Monday, 2014-04-21

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openstackgerritSergey Murashov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Changed tests for murano repository
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openstackgerritSergey Murashov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Changed tests for murano repository
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openstackgerritStan Lagun proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Fixed incorrect instantiation of Resources class
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Preserve keys in object's system area
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Remove hardcoded foreign keys from db.catalog.api
openstackgerritTimur Sufiev proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Catch CommunicationError at Packages panel
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Bump python-muranoclient version to 0.5.0
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Bump python-muranoclient version to 0.5.0
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: display package name instead of id
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fix link to image detail.
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Tailor Topology Tab view to the new object model
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Fix missing function error in install_venv
openstackgerritSergey Murashov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Changed tests for murano repository
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openstackgerritTimur Sufiev proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Catch CommunicationError at Packages panel
openstackgerritTimur Sufiev proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Do not use non-existent 'app_id' attr in Environment->Services
openstackgerritTimur Nurlygayanov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fixed issue with error message
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Rename Type to Usage for MuranoPL properties
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: AD was broken because of missing Body key
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openstackgerritTimur Nurlygayanov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fixed issue with error message
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Heat stack could remain even if all applications were removed
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Use io.BytesIO instead of sqlalchemy.byte_buffer
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openstackgerritTimur Nurlygayanov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fixed issue with error message
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: DirectoryPackageLoader skipped all package directories
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Typo in HeatStack API
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Wrong Usage for dns_ip property in AD PrimaryController
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openstackgerritTimur Sufiev proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Catch muranoclient errors at Packages panel
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Update requirements.txt due to changes in global-requirements.txt
openstackgerritTimur Nurlygayanov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fixed issue with error message
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openstackgerritTimur Nurlygayanov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Fixed issue with error message
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Added a CLI command to manage categories
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Do not use non-existent 'app_id' attr in Environment->Services
openstackgerritSergey Murashov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Changed tests for murano repository
openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Added Murano config checks
openstackgerritSergey Murashov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Changed tests for murano repository
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Catch muranoclient errors at Packages panel
openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Added developer documentation
openstackgerritSergey Murashov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Changed tests for murano repository
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openstackgerritSergey Murashov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Changed tests for murano repository
openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: DO NOT MERGE
openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Fix issue with keystone
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Enable actual API call for stats
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Add CPU info to stats
openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-api: Fixed incorrect instantiation of Resources class
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tsufiev_i've added voting for new name for 'Service' to the tomorrow meeting's agenda:
tsufiev_please, take a bit time and think what name seems good to you13:54
openstackgerritTimur Sufiev proposed a change to stackforge/murano-dashboard: Make Search query ignore current category
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joefidesHi all...I'm having a hard time adapting the linuxapache service to my own service, where I'd want to pass in different variables and perform a configuration based upon those variables.  Is there some documentation that someone can point me to that describes the process to pass parameters from the UI template down to, say, the script used to actually do the installation?  TIA.15:00
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katyaferventHi joefides!15:24
katyaferventAre you using Murano master or 0.4 version?15:24
katyaferventhere is agent template for a simple apache service
katyaferventit's an execution plan15:28
tnurlygayanovjoefides, you can take the deployApachePHP parameter as example15:28
tnurlygayanovin line
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tnurlygayanovwe can see how we will pass this parameter to scripts15:29
katyaferventand this argument args.enablePHP was pointed by user in the UI and passed to murano-conductor as it is15:29
tnurlygayanovand we can describe this parameter in UI like in
ativelkovThe parameter has to be introduced in the UI definition (yaml file), then and XML workflows should pass it to the execution plan, which will put it into the script15:30
tnurlygayanovso, to use the same parameters we should describe them in UI form defenition and after that we should describe these parameters in user agent files15:31
tnurlygayanov*in agent templates files15:31
tnurlygayanovand also in workflow we should pass this parameter like in this example
tnurlygayanovso, it is not easy now and we plan to simplify this in release 0.515:33
joefidesI see this line  enablePHP: $deployApachePHP in the template and it is later passed in to the script via return apacheDeploy('{0}'.format(args.enablePHP)).stdout...  that's what you're referring to, correct?15:33
joefidestemplate = agent template15:34
tnurlygayanovfor Apache exampl we use just
tnurlygayanovto get this parameter dirrectly from script15:37
tnurlygayanovso, Murano will run script and add this parameter after the script, like: $deployApachePHP15:38
tnurlygayanovjoefides, please do not forget to describe all new parameters in workflows, like in  - if we have more that 1 parameter we can pass all of them in one workflow rule15:41
joefidesSo, if I have a parameter a) registered in the template, b) referenced by the same name in the UI and c) mapped in the workflow, it should be available as a shell argument in the script ($1, $2, etc)...correct?15:42
tnurlygayanovthe main part of this rule in parameter name="mappings"15:42
joefidesAnd the workflow references to the mappings are regarding the UI?15:43
joefidesOk...and, lastly, what is the format that I should use for strings and ints in this line "'{0}'.format(args.enablePHP)"15:44
joefidese.g., I want to do foo(1, 'bar', 'x:y,...')15:44
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sjmc7good afternoon igormanat15:50
sjmc7or evening?15:50
tnurlygayanovso, it is bash scripts and we use only $2 right now15:52
tnurlygayanovjoefides probably "'{0}'.format(args.enablePHP)" will work too.15:52
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ruhesjmc7: hi15:53
tnurlygayanovwe can use something like this
tnurlygayanovsjmc7 Hi :)15:54
ruhesjmc7: igormarnat added a few items to the agenda for the next weekly meeting
sjmc7hey ruhe. and everyone else :)  igormarnat mentioned last week you guys were soon going to be discussing the stuff you wanted to do during the next cycle15:54
tnurlygayanovjoefides, "'{0}'.format(args.enablePHP)"  - looks like Python code, not bash.15:55
sjmc7ha, ok :)  ruhe, you want me to put a brief list on that page before the meeting tomorrow?15:55
ruhesjmc7: that would be great15:55
sjmc7ok. the other thing was, at least one of our guys has done a few low hanging fruit bugs and is looking for something bigger15:56
joefidestnurlygayanov, that is what is in the agent template15:56
sjmc7was wondering if you had any small-ish features he could look at15:56
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tnurlygayanovjoefides, oo, now I understand it :)15:57
ruhesjmc7: there is a long list of bugs with "low-hanging-fruit" tag attached15:58
tnurlygayanovjoefides, about the format - format function should parse all types and convert them to string15:58
sjmc7yeah - i'm looking for something a bit bigger than that, he's fixed a few low hanging bugs already15:58
sjmc7i have some blueprints i submitted last week15:59
joefidesSo, regardless of the type, I should use '{0}'.format(args.myArg)15:59
tnurlygayanovjoefides and we can use the same code for different types of variables15:59
sjmc7but i don't want to get started on those until you guys have commented15:59
ruhesjmc7: here the link (just in case)
joefidesShould the values be incremented in the brackets?  e.g., {0}..., {1}....15:59
tnurlygayanovjoefides, about the 'format' - yes16:00
ruhesjmc7: about blueprints. right, it would be better to discuss design aspects before you start implementing something. we might need to schedule a call or just discuss that in ML16:00
igormarnatsjmc7, ruhe: so guys, things which are missing for 0.5 are dev/user guide and advanced networking, I think.16:00
sjmc7ok, igormarnat - we can certainly try and help with dev guide and maybe the networking stuff16:01
tnurlygayanovjoefides, yes, this is should be the Python syntax16:02
sjmc7though it looks like ativelkov is working on the networking16:02
igormarnatsjmc7: well, I'm just thinking loudly16:02
igormarnatNot deciding anything yet16:02
igormarnatsjm7: there is an excellent idea from rube, by the way16:03
ruheright, ativelkov is working on adv. networking16:03
sjmc7maybe hold off until the discussion tomorrow16:03
joefidesOk...thanks.  I'll give that a shot and let you guys know.  Thanks a bunch.16:03
igormarnatIn murano 0.4 there were 7 applications implementted, IIRC16:03
igormarnatWe only had time to translate 3 or 4 of them to DSL of Murano 0.516:04
igormarnatSo still need to translate 3 or 4 more16:04
igormarnatAnd this is an excellent way to make hands dirty in each and every component of Murano:)16:04
sjmc7yeah, that would be a useful learning experience16:04
tnurlygayanovjoefides, any time.16:04
igormarnatBut I suspect that the next feature you'll want to work on will be improvements of debuggability:)16:05
igormarnatSo if you want to give it a try, I can ask our guys to point to to the needed examples16:05
igormarnatrune, sergmelikyan: what are the simplest scenarios to begin with?16:06
sjmc7the old examples in murnao-repository?16:06
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ruheigormarnat: it is ruHe, i'm going to send a post-card with my nick-name to you ;)16:07
igormarnatruHe: sorry, I'll right it 100 times on my whiteboard:)16:09
igormarnatCan't type today16:10
ruhehere is a repository with ported applications -
ruheit's a temporary repository16:14
ruhewe should either keep it under murano-api/meta or in a separate repository on stackforge16:15
sjmc7ah, nice. ok, maybe i'll have him look at adding something to that16:15
igormarnatsjmc7: and in addition to that we think we could start drafting the plan for the next cycle16:16
igormarnatOur suggestion is to discuss desired directions tomorrow, I extended our agenda with that16:16
sjmc7igormarnat: yeah, i'll add a short list of what i've got to the agenda page16:16
igormarnatJust great16:16
ruhesjmc7: in case if you didn't catch this conversation, here is a link
ruhethat might help to figure out plan for the next cycle16:18
sjmc7yeah, that's an interesting conversation that seems to have been going for a while16:19
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sjmc7ruhe, igormarnat - i've updated please ask if you have any questions, i'll try to answer them before the meeting16:49
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joefidestnurlygayanov...ok, I gave this a shot a few times and I'm getting a 'tuple index out of range'.  My parameters on the agent template are and the script execution is of the form myscript('{0}'.format(args.enablePHP), '{1}'.format(args.zk_hosts)).stdout.  The workflow looks like  Do you see anything wrong there?17:13
ruhesjmc7: thank you!17:17
slagunjoefides, myScript should have single argument - command line17:19
slagunmyscript('{0} {1}'.format(args.enablePGP, args.zk_hosts))17:19
joefidesAH!  Let me try that.  Is there a limit to the number of arguments that may be passed?  I'd think not...but just checking.17:20
slaguncommand line is a single string argument. So there cannot be >117:21
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joefidesAll of this is changing in 0.5, though, correct?17:22
slagunno. Only workflow part17:22
joefidesAnd I meant, how many {n} placeholders there may be17:22
slagunjoefides, this is regular Python syntax. So no limit AFAIK17:23
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slagunActually Body can be arbitrary Python script. You can invoke several scripts, have loops, ifs etc17:24
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joefidesYep, that syntax worked for me.  And good to know regarding the scripty-ness of it.  This will be consistent moving forward w/ the next version of Murano?17:39
slagunyes. Maybe we create some shortcuts for trivial use cases that will generate execution plan but there are no plans to drop them or make breaking changes17:41
slagunwe are going to improve them with support for puppet/chef/PowerShell etc. We are also going to dupport other deployment methods (HOT software components, SSH, JSON RPC etc)17:42 more question (for now ;) )... what significance does the line attributeNames: [units, instanceCount] have?17:42
slagunwhere did you saw it?17:43
joefidesin the ui template17:44
joefidesfor the LinuxApache deployment17:44
openstackgerritAlexander Tivelkov proposed a change to stackforge/murano-api: Set a proper name for murano config section
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slagunas far as I understand from code attributeNames define to mappings between form fields and attributes of object model - input JSON that is passed for deployment to conductor18:03
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slagunlist means that particular field is published twice under different names18:03
slagunbut I guess 'units' has predefined meaning as number of units to generate18:04
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slaguntsufiev knows better18:04
slagunprobably this is going to change in 0.518:05
joefidesI'll not worry about it for the purposes of my POC...thanks.18:05
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/murano-deployment: Deprecate Devstack scripts
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