Friday, 2018-07-20

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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000 (1 more message)00:31
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario002-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000 (1 more message)02:31
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, (1 more message)04:31
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quiquellmarios: Rechecked your change on reproducer about workspace05:57
mariosquiquell: ah thanks05:57
mariosquiquell: is that a new thing the timeout on scen 3 /do you know anything about it?05:58
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quiquellchkumar|ruck: ^ any new issue with tiemouts ?06:00
chkumar|ruckquiquell: cockpit is not working for me06:05
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Let me check06:05
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Damn, has just go down now...06:05
quiquellchkumar|ruck: I think RDO is down06:09
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Cannot list the servers from my tenant06:09
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, (1 more message)06:31
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Is back06:32
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Have to do some more changes to the rrcockpit, will be in and out today06:39
chkumar|ruckquiquell: sure06:39
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amoralejgood morning07:13
amoralejmay i get +W in ?07:13
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chkumar|ruckquiquell: sshnaidm|off currently scenario 1, 2, and 4 are failing with this issue FYI07:25
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782598 in tripleo "container health check fails in step 5 on centos-binary-nova-api" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Oliver Walsh (owalsh)07:25
chkumar|ruckin gates07:25
chkumar|ruck review might the issue also07:26
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000 (1 more message)08:32
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quiquellchkumar|ruck: This is known ?
quiquellpanda: Do you have time to make some sync at bj ?08:55
chkumar|ruckquiquell: yes08:56
quiquellchkumar|ruck: ack, thanks08:57
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782598 in tripleo "container health check fails in step 5 on centos-binary-nova-api" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Oliver Walsh (owalsh)08:57
chkumar|ruckquiquell: the author is saying to revert the patch08:57
quiquellchkumar|ruck: What patch ?08:57
chkumar|ruckquiquell: panda has started causing it08:58
chkumar|ruckquiquell: will i revert it and check?08:58
quiquellchkumar|ruck: You can revert it, and do a test review with a Depends-On on the revert09:01
quiquellchkumar|ruck: to enxure su exercise the propert jobs09:01
quiquellensure, proper09:01
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pandachkumar|ruck: Martin said to revert it ?09:06
pandaquiquell: yes09:06
chkumar|ruckpanda: owlas told me to revert it and try it09:06
chkumar|ruckpanda: quiquell
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Good enough but put a DNM in the revert, it's just a test09:08
quiquellchkumar|ruck: You can use a reproducer too09:08
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jfrancoaquiquell: panda: one question when you have some time, why can't I see the newly added /tmp/ansible-mistral-action/ in the CI job logs?
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quiquelljfrancoa: Where are you looking ?09:58
jfrancoaquiquell: I checked in the multinode upgrades job, I expected finding under undercloud/ a /tmp directory09:59
jfrancoaquiquell: where the newly added folder would be stored09:59
quiquelljfrancoa: I see some issues here
quiquellTASK [collect-logs : Gather the logs to /tmp]10:03
quiquelllink has no referent: \"/etc/docker/certs.d/\"\nrsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1178) [sender=3.1.2]", "stderr_lines": ["symlink has no referent: \"/var/log/config-data/neutron/etc/neutron/plugin.ini\"", "symlink has no referent: \"/etc/docker/certs.d/\"", "symlink has no referent:10:03
quiquell\"/etc/docker/certs.d/\"", "symlink has no referent: \"/etc/docker/certs.d/\"", "rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1178) [sender=3.1.2]"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}10:03
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jfrancoaquiquell: yes, but I don't think that's related to the new line I added. Other issue could be that this is causing the rsync process to fail and my directory doesn't get collected10:06
jfrancoaquiquell: will investigate, thanks10:07
jfrancoaquiquell: I'll try to run the role in my local environment10:07
quiquelljfrancoa: Put your line in the top of the list, to check if it rsynced first10:08
quiquelljfrancoa: Maybe there is something inside of it that rsync doesn't like10:08
jfrancoaquiquell: good tip ;-), I'll give it a try10:08
pandaI see we have other /tmp/ lines in the include path, but they are not honoured10:09
quiquellpanda: That's the only /tmp/ in the list10:09
jfrancoaquiquell: panda thanks for the help, changed the order to narrow down the issue10:12
pandajfrancoa: thos files in tmp, are tehy file, sockets, links ?10:17
jfrancoapanda: I added the expression  /tmp/ansible-mistral-action* , so it collects all the directories matching that expression. These directories include the ansible config files and commands used to run a playbook via mistral10:18
jfrancoapanda: the content of these directories is something like this:
quiquelljfrancoa: Any of this is a symlink ?10:20
pandajfrancoa: that's why it's not working10:22
pandajfrancoa: if they are dir you have to put / at the end10:22
pandajfrancoa: because the full pattern would be ansible-*/**10:23
quiquellthat's it...10:23
pandajfrancoa: iyou can either use this pattern, or just add / at the end, and the role will do it for you10:23
pandajfrancoa: if you're not sure about what to do, thos pattern are rsync filter patterns, you can take a look at the rsync documentation for help10:24
chkumar|ruckquiquell: Hello10:24
pandajfrancoa: they are put together in a single filter file10:24
chkumar|ruckquiquell: can you confirm 2f5a5f68-b9a2-4a8b-94f8-dc07b5fd72e510:25
chkumar|ruckthese two stacks got deleted10:25
quiquellchkumar|ruck: Have to leave for a few minutes, will check later on10:26
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chkumar|ruckquiquell|brb: if got deleted, just let kforde know on internal channel10:27
chkumar|ruckquiquell|brb: ticket link, thanks :-)10:29
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jfrancoapanda: ok, that makes sense, I missed the fact that all collected directories ended with /. I'll modify it. thank you10:29
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario008-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, (1 more message)10:32
quiquellchkumar|ruck: They are gone10:46
bogdandofolks, is good to go!10:51
bogdandomarios: ^^10:51
quiquellchkumar|ruck: rrcockpit up again at
chkumar|ruckquiquell: thanks :-)10:59
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quiquellpanda: Can you merge this ?
quiquellfor the rrcockpit11:33
chkumar|ruckmyoung: weshay
chkumar|ruckplease have a look11:36
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weshaychkumar|ruck, thanks12:14
weshaychkumar|ruck, so.. I think we could start and finish the integration of the tempest role into infrared in one sprint right?12:15
weshaymartin and luigi would be interested parties there12:15
chkumar|ruckweshay: splitting will be done for sure, integration may take time based on the problems we have in that journey12:15
quiquellweshay: do you have some time to sync with panda about sprint stuff ?12:16
quiquellweshay: Good morning btw12:16
weshaymorning.. quiquell ya12:17
quiquellpanda: ^12:17
quiquellpanda: ready ?12:17
chkumar|ruckweshay: few updates blocked scenario1 and 2 jobs12:17
openstackLaunchpad bug 1782598 in tripleo "container health check fails in step 5 on centos-binary-nova-api" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Oliver Walsh (owalsh)12:17
weshaychkumar|ruck, how familiar are you w/ elastic-recheck12:18
chkumar|ruckwe have reverted one patch and testing here
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honzaweshay: undercloud seems to have installed without errors; now i'm trying to connect to it from the browser --- is there a step i'm missing?  i'm getting timeouts...12:23
weshayhonza, what are your debug steps?12:26
weshaypanda, how can I help?12:27
honzaweshay: i haven't really delved into it yet, my first step would be to check iptables12:27
weshayya.. and the sec group12:29
quiquellweshay: new url for rrcockpit
weshayquiquell, nice12:31
weshayquiquell, I still don't get the CI stats, 89.1% fail 10.9% pass section12:31
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pandaquiquell: sorry, was having lunch12:32
pandaquiquell: ready now12:32
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000 (1 more message)12:32
quiquellpanda: ok12:33
weshayquiquell, ?12:33
quiquellweshay, panda:
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quiquellweshay: about 90% failure I see a lot of NODE_FAILURE, maybe chkumar|ruck knows more12:35
weshayquiquell, getting called into dbecker's mtg12:35
chkumar|ruckweshay: quiquell currently rabbitmq is misbehaving on rdo cloud12:35
weshayquiquell, yes12:35
weshayquiquell, it's in the notes12:36
rlandytrown: hello - sorry to bother you from your new work - you added the nodepool-setup tasks. Where is that equivalent work done in CI?12:36
weshayquiquell, line 87
quiquellweshay: We are at bj12:36
weshayquiquell, ya.. I'll be a few.. dbecker just pulled me into a diff mtg12:37
quiquellweshay: Ahh ok no hurries12:37
Tenguneed a weshay.fork()12:37
rlandyykarel: ^^ in particular, you added - do you know where that equivalent is in CI?12:37
quiquellweshay: Just ping us when you are ready12:38
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ykarelrlandy, reading back12:39
ykarelrlandy, you mean purpose of nodepool-setup role12:41
rlandyykarel: I have something working in the reproducer12:42
rlandybut in CI, I can;t get it to pick up the change12:42
rlandyI am adding a new repo12:43
rlandythat should function like tqe12:43
rlandyI see that you added the line to pick up the local tqe12:43
rlandyI need to pick up the local copy of browbeat - the new repo in CI12:43
rlandyykarel:  - I am using that in the reproducer12:44
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ykarelrlandy, i just added \n :), rest was already there12:44
rlandyoh, ok12:44
rlandynvm then12:44
rlandyI will wait for trown12:44
rlandyI need to know where he copied these steps from to make the nodepool-setup role12:45
ykarelrlandy, you mean that depends-on not working or soemething else12:45
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rlandyykarel: no12:45
rlandyI am missing that one line somewhere12:45
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ykarelrlandy, may be for now you can try
ykarelif it's just for testing12:48
rlandyyakrel: I have the reproducer for testing12:48
rlandyykarel: ^^12:49
rlandyI need this to work in CI12:49
rlandyI see how upgrades is done12:49
rlandythat is another option12:49
rlandyif we choose to go that way12:49
ykarelrlandy, ack12:49
rlandyykarel: I was trying to follow the pattern from tqe exactly but is not  a bad idea12:50
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weshayquiquell|lunch, panda sorry ready now13:01
quiquell|lunchweshay: need a minute13:02
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quiquellweshay, panda: ready13:05
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chkumar|ruckweshay: quiquell I am heading home13:25
chkumar|rucksee ya tomorrow :-)13:25
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honzaweshay: iptables are wide open, and so is the security group (any port on tcp being accepted)13:28
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quiquellchkumar|ruck: Enjoy the weekedn man13:29
rlandyagopi: rook: I have browbeat playbook running in my reproducer env. I see this error: ... can I update
honzajrist: were you just hanging out last night or are you also trying to set up an env in ovb?13:31
rlandyweshay: panda: did you guys sync re: paul's work?13:32
pandarlandy: no13:32
rlandypanda: I see you answered on #tripleo13:33
* honza tries to see if there are reject logs somewhere13:33
pandarlandy: if he's going to implement this now, I' scrap my te broker card13:33
rlandywe were discussing this yesterday13:33
rlandypanda: I think he thinks the work is somewhat parallel13:33
rlandyI have been heads down in this browbeat CI13:34
rlandybit I need to look at this today and marios work13:34
weshaypanda, ya.. you need to get in sync w/ paul13:34
weshayquiquell, I need ur help w/ cockpit13:39
agopirlandy, submit a patch, we can do the same ansible_user == "zuul" for the versions you want13:40
jristhonza: yes13:40
jristhonza: no I'm having trouble with vbmc/libvirt setups13:40
quiquellweshay: What happend13:40
weshayquiquell, where is that data coming from
rlandyagopi: ack13:40
quiquellweshay: This is the status only use for zuul queue time13:40
weshayis what I'm concerned about13:41
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quiquellWes RDO zuulv3 api for builds
quiquellYou can filter by pipelin, change, job_name13:42
quiquellweshay: It feels legit to me what the cockpit shows13:44
weshayquiquell, I see more success here atm
weshaymaybe just a matter of time13:45
weshayafaict.. the rdo-cloud issues may be fixed13:45
quiquellweshay: That's a matter of time13:45
quiquellweshay: we refresh builds every 250s13:46
weshaythansk quiquell13:46
quiquellweshay: yw13:46
quiquellweshay: rrcockpit will be ci friendly soon, then we can start to add descriptions at all the jsons13:47
quiquellpanels I mean13:47
bogdandoweshay: hi. Do you know why we use QEMU in CI ? Isn't it damn slow? :)13:47
quiquellWith description and source of truth13:47
bogdandoI think it makes those post validations and tempest take way longer13:48
arxcruzweshay: hey, the dependencies are already merged for a few days, i already rebase, however the tempestconf package isn't updating to the version with the change required13:48
arxcruzdunnon what else to do13:48
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bogdandoweshay: yes, but why not kvm?13:49
weshaybogdando, I think at one time it worked fine on rhel but not centos13:49
weshayprobably can update that now13:49
bogdandolet's try kvm13:49
hubbotweshay: bogdando's karma is now 213:49
bogdandoand let's see CI jobs time halved lol13:50
weshaybogdando, that's not used upstream13:50
bogdandooh, my bad13:50
bogdandojust got lost in those code search results :)13:50
weshaywell.. actuall13:50
* weshay looks13:50
bogdandoI think it's qemu, from the OC defaults13:50
weshayya /me checks13:51
weshay--libvirt-type qemu13:51
hubbotweshay: bogdando's karma is now 313:52
bogdandothanks man, I have a karma day today :)13:52
weshaybogdando, you have a patch? or should I post13:53
bogdandoplease go for it13:53
bogdandoyou'd have better authority to push it through code reviews :D13:53
rascarlandy, hey hi! I got some news about the rdocloud job, it succeeded, but it didn't execute the ha validation13:53
rlandyrasca: I might know why depending on what you have done13:54
rlandyI am digging through the same issues with browbeat13:54
rlandyonce I have them sorted there13:54
rlandywe can apply the same to your work13:54
rlandymostly I assume your ha work is in a new playbook13:55
rlandyand that playbook needs to be added to toci_gate_test.sh13:55
rlandybut there is more that needs to be done - liekly13:55
rascarlandy, well... the playbook is not correct, it doesn't include what's in here:
rlandyrasca: ack - I know - in CI the playbooks are called individually13:57
rlandyfrom through full deploy13:57
rlandyyour change is ok13:58
rlandyas you would still want to update that13:58
rlandybut CI won't pick it up13:58
rlandyyou need a change like:13:58
rlandy - line 13213:58
rlandybut it's a bit complicated13:58
mariosrlandy: o/ i updated the review for and just added that comment to summarize13:59
mariosrlandy: appears to be doing the right thing but that is from following console, have to wait for full logs to check subnode 214:00
mariosrlandy: massively simplified now, no packages or repo setup14:00
mariosrlandy: as explained in the trello comment14:00
rascarlandy, ok, in any case I would like to remove playbooks/overcloud-validate-ha.yml from because it already exists in the repo and it has no meaning to have a duplicate, what do you think?14:01
mariosrlandy: really though the bigge question is can we really get away with skipping the packages/conflicts and repo setup but again that needs fuller logs14:02
mariosrlandy: which we wait for14:02
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* rlandy reads back14:05
rlandyrasca: I'll be able to give you better advice/info once the browbeat thing runs in CI14:06
rlandythen we can do the same for your work14:06
rlandyyou will likely hit a bunch of the same issues14:06
rlandyI have a review in test now14:06
rlandyif that works, we can discuss doing the same organization for you14:07
rascarlandy, what do you mean exactly with "runs in CI", you mean the results of your patch running the gates?14:07
rlandyrasca: you will need it to kick on changes to your own repo14:07
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rlandythat is actually a tricky problem14:08
rlandymarios: k, looking at your card now - so I can touch base questions before you go14:09
mariosrlandy: sure. really right now we're waiting for the run to complete to see if not doing all that --bootstra-subnode stuff didn't break14:10
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bogdandoweshay, sshnaidm|off: floks, can we have ?14:21
bogdandoit passed CI jobs tested in jfrancoa patches14:21
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mariosweshay: panda myoung ** please i'd really appreciate reviews for this
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mariostrown:  if you have time please easy review at thank you14:23
myoungmarios: ack, will be looking at that in the next hour, can do it *next* if you like14:23
myoungmarios: looking at it now14:23
mariosmyoung: absolutely no rush14:23
* myoung puts rfolco review stack on pause14:24
mariosmyoung: just my daily harrasment14:24
myoungmarios: and it's appreciated.  as the "nag" (TC) I grok it.  much respect :)14:24
mariosmyoung: heh well i realise that folks are all obviously doing different things /timezones /meeting etc etc so i just send out nags on reviews tha are stuck and i keep doing it until something happens :)14:25
mariosmyoung: thanks for responding14:25
mariosmyoung: you are now subscribed to review fact14:25
myoungmarios: i think you've actually done part of a doc'd LP...sec14:25
* myoung searches the databanks14:25
openstackLaunchpad bug 1769538 in tripleo "RFE (libvirt-reproducer): Add option to install prerequisite packages (rpm, pip) " [High,Triaged]14:27
myoungmarios: (commenting in gerrit) but can add related bug tag to commit msg14:27
mariosmyoung: nice thanks :) I'll update the commit message if you add a review comment :)14:27
rlandymarios: re: your comment - if we skip all the packages and thus repo setup - where is that work done, then?14:28
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mariosrlandy: we are apparently including the repo-setup role later on14:29
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rlandymarios: ack14:29
rlandyon the undercloud14:29
rlandymarios: apologies, I'm late to the game here14:29
mariosrlandy: not at all i'm learning as i'm going along ! :)14:29
marioswhat are you apologising for rlandy srlsy!!14:30
* marios recoffee14:30
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000 (1 more message)14:32
myoungweshay, chkumar|ruck, panda, be right there14:32
pandamyoung: chkumar|ruck we are going to be late14:32
myoungpanda: ack and cool, fell down the review hole14:33
myoungmarios: done.  comments in bug.  LGTM / fine as is, if you're wanting to might make sense to just check for and/or install the other stuff that causes reproducer to fail (e.g. fix entire RFE) - but we're late in sprint and would totally understand leaving that for another patch in the future14:34
mariosmyoung: would rather land and iterate since its been in review a while we can easily add stuff14:35
myoungmarios: makes sense.  agreed (already +1) just being chattuy14:35
chkumar|ruckmyoung: let me know when you are ready14:36
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myoungim in the room, but no rush.  I don't think we need a full hour, this is just pre-planning for a sprint where we already know the topics :)14:38
mariosmyoung: thanks done when you next get a chance
myoungweshay, panda ^^14:38
weshaymyoung, coming14:38
myoungmarios: ack, +1 thx for update14:39
mariosssbarnea: o/ can you please re-add your vote @ update is to the commit message and a comment based on myoung review thanks14:40
mariosmyoung: thnks very much for the review14:40
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rlandymarios: so this review is not in play anymore? (might be abandoned)? You're just working with
rlandyin your testing?14:54
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rlandyack - it seems from your last comment14:56
mariosrlandy: right14:56
mariosrlandy: we'll see if it works out we can abandon the stand-alone role14:57
rlandyyep, I see14:57
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myoungweshay, panda
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myoungweshay, panda:
rlandymarios: left a starter comment on ... will leave other comments on the review15:06
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agopimyoung, weshay can either of you try to retry this build, i'm unable to and wanted to see it's not just me before opening up a ticket15:26
agopirlandy, ^15:28
myoungagopi: A problem occurred while processing the request. Please check our bug tracker to see if a similar problem has already been reported. If it is already reported, please vote and put a comment on it to let us gauge the impact of the problem. If you think this is a new issue, please file a new issue. When you file an issue, make sure to add the entire stack trace, along with the version of Jenkins and relevant plugins. The users list might15:30
myoungbe also useful in understanding what has happened.15:30
myoungStack trace15:30
myoungthat's a IT ticket15:30
myoungagopi ^^15:30
agopithanks myoung15:30
hubbotagopi: myoung's karma is now 315:30
myoungagopi: sidebar shows 15 options, you need to expand to the bottom to show all (*17), general request, infra, central CI jenkins15:30
myoungnot intuitive, but it's there15:31
myoungactually need to expand twice (each menu)15:31
myoungyou'l see15:31
myoungagopi: join rhinternal IRC: #ci-ops-central if you need/want to escalate.  give ticket max severity/priority15:31
mariosrlandy: ack thanks15:32
mariosrlandy: might get to it next week tho i mean reply /debug etc and still waiting for zuul run so i can poke at logs :)15:33
agopiack myoung thanks15:33
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myoungagopi|food: please add me to the IT ticket you create(d) as a watcher16:26
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000 (1 more message)16:32
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rlandymarios: test runs look good16:55
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weshayrlandy, did we loose the ability to run rdo-check?16:59
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weshayquiquell|off, I don't think the dashboard is accurately reporting on rdo sf jobs17:09
weshayw/ the infra error17:09
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rascarlandy, don't want to bother you but I've got a problem in testing my stuff17:15
rascarlandy, I'm trying to execute a simple quickstart run, using a local oooq-extras with all of our patches17:16
rascarlandy, but for some reason quickstart isn't able to find the playbook I want to use17:16
rascarlandy, it seems that the pip install does not place the playbook from the extras repo into the $workdir/playbooks dir17:17
rascarlandy, but requirements file is correct and I don't see any error17:17
rascarlandy, any hints?17:17
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weshayquiquell|off, nvrmind17:22
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rlandyrasca: I assume you are hitting a problem with requirements17:31
rlandyare you using the reproducer?17:31
rascarlandy, yeah, and I *think* I might have figured it out17:31
rlandyor is this in CI?17:31
rascarlandy, so, from what I'm understanding using this:17:32
rlandythe reprodcuer wipes out the requirements file17:32
rascainstead of:17:32
rascamakes a lot of difference17:32
rascabut I can assure that this worked in the past, or at least I was convinced it did :)17:32
rlandyrasca: this requirements thing is something of a nightmare as it operates differently in the reproducer and CI17:34
rlandyreally I am just figuring this all myself17:34
rascarlandy, I'm not using the reproducer btw17:34
rlandywhat are you using?17:34
rascarlandy, I'm doing a test using also the baremetal_undercloud role in ovb17:34
rlandyweshay: rdo-check ... is check-rdo17:36
rascarlandy, this
rascarlandy, call it a small local reproducer17:38 :(17:38
rascarlandy, simply enough for my brain to understand it17:38
rascarlandy, why you are sad about it'17:38
rlandyweshay: ^^ we need to nuke that as well17:38
rlandythe same way of devmode17:38
rascarlandy, /me spent my life understanding that script17:39
rlandyrasca: I know this is complicated and difficult17:39
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weshayrasca, STOP COMPLAINING17:39
weshaywe'll stop for icecream in a bit17:40
rlandywell daddy cleary just pulled rank here17:40
rascadinner is waiting for17:40
rlandyrasca: ok - let me comment that up - and I'll explain17:40
rlandygo for dinner17:40
rlandyI'll leave it on channel17:41
rascarlandy, but I always have time for explanations17:41
rascarlandy, so I'm all ears17:41
rlandyI am just working this out on browbeat really17:42
rlandybut ...17:42
rlandyecho "git+" >> $WORKSPACE/tripleo-quickstart/quickstart-extras-requirements.txt17:43
rlandy^^ that will take MASTER17:43
rlandynot your local17:43
rascarlandy, exactly17:43
rascarlandy, I don't have pending reviews there17:44
rascaso I don't care17:44
rascarlandy, and btw it is moving on right now17:44
rascarlandy, so, tell you what...17:44
rascarlandy, let's just this job run17:44
rlandywhere is it failing now17:44
rascarlandy, and see if it's successful17:44
rlandyok - I ma here17:44
rascarlandy, no failures anymore17:44
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rascarlandy, it's working (it seems)17:45
rascathen on Monday17:45
rascaif you have time17:45
rascawe can analyze it together17:45
rascaand see what it would be in a reproducer fashion17:45
rascaso I'll understand also the reproducer thing at 100%17:45
rascaand will not hear weshay complainings17:46
rascasounds like a plan?17:46
rlandyrasca: sure17:47
rlandyweshay: ok finally got the browbeat playbook kicking in CI ...
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rlandyerror on copy which I am looking to fix17:47
rlandybut I need to address paul's stuff now17:47
rascahave a great weekend rlandy ... and you too master weshay17:47
rlandyrasca: you too17:48
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agopiack myoung|bbl added17:50
rlandyagopi: ok - finally got browbeat playbook kicking in CI17:51
hubbotagopi: rlandy's karma is now 1517:51
rlandysome errors on my copy fix but at least we are picking up changes now17:51
rlandymight actually get somewhere17:52
agopiooh yes just checked it, the logs would tell where exactly browbeat/ is located i guess and we can just use it?17:53
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rlandyagopi; I have a little more work to do there17:55
rlandyand one more change to the reproducer17:55
agopiokay let me know how i can help you.17:55
rlandybut I need to address another project atm17:55
rlandywill get back to this over the weekend17:55
rlandyor monday17:55
agopiack rlandy, meanwhile if you have something for me to look at lmk, to make your life easier.17:56
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario003-multinode-oooq-container, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000 (1 more message)18:32
agopimyoung|bbl, i think i18:57
agopi^i've a vague idea of what caused jenkins to outrage18:57
agopi^regarding the retry, so if there's already a build that's pending, on the queue and is a retry of job x18:58
rookrlandy agopi is the setupstool still a sisue?18:58
agopiwe can't retry build y, if y is already a retry of x.18:58
agopiit's a retryception i'll explain better when you are back.18:58
rlandyrook: I have not gotten to put in a fix for that yet18:59
rookrlandy ack18:59
rlandyI have a job with the playbook triggering in CI18:59
rlandybut it's failing on the copy - which I fixed for the reproducer18:59
rlandybut the two envs are a bit diff19:00
rlandyI need to review code for another project now19:00
rlandyI will do some more runs over the weekend to work that out19:00
rlandywe're getting there though19:00
rlandythere was a lot of work to get CI and the reproducer to recognize a new repo :(19:00
agopiack rlandy, let me know if there's anything i can do to make your life easier.19:01
rlandyagopi: ack when I get back to this work19:01
rfolcorlandy, got a min?19:26
rfolcoreal quick, its ok if you can't or don't know :)19:27
rfolcoI am wondering how TAGS in won't override L122 for a multinode upgrade job19:28
rfolcoweshay, you know ^?19:28
rfolconm featureset is always the last part of toci_jobtype19:36
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rlandyrfolco: looking19:48
rlandyrfolco: it will override19:49
rlandybecause it's redefining rather than adding19:49
rfolcohmm I think it does NOT override coz featureset is always at the end of the string19:50
rfolcoif featureset051 is upgrade, then tags will be multinode tags + upgrade ones19:51
rfolcorlandy, isn't ?19:51
rlandyis that what you see?19:51
rlandyI guess that is the way it's suppose to work19:51
rlandywhat do you see?19:52
rlandywe can check the results on the job itself19:52
rfolcorlandy, I am just trying to convert tags into ansible vars19:52
rlandyimho, tags are evil19:52
rfolcoso its more clear now19:52
rlandyrfolco: I would believe you that is it not overriding19:53
rlandybecause that would see to be the intention19:53
rlandyto add19:53
rfolcoI can set tags for upgrades in the job definition and then add for multinode etc19:53
rlandyadding would be what I assume the design wants19:53
rlandyso go for that19:53
rfolcowill add first, no changes to the code... then modify TAGS19:54
rfolcorlandy, thx19:54
* rlandy didn;t really help :)19:55
rfolcorlandy, you did when you said "go check job log you newbie!"19:56
rfolcokidding of course, thanks for checking19:58
* rlandy would never say something so rude20:00
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rfolcoindeed :)20:03
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myoungchkumar|ruck: responded directly to your query re: libvirt reproducer, are you able to ssh?20:06
chkumar|ruckmyoung: it worked, now failing at virt resize20:07
chkumar|ruckselinux was disabled on the host20:07
chkumar|ruckdo i need to make it enforcing?20:07
myoungchkumar|ruck: got a log/error to look at?20:11
myounghow is it failing?20:11
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weshayrfolco, sorry had to make a run to the recycling center20:28
* weshay looks20:28
rfolcoweshay, rlandy helped me already thx20:28
weshayok.. ya.. def wouldn't override20:29
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master @, stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)20:32
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rfolcoack weshay21:14
* rfolco exit 021:14
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myoungrfolco: finished going thru the reviews, a few questions inline/gerrit, details
myoungchkumar|ruck: before i evaporate until later/this weekend, are you still stuck w.r.t. libvirt reproducer on virt-resize?21:21
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rfolcomyoung, thx21:24
rlandyrook: are these version absolutely needed?
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container- (1 more message)22:32
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