Wednesday, 2021-06-16

kata-irc-bot<wmoschet> @julio.montes @james.o.hunt as you commented on , this problem has affected other PRs12:18
kata-irc-bot<wmoschet> I looked at commit 45fd58d11cc4e74a703ea87551e43670441bbdfe and it uncovers a what seems old bug. The osbuilder script has always failed to checkout a branch; but with @liubin0329’s change now the script dies instead of continue13:58
kata-irc-bot<wmoschet> In .github/workflows/snap-release.yaml it is fetching the tags, so it can properly checkout to the version tag; on .github/workflows/snap.yaml  (snap CI) it doesn' t fetch tag, thus failing the checkout14:20
*** dklyle is now known as dklyle__15:31
*** ricolin_ is now known as ricolin17:49

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