Monday, 2021-09-06

kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @thierry, I've received this after sending an email to the kata-dev mailing list: ```****************************************** This is an automated email about your abuse notification. Please do not reply to this email. This email was sent from a no-reply address and your reply will not be delivered. ******************************************``` Not sure if this is a problem with the ML, with Red Hat mail server, or both.11:28
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> @christophe, not sure if you faced something similar before11:29
kata-irc-bot<thierry> @fidencio Hmm weird, could you forward it to me (with headers)?12:35
kata-irc-bot<fidencio> I did, and looking at the headers it seems it's a problem on the Red Hat side.12:37
kata-irc-bot<christophe> I don't recall seeing that one. My complaint was about emails being too large (> 40K)12:50
kata-irc-bot<thierry> yeah, looks weird. Could be that someone registered abuse@leaseweb as a ML recipient but then everyone would get a notification. So probably more of a local issue12:57

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