Wednesday, 2018-07-25

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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7 (3 more messages)00:37
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7 (3 more messages)02:37
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata, legacy-tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)04:37
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chkumar|roverquiquell: Good morning06:09
chkumar|roverquiquell: can we write something like this for ssh in tripleo ci using ansible by looking the private key file?06:10
quiquellchkumar|rover: What are we doing now, this ?06:13
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chkumar|roverquiquell: i was talking about this part06:19
chkumar|roverwe can use ansible here to check for file permission and existence for that file before proceeding06:19
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quiquellchkumar|rover: Have to leave now06:37
quiquelllets chat in a few06:37
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset035-queens @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata, legacy-tripleo-ci- (2 more messages)06:37
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quiquellchkumar|rover: We havce to fail if id_rsa is not present07:02
quiquellI think07:03
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quiquellchkumar|rover: Any bug related to this ?
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chkumar|roverquiquell: checking07:43
chkumar|roverquiquell: can we configure ddns on ruck rover site and create a static url for the same07:44
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quiquellchkumar|rover: rrcockpit is at temporal location, let's see if we can deply today at a permament one07:47
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Can we deploy rrockpit at tripleo-infra an point a ddns to it ?07:50
quiquellchkumar|rover: It's not related to the change07:53
chkumar|roverquiquell: I am still digging why it is behaving like that07:54
quiquellchkumar|rover: It's failing in the gates07:58
quiquellnah different error07:59
chkumar|roverlast patch related to container image prepare08:00
quiquellBut here is passing08:00
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quiquellchkumar|rover: Have just rechecked it doesn't make any sense08:02
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chkumar|roverquiquell: I am opening a bug08:09
quiquellchkumar|rover: Did it appear at the gates ?08:11
chkumar|roverquiquell: in other failed jobs, it is not appearing08:12
quiquellchkumar|rover: Let's wait for the recheck08:12
chkumar|roveras the other jobs are using tripleo-common package from older commit08:12
quiquellChange looks not related, but gates are not failing on this08:12
quiquellchkumar|rover: what do you mean ? gate jobs will take the same version08:13
jfrancoahey rfolco, do you have a second? I have a doubt about
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jfrancoachkumar|rover: opened yesterday a LP related to an error when running upgrades jobs: and I realized that we're missing the overcloud-upgrade tag08:16
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783303 in tripleo "[master] scenario000 multinode upgrade job is failing at tripleo-upgrade include task giving controllers' is undefined"}" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Jose Luis Franco (jfrancoa)08:16
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chkumar|roverquiquell: -> python2-tripleo-common-9.1.1-0.20180724171457.526e634.el7.noarch {526e634} and your job -> python2-tripleo-common-9.1.1-0.20180725034902.2dfed4e.el7.noarch contains the latest commit for the first review08:17
chkumar|roverjfrancoa: thanks, EmilienM has filed one more bug related to upgrade
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783399 in tripleo "containerized undercloud upgrade jobs isn't testing upgrades anymore" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)08:18
chkumar|roverquiquell: passed one used older version and your review used newer version08:19
chkumar|roverof tripleo-common08:19
jfrancoachkumar|rover: right, it's a similar case for the tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades what it's happening08:19
chkumar|roverjfrancoa: feel free to update the bug08:19
jfrancoachkumar|rover: sure, thanks for the info08:19
chkumar|roverquiquell: after recheck, if it again comes, i am going to open a bz08:20
chkumar|roverquiquell: sshnaidm|ruck fyi rdo third party jobs are failing due to this
chkumar|roverbecause one router might be active on more than one controller08:21
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chkumar|roverhe restarted the router, if appears again, we need to bug #rhos-ops08:21
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7 (2 more messages)08:37
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quiquellpanda: Good morning, we are miss workflowing this
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quiquellBut has unrelated failures at jobs08:59
mariosquiquell: i think the upgrades/updates jobs might be related to EmilienM fix08:59
mariosquiquell: *=* 10:17:58 *=*=*= "Fix TAG logic for all upgrade type jobs" I8330687ec64f1ebb7e3b100410d5bdc3e67ae7f0 tripleo-ci08:59
quiquellmarios: I have also found some issues at scenario jobs at the test review09:00
mariosquiquell: might be related to the issue you asked me to check yesterday09:00
mariosquiquell: was upgrades job right09:00
quiquellmarios: jfrancoa did a fix for it09:00
mariosquiquell: seems this particular issue was inadvertently introduced in this sprint i mean with the move but hopefully fixes it09:00
quiquellmarios: But also scenarios are broken, cannot be related09:00
quiquellWhat a bad luck09:01
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quiquellmarios: de controllers undefined ?09:01
mariosquiquell: oh do you have a pointer to jfrancoa fix? i mean might be different one. the fix from EmilienM in fixes the tags09:01
mariosquiquell: ack so at least 2 different issues :)09:01
jfrancoamarios: quiquell: well, the real fix is Emilien's one. however, there's a "hidden" issue with the tripleo-upgrade, that if we try to invoke the role without passing the proper tag, then it failes with this "controllers' is undefined09:03
mariosjfrancoa: ah so indeed your one is the one quiquell asked me to check yesterday i mean that was the error message09:03
mariosjfrancoa: thanks checking09:04
quiquelldamnit I was the QE there :-(09:04
quiquellmarios: So it was working because toci_type has featureset at the end of it :-)09:05
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, ack, saw it yesterday too..09:07
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, so, let's deploy it on tripleo-infra?09:09
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, which dns do you want it to be?09:09
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: What options do we have ? ?09:09
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck, panda: We need this fix to finish the sprint
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, tbh I don't like much rrcockpit name..09:15
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, how about "dashboard"?09:15
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: We can change it, ?09:16
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, or even grafana.tripleo.org09:16
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Only human that have being ruck rover understand it :-) is not that generic09:16
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, then dashboard or ci-dashboard maybe09:17
sshnaidm|ruck4 level domain? :)09:17
quiquellFeels good09:17
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: ok09:18
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, ok, let's deploy it then..09:18
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Do we want to also rename the instances and all ?09:18
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, I don't think it's needed..09:18
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Then let's deploy it09:19
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, ok, starting then09:20
* quiquell so nervous09:20
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jfrancoasshnaidm|ruck: quiquell: one doubt, which keyword do you use in tqe/tq to import a file which has ansible tasks, include: or include_tasks: ? I am asking because it seems that this error doesn't appear if we change this include by an include_tasks ->
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783303 in tripleo "[master] scenario000 multinode upgrade job is failing at tripleo-upgrade include task giving controllers' is undefined"}" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Jose Luis Franco (jfrancoa)09:22
jfrancoaplus I read that include is deprecated since Ansible 2.4, so maybe I should just submit a patch replacing all include by include_tasks keyword09:23
arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: can you +w ? :)09:23
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, done09:24
quiquelljfrancoa: I only see one "include_tasks" at tqe and it's for the reproducer09:24
arxcruzsshnaidm|ruck: danke!09:24
sshnaidm|ruckarxcruz, bitte09:25
jfrancoaquiquell: mmm..well, I'll propose a patch for tripleo-upgrade master branch to change it, at least in this single task and in the future I'll adapt the rest09:26
pandajfrancoa: use include_tasks, but only when static: no09:26
jfrancoapanda: ok, thanks for the tip09:28
pandajfrancoa: otherwise use import_tasks09:28
ssbarneado we also happen to have a team mailing list?09:29
pandassbarnea: no, use rhose-dev or openstack-dev09:29
pandajfrancoa: I don't understand if fixes your comment 2 on the bug09:29
jfrancoapanda: well, it does because it will add the overcloud-upgrade tags, and then the error won't appear. The "controllers" not defiened variable appears if we invoke tripleo-upgrade without any role-related tag (overcloud-upgrade, overcloud-update, upgrade_noop, etc...), it will skip all tasks but when it gets to then Ka-bum!09:31
pandajfrancoa: and that's why we didn't catch it ?09:34
jfrancoapanda: exactly, because there's not any case in which we run tripleo-upgrade role without any of those upgrades related tags. I did a simple test in my environment, and run mulinode-overcloud-upgrade.yaml playbook with --tags build and then it appears09:35
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sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, it starts, I see some tracebacks in telegraf log, can you please take a look?09:36
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, let's check that everything works as usual..09:36
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: ack09:37
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, password in root dir09:37
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quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: There are some issues at telegraf09:41
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: For RDO zuul status09:42
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: An error code ws missing going to fix RETRY_LIMIT09:43
chkumar|roverbased on all the corner cases, we have modified that peices09:43
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quiquellsshnaidm|ruck:The fix for the ci-dashboard09:55
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Let's check that infra as code is working09:55
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, yep09:56
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: is not accessible from promoter09:57
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, not accessible by ...?09:58
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: promoter cannot access
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: I think the internal ip is wrong10:02
quiquellBut can access sova's internal ip
quiquellI hacoded internal ip, that have to be the problem10:04
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, I see.. it didn't have "default" security group, now added it10:05
quiquellfor he instance ?10:06
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, yep10:06
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, should be fine now10:06
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Let's merge this to check that RDO's zuul queue size get fixed10:08
chkumar|roverarxcruz: Hello10:09
arxcruzchkumar|rover: hey10:09
quiquellpanda: Do you remember why we don't run at all the featuresets ?10:10
chkumar|roverI have replied the last comment10:10
chkumar|roveri think you are ok now10:10
arxcruzchkumar|rover: i'm not seeing the content being copied to {{ working_dir }}/tempest10:10
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, merging..10:11
chkumar|roverarxcruz: cp -R {{ working_dir }}/tempest_data/tempest {{ working_dir }}10:11
chkumar|roverit will copy it10:11
arxcruzchkumar|rover: nevermind, found it10:11
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: ack, will monitor10:11
pandaquiquell: we wanted to move to the new method gradually10:11
chkumar|roverarxcruz: updating with fixme10:11
arxcruzchkumar|rover: why instead of copy, just point stackviz to that directory? seems to me a workaround10:11
quiquellpanda: so maybe now it works for all of them ? I am testing it so we can simplify toci_gate_test10:11
chkumar|roverarxcruz: we will come with a better solution later on10:12
chkumar|rovercurrently i need to unblock the promotion10:12
arxcruzchkumar|rover: then add a TODO10:12
pandaquiquell: did we test it for all ?10:12
quiquellpanda: Is this enough ?10:13
pandaquiquell: I don't know, we need to involve the upgrades team to understand if everything works as expected10:17
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: I will leave today in between retro need to visit niece house that time10:17
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, sure10:18
pandaquiquell: it wouldn't be the first time we don't catch errors in upgrades even if the jobs succeed10:18
quiquellpanda: If we want to remove QUICKSTART_RELEASE var we need to run always emit_releases_file.py10:19
pandaquiquell: one thing I can say for now, is that you're modifying and not the template, so no upstream job is really testing it10:19
quiquellpanda: That's why I am testing it10:19
quiquellpanda: Damnn10:19
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, seems like working..10:19
quiquellpanda:  ok10:19
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Don't see the new run at /var/log/ansible-pull.log10:20
quiquellbut telegraf is working fine now10:20
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, this is in journalctl now10:21
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quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Ok so it's working fine, cool10:21
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Let's see if we get the promoter graphs now10:21
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: They are now, so we are good10:22
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, \o/10:22
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Yey !!!!10:22
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: Going to shutdown mine10:22
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quiquellpanda: Fixed the patch to test emit_releases_file at all featuresets10:34
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-3nodes-multinode,  (2 more messages)10:37
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quiquellrfolco: I am trying to deal with nodes_file and nodes_args here, to replace it at toci_quickstart
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rfolcoquiquell, good11:57
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: myoung since wes is not around, someone needs to update on the program call11:58
rfolcoquiquell, I am working on featureset_conf and env_vars.... did not submit yet11:58
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, It's rucks duty11:59
quiquellrfolco: We have break upgrades with the featurset change, EmilienM has a fix, but maybe we can go an try to merge the TAGs one, but the change is bigger11:59
quiquellrfolco: EmilienM Fix does not pass updates12:00
chkumar|roversshnaidm|ruck: great, you can do that thanks :-)12:00
rfolcoquiquell, I see, I went to the bed 2am and did not get any conclusion why it still fails12:00
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, yep12:01
mariospanda|lunch: wdyt about v11 @
rfolcoquiquell, I am looking at the logs again12:01
EmilienMrfolco, quiquell : anything we can revert in the meantime? I really don't want our upgrade jobs not doing upgrades at this period of the cycle12:02
EmilienMand I'm sure the upgrade folks feel the same12:02
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mariosquiquell: rfolco i think we should merge EmilienM tags fix12:03
mariosquiquell: rfolco and continue with landing the rest of sprint 16 stuff12:04
EmilienMmarios: right but it doesn't pass updates job, can't figure why (in meeting now)12:04
quiquellmarios: Checking the updates jobs, the ansible-playbook call is the same12:04
EmilienMhave you compared ansible tags? ansible vars? etc12:04
mariosEmilienM: quiquell i see. but still if it fixes the others it is move in the right direction while we are figuring out the updates?12:04
EmilienMthat's how I found out that rfolco's patch broke it12:04
quiquellEmilienM, marios, rfolco: Good one
quiquellbad one
quiquellfor multinode-overcloud-update12:06
quiquellThe only difference is the path tripleo_root now it points to /home/zuul/src/
quiquellThis is not a problem12:06
mariosquiquell: right noticed that one12:07
quiquellDon't find any difference, any env var affecting it ?12:09
quiquellmarios: I think you are right is better to fix upgrades than updates, reverse the thing is kind of messy now12:19
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zoliwho can point me to the current placve, where to find the documentation? The link I have ( is nopt working12:32
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master @, stable/queens:  (1 more message)12:37
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myoungo/ good morning!  I've created the sprint 16 tag on the retro board (
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rlandystill rdocloud issues?12:50
rlandy2018-07-25 07:18:18.840155 | tripleo-ovb-centos-7 | *** FAILED with status: 13712:51
rlandyrook; agopi: will be following up on rdocloud issues12:51
agopiack rlandy12:51
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sshnaidm|ruckpanda|lunch, marios wrt - when do you plan to remove call?12:52
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quiquellrfolco, EmilienM, marios: Maybe we can try to merge the other folcos change that refactor tags
quiquellI don't find the different at EmilienM patch that breaks the updates12:53
pandasshnaidm|ruck: after rdo job configuration clean up, sprint 1712:53
EmilienMare we sure they don't break OVB?12:54
EmilienMthe series of patches with is pretty high12:54
pandaEmilienM: OVB run with the old set of scripts12:54
sshnaidm|ruckpanda, I'm talking about upstream code in toci_gate_test12:54
EmilienMyou folks figure out :)12:55
quiquellEmilienM: Yep, we have to, thanks EmilienM12:56
EmilienMI'm happy with
EmilienMif we're sure it doesn't break OVB jobs.12:56
sshnaidm|ruckpanda, not sure how rdo jobs are related'12:57
quiquellEmilienM: Ok, let's ensure that12:57
pandassbarnea: meeting ?13:02
myounggood morning folks, Sprint 16 retrospective is starting now:
sshnaidm|ruckpanda, can you please respond?13:04
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pandasshnaidm|ruck: what I heard was that all rdo jobs were using specific configuration and we needed to clean up before putting something commono for all13:07
sshnaidm|ruckpanda, so we don't change anything in rdo jobs at all?13:08
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sshnaidm|ruckand where were these rumors from..13:08
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quiquellEmilienM: the update job fails at OVB for the same reason but at folco's change upstrea update works... that doesn't make any sense13:13
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mariosquiquell: what is enchilada reviews :)13:14
mariosy u no talk13:14
mariosand rfolco tabasco13:14
EmilienMquiquell: lol13:14
EmilienMtoo many vars!13:15
quiquellmarios: Mic was screw13:22
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quiquellEmilienM: Can I recheck your change ? folcos changes have good updates at upstream but bad at RDO, that doesn't make sense13:59
EmilienMquiquell: I'm in meeting, take over anything you want14:02
quiquellEmilienM: ack thanks14:06
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quiquellsshnaidm|ruck, chkumar|rover, rlandy: Updated with rr dashboard url14:32
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, I think we need to update ruck-rover doc with that14:33
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sshnaidm|ruckI always lose link to it..14:33
quiquellsshnaidm|ruck: this one ?
quiquellI think we can simplify some points, as they are covers by the alerts14:35
EmilienMquiquell: I'm back from meeting, what's the progress?14:37
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quiquellEmilienM: We are in meeting now, but at folcos patch updates at upstream is working but on at RDO, that's weird14:37
quiquellEmilienM: So I have recheck both, also checking quickstart-installation.logs they looks the same, I have to recheck.14:38
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EmilienMquiquell: can we revert somethnig in the meantime?14:39
EmilienMI really hate to wait having these jobs working14:39
sshnaidm|ruckquiquell, yeah, this one14:40
quiquellWe can try to put back the bash logic into the switch statement14:40
quiquellThre is no easy revert now14:40
quiquellEmilienM: Give me a min will try a review with that14:41
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quiquellEmilienM: This can be the revert, don't see the difference though...15:03
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EmilienMquiquell: well let's see15:07
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mariossshnaidm|ruck: rlandy i just -2 at just so we can be happy before merge15:11
mariosand others would like to review it15:12
mariosthanks for your +215:12
marioshopefully unless we find issues we can merge v1115:12
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agopirlandy, rook this looks good so far
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sshnaidm|ruckpanda, rfolco hand off?15:33
rfolcosshnaidm|ruck, yes please15:33
pandasshnaidm|ruck: where ?15:33
sshnaidm|rucklet's go to blue15:33
rfolcoyour room?15:34
sshnaidm|ruckchkumar|rover, are you there?15:34
agopiissues running cinder workload create-attach-volume-centos and nova boot-snapshot-delete on cirros and last one netcreate-1-boot on cirros, basically all image related issues15:38
agopi^ rook rlandy15:38
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rfolco|'ruck also eats')15:47
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: no they don't15:47
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: you can drink once a day15:48
sshnaidmrfolco|ruck, yeah, drinking tabasco and working with rdo cloud have something in common..15:50
rlandyagopi|food: ok - is that on the browbeat side to change or something we need to address in CI/infra?15:51
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agopi|foodits on browbeat side rlandy16:15
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chandankumarsshnaidm|bbl: just back home16:25
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chandankumarrfolco|ruck: sshnaidm|bbl will i transfer the assigned bug to new rover?16:33
rfolco|ruckchandankumar, panda is rover16:34
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weshay_PTOhi all17:11
weshay_PTOhere for 5-10 min17:11
weshay_PTOanyone need anything?17:11
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rookweshay_PTO: i need a coffee18:21
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agopirlandy, facing this problem when running reproducer18:31
agopii can just ssh into the undercloud though18:31
myounghuh...wonder if that is related to the semi-recent change to remove screen --> tmux?18:32
agopii cant even hit clear18:32
agopi'screen.xterm-256color': unknown terminal type.18:32
myoungor maybe i have wires crossed?18:33
agopiclears it up myoung18:34
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EmilienMrfolco|ruck : so what's the status18:42
EmilienMare we going to merge this revert?
rlandymyoung: cool - thanks for solving that18:42
EmilienMit's failing the same way as updates job is failing on the other patch18:43
rfolco|ruckEmilienM, rdo yes, I was waiting for zuul ci, checking18:43
rfolco|ruckbreakage must be a combination of with something else18:47
rfolco|ruckmarios, you got a min to bj? perhaps a quick look at to see if you see anything...18:52
EmilienMrfolco|ruck: what is the plan?18:54
EmilienMhaving ?18:54
rfolco|ruckEmilienM, The problem is rdo job fails the same way... legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master18:55
EmilienMwe should revert all that work18:55
EmilienMand redo it from scratch18:55
rfolco|ruckEmilienM, I suspect that also broke it (rdo)... my tags patch only works for zuul ci... something is missing for rdo side still.18:56
rookagopi rlandy it looks like rdocloud is still struggling?19:02
rlandyso it seems19:04
rookwhere can one look at that?19:11
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rlandybut mostly we just watch the conversation on #rhos-ops19:13
rookAll systems are operational!19:13
rlandyas of this morning it was not operational19:13
rlandyI have not tried since then19:13
* rook runs recheck19:13
rlandyrfolco|ruck" ^^ any status on rdocloud?19:13
rlandyrook: usually the ruck/river have a good handle on the status19:14
rfolco|ruckrlandy, sshnaidm just did a hand off19:15
rlandyAs of right now we are considering RDO-Cloud to be operational. We are looking forward to your feedback.19:15
rlandyfrom rhos-dev email19:15
rlandyso it should be working now?19:15
rlandyrook: are you looking at job output or working on your personal tenant?19:16
rlandyrfolco|ruck: so we're good to go now?19:16
rfolco|ruckI heard they were resetting things...19:16
rlandycan recheck jobs?19:16
rookrlandy: from the featureset run19:16
rlandyrook: ack19:16
rlandywe can recheck19:16
rlandywhen rfolco|ruck thinks they are done with the reset19:16
rlandyrook: welcome to upstream :)19:17
agopino need to run recheck19:17
agopibrowbeat failed running scenarios19:17
agopiissues running cinder workload create-attach-volume-centos and nova boot-snapshot-delete on cirros and last one netcreate-1-boot on cirros, basically all image related issues19:17
agopiculprit: image script19:19
rookagopi: did that come from that commit?19:20
rookhm, it did19:20
rooksame error I called out before agopi19:22
rook'stderr': u'volume version 3.52 is not in supported versions: 1, 2, 3', u'failed': True}]19:22
agopiyes rook19:24
rookand I mentioned not to use the browbeat venv19:24
rooklet me amend that19:24
rfolco|ruckrlandy, I guess the email gives the green light19:24
agopioh yes, thats what i forgot19:24
rlandyok - we can try again then19:24
rfolco|ruckyes rlandy, let me know if any issues I can follow-up19:25
rlandyrook: agopi: ^^ look slike rdocloud should be back in action now per rhos-dev email19:25
rfolco|ruckrlandy, quick question, hope so... shouldn't we add the same vars to rdo-jobs as we did for upstream tripleo-ci ones ? rdo-jobs --> tripleo-ci -->
rlandyrfolco|ruck: rdo-jobs are complicated :(19:36
rfolco|ruckdifferente workflow right? they do not run run-v3.yaml19:36
rlandywhich is why I was unsure about how to move forward with the changes I had made to include browbeat etc.19:36
rlandyI really think we need to take a clear decision on this TOMORROW19:36
rlandylike ASAP19:37
rlandywe are going to block oursleves or duplicate19:37
rlandyso, in theory, yse19:37
rlandywe should be doing exactly that19:37
rlandyand we need to consider it in the clean up19:38
rfolco|ruckrlandy, was trying to find out why fails on rdo-jobs (updates fs037) but it works for zuul ci19:38
rlandyrfolco|ruck: one sec - call - then will look19:38
rfolco|rucksure, no worries. don't want to hold you more19:38
rlandyrfolco|ruck k, sorry about that - looking19:43
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rlandyhmmm ...  "Overcloud minor update execution step failed..."19:46
rlandywhere is marios when you need him?!?19:47
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