Tuesday, 2020-04-14

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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @james.o.hunt, @graham.whaley, are you guys (or someone else in this timezone) familiar with shimv2?12:38
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I'm clearly facing a weird error, where configPath for shimv2 is "" ...  making it always fallback to the default config path, which may break totally depending on how the distro packages it12:39
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> hi @fidencio - sparse week in the UK this week :slightly_smiling_face: I saw your query, but I don't know a definitive answer - you'll need maybe @archana.m.shinde or @xu for that. afaik though, I thought shimv2 was just for containerd, and not any crio, thus no docker.... but, I could be wrong12:39
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> @fidencio - better describe your stackup here, and hope somebody knows...12:40
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> it's used in CRI-O and OpenShift12:41
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> So, https://github.com/kata-containers/runtime/blob/master/containerd-shim-v2/create.go#L151 seems quite fishy12:41
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> why configPath would come from the `ociSpec.Annotations`?12:42
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> ociSpec.Annotations looks like:12:43
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> ```Apr 14 12:25:02 ci-ln-x7v7s2t-002ac-cf4th-worker-centralus3-jm9mn crio[1360]: time="2020-04-14T12:25:02.703981407Z" level=warning msg="FIDENCIO | create | ociSpec.Annotations: map[app:hello-openshift io.container.manager:cri-o io.kubernetes.container.name:POD12:43
kata-irc-botio.kubernetes.cri-o.Annotations:{\"k8s.ovn.org/pod-networks\":\"{\\\"default\\\":{\\\"ip_addresses\\\":[\\\"\\\"],\\\"mac_address\\\":\\\"de:9c:60:81:02:16\\\",\\\"gateway_ips\\\":[\\\"\\\"],\\\"ip_address\\\":\\\"\\\",\\\"gateway_ip\\\":\\\"\\\"}}\",\"k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/network-status\":\"[{\\n    \\\"name\\\": \\\"ovn-kubernetes\\\",\\n    \\\"interface\\\": \\\"eth0\\\",\\n    \\\"ips\\\": [\\n12:43
kata-irc-bot    \\\"\\\"\\n    ],\\n    \\\"mac\\\": \\\"de:9c:60:81:02:16\\\",\\n    \\\"default\\\": true,\\n    \\\"dns\\\": {}\\n}]\",\"k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks-status\":\"[{\\n    \\\"name\\\": \\\"ovn-kubernetes\\\",\\n    \\\"interface\\\": \\\"eth0\\\",\\n    \\\"ips\\\": [\\n        \\\"\\\"\\n    ],\\n    \\\"mac\\\": \\\"de:9c:60:81:02:16\\\",\\n    \\\"default\\\": true,\\n    \\\"dns\\\":12:43
kata-irc-botio.kubernetes.cri-o.CgroupParent:kubepods-besteffort-podd027e718_e6cf_48c1_b26e_812cb267b6be.slice io.kubernetes.cri-o.ContainerID:c71cc5637475c40c75cc3531ee30ffb13bac2f02c5e80a3d25f5e3148e7b239a io.kubernetes.cri-o.ContainerName:k8s_POD_example-vm-23_default_d027e718-e6cf-48c1-b26e-812cb267b6be_0 io.kubernetes.cri-o.ContainerType:sandbox io.kubernetes.cri-o.Created:2020-04-14T12:25:00.333691905Z io.kubernetes.cri-o.HostName:example-vm-2312:43
kata-irc-botio.kubernetes.cri-o.HostNetwork:false io.kubernetes.cri-o.HostnamePath:/var/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/c71cc5637475c40c75cc3531ee30ffb13bac2f02c5e80a3d25f5e3148e7b239a/userdata/hostname io.kubernetes.cri-o.IP.0: io.kubernetes.cri-o.KubeName:example-vm-2312:43
kata-irc-botio.kubernetes.cri-o.Labels:{\"app\":\"hello-openshift\",\"io.kubernetes.container.name\":\"POD\",\"io.kubernetes.pod.name\":\"example-vm-23\",\"io.kubernetes.pod.namespace\":\"default\",\"io.kubernetes.pod.uid\":\"d027e718-e6cf-48c1-b26e-812cb267b6be\"} io.kubernetes.cri-o.LogPath:/var/log/pods/default_example-vm-23_d027e718-e6cf-48c1-b26e-812cb267b6be/c71cc5637475c40c75cc3531ee30ffb13bac2f02c5e80a3d25f5e3148e7b239a.log12:43
kata-irc-botio.kubernetes.cri-o.Metadata:{\"name\":\"example-vm-23\",\"uid\":\"d027e718-e6cf-48c1-b26e-812cb267b6be\",\"namespace\":\"default\"} io.kubernetes.cri-o.MountPoint:/var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/0b87886d923f2684363c37c5979edf05e787702f066529aaa4583bb52c4e91dd/merged io.kubernetes.cri-o.Name:k8s_example-vm-23_default_d027e718-e6cf-48c1-b26e-812cb267b6be_0 io.kubernetes.cri-o.Namespace:default io.kubernetes.cri-o.NamespaceOptions:{\"pid\":1}12:43
kata-irc-botio.kubernetes.cri-o.PortMappings:[] io.kubernetes.cri-o.PrivilegedRuntime:false io.kubernetes.cri-o.ResolvPath:/var/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/c71cc5637475c40c75cc3531ee30ffb13bac2f02c5e80a3d25f5e3148e7b239a/userdata/resolv.conf io.kubernetes.cri-o.RuntimeHandler:kata-qemu io.kubernetes.cri-o.SandboxID:c71cc5637475c40c75cc3531ee30ffb13bac2f02c5e80a3d25f5e3148e7b239a io.kubernetes.cri-o.SeccompProfilePath:12:43
kata-irc-botio.kubernetes.cri-o.ShmPath:/var/run/containers/storage/overlay-containers/c71cc5637475c40c75cc3531ee30ffb13bac2f02c5e80a3d25f5e3148e7b239a/userdata/shm io.kubernetes.pod.name:example-vm-23 io.kubernetes.pod.namespace:default io.kubernetes.pod.uid:d027e718-e6cf-48c1-b26e-812cb267b6be12:43
kata-irc-botk8s.ovn.org/pod-networks:{\"default\":{\"ip_addresses\":[\"\"],\"mac_address\":\"de:9c:60:81:02:16\",\"gateway_ips\":[\"\"],\"ip_address\":\"\",\"gateway_ip\":\"\"}} k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/network-status:[{\n    \"name\": \"ovn-kubernetes\",\n    \"interface\": \"eth0\",\n    \"ips\": [\n        \"\"\n    ],\n    \"mac\": \"de:9c:60:81:02:16\",\n    \"default\": true,\n    \"dns\": {}\n}]12:43
kata-irc-botk8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/networks-status:[{\n    \"name\": \"ovn-kubernetes\",\n    \"interface\": \"eth0\",\n    \"ips\": [\n        \"\"\n    ],\n    \"mac\": \"de:9c:60:81:02:16\",\n    \"default\": true,\n    \"dns\": {}\n}] kubernetes.io/config.seen:2020-04-14T12:24:57.128717256Z kubernetes.io/config.source:api]"```12:43
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> It seems to be the pod related info, not the general config12:43
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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Okay, explained at: https://github.com/kata-containers/documentation/blob/master/how-to/containerd-kata.md13:04
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> "This `ConfigPath` option is optional. If you do not specify it, shimv2 first tries to get the configuration file from the environment variable `KATA_CONF_FILE`. If neither are set, shimv2 will use the default Kata configuration file paths (`/etc/kata-containers/configuration.toml` and `/usr/share/defaults/kata-containers/configuration.toml`)."  I still think it's a bug though. If not specificied, it should look at the default kata13:05
kata-irc-botconfig specified at the build time13:05
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kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> @fidencio - can you clarify 'config specified at the build time' - specified where for what build? I see those two default config paths hard wired into the katautils code base - they don't look over-ridable to me at a glance13:37
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Seems they are overridable. @CONFIG_PATH@ should do the trick.13:41
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> But I just realised that Fedora package may be screwed up13:42
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> In Fedora package we try to override: "CONFDIR" and "DEFAULTSDIR", which should be good enough to have CONFIG_PATH, which is defined as "$CONFDIR/$CONFIGFILE"13:43
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> But no, CONFDIR / DEFAULTSDIR, those are not overridable13:43
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> So, I'm pretty sure it's an issue, but now I'm more than sure the issue is in the Fedora package13:44
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> ok, thx for the update. I'm not convinced there is not a potential issue with kata between the `defaultRuntimeConfiguration` var in the cli generated file (generated from the Makefile) and the var in pkg/katautils/config-settings.go, which I think is not auto generated.... hence, maybe kata-runtime v1 you can config at makefile, but shimv2 you cannot - that might also be worth looking at if you hit a dead end.13:58
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> That's what I'm going to test right now (well, when my cluster is up ...), because you should be able to configure both at makefile, shouldn't you?14:02
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> having shimv2 not being configurable does look like a bug to me14:02
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Also, `defaultRuntimeConfiguration` is declared as a `var`, instead of a `const`  in `pkg/katautils/config-settings.go`, which makes me think that it can be overriden14:05
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> heh, I think I noted at the top of that file it is a var so the test suite can over-ride it...14:05
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> oh, oops, wrong file... the other file says that14:06
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> but, yes, I would think it should be over-rideable - and maybe we need to use the same Makefile sed method..14:06
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Yeah, I'll do the following checks: • If passing `CONFIG_PATH=...`  to as a make var in the Fedora solves the issues, then we're good; • If not, I'll keep tracing it down and most likely open an issue / provide a patch to kata itself • And then, get back to the first step ...14:08
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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> BTW, meeting is in an hour, right? I'm never sure whether my calendar is right about this one14:23
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> my calendar says in about 28 minutes.... @xu @eric.ernst - is that right?14:32
kata-irc-bot<eric.ernst> Yeah14:34
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> @xu @eric.ernst @salvador.fuentes I will have to skip today's arch call14:48
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @eric.ernst, so, the binaries you mentioned are supposed to be created by the distro?15:56
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> If so, we don't create anything like that on Fedora15:56
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> and we use CRI-O just calling "/usr/bin/containerd-kata-shim-v2" without any argument15:56
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> which will lead to configPath being "", leading to use the default one ...15:57
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> which is the default one in according to kata, not the default one specified by the distro15:57
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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @archana.m.shinde, I've never revendored something. /o\. I'll try to open a PR later Today.17:59
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> @fidencio just fyi, I think this is the code in kata-deploy that generates the shim script re-directs: https://github.com/kata-containers/packaging/blob/master/kata-deploy/scripts/kata-deploy.sh#L199-L217  If you are not generating them for your distro, then I presume you are only supporting one kata hypervisor (qemu?) under containerd, and only have one kata runtime entry in your containerd config file...18:30
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> I don't know how we do this for OBS packages btw - we'd have to ask @jose.carlos.venegas.m , and implicate @eric.ernst some more ...18:30
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @graham.whaley, that's interesting. So, I don't have containerd, at all, here.18:46
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> @fidencio here a guide for revendoring, hope it helps: https://github.com/kata-containers/community/blob/master/VENDORING.md18:46
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I'm running shimv2 against CRI-O18:46
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> So, let me create that file. Seems that the way to go is passing KATA_CONF_FILE18:47
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Still, it does look wrong that the default defined config path is not respected18:47
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @salvador.fuentes, cool, let me read that, thanks!18:48
kata-irc-bot<graham.whaley> @fidencio - sure - you might also (if you have not already) check out how kata-deploy sets up the crio conf file - also in that same shell script.19:25
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> the crio conf file is solid. I've made it work \o/19:27
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> it was just this bit that I left behind as I had an easy workaround, as creating /etc/kata-containers/19:27
gwhaleyfidencio: excellent - and have a good evening! :-)19:30
* gwhaley signs off..19:30
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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @eric.ernst https://github.com/kata-containers/runtime/issues/261019:55
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I've added the workaround of using the script setting un `KATA_CONF_FILE` on Fedora19:55
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fidenciodevimc: I will have to bother you20:18
fidenciodevimc: although fuentess shared the doc explaining how to update the vendor, seems that I'm doing something stupid on my side20:18
fidenciodevimc: I've changed the revision of agent on Gopkg.toml20:19
fidenciodevimc: it complains about "it has a dependency on github.com/sirupsen/logrus with constraint v1.4.2, which has no overlap with existing constraint"20:20
fidenciodevimc: okay, no problem, let's also bump logrus then20:20
devimcfidencio: let me try on my side, what is the version of the agent?20:21
fidenciodevimc: 5bf8d4cc4614d0e0b3202f0a39d723195e341df820:21
fidenciodevimc: that's the commit, the latest one20:22
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devimcfidencio: weird, it didn't bring anything, just Gopkg.* were modified20:27
devimcfidencio: seems like there are no changes in agent's pkg or protocols20:27
fidenciodevimc: what happens if you use `dep ensure -update`?20:27
fidenciodevimc: that's weird, because there's changes in the agent20:27
devimcfidencio: indeed, there are changes, but not in pkg or protocols20:29
devimcfidencio: runtime only cares about changes in those directories20:30
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fidenciodevimc: wait ...20:31
fidenciodevimc: I'm dealing with shim, not with runtime20:31
fidenciodevimc: sorry, that was my fault, I was pretty sure I had mentioned that (but I didn't)20:31
devimcfidencio: I faced the same issue in the runtime, take a look https://github.com/kata-containers/runtime/pull/2351/commits20:36
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fidenciodevimc: so, update one by one?20:38
devimcfidencio: yes20:38
devimcfidencio: start with logrus20:38
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devimcfidencio: https://github.com/devimc/kata-shim/commits/topic/vendor/updateAgent20:53
devimclast two commits ;)20:53
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fidenciodevimc: I've done that on my side, took me some time to format it in a similar way you previously did20:57
fidenciodevimc: in any case, at this point I guess it's better if you just open the PR20:57
fidencioand I will review it20:57
fidenciodevimc: ah, no, I have all the changelog on my side20:58
devimcfidencio: ohh no, it's your fix, feel free to take and rebase my patches20:58
fidenciodevimc: so, maybe better if I open the PR20:58
devimcfidencio: yeah - go for it20:59
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kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> devimc: so you needed to update a package one by one to get rid of the error fidencio mentioned21:03
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kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> ?21:03
fidencioseems so, it's not as practical as I'd expect but well ...21:04
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> @fidencio: to be honest, thats the first time I am seeing such an error21:05
devimcfidencio: it's better, that way you can include a shortlog per package21:05
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> has worked pretty well so far21:05
devimcfidencio: nudge - btw don't forget the shortlog21:06
fidenciodevimc: yeah, I've added the shortlog (well, git log --pretty=oneline v1.0.4..v1.4.2)21:06
fidencionot sure if you use a different format21:06
devimcfidencio: git log --no-merges --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline "${old_commit}..${new_commit}"21:07
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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Interesting ...21:18
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I'm not using Julio commits, mainly because I want to have it done from my side21:19
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> but I only change logrus version on `Gopkg.toml` , run a `dep ensure` and the version in the lock is wrong21:20
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> :S21:20
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kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> thats odd21:35
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> @fidencio21:35
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> I saw the same21:35
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> I had to change the version to revision21:35
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> to fix that21:35
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> not sure if logrus is not tagged correctly21:36
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> that's it!21:40
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @archana.m.shinde++ @julio.montes++21:41
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Okay, finally updated the PR.21:47
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kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Thanks for the patience :slightly_smiling_face:21:47
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> @archana.m.shinde @fidencio @jose.carlos.venegas.m shim travis failure should be fixed by https://github.com/kata-containers/shim/pull/245, can you please ack?22:22
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> I think that we can skip full testing as the change only affects travis file22:23
kata-irc-bot<archana.m.shinde> done @salvador.fuentes22:44
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @salvador.fuentes, I don't have powers to do reviews on Shim :S22:44
kata-irc-bot<salvador.fuentes> @fidencio I have added you to the shim team, but not sure if you'll be able to do reviews on existing PRs22:58
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @salvador.fuentes, worked like a charm!23:05
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> Thanks for adding me there!23:05
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