Tuesday, 2022-08-23

kata-irc-bot<derlee> Regarding why cargo-deny is taking so long on kata-containers vs dragonflyoss/image-service:  First, I did go a roundabout way of getting all the Cargo.toml files scanned. Normally when cargo-deny runs, it works by scanning either the root directory or a provided directory for a cargo.toml file. However, the kata project does not have a single "root" cargo file. Instead, it has a bunch of components, each with their own files, each file16:31
kata-irc-botpotential having its own workspace. I made a composite action to find all the Cargo.toml files (that were modified)  and then run the action on each one individually. In contrast, the image-service does have a "root" Cargo file that lists all other cargo.toml files in its workspace.  Rust also does not support nested workspaces as far as I can tell, which prevents me from easily just merging all our exisitng files under one large global workspace.16:31
kata-irc-botThere is overhead here being incurred as well as likely some redundancy (files belonging to a workspace may be double counted, but I cannot think of a better way to do this).  Secondly, there are currently 30 Cargo.tomls in kata-containers, 20 of which are being caught by cargo-deny in my PR right now. dragonflyoss/image-service has 9. This probably has some effect as well.  Thirdly, I did split the advisories and license checks into two separate16:31
kata-irc-botjobs. I did this when I started because it was the recommended workflow on the cargo-deny-action page, but is unnecessary if we are just keeping everything as non-blocking anyways.  I can change the last one and see how it affects performance. The first issue I struggled with for a while and did not see any other obvious solution, so if anyone has any suggestions that would be appreciated. The  second point is basically unavoidable.  I'll post16:31
kata-irc-botthis in the slack and the PR for visibility.16:31

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