idea tbh13:52
jdandreazaneb: You don't know what a stack preview returns?13:53
zanebI do not13:53
zanebI have never done one13:53
jdandreaAh, ok.13:53
jdandreaIIRC, we get to see the stack flattened out, so in the case of a resource group we see resource names adorned with indices like resource-1, resource-2, etc. ... but I'm not sure about a ASG.13:54
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack/heat-templates: encode characters which can be in puppet manifests
Qiming{ server: { metadata: { scheduling_hint_id: { get_attr: [random_string, value] }}}} ?13:55
zanebcan't comment about preview, but ASG have random names based on the resource uuid in the database13:55
jdandreaThose random strings get a lot of traction. :)13:55
zanebso there's no way to see them until its in the database13:55
jdandreazaneb: Hmm. Then I'm not sure how we can holistically schedule/place things when a ASG scales up.13:56
jdandreaOther than through stack lifecycle scheduler hints. Which don't look likely so far.13:56
zanebwhy do you need to identify them uniquely? they're all the same...13:57
thervejdandrea, There is nothing about preview in there?13:58
jdandreatherve: If there is, I'm not seeing it.13:59
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therveSo... why do you need/use preview for?14:00
jdandreatherve: I'm mixing things up here.14:00
jdandreatherve: There are two scenarios for holistic scheduling that I can think of.14:00
jdandreaOne is tied to
jdandreaHowever, I don't think it's enough to have plug points. We still need to a way to relate the server/volume/etc. being scheduled (over on the scheduler filter side) to its matching resource on the Heat side (which is all we know about pre-create). The way I think that would best happen is with a stack ID and resource path (including those unique names given to ASG instances).14:02
jdandreaThus, the request for
jdandreaIf that blueprint doesn't come to fruition, I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.14:04
therveBut preview is not the tool you should use14:05
Qimingit is hard to envision a use case where a scheduling component is needed to deal with whatever nested_stacks, at the end of the day, what is required is about the placement of servers and volumes, i.e. primitive resources?14:06
jdandreatherve: Agreed, and if both those blueprints come to pass, I shouldn't need to (though how else do I find the resource paths for generators like ResourceGroups and ASGs?, within the stack lifecycle plug point plugin, I mean)14:06
jdandreaQiming: Given a template or set of related templates with scheduleable resources, let's say I have a way to determine where those resources will be scheduled, based upon the *entire* set of resources (and their requirements), not based on each individual resource, and I keep that info in escrow somewhere.14:09
jdandreaWhen the scheduler filter kicks in, I would have something in there that fetches that determination for each resource.14:10
jdandreaI need a way to connect the two.14:10
Qimingso you do need to uniquely identify a resource bundle14:10
jdandreaQiming: I was thinking the stack ID, as a stack lifecycle scheduler hint.14:11
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jdandreaAlong with the path to the resource in question.14:11
jdandreaI need to get a hold of those at the pre-create stack lifecycle plug point.14:12
Qimingin an ideal world, I'd like to see stack_id attached to whatever resources created by Heat14:12
jdandreaQiming: +114:12
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jdandreaSo if I can get a hold of all the resource names (and know which is which - a server, a volume, etc.), I could pass that info to my "pre-scheduler" through the pre-create plug point.14:14
jdandreaThe only way I imagine I could do that is by previewing the stack at the pre-create point, but therve you're saying that's not the tool I should use. So I'm stuck again.14:14
therveIt feels you should have a plug point everytime a resource is created, not just when a stack is created14:15
jdandreatherve: I thought resources shouldn't be messing with other resources though? (Looking ahead to convergence)14:15
jdandreaShouldn't be inspecting them, etc. - but at the *stack* level ...14:16
jdandreaIf I use a plug point every time a resource is created, I can't take the entire stack into account in one shot.14:16
jdandreaResources are being created, but I haven't seen/considered all the resources in that stack just yet.14:17
jdandreaThat's why stack lifecycle plug points sound like a good thing to me, because it's at the stack level, the forest.14:17
therveBut with scaling group you won't see all the resources anyway14:17
therveThe whole point is that it's dynamic14:18
jdandreatherve: It's not flattened to show all the resources?14:18
thervejdandrea, There is no resources until you create them14:18
jdandreatherve: When I preview a stack, do I not see the names the resources will get? I thought we did.14:19
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therveIf the case of a static template, yeah.14:20
therveIn the case of a scaling group, that doesn't  have any meaning.14:20
jdandreaLet's go with that though. There are no resources until I create them, yes. Meanwhile, I have a requirement to determine where a bundle of resources will be scheduled "ahead of creation time," stow that away somewhere, and then give those answers to a companion scheduler filter.14:20
jdandreaIn the case of a scaling group, when it scales up, we need to schedule *those* new resources as well, again in the context of all that came before it (all the resources in that bundle that were already scheduled).14:21
therveMaybe your requirement is wrong then14:21
jdandreaMy requirement is the same as use case #1 here:
jdandreaAutoscaled resources shouldn't be penalized.14:22
jdandreaThey should have the same opportunity to be holistically scheduled.14:22
jdandreaIt seems silly to holistically schedule a bundle of resources and then tell ASGs they can't participate.14:22
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therveYou said it, not me14:23
therveI mean, why did this spec got written with a patch, if it doesn't solve your issue?14:24
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jdandreaIt's not my spec/patch.14:25
jdandreaI'm looking at it and evaluating whether it solves my issue. It seems to pave the way, but not necessarily solve it.14:25
therveOK, maybe ask the author? You might be using the plug points the wrong way14:25
jdandreaI've discussed it with them already. The sticking point seems to be here: d14:26
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jdandreaAbsent that blueprint, I'm trying to think of a Plan B and not coming up with one.14:27
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jdandreaThus, I'm discussing it *here*.14:27
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therveI just don't see why it solves your issue. It adds data at resource creation, not before.14:28
jdandreatherve: Hmm. If that's the case, then this won't work at all. :(14:28
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QimingI see it a workflow problem14:31
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QimingHeat is not generating a whole picture before starting to create resources14:31
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jdandreaQiming: *nods* ... so I'm trying to do that instead, only it doesn't quite work.14:32
Qimingsometimes Heat simply cannot do that, for example, in the ASG case14:32
jdandreaYes, and for us that's a showstopper (at least for holistic scheduling when an update occurs).14:32
jdandreaSo I'm trying to figure out a workaround. I don't know if one is possible.14:33
jdandreaOther than to not use Heat ASGs or any RGs and handle that some other way.14:33
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Qimingit has to be a workaround14:34
therveIf your scheduler needs to know about all the resources before making a decision, I don't see how it can work with scaling groups14:34
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jdandreaQiming: Yeah.14:35
jdandreatherve: I agree. It won't work. If I want to autoscale and holistically schedule, I have to do the scaling outside of Heat and submit updates with the resources added/deleted (plus I get to choose victims on a scale-down).14:35
jdandreaOnce I do that, I imagine I have to move the Ceilometer alarms out of the template as well and handle those some other way (I think).14:36
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jdandreaLet's suppose ASGs (and RGs, or any other "generator" resources) aren't used. Wouldn't I still be out of luck?14:43
jdandreaIf, as therve stated, stack lifecycle scheduler hints add data at resource *creation*, not before (not "pre" creation) ...14:44
therveYou don' have to believe me, just look at the code :)14:45
jdandreaThen the stack lifecycle plug point wouldn't be of help to me in knowing what the hints would be ahead of time.14:45
jdandreaI've looked at the code, therve. :/14:45
jdandreaThat doesn't mean I understand it as well as you do.14:45
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thervejdandrea, see
therveIt happends in handle_create14:46
jdandreatherve: *nods* ok, there it is, ty.14:46
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jdandreatherve: Notice the response to Steve Baker's comment. "... so that the names that are created for stack preview can be mapped to the names that are generated during stack create." Preview isn't the correct way to go about getting those names then?14:52
jdandrea(Or perhaps there isn't "a way" to get them at all.)14:52
therveI guess not14:52
jdandreatherve: I'm thinking back to when you wrote "But preview is not the tool you should use." What tool *should* I use? I don't know.14:53
thervejdandrea, You just won't get resources created by a group ahead of time. The group *is* the resource.14:54
jdandreaThe answer might be: "There isn't any tool you can use." Or, worse, "Such a tool doesn't exist, and can't exist in the current context."14:54
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jdandreatherve: Yeah, I see that now.14:54
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jdandreaEven if I don't use ASGs and RGs, however, stack-preview won't help at pre-create plug point time. Those lifecycle scheduler hints are assigned at create time, as shown.14:56
* jdandrea remains puzzled.14:56
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jdandreaI guess they *would* help if we knew the stack ID at pre-create time, and if I knew each resource's name/path, with no need for any generator resources.14:58
jdandreaOk then.14:58
jdandreaQiming, therve: I appreciate the discussion and reality checks.14:58
jdandrea(and zaneb too!)14:59
Qimingnp, I am still thinking how to expose some hook points for other services such as congress14:59
jdandreaQiming: Yes, and then the Gantt team wants to holisticaly schedule a group of resources too, but that's a ways off.15:00
Qimingno clear picture in mind yet15:00
thervePassing the hints at create time looks like the right approach to me.15:01
Qimingeven if we assume nova/cinder will inquire the scheduler using the hints, they won't do this in batch15:03
jdandreatherve: Agreed. I just have to find some other way to handle scaling (and resource groups too?) outside of Heat.15:03
jdandreaQiming: Exactly, they won't. That's why figuring it out ahead of *any* resources being instantiated is important for me.15:04
jdandreaThis also makes a bunch of assumptions: That we control the OS deployment, the scheduler filters, etc.15:04
Qimingthe info you can figure out before resources get their ID is very limited15:04
jdandreaQiming: Yeah.15:05
jdandreaFor now, presume that's some other process that does "something" and whatever it does is good enough for what I need.15:05
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zanebwow, all of the usual suspects got back on the TC15:09
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jdandreazaneb: Including Keyser Söze? *ba-dum*15:29
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zanebespecially him15:29
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jdandreazaneb: Whoa.15:31
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__TheDodd__I've been having trouble getting a user_data script to run for an OS::Nova::Server.15:49
__TheDodd__Even a simple script, like:15:49
__TheDodd__echo __testing__ >> /root/__testing__15:49
__TheDodd__does not appear to be doing anything.15:49
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__TheDodd__Anyone have advice on this?15:50
__TheDodd__I'm allowing user_data_format to be the default value.15:50
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__TheDodd__I was expecting that the script would run, and that a file call '__testing__' would be present in /root when I ssh in.15:51
jdandrea__TheDodd__: Hmm. I wonder if this example works on your install?
jdandreaBecause if it does ... it might shed light on what is happening in your particular template.15:51
jdandreaExcept, you're not using SoftwareConfig, just plain user_data cloud-init.15:52
__TheDodd__Rackspace doesn't appear to allow OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig.15:52
jdandrea__TheDodd__: Yeah, scratch that. My bad.15:53
jdandreaIt just so happens I've got one working over here.15:53
__TheDodd__Hmm, so let me ask a question.15:53
jdandreaDo you specify user_data_format: RAW in the server resource?15:53
jdandreaIf not, give that a try. I have to specify that along with the user_data and then "it just works."15:54
__TheDodd__Am I correct in asserting that user_data is simply a script that is to be run during the cloud init phase of the image?15:54
__TheDodd__jdandrea: I've tried specifying user_data_format: RAW, but it did not appear to work either.15:54
jdandrea__TheDodd__: Hmph. :/15:54
__TheDodd__I will certainly try again.15:54
__TheDodd__trying again15:55
jdandreaCan you post it to (Or some equivalent?)15:55
* __TheDodd__ trying user_data_format: RAW15:55
jdandreaMaybe a visual inspection will reveal other stuff.15:55
jasond`__TheDodd__: do you have config_drive set to true?15:55
* jdandrea doesn't use config_drive and his cloud-init scripts work.15:56
jdandrea__TheDodd__: Something else you can try: If you assign a floating IP to the server instance and ssh in, you can look in /var/log/cloud-init and see what went down.15:56
jasond`jdandrea: that's a current caveat to using OS::Nova::Server at Rackspace15:56
jdandreajasond`: Ohhh! :)15:57
* jdandrea TIL: config_drive can be a good thing15:57
__TheDodd__I've isolated that block of code. Everything works, except for the script.15:58
jdandrea__TheDodd__: Ok. Try this -
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jdandreaLines 45 *and* 46 are new.15:58
__TheDodd__Copy that.15:58
* __TheDodd__ trying new config.15:58
jdandrea45 is per jasond`15:58
jasond`jdandrea: your example looks correct15:59
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__TheDodd__jdandrea and jasond`: you both rock!16:04
__TheDodd__It's working.16:04
jdandreaWoo hoo!16:04
jdandreaYou bet. Happy to hear it's working. :)16:05
__TheDodd__So what is the config_drive?? I see the docs for it here:
__TheDodd__but there is not much of an explanation as to what the config_drive actually is.16:05
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jdandrea__TheDodd__: Check this out.
jdandreaWhoops. That's for Grizzly.16:08
* __TheDodd__ reading docs16:08
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jdandreaIf you had access to /etc/nova/nova.conf you could set force_config_drive to true. On Rackspace, I'm imagining they have it set to false (or it's otherwise unset), due to whatever reasons they may have for that.16:09
jdandreaThe config drive is what gets your user data.16:09
__TheDodd__Awesome. That's pretty straight forward.16:10
jdandreaNo config drive, no user data.16:10
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jdandreaFile under "It's easy when you know how!" :-D16:10
jdandrea__TheDodd__: Interesting. My nova.conf does *not* have force_config_drive set, nor do I ever use it explicitly. There might be something else disabling it and requiring you to specify that property. Either way ...16:12
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jasond`jdandrea: Rackspace doesn't run the metadata service, so config drive is necessary to use cloud-init16:16
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jdandreajasond`: oic!16:17
jdandreaMakes sense.16:18
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skraynevg'night all16:34
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jdandreaDoes this SoftwareConfig/Deployment look reasonable?
jdandreaThe deployment is stuck in CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. If I use RAW user data and no SoftwareConfig/Deployment, it works just fine.17:48
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openstackgerritRandall Burt proposed a change to openstack/heat: Use correct object when deleting
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openstackgerritRandall Burt proposed a change to openstack/heat: Use correct object when deleting
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openstackgerritRyan Brown proposed a change to openstack/heat: Add a preview endpoint for stack updates
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openstackgerritRandall Burt proposed a change to openstack/heat: Use correct object when deleting
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openstackgerritRob Pothier proposed a change to openstack/heat: Support vnic_type in OS::Neutron::Port
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openstackgerritRob Pothier proposed a change to openstack/heat-specs: Add support for PCI ports in OS::Neutron::Port
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openstackgerritRandall Burt proposed a change to openstack/heat: Catch correct exception for Cinder api version detection
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thedoddI've manually deleted a member of my heat stack ... the stack doesn't seem to be doing anything to rebuild it though.20:23
thedoddIs that to be expected?20:24
zanebdon't do that20:24
thedoddgood to know ;)20:24
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thedoddFortunately it's in the name of experimentation at this point.20:24
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thedoddAny way I can instruct heat to rebuild the server without killing the stack and rebuilding the entire stack?20:24
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jdandrea"It hurts when I do that." "So don't do that." Whew. Glad it's experimental.20:25
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* jdandrea looks for sbaker ... or someone who knows SoftwareConfig. 20:26
jdandreaI built a disk image according to - easy peasy.20:26
jdandreaThe deployment doesn't complete though. Suspecting I need to signal somehow, but I thought deployments did that for me (?).
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randallburtthedodd:  depends. You theoretically can issue a stack-update if you have a failure, but as for "automatically" healing missing resources, I think that work is ongoing in Kilo and beyond.20:40
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jdandreaHas anyone successfully deployed using a properly made fedora image?21:13
jdandreaI keep getting stuck at CREATE_IN_PROGRESS for the first SoftwareDeployment resource (do_key_gen).21:13
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jdandreaIt's as if the built-in signaling of a SW deployment never reaches Heat, except I can use wait conditions and they reach Heat just fine. Weird.21:24
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openstackgerritJason Dunsmore proposed a change to openstack/heat: Make Cloud Loadbalancer properties updatable
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ari__Hi everyone I am running into a really weird issue. I am passing the following ctemplate to heat22:39
ari__{   "heat_template_version": "2013-05-23",   "Description" : "Native Heat AWS Resource Provisioning",   "Parameters" : {          "KeyName" : {             "Type" : "string"         },          "Image" : {             "Type" : "string"         },          "NetworkId" : {             "Type" : "string"         }   },     "Resources" : {     "snet1" : {       "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Subnet",       "Properties" : {         "CidrBlock" :"192.168.122:40
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ari__I am passing the parameters but for all three items but heat keeps complaining "The Parameter (NetworkId) was not defined in template.",22:41
ari__Any idea22:41
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