Tuesday, 2021-06-15

kata-irc-bot<bergwolf> Ariel, what do you mean? We *ARE* using a separate google doc for performance isolation. https://docs.google.com/document/d/15Hc6DkJxLKev_MNKdN3OZWSpZxH3ch5TJ-Nq6yHx3l8/edit#heading=h.iseimabxy56h None of us is updating the confidential computing gdoc01:40
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*** ricolin_ is now known as ricolin17:32
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @liubin0329, seems that 45fd58d11cc4e74a703ea87551e43670441bbdfe broke the snap CI, or at least exposed something wrong with the snap CI.20:39
kata-irc-bot<wmoschet> I realized that. Some script in agent build seems to switch the branch/tag to 2.2.0-alpha0. No idea why it does that only on snap CI21:35

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