Thursday, 2018-07-19

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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)00:30
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)02:30
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)04:30
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quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Are you there ?05:33
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quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Started the other day to add --with-ara to python tripleoclient05:40
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)06:30
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quiquellmarios, sshnaidm|rover: sprint16 review for common.yaml vars
quiquellmarios, sshnaidm|rover: It's in a good state now06:37
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mariosack quiquell will check in a bit06:39
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marios sshnaidm|rover  o/ can you checkout when you get a sec thanks. wes and gfidente +2 v4 but i had to recheck for te multinode jobs so added small update (comments) is pretty simple change thanks07:16
quiquellmarios: We need to update the script we are going to remove ? damn...07:20
mariosquiquell: yah looks like it i mean it needs to be fixed for the bug07:21
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chkumar|ruckin the collected logs there is no undercloud folder07:33
chkumar|ruckfrom logs it is showing quickstart collect logs failed07:33
chkumar|ruckbut I am not getting where it got failed in collect logs07:33
chkumar|ruckplease have a look07:34
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Let me check07:34
quiquellchkumar|ruck: There is something weird here07:35
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Look at the post-logs.yaml, looks like the job was interrupted in the middle of it or the like07:36
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quiquellchkumar|ruck: Nah forget about it, it's a false negative07:39
chkumar|ruckquiquell: nothing odd looks in post-logs.yaml07:39
chkumar|ruckquiquell: ok07:40
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Feels like the build has beign aborted at "collect-logs : Gather the logs to /tmp"07:40
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quiquellchkumar|ruck: Comparing with a working one
quiquellchkumar|ruck: collect-logs : Create rsync filter file looks quite different07:45
quiquelllooks like overcloud-novacompute-0 and overcloud-controller-0 is missing07:46
chkumar|ruckquiquell: something weired has happened07:46
quiquellchkumar|ruck: It has not beign able to set the nodes up, maybe introspection problems07:47
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Missing PLAY "Inventory the overcloud"07:50
chkumar|ruckquiquell: it got terminated in between then?07:50
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Even "Deploy the overcloud" PLAY has not being executed07:50
chkumar|ruckthe job got failed [build-images : run the image build script (direct)]07:50
jfrancoasshnaidm|rover: o/ do you have a moment for a doubt?07:50
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Damn... we don't have the logs of it07:51
chkumar|ruckquiquell: because undercloud does not get copied07:52
quiquellchkumar|ruck: That's quite broken...07:52
quiquelland it doesn't get copied becouse there is no overcloud nodes07:52
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quiquellchkumar|ruck: Don't know why it does not continue...07:55
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Maybe is a weird conditional somewhere07:55
chkumar|ruckquiquell: let's wait for another run07:55
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Yep... think so07:55
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chkumar|ruckbrb for lunch08:19
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sshnaidm|roverjfrancoa, hey, yeah08:28
jfrancoasshnaidm|rover: it's about the collect-logs role. I added a new line to collect a directory inside undercloud's /tmp/ but I can't find it in the logs08:29
jfrancoasshnaidm|rover: is it needed to add anything else? or only logs inside /var /home or /etc can be collected?08:29
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)08:30
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Good morning sir, I have tryied a --with-ara a few days ago08:32
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: python-tripleoclient and tripleo-common change08:32
sshnaidm|roverjfrancoa, will look08:34
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, well, I was doing this too08:34
jfrancoasshnaidm|rover: thanks a lot, whenever you have some time08:34
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Didn't know, that's why I am saying, we can drop my tripleo-common part08:35
quiquelland keep the python-tripleoclient renaming the argument08:35
quiquellRead an email about it at the beginning of the week so I started to look at missin part08:36
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, let's sync about grafana and this task too today08:36
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Absolutly, whenever you have a free brain cycle08:37
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, cool08:37
quiquelljust ping me08:37
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sshnaidm|roverjfrancoa, the file you changed is used for any runs, except of tripleo-ci. For CI we need to change this file:
sshnaidm|roverjfrancoa, I know it's confusing, but in CI we have limitations about logs collection, which don't have in local runs..08:42
sshnaidm|roverjfrancoa, so you can leave that patch and just do the same for CI08:42
jfrancoasshnaidm|rover: oooh...It is. I'll change it there then, thanks a lot08:42
sshnaidm|rovermarios, hi, wrt - I didn't get where is part there?08:43
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Spring16 review, ready to merge, added your comments
quiquelltest patch here
mariossshnaidm|rover: o/ not sure what you mean, the bug fails because we have old ceph. the problem is the subnode setup is using older ceph still the review updates/fixes it08:47
mariossshnaidm|rover: thanks for checking it, i'll also reply on the review08:47
mariossshnaidm|rover: is the -1 because you want me to s/erase/remove or because you question the need for the patch?08:47
sshnaidm|rovermarios, no, I try to understand why it's problem in, it's not clear neither from bug description, not from commit message08:48
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mariossshnaidm|rover: problem is that we are still using --boostrap-subnodes to setup the repos/boosttrap dependencies on subnodes08:48
mariossshnaidm|rover: the bug is about ceph jewel being installed, when it should be luminous08:49
mariossshnaidm|rover: so i updated the code in that does it08:49
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sshnaidm|rovermarios, well, the bug description is awful, no logs, not details, do you have maybe log for that failure?08:52
mariossshnaidm|rover: ack, thanks for the feedback :) I am updating the commmit message now08:52
mariossshnaidm|rover: no log08:52
mariossshnaidm|rover: i was pointed at the bug by weshay08:53
sshnaidm|rovermarios, at least  in which job does it happen?08:53
sshnaidm|rovermarios, how do we know then that this patch solves it?08:53
mariossshnaidm|rover: i guess 'multinode' but i dont have a pointer08:53
mariossshnaidm|rover: well, we don't except it still solves a valid problem with outdated ceph repos (no luminous)08:53
mariossshnaidm|rover: so sure i can make it related-bug for now08:54
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mariossshnaidm|rover: and agree we should find some traces08:54
mariossshnaidm|rover: maybe apevec has some pointer08:54
sshnaidm|rovermarios, I think we need to have more defined problem, so we could be sure that we solve it.08:54
mariossshnaidm|rover: ack, i just updated and made it 'remove' rather than 'erase'08:56
mariosand updated the commit message with more info08:56
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sshnaidm|rovermarios, I updated the bug too08:57
sshnaidm|rovermarios, I need to know that we resolve the problem and need to know where to see the result08:57
sshnaidm|rovermarios, the bug doesn't have information to do it unfortunately08:58
mariossshnaidm|rover: me too :)08:58
mariossshnaidm|rover: i updated the commit message to say 'related-bug'08:59
mariossshnaidm|rover: please take another look when you have some time thanks08:59
mariossshnaidm|rover: imo this change is needed anyway, and ceph folks (gfidente) agree08:59
mariossshnaidm|rover: thanks for your review09:00
quiquellchkumar|ruck, sshnaidm|rover: Do we have any issue with reproducer regarding "ansible_private_key_file" undefined ?09:01
sshnaidm|rovermarios, I'm totally fine with review, but I can't know what this review does. Until we have info where should we check...09:01
mariossshnaidm|rover: well you can09:01
mariossshnaidm|rover: i mean09:01
mariossshnaidm|rover: take any multinode job and check on the subnodes09:02
mariossshnaidm|rover: do we capture repos i think so right?09:02
mariosand maybe yum log for the packages09:02
mariossshnaidm|rover: ^%% to see if the ceph is removed?09:02
sshnaidm|rovermarios, I don't know if it solved the problem09:02
mariossshnaidm|rover: well the problem is the current release for ceph is set to jewel09:03
mariossshnaidm|rover: but it should definitely be luminous09:03
sshnaidm|rovermarios, ok, but all jobs work now09:03
sshnaidm|rovermarios, so it doesn't matter actually, we overwrite it09:04
sshnaidm|rovermarios, when we run repo-setup role09:05
mariossshnaidm|rover: well looking at logs we still have jewel repos setup09:06
mariossshnaidm|rover: like e.g. here (some other review) vs v4 on my review09:06
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sshnaidm|rovermarios, but it's repos that we have from infra, and all of them should be disabled:
sshnaidm|rovermarios, they have enabled:009:09
sshnaidm|rovermarios, and this is our repo what we set in repo-setup role:
sshnaidm|rovermarios, and it's enabled09:09
mariossshnaidm|rover: ah i see09:10
mariossshnaidm|rover: so then why do we override that explicitly in bootstrap-subnodes09:10
sshnaidm|rovermarios, so you are actually right about that it happens yet before quickstart runs, but where? how? :D09:10
mariossshnaidm|rover: well in toci_gate_test i have a link in the commit message09:11
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mariossshnaidm|rover: the bug says 'wh is centos-release-ceph-jewel' installed... and my review would also fix that09:12
mariossshnaidm|rover: by trying to remove all the centos-release-ceph-*09:13
mariossshnaidm|rover: but you're right without trace we can't confirm that bug09:13
mariossshnaidm|rover: now, if you think we don't need this code alltogether, then instead lets post a review to remove --boostrap-subnodes from
mariossshnaidm|rover: but i think we still need it , at least there is a task this sprint to port this to ansible instead of using that tripleo.sh09:14
sshnaidm|rovermarios, I suspect is can't be blamed here09:14
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sshnaidm|rovermarios, look in the bug, you see that it happens actually in ansible run according to piece of log that weshay gave us :)09:15
sshnaidm|roverweshay, we do reverse engineering to your bug :D09:15
sshnaidm|rovermarios, so it seems like it runs in pre.yml maybe if not in infra scripts at all09:17
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mariossshnaidm|rover: whats 'it'09:18
mariosyou mean
mariossshnaidm|rover: it runs in toci_gate_tes09:18
chkumar|ruckquiquell: nope09:18
sshnaidm|rovermarios, no, I mean task that failed in bug09:18
quiquellchkumar|ruck: ack09:18
mariossshnaidm|rover: ah09:18
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sshnaidm|rovermarios, if I understand right links in the bug, it points to multi-node-bridge role that runs in infra, yet before our job. For example:
quiquellpanda: Are you still in training ?09:24
pandaquiquell: not anymore, I'm traianed09:26
quiquellpanda: I have the reproducer not working with the sprint16 changes, but not sure if it's because of it09:27
quiquellpanda: Can we review it with a bj session Â?09:27
sshnaidm|roverquiquell,  I think you don't create workspace in your patch now09:27
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Silly me you are right... but jobs are working :-/09:28
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, mm.. maybe it's created in pre.yml that we still use?09:29
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: I will change it to ensure that it's created, that way we can even use this at reproducer09:29
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Thanks man09:29
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, maybe we need to start to drop things from legacy pre.yml too..09:30
quiquellpanda: Nah reproducer is working, I have some ansible inventory fucked up at my fedora09:30
chkumar|ruckdocker ceph pull issue known?09:32
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, how many times did it happen?09:35
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, is there advantage to use ansible_env.HOME instead of ansible_user_dir ?09:36
sshnaidm|roverpanda, ^^09:36
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Followed advice at #zuul but sure is the same.09:37
mariossshnaidm|rover: please see comment on the review i'll copy/past ehere09:37
mariosack, well I still think this change stands on its own, i.e. we should include luminous in the ceph repo setup done in --bootstrap09:37
mariosI agree the bug is not clear, which is why i made this related-bug and asked for more info on the bug itself and we should definitely get that clarity, but, again imo this change stands.09:37
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: or #openstack-infra, let me find the chat09:37
mariosNot sure why you -1 it then please clarify. If it is because "not sure it fixes the bug" then my comments here should negate that? Otherwise please clarify why you -1 so that I know what I can do to make you reconsider thanks09:37
mariossshnaidm|rover: ^ please thanks09:38
mariossshnaidm|rover: and agree on the bug lets try find out more later when apevec/weshay are about09:38
sshnaidm|rovermarios, yeah, I think we need to hold on until weshay comes and tells us what is the problem exactly09:38
mariossshnaidm|rover: for the bug, yes, agree09:39
sshnaidm|rovermarios, otherwise we'll waste a lot of time on guessing09:39
mariossshnaidm|rover: but what about that review? that is what my questino in09:39
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: recently happened in noop job on pike, earlier it passed, so asked09:39
mariossshnaidm|rover: i mean09:39
quiquellsshnaidm|rover, panda: 2018-07-16 13:20:06       tristanC        you can also create a dir at "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/workspace" on the test node to get a clean workspace09:39
quiquellat #zuul09:39
mariossshnaidm|rover: its one thing to not vote, or +1 because 'meh' or not sure it fixes etc, but to -1 means you actively disagree with the fix09:39
mariossshnaidm|rover: so please clarify what the disagreement is09:39
mariossshnaidm|rover: so i can fix it09:40
quiquellBut I think ansible_user_dir is good too09:40
sshnaidm|rovermarios, well, the review doesn't make sense if it doesn't solve a bug.09:40
sshnaidm|rovermarios, this code is actually noop09:40
mariossshnaidm|rover: how does it not makes sense. i mean it updates the ceph release setup to include luminous09:40
sshnaidm|rovermarios, and in this/next sprint we anyway gonna remove it09:40
mariossshnaidm|rover: yeah i am working on the removal09:40
mariossshnaidm|rover: i mean my sprin 16 task is to make the bootstra-subnodes role09:41
sshnaidm|rovermarios, all this is overwritten in next steps, nothing from these repos are used09:41
mariossshnaidm|rover: then why do we have bootstrap subnodes at all ? and why are we bothering to make it ansible09:41
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Going to replace it with ansible_user_dir, it was the former way09:41
sshnaidm|rovermarios, we had it to install ovs bridge09:42
sshnaidm|rovermarios, I think you can try just delete it, when we have bridge defined in pre.yml09:42
sshnaidm|rovermarios, I'm not up to last changes in sprint, but I think you can try09:42
sshnaidm|rovermarios, and all these repos were for installing ovs bridge from openstack and create a vxlan between primary and secondary node09:43
mariossshnaidm|rover: perhaps we should discuss some more on the sprint call this afternoon then if you really think it isn't necessary then we need to really update the task09:43
mariossshnaidm|rover: right now, it doesn't do ehte ovs bridge stuff09:43
mariossshnaidm|rover: (I thought the underclodu-setup role was doing that right?009:43
mariossshnaidm|rover: but anyway this is _subnode_ not primary09:43
sshnaidm|rovermarios, yep, it's done in pre.yml iirc09:44
mariossshnaidm|rover: this code is only run on subnodes09:44
mariossshnaidm|rover: so anyway it doesn't do that ovs but it does do the ceph repo stuff, remove packages that i guess were conflicting and /etc/pupp/hiera and also creating /dev/loop3 devce for ceph09:44
arxcruzsshnaidm|rover: marios panda this fix scenario00209:45
sshnaidm|rovermarios, almost everything in this script doesn't make sense already, we don't have this puppet stuff, etc..09:45
sshnaidm|rovermarios, yeah, it creates loop dev for ceph, it's important09:46
sshnaidm|rovermarios, removing epel and installing heat agents seems make sense..09:46
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sshnaidm|rovermarios, take a look:  all I remove from, could be removed from bootstrap too09:49
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, let's see if it happens again09:50
quiquellpanda: Have move the playbooks here
quiquellpanda: Do you see  any issue with that ?09:51
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, is asnible_user_dir var set by infra somewhere?09:51
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: It's a variable set by ansible, at runtime09:52
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, how are things going in general?09:53
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, oh, right09:53
pandaquiquell: mmmhh09:54
ykarelchkumar|ruck, i remember it faced few days back and u even proposed a patch for it09:55
* ykarel finding patch09:55
pandaquiquell: I see what you did. logic is equivalent, result is slightly different09:55
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: it looks good for today, one failure in periodic job telemetry test failure for pike, one fs27 failure during under in 24 periodic job09:55
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: fs27 passed in periodic09:56
pandaquiquell: if you look at the resulting file, it's way longer. Trying to think about advanteges and disadvantages of this09:56
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: for telemetry failure we need to wait for next run09:56
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pandaquiquell: it certainly seem more difficult to read09:56
pandaquiquell: but how much do we need to read it ?09:57
pandathe result I mean09:57
quiquellpanda: YOu mean the output of jinja templates09:57
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, great, so we are good09:57
pandaquiquell: yes09:57
quiquellpanda: They are going to disappear in the next sprints09:57
chkumar|ruckykarel: last one reported09:58
openstackLaunchpad bug 1752874 in tripleo ""Get dial tcp: lookup on server misbehaving" while Trying to pull repository " [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to John Trowbridge (trown)09:58
chkumar|ruckykarel: it is hitting again for pike09:58
ykarelchkumar|ruck, yup against this only u propsed patch and we had dicussion that day09:58
quiquellsshnaidm|rover, chkumar|ruck: Saw some timeouts... don't know if they are related to activation of containerized uc09:58
pandaquiquell: not toci_quickstart.sh09:58
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quiquellpanda: It's not going to take us to much to remove it after this sprint10:01
quiquellpanda: Not much people is going to check the jinja2 output.10:01
chkumar|ruckquiquell: yup one at execute tempest and another deploy the overcloud 2-3 timeout till now10:01
chkumar|ruckquiquell: keeping an eye if it exceeds10:02
pandaquiquell: replacing is sgoing to be difficult, we need to refactor the release variables at least. Anyway, the other thing I wanted to investigate is env variable setting in that loop10:03
chkumar|rucksorry need to findout which one is taking too much time10:03
pandaquiquell: if in the loop we are changing some value that is reused in the next cycle, this is going to break it10:03
pandaquiquell: are there ? maybe timeout variables ?10:03
quiquellpanda: just timeout variables I think, we cannot change them10:04
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quiquellpanda: Tags is a problem too they are changed by upgrades10:04
quiquellpanda: We can rename them and concatenate10:04
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quiquellchkumar|ruck, sshnaidm|rover: rrcockpit  maintenance10:11
chkumar|ruckquiquell: ack!10:12
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, sure10:13
quiquellchkumar|ruck, sshnaidm|rover: back online10:14
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, quiquell I see a lot of node_failure in ovb..10:16
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, like last jobs in this patch
chkumar|ruckquiquell: I might be wrong, I am seeing the same job entry twice10:19
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, paste opensuse???10:23
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, how is it possible?? :D10:23
quiquellsshnaidm|rover, chkumar|ruck: hahaha  :-)10:23
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: is something wrong with the RDO third party job why they are voting as -1 since the job is passing10:24
quiquellchkumar|ruck: You are right, something is wrong, let me check10:24
chkumar|ruckquiquell: sshnaidm|rover in FOSS, everyone is friend10:24
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, because one of them failed on NODE_FAILURE10:25
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Just joking10:25
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, see in comments themselves10:25
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: yes10:25
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, I read suse was sold recently (again) to private10:26
chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: yup that is correct10:26
sshnaidm|roverpoor company, thrown from one to another.. when we'll buy it already10:27
quiquellchkumar|ruck: I think it's a influxdb hiccup not overwritting some jobs after the restart, let's check if it not more than that10:29
chkumar|ruckquiquell: I think during undercloud install they might be pulled from upstream to undercloud registery so thought to use it10:30
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, (1 more message)10:30
chkumar|ruckquiquell: was added earlier it from undercloud registery but removed10:31
chkumar|ruckquiquell: sorry10:31
quiquellok, just saw some timeouts10:32
quiquellchkumar|ruck, sshnaidm|rover: Going to cleanup builds at rrcockpit10:36
quiquellok ?10:36
quiquellThey will appear again in a few10:36
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, ack10:36
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quiquellHumm when working with "with_items" at ansible10:56
quiquellyum ansible module is faster than package module10:56
quiquelllooks like yum module is intelligent and it test it in one go10:56
quiquellnot the case for package module10:56
pandaquiquell: any reason to not pass the list directly to the name argument ?10:57
quiquellpanda: name doesn't support list at yum module10:58
quiquellpanda: Humm "To operate on several packages this can accept a comma separated list of packages or (as of 2.0) a list of packages."10:58
pandaquiquell: yep10:59
quiquellpanda: Thanks, now it's even faster11:00
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chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: Anything we can do for node_failure for ovb fs01 and fs35 jobs? from in last 10 mins, we have more than 12 node failure11:17
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, working on this right now11:19
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, you need to join #rhos-ops in internal irc11:19
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, this channel is for rdo cloud problems :)11:19
sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, oh, you're there, ok11:20
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pandarfolco: I still see the problem with openstack/diskimage-builder12:30
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, (1 more message)12:30
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pandarfolco: still failing for tripleo-ci12:33
pandarfolco: even after I merged the revert12:34
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rascahey folks, I need a core to add a +2 on this to finally merge it, can you help me?12:36
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chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: quiquell|lunch not working12:39
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sshnaidm|roverchkumar|ruck, this question is for #openstack-infra12:40
rfolcopanda, odd.. looking12:40
pandarasca: whoa, jinjia supports list operations ?12:41
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pandarfolco: yes it does!12:46
rascapanda, indeed12:48
pandarasca: approved12:48
rascapanda, thanks your majesty12:49
pandarasca: now go, and bring glory to your kingdom12:49
rfolcopanda, noop change, no complaints12:51
pandarfolco: ok, merging mine and retesting ...12:53
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: is offline, causing POST_FAILURE results from Zuul. Cause and resolution timeframe currently unknown.12:53
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pandarfolco: bah, working now12:55
quiquellchkumar|ruck, sshnaidm|rover: This rings any bell ? finger:// : POST_FAILURE13:02
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, see notice above, logs server is down13:02
sshnaidm|roveropenstackstatus/#oooq- NOTICE: is offline, causing POST_FAILURE results from Zuul. Cause and resolution timeframe currently unknown.13:03
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: ack13:03
myoungo/ CI scrum starts now :)13:03
myoungweshay: are you joining us?13:04
myoungchkumar|ruck, sshnaidm|rover would one of you please join to give a brief ruck/rover update?13:06
chkumar|ruckmyoung: link13:07
sshnaidm|rovermyoung, on other mtg13:07
rascarlandy, hi there, you around? Can I book a little slice of your time to talk about reproducers/my validate ha stuff?13:08
rlandyrasca: in meeting - when we are done13:09
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rascarlandy, sure, ping me when you want13:14
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quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Do you want me to change this to use --ara-report or similar ? or you are already covering it ?13:23
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, let's talk after this meeting13:23
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: ack13:23
weshayssbarnea, join #sf-dfg internal irc please13:24
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: is back on-line. Changes with "POST_FAILURE" job results should be rechecked.13:37
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chkumar|rucksshnaidm|rover: weshay I am heading home, I will late  for call13:51
sshnaidm|roverweshay, +w13:59
weshayhad to drop14:03
sshnaidm|roverquiquell, want to sync now?14:04
rlandyrfolco: can we sync on browbeat?14:04
quiquellsshnaidm|rover: Let's sync14:04
rfolcorlandy, indeed14:04
pandaquiquell: need to talk about that card14:05
rlandyrfolco: ok - what do you think we should be doing?14:05
rfolcorlandy, bj ?14:05
rlandyrfolco: ok14:05
pandamarios: you have time now to discuss your card ? I have some questions14:05
myoungpanda, chkumar|ruck, are you available to to join weshay and I (briefly) at 3:30 GMT+0?  haven't seen response from invite14:07
mariospanda: sure14:08
mariospanda: call?14:08
mariospanda: or do you want to comment on the review with the questions?14:08
mariospanda: or here?14:08
pandamyoung: yes14:08
pandamarios: call14:08
mariospanda: sure, gimme14:08
mariospanda: sec14:09
mariospanda: dropping let me know when you want to talk14:11
mariospanda: i commented on about what we discussed please add any more info you want to14:25
pandamarios: thanks.14:25
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sshnaidm|roverweshay, we talked with marios about your bug:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1781255 in tripleo ""Error: centos-release-ceph-luminous conflicts with centos-release-ceph-jewel-1.0-1.el7.centos.noarch" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:28
sshnaidm|roverweshay, and found it very confusing, non descriptive and without essential details :)14:29
weshaysshnaidm|rover, heh14:29
weshayk.. /me looks14:29
sshnaidm|roverweshay, there is no even link to logs so we couldn't know when and what happens14:30
weshaysshnaidm|rover, I was only hitting that in the reproducer14:30
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, (1 more message)14:31
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sshnaidm|roverweshay, there is nothing about reproducer in the bug14:32
sshnaidm|roverweshay, can we close it if it's not a bug?14:32
weshayk k.. I'll update the bug, move it to incoplete for now14:32
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chkumar|ruckmyoung: you moved the meeting to tomorrow14:49
mariosssbarnea: updated wdyt when you have time thanks14:55
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myoungchkumar|ruck: the planning meeting for s17?14:59
chkumar|ruckmyoung: sorry mis read it14:59
rfolcorlandy, can't hear you... will drop.... my only suggestion is to cp browbeat from /home/zuul/src to the workspace dir just like we do with tq tqe etc15:00
pandawow 496 active instances in rdocloud15:01
rlandyrfolco: can you point me to the lines of codes where that is15:01
rlandywhere we copy tqe from src?15:01
weshaymyoung, you joining the tempest squad?15:01
rfolcorlandy, see if we can do this
rlandyrfolco: ok but that is runv315:02
rlandywhere is that done in legacy ovb?15:02
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rfolcorlandy, this was previously done by zuul-cloner... is browbeat cloned with zuul-cloner into workspace ?15:03
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ssbarneamarios: replied, one more bug.15:04
rlandyrfolco:  /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner -v $GIT_SOURCE $ZUUL_PROJECT15:06
rfolcorlandy, checking if it really does that, if breobeat is in workspace15:07
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rlandyrfolco: missing here:
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rlandyno - I lie, it's there15:09
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rfolcoits there but we don't see if the commit is right15:10
pandarfolco: do we have access credentials for internal sf nodepool ?15:10
rlandyexport 'ZUUL_CHANGES=openstack/tripleo-quickstart:master:refs/changes/84/581484/6^openstack/tripleo-quickstart:master:refs/changes/78/583578/1^openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras:master:refs/changes/88/581488/15^openstack-infra/tripleo-ci:master:refs/changes/76/583576/6^openstack/browbeat:master:refs/changes/17/583717/3'15:11
rlandyrfolco; ^^ correct15:11
rfolcopanda, no, cannot log into nodepool afaik :(15:11
pandarfolco: please say yes, please say yes15:11
pandaI asked you to say yes15:11
rfolcoI just work here sir15:11
mariosssbarnea: thanks :) you're right but virtualenv was the whole reason we added in the first place, will reply on the review and update15:12
pandatesting the new path has just become a nightmare15:12
rfolcofill the customer satisfaction form panda15:12
ssbarneamarios: well, I kinda know, still I don't want to introduce new bugs and in this case it does break something that previously was working.15:13
rfolcorlandy, examining what it does...15:13
rfolcorlandy, I am still confused why you need this
rfolcoeither zuul-cloner is not getting the right commit, or this ^ is messing up with what zuul-cloner did (overriding with master)... then the playbook in .quickstart/browbeat.yml is master15:15
rfolcorlandy, makes any sense what I am saying ?15:15
pandawow, even worse, creating instance in rdocloud nodepool fails15:16
mariosssbarnea: no worries will update to handle both thanks for review15:18
rlandyrfolco: following extras pattern  not sure what the diff is15:19
ssbarneamy pleasure, for the non virtualnenv path I would recomment a pip install --user ... --- which should make the script even more reliable.15:19
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rfolcorlandy, there is something I am missing... you may explain things like
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rlandyrfolco: ^^ that has to do with the change I making now to skip the rpm build15:29
mariosssbarnea: wdyt then lucky number 13
rlandyrfolco: I think the error is not in the cloning but in build/incorporating the zuul change15:30
rfolcorlandy, k... I am looking at who does create .quickstart and run things from there... perhaps this thing gets tqe right but not browbeat15:30
chkumar|ruckovercloud deploy has failed twice I am not what is wrong15:31
chkumar|ruckwith fs55 which comes from f2115:31
rlandyrfolco; I think that part is ok15:31
rlandywe will see15:31
ssbarneamarios: but you didn't fix the line 214 which will fail if you dont have ansible or openstack already installed.15:31
rfolcorlandy, it would be good to put some "git show" for debugging what zuul-cloners gets in workspace15:31
mariosssbarnea: yeah i did15:33
mariosssbarnea: it is slightly different15:33
mariosssbarnea: well i hope i did15:33
rlandyI would expect to see a gating repo - which is in opt15:33
rlandywe don;t capture opt :(15:33
mariosssbarnea: see the diff 12 ..1315:34
mariosssbarnea: /win 2615:34
mariosssbarnea: cool thanks15:35
mariosweshay: once upon a time you +2 this please consider re-adding cc rlandy panda myoung please if you have some review time. not urgent this is sprint-16-etc thanks but been in review for a while. updated today for ssbarnea comments so it also runs on mac \o/15:38
* marios end sell15:39
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vinayknsHello channel...I have a question....I couldn't introspect my overcloud is waiting forever in looking for messages.16:06
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weshayvinaykns, there is a bug16:15
weshayvinaykns, /me gets16:15
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782267 in tripleo "Stderr: u'Set Chassis Power Control to Up/On failed: Command not supported in present state\n': ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command." [Critical,Triaged]16:15
rlandyrasca: ready to meet when you are16:16
rfolcorlandy, this is becoming overcomplicated. I'll step back and resume my tasks. I could not find where browbeat-minimal.yml comes from... like other playbooks are copied here:
vinayknsweshay: So is this a blocker from getting quickstart up and running..?16:19
rlandyrfolco:browbeat-minimla comes from browbeat repo16:20
weshayvinaykns, it's a blocker on the vbmc, ironic and libvirt16:20
rlandycopied but setup.cfg16:20
weshayvinaykns, you can use ovb and multinode reproducers atm16:20
weshaythey are not impacted16:20
rlandyrfolco: I have a CI run going iwth a change to build-test16:20
rlandywill see where that leads16:20
rfolcorlandy, k, sorry for not helping much16:20
rlandyI will probably need to set up a reproducer16:21
rlandyso we can investigate16:21
rlandyrfolco: nothing to be sorry about - we are not done here16:21
rlandyI may still need your expertise16:21
rfolcorlandy, no? I was running away from the problem...16:21
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rlandyrfolco: my friend Sam wrote this book - you may appreciated it after your comment above:
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rfolcorlandy, looks interesting read16:25
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)16:31
vinayknsweshay: So you meant to say that I can reproduce the stack on a openstack vm.? using the reproduce-ci document.16:33
weshayvinaykns, yes.. you can get a deployment up using the instructions there.. either w/ rdo-cloud or libvirt16:34
vinayknsweshay: Thank you.!!16:35
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sshnaidm|roverweshay, commented16:45
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vinayknsweshay: but can I do customizations on the overcloud using the script..??16:57
weshaysshnaidm|rover, k.. I'll add bootstrap back... I thought that would be handled16:58
weshaybut it doesn't appear to be16:58
myoungweshay, chkumar|ruck, panda: is tomorrow @2:30 GMT a good time for sprint 17 pre-planning?  with weshay out next week I want to confirm that we have time to cover what's needed.17:01
weshaysshnaidm|rover, ok
myoung^^ invite has been sent, fairly open tomorrow on my end17:02
weshayvinaykns, you'd have to be more specific17:02
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pandamyoung: yes17:03
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vinayknsweshay: for ex I need to have qpidrouter daemon listening for oslo notifications messages instead of the default driver.17:04
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weshayvinaykns, if you can do it in a an upstream review.. yes17:05
sshnaidm|roverweshay, chkumar|ruck want to sync before I leave?17:07
weshaysshnaidm|rover, anything you need me to take over?17:08
sshnaidm|roverweshay, yep17:08
weshaybah k17:08
weshaygoing to blue17:08
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weshaysshnaidm|rover, I'm in blue17:09
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vinayknsweshay: I have a the document that you have pointed me to follow. It says to source, how would i do that if I am in an openstack vm..??17:24
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sshnaidm|roverweshay, 2 stacks failed to delete: 2f5a5f68-b9a2-4a8b-94f8-dc07b5fd72e5 and 46c037ac-d8eb-4f64-82c5-3fb6636c2398 , so I will open a ticker to rdo ops about it17:45
pandarlandy: sshnaidm|rover works locally on my tenant. Adding tests from internal sh on my tenant. After this passes, I can start moving to rdo17:47
sshnaidm|roverpanda, this is tested only in downstream and ovb reproducer17:55
sshnaidm|roverpanda, maybe worth to kick jobs in down jenkins to check it after merge to be sure nothing is broken17:56
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pandasshnaidm|rover: you mean ovb-manage-stack role ? Since this will be part of CI, we can trigger an ovb job with changes to it17:57
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pandahhhmmm, not true17:59
pandawill be part of CI but in trusted repo17:59
pandawill be difficult to test17:59
pandawe'll need to create fictious test ..18:00
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)18:31
weshaysshnaidm|off, no need18:46
weshaywe can nuke them18:46
weshayrlandy, talking to paul about ovb.. may need you in a few if ur avail18:48
jristweshay: I pulled down your via master today and am doing another start so I can see if I hit that vbmc failure18:53
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weshayrlandy, does ovb use
weshayrlandy, ok.. how is the bmc installed in ovb19:15
* weshay forgets19:15
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weshayrlandy, ping19:21
weshayrlandy, join my blue for 3min19:21
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weshayjrist, that patch has nothing to do w/ it19:30
jrist I know19:30
weshayjrist, there are no patches atm19:30
jristthere are patches for 7.519:30
weshayjrist, not that help19:30
jristbut I was wondering if you've seen some for CentOS19:30
weshayjrist, we need to push on the hardware provisioning guys19:34
rfolcomyoung, let me know if you want a quick background on why things are done in that particular way...19:47
myoungrfolco: will do, taking a whack at running thru them.  when i have more context loaded I'll ping ya later on today or tomorrow AM19:48
rfolcomyoung deal19:48
jristweshay: how do you propose the best way to do that?19:52
jristwho do I need to poke?19:52
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weshayjrist, can you guys use ovb while we're trying to get this fixed?20:11
* weshay needs more logs
jristyou mean rdo cloud?20:12
jristbroken for other reasons afaik20:12
jristright honza ?20:12
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weshayBOOM master is back online w/ bm jobs :)20:18
weshayjenkins sooooooooks20:18
honzaweshay: jrist
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782588 in tripleo "OVB configs not set up for containerized undercloud" [High,Triaged]20:18
weshayhonza, wha?20:19
rlandyrfolco: I think I may know what is going on here20:19
weshayhonza, we need to work on your bugs20:19
honzamaybe i'm just very incompetent20:20
honzaall of this used to work for me, but no more20:20
rfolcorlandy, tell me coz I need to control my OCD level20:20
rlandyweshay: how come, with upgrades, we did not add that repo to requirements?20:20
rlandyrfolco: ^^20:20
honzaweshay: i'm happy to work on it given enough guidance20:20
rlandylook at how upgrades is added20:20
weshayhonza, can you paste in the bug how you were using ovb20:20
honzalol, i thought this channel was gonna be closed in favor of #tripleo20:21
weshayhonza, aye.. well turns out we generate a lot of traffic20:21
rfolcorlandy, how upgrades relate to browbeat ?20:21
rlandyalso a standalone repo20:22
rlandywhere we source roles and playbooks20:22
honzaweshay: done20:22
weshayrlandy, oh man.. we need to nuke devmode20:22
rlandyweshay: pls - nuke it with fire20:22
* weshay should remove that script have it return 020:23
honzaweshay: why do i care about this?20:23
rlandyweshay: how come we decided on for upgrades?20:24
rlandyrfolco: I think what is happening is the Depends_On on
rlandy^^ adds that when we have a change20:25
rlandyrfolco: ^^ so that will pull from master once the change is applied20:26
rlandyas opposed to what upgrades is doing20:27
jristweshay: can you do one for infrared? :)20:27
honzajrist: YES YES YES20:27
* honza reads reproducer-ci docs20:27
rlandyrfolco: I think I need to remove quickstart-extras-requirements.txt addition20:28
honzaweshay: this is very counter intuitive because i'm not reproducing any ci things20:28
weshayjrist, do a reproducer script?20:28
rlandyand do what upgrades is doing20:28
honzaoooq isn't a ci-only tool, yo20:28
rfolcorlandy, not sure I got the point. Depends-on does not interfere in requirements. But the opposite might be true.20:28
weshayhonza, aye.. I know and I'm sorry for that, but really it's ur best shot20:28
weshaydevmode is a dead end20:28
weshaythere is no good way to test it20:29
weshayhonza, just remove the zuul_change=20:29
rlandyrfolco: forget depends-on20:29
weshayfrom any given script20:29
honzaweshay: so, ... given that i don't have a ci job to go to, to go to the logs dir of... how do i set up an env in ovb?20:29
rlandylook at the change itself20:29
weshayand you'll be fine20:29
rlandythe additional references master20:29
rfolcorlandy, I believe you are going to remove from requirements and use browbeat cloned by zuul-cloner20:30
honzai can do this!20:30
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000 (1 more message)20:31
rlandyrfolco: idk exactly20:31
rlandybit the two are unrelated20:31
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weshayhonza, sec20:31
weshayhonza, jrist
rfolcorlandy, I don't understand why browbeat is required at requirements. If the change is on browbeat itself, we need to apply it... its ok to install master for all other changes in other repos...20:32
weshayhonza, jrist you guys can change "openstack/tripleo-quickstart-extras:master:refs/changes/45/560445/90"20:32
weshayto be ""20:32
* weshay goes to the dentist20:32
honzabash -w ~/.oooq/rdo-cloud -r20:33
honzareturns immediately, does nothing20:33
rlandyrfolco: to pick up the playbooks20:33
* weshay away bbl20:33
rlandyread the comments in the upgrades stuff I linked above20:33
honzarlandy: me?20:34
rlandyhonza: no, rfolco20:34
honzarlandy: ha, sorry20:34
rlandyhonza: you are welcome to read it as well, but I am not sure you would care to20:35
rfolcoI see20:35
honzalol, you have to pass in "true"20:42
honzabash -w ~/.oooq/rdo-cloud -r true -v true20:42
honzait's doing something!20:42
honzais deprecated, too?20:44
weshayhonza, it's going to be :)20:46
jriststop it20:46
honzait's installing packages, somewhere!20:46
weshayjrist, there is a libvirt option to that script too20:46
jristtell me now20:46
weshayjrist, honza we can't do full runs on tripleo on ci.centos nodes anymore20:47
weshaythe hardware there no longer supports tripleo since really ocata20:47
jrist(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻20:47
weshaytripleo is tooooo phat20:47
honzai just want people to start caring about the non-ci user :)20:47
weshayso .. we have to shift the tooling to be very close to what is executed upstream and in third party20:48
weshayok.. now I really have to go to the dentist20:48
honzaweshay: something suceeded, it gave me instructions on how to connect to an undercloud20:59
honzabut it's asking me to use a zuul user20:59
honzaand the 'undercloud' doesn't have anything on it...21:00
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honzaweshay: also, the reproducer script in the root of tripleo-quickstart doesn't match the one in your link21:06
honzae.g. i can't override the toci job type21:07
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honzait creates the stack but then i'm stuck21:16
honzawe need some human-operator docs cc jrist21:17
honza... if you beautiful people guide me through the process, then i can write some21:17
rlandyrfolco: weshay: am I correct that the is only used for the reproducer? and not in CI21:22
rlandyrfolco: so where is this done in CI itself?21:45
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rfolcorlandy, I cannot match most of what is there in upstream ci22:20
rfolcosome tasks are legacy and still exists like etc/nodepool22:20
rfolcohard to tell where this is used though22:21
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000 (1 more message)22:31
weshayrlandy, yes.. that is correct22:50
honzaweshay: it says to run /opt/stack/tripleo-ci/ but that file doesn't exist22:53
honzaweshay: is subnode-0 the undercloud?22:53
weshayoh man.. did that patch not merge.. I think it's /opt/stack/tripleo-ci/toci_gate_test.sh22:53
weshayhonza, ya.. that is following upstream nodepool naming conventions22:54
honzaweshay: ok, cool, it's running something now...22:54
honzafails with "cp: cannot stat ‘/opt/stack/new/tripleo-ci/toci-quickstart/config/testenv/_hosts’: No such file or directory"22:54
honzalol, forgot to source vars22:55
honzainstalling rpms now22:55
honzaweshay: "Playbook run of multinode-undercloud.yml failed"22:58
weshayhonza, how are you so lucky22:58
weshayhonza, got tmate?22:58
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honzaweshay: nein23:00
honzafor the subnode?23:00
weshayhonza, how are you getting such old code?23:00
honzaor you want to play with my laptop?23:00
weshaythat was merged 3 weeks ago23:00
weshaysource; bash -x -w /var/tmp/fs20 --create-virtualenv true -r true  -p fs2023:01
honzaweshay: i'm using the reproducer script from tripleo-quickstart23:01
honzanot extras23:01
weshaythat's an example from my histroy23:01
weshayhonza, huh23:01
weshaydid you wget the file I pointed you at?23:01
honzai don't have a ci job23:01
honzalol, ok23:02
honzai'll try that!23:02
weshayhonza, that's the only way it works dude23:02
honzai thought it was the same file but with some values prefilled23:02
honzaweshay: why do you have that file in oooq?  .... when it gets generate via that role in -extras?23:02
honzaso confused23:02
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* weshay gets again23:03
honzarunning now23:04
weshaysource; bash -x -w /var/tmp/fs20 --create-virtualenv true -r true  -p fs2023:04
honzaweshay: why do i need some random script from a random ci job to install an undercloud in ovb?23:04
weshayhonza, it's not a random script, however I just took an ovb job fs001 is the standard23:05
weshayand I took a recent run of it23:06
weshayhonza, so I know for sure it passed23:06
weshayhonza, because you'll be running the exact same thing as
honzaweshay: is there a way to start a build/run without a reproducer script built by a previous ci job?23:07
weshayhonza, the only way your run would fail would be some random infra issue23:07
weshaywhich could happen23:07
honzalike, how do i bootstrap this?23:07
honzai realize that oooq is used for ci a lot but how do i use it as an installation tool for my dev env?23:07
weshayhonza, can you explain that more specifically23:07
weshaybootstrap can mean lots of different things23:07
honzaso i have creds to an ovb instance23:08
weshayhonza, ya.. it's not a finished product for sure.. w/ regards to just bootstraping a devel env23:08
weshayhowever the important thing is that it's well tested23:08
honzaand i'd like to set up a dev env (undercloud, and some blank nodes)23:08
honzawhat is that recommended way of using oooq to do that?23:08 does that well for libvirt23:08 did that beautifully for ovb23:08
honzabut is no more23:09
weshayya.. and will continue to work however we're going to keep building off of the reproducer script23:09
honzawhat is the point of the file in tripleo-quickstart?23:09
weshaychanging the tires on a plane at 30k feet23:09
weshayhonza, so if you need to debug a gerrit review that is failing23:09
honzasorry, reproducer-quickstart.sh23:09
weshayit reproduces that exactly23:09
honzaI don't follow.23:10
weshayso if you get a zuul -1 or -223:10
honzano, not that23:10
honzathat's what the one in -extras does23:10
honzawith the template and all23:10
weshayhonza, for instance your patch23:10
honzafor that job specifically23:10
weshayis failing23:10
honzawhen i used that code from oooq you said it was super old23:10
weshayyou could recheck all day23:11
weshaythat's bad23:11
weshayomg that's an old patch23:11
weshayhonza, the reproducer script does exactly what devmode used to do23:12
weshayhonza, ya.. don't23:12
weshaythat's a jinja template23:12
weshayit needs to render23:13
honzaweshay: so sorry, i'm an idiot23:13
honzaso that reproducer file i was getting mad about isn't actually checked into git :(23:13
honzait's so leftover junk23:13
weshayjust wget the one I gaave23:14
weshaygave u23:14
honzayes yes yes23:14
honzaso, we need a way to get a reproducer-quickstart.sh23:15
honzaso, it looks like the part that i'm after doesn't exist yet23:16
honzai want to get that script from a repo somewhere23:16
honzawith some nice defaults, for ovb and libvirt23:17
honzaif and when this finishes and works i'll be able to keep for a bit, i suppose23:17
honzabut eventually it'll get outdated again23:17
honza... hence the desire for version-controlled file23:17
* honza goes afk while undercloud installs23:21
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weshayhonza, aye.. I can point you at some jobs that will help.. and yes.. we would like to have that done for folks automatically as well23:53

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