Monday, 2020-04-13

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devimcfidencio: Hi, are you a podman expert?17:16
fidenciodevimc: I'm not but I may know a guys who knows a guy ...17:17
fidenciodevimc: what's the issue?17:17
devimcfidencio: how I can create a pod with kata?17:17
devimcfidencio: `podman pod create --help` doesn't show the --runtime option17:18
kata-irc-bot2<fidencio> `--runtime`  is a podman option, not a `pod create` option17:20
kata-irc-bot2<fidencio> so `podman --runtime=/usr/bin/kata-runtime pod create ...`  should work for you17:21
kata-irc-bot2<fidencio> let me know if it doesn't17:21
fidencioand this mix of IRC and slack is confusing :-)17:21
devimcfidencio: ok, let me try17:21
devimcfidencio: I'm running this:17:24
devimcsudo podman --runtime=kata-runtime pod create --name test17:24
devimcsudo podman --runtime=kata-runtime run --pod test --rm -ti sh17:24
devimcbut I get this error:17:24
devimcError: Could not constrain cgroup: failed to write 4096 to pids.max: open /sys/fs/cgroup/vc/kata_machine-libpod_pod_892b7d19f69162901fd6f96046b82a72b9dd9fbe7d412c552f499871f967d758.slice:libpod:548429ad3b3edfa8e17dcfdd6dcc2c7501fb9c15100e5e22e2329d031107708a/pids.max: permission denied: OCI runtime permission denied error17:24
devimcfedora 31 as host17:26
fidenciodevimc: that's what I get on a f32 as a host17:28
fidenciodevimc: may be cgroups v1 vs cgroups v2 difference?17:28
devimcfidencio: I have cgroups v217:29
fidenciodevimc: so, no, shouldn't be cgroups difference17:30
devimcmaybe it's time to update to f3217:30
fidenciodevimc: or to join #podman on freenode and ping dwalsh there :-)17:30
fidenciodevimc: as I told you, I know a guy who knows a guy :-)17:31
devimcfidencio: ok17:31
devimcfidencio: anyway thanks17:31
fidenciodevimc: mheon is also quite helpful as wel17:31
fidenciodevimc: and, about upgrading to f32, I'd wait till it's released17:32
fidenciodevimc: have been facing a few issues with bluetooth / pulseaudio (not sure whether it matters for you)17:32
devimcfidencio: woot it has not been released yet?17:32
fidenciodevimc: got delayed because of covid-1918:00
fidenciodevimc: it'll be released this or next week, IIRC18:00
devimcfidencio: great! thanks for the info18:01
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devimcfidencio: crobinso; fyi podman + kata + device passthrough is broken
devimcthis PR will fix it
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devimc(I think so)19:52
crobinsodevimc: I'll try to give it a test in a little bit, I have a vfio setup. though not sure how easily it translates to that usecase, I typically use libvirt19:53
devimccrobinso: thanks19:53
fidenciocrobinso: devimc: I'll also add amorenoz to the loop, he did some work with vfio and what not with kata + qemu19:55
fidenciodevimc: btw, sadbox is a nice typo :-)19:55
devimcfidencio: lol - I'm in the sadbox right now - I blame you covid19:56
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fidenciodevimc: amorenoz was using 1.10.latest ... so, it was a regression added with the cgroups related patches, is it?19:58
devimcfidencio: yes19:59
fidenciodevimc: okay, makes sense. I hope he still has the setup handy. Well, we will find it out Tomorrow. Or Today, if crobinso has some cycles :-)20:00
devimcfidencio: no rush, thanks20:02
fidenciodevimc: well, there's some rush. would be good to get this in before the rc release20:18
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