Thursday, 2018-07-26

hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario009-multinode-oooq, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)00:37
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario007-multinode-oooq-container, tripleo-ci- (1 more message)02:37
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy- (1 more message)04:37
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quiquellmarios: Good morning sir05:46
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marioso/ quiquell06:03
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quiquellmarios: Have to leave in a few to do some paperwork, I wil update with tags problems progress in a few06:12
quiquellmarios: So you can help out06:12
quiquellmarios: ok ?06:12
mariosquiquell: ack06:13
quiquellmarios: The basis is that we have break tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades06:16
quiquellmarios: So EmilienM Has a fix for it here
mariosquiquell: right the tags fix06:17
quiquellmarios: But it breaks tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades06:20
quiquellmarios: Sorry tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-<updates>06:20
quiquellmarios: Folcos change that remove TAGS totally fix it but it depends on a lot of changes06:21
quiquellmarios: So I have put in place a commit that is works in top of tripleo-ci right now
quiquellmarios: So task is monitor this last patch to check that it works06:22
quiquellmarios: Also in the meantime compare EmilienM patch and folcos patch to check what's the difference
quiquellmarios: I have already compare the ansible-playbook calls and they are exactly the same :-(06:23
quiquellmarios: I will be around for a few06:23
quiquellmarios: Let's see if we can found the issue06:23
mariosquiquell: ack. so Folcos top-level change at fixes it?06:24
quiquellmarios: Also I have add a Depends-On on EmilienM Patch to see the logs of the failing task06:24
mariostripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-updates SUCCESS in 1h 58m 18s06:24
quiquellmarios: Yep, but we cannot merge it as it is, so I have squash the dependencies into one06:24
quiquellmarios: If it works (we have also to check that OVB works are working fine too) then we can dirrectly merge that06:25
quiquellmarios: Is this one
mariosquiquell: right. well the chain is not horrible06:25
mariosquiquell: i mean the first 2 are +2A06:25
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mariosquiquell: so we only need 2, and then folco change06:25
quiquellmarios: From the tip of tripleo-ci there are like three before folcos06:27
quiquellmarios: One is in the gates and the other two are not06:27
quiquellmarios: If we can merge them all soon and fix upgrades problem would be the perfect solution06:28
quiquellmarios: If the squashed review works, and the other are not merged we have a side solution06:28
mariosquiquell: yeah i know but the first two, periodic/dryrun and your one are +2AA06:28
mariosquiquell: so remaining for attention are and then folco change06:29
quiquellmarios: Yep, so it's still possible that we get all of them merged06:29
quiquellmarios: Squashed one is a plan B06:29
mariosquiquell: yah i don't think we need it if we can merge these06:30
quiquellWe can event pu Clean up one after TAGs06:30
quiquellmarios: So TAGs one is next one after my +2A06:30
quiquellmarios: Agree06:30
quiquellmarios: Let's try to review the pending ones so they get +2 and similar, you can fix something directly06:31
quiquellAnd I think that's all06:31
mariosquiquell: ack06:32
mariosquiquell: now we just need the a-team music and a van06:32
quiquellmarios: Thanks a lot man, sorry I call you06:32
mariosquiquell: no worries :) i'll check the reviews in a bit06:32
quiquellmarios: Haha you are murdock ?06:32
mariosquiquell: y u apologise :)06:32
quiquellmarios: Good to have you at my tz06:32
quiquellmarios: One more thing, don't want to re-arrange, maybe the clean up is fixing suff up06:34
mariosquiquell: sure lets try it like that i think between all of us we should be able to merge it by end of US day06:35
quiquellmarios: Yep, maybe some review+fix is needed, not big deal though zuul queues are good at this hour06:35
mariosquiquell: but /win 1106:35
quiquellmarios: The failing jobs at gates is high, maybe the queue get big soon
quiquellmarios: 18 is a lot06:36
quiquellmarios: But that's from yesterday06:37
quiquellmarios: Maybe is fixed today06:37
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy- (1 more message)06:37
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quiquellmarios: Have recheck clean up tag and Replate TAGs folco's change07:03
quiquellmarios: The replace TAGs has some noice, I forgot to change Change-Id in the squashed one, now the review is back to normal07:04
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quiquellmarios: One merged
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mariosquiquell: nice07:27
quiquellmarios: Why this is not in the gates ?
mariosquiquell: hm not sure it says "cannot merge"07:28
mariosquiquell: but it can't be rebase since it is in series07:28
quiquellmarios: But it wil lose the +2A07:28
mariosyeah that not the end of world we can add panda|rover|off sshnaidm|afk around too07:29
mariosquiquell: but lets think about it i don't think it is rebase/shouldn't be07:29
quiquellmarios: We don't have to rebase it ?07:30
quiquellmarios: I mean, I don't see any cannot merge message07:30
mariosquiquell: not sure07:30
mariosquiquell: i see it07:30
quiquellmarios: where ?07:30
mariosquiquell: Strategy Merge if Necessary07:30
mariosCannot Merge
quiquellmarios: Damn... where ? I don't see it07:31
quiquellAhhh ok Merge IIf Necessary07:32
quiquellBut I don't see Cannot Merge07:32
mariosquiquell: srsly man07:33
quiquellmarios: I am ofuscated... I only see the Merge if Necessary07:33
mariosquiquell: spot the "Cannot Merge" maybe easier here
quiquellI don't have that.-.07:34
mariosquiquell: refresh?07:34
quiquellmarios: noper is not there07:35
quiquellMaybe is the tamper monkey script07:35
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mariosquiquell: lemme try +A but don't think it will do anything07:38
quiquellmarios: Firefox show it to me, chrome don't ...07:38
mariosquiquell: waaat07:38
quiquellmarios: Now!!! after your +A07:38
quiquellI think something get cached at  chrome07:39
quiquellmarios: OK going to rebase07:39
quiquellCool only +1w07:39
quiquellmarios: Add a +1w there07:40
mariosquiquell: ok07:40
mariosquiquell: it kept the votes which was nice of it07:41
quiquellmarios: Don't know on what depends, sometimes it remove it07:41
quiquellmarios: Maybe depends if there are changed at the patches files07:41
mariosquiquell: yah i expected them removed07:41
quiquellmarios: Or if it's a ff merge07:41
quiquellmarios: Maybe gerrit is being nice with us, it feels the pain07:42
quiquellmarios: Have to leave now07:42
mariosquiquell: ack07:42
quiquellmarios: You are in control of this now, will be back in a few hours07:42
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mariosquiquell: ;) well we just need some more votes on
mariosquiquell|bbl: and
mariospanda|rover|off: sshnaidm|afk ** please ^^^07:43
mariosto unbreak the upgrades tags07:43
quiquell|bblthe pending reviews are07:43
quiquell|bblI mean07:43
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mariosquiquell|bbl: thats what i said :)07:44
mariosquiquell|bbl: but since we're spamming07:44
marios10:42 < marios> quiquell: ;) well we just need some more votes on
quiquell|bblAhh ok yes jeje07:44
marios10:42 < marios> quiquell|bbl: and
mariosand you said 10:43 < quiquell|bbl>
marios10:43 < quiquell|bbl>
mariospanda sshnaidm|afk please reviews ^^^07:44
quiquell|bblmarios: ack, see you in a frew07:45
quiquell|bblmarios: I expect not much tabasco for me "07:45
mariosquiquell|bbl: enchilada cannot be without tabasco07:45
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quiquellmarios: Have check before leave08:02
quiquellmarios: EmilienM Patch is passing now the updates :-/,
quiquellmarios: I really leave now08:03
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quiquellMarios: emilien fix works beacause the Depens-On it forces to get latest tht08:34
quiquellMarios: the problem have to be at tht and we have just bad luck08:35
quiquellMarios: dlrn is pointing yo a broken one08:35
quiquellAfter our merge they sure tht has a false positive for updates08:36
quiquellSo people have being merging broken stuff that appear after emilien fix08:37
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master @, stable/queens:  (1 more message)08:37
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quiquellWe can check the difference between latest tht and DLRN one08:39
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quiquellI will be on read only mode in and out08:42
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quiquellThis is last DLRN tht08:46
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sshnaidm  requires a rebase08:51
quiquellDone, also rebases the parent08:54
quiquellThis is the tht where DLRN is pointing
quiquellTht will be fixed in the next periodic09:01
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quiquellsshnaidm: have pinned the version of grafana you can merge the review09:11
panda|rover|offquiquell: is the depends-on for going to be merged ?09:13
quiquellPanda: we are trying folcos changes as they fixed it too09:13
quiquellI still dont know why updates was not failing at folcos changes, tht version should be the same...09:14
quiquellFeel like we were oculting an issue after our merge09:15
panda|rover|offquiquell: which folco's change ?   ?09:16
quiquellBut since it doesnt hace a depends on it should have use the same tht version...09:17
quiquellSo still dont know why09:17
quiquellPanda maybe you can dig a little about it09:17
panda|rover|offquiquell: update me on the status09:19
quiquellOk, so we broke nv upgrade job09:20
panda|rover|offquiquell: bj/gcerami09:20
quiquellPanda cannot do bj now09:20
quiquellWaiting for some paperwork at the administration09:21
panda|rover|offoh, the capital letters, you'r on your phone09:21
quiquellYep hehe thats a good signal09:21
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quiquellThe thing is emilien fix fails at updates job and this is a voting job09:22
quiquellWas unrelated to our changes09:22
quiquellSo after i add a depends on for debugging purposes09:23
quiquellIt passes09:23
quiquellIt forces to get the latest tht09:23
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quiquellBut then i dont know why folcos change is not failing at updates09:24
quiquellMaybe was using and old tht version09:24
quiquellSo we are tryng to get merged the new enchilada until last folcos change09:24
quiquellAlso, we have to get the periodics get the latest tht09:25
quiquellPanda: that its all09:25
ssbarneafyi, i will be away for a couple of hours, doctor appt.09:29
quiquellssbnarnea: ack hope is nothing09:30
quiquellpanda: this is the bug
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783399 in tripleo "containerized undercloud upgrade jobs isn't testing upgrades anymore" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)09:30
panda|rover|offyes I know09:31
panda|rover|offquiquell: Why there are no tests result in folco's change09:35
quiquellWe did a rebase09:37
quiquellLook in the comments in the old ones09:37
quiquellPanda: we need to find if it was a tht problem09:41
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panda|rover|offjfrancoa: how do I understand what went wrong here ?
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jfrancoapanda|rover|off: no clue, I saw it yesterday too and tried to debug further but it doesn't give much info. And as the previous tasks are running with no_log, you get even less context09:50
jfrancoapanda|rover|off: I saw that quiquell ran the same job with a dependency which set the no_log to False09:51
panda|rover|offjfrancoa: and that passed09:51
quiquellYep its taking newer tht i suspect09:51
jfrancoapanda|rover|off: however, it looks like after his recheck it's working fine:
quiquell2018-07-25 16:58:07 | u'TASK [Set docker_startup_configs_with_default fact09:51
panda|rover|offjfrancoa: so the job is shy, if you threaten to show its inside, it will decide to pass09:51
jfrancoapanda|rover|off: there should be a log from the ansible execution in /var/log/mistral, I'm going to check if it has further info09:52
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quiquellPanda we have to diff DLRN hash with latest hash at tht09:52
panda|rover|offquiquell: if that's the case, something is really wrong, we should not need a depends-on, to get the latest code in tht09:52
quiquellPanda tht is taken from dlrn09:53
quiquellAnd they are promoted by periodic09:53
quiquellA depends on forces build-test-packages09:53
quiquellThat forces to use latest thr09:53
jfrancoapanda|rover|off: nah, same shy result
panda|rover|offquiquell: tripleo-heat-templates in our chage is always taken from the latest delorean package, even if it's not promoted09:56
panda|rover|offquiquell: we are taking it from delorean-current09:56
quiquellBut maybe there were no dlrn package yet09:56
quiquellWe can do a recheck wirhout the depends on09:57
quiquellDepends on really forces it09:57
panda|rover|offquiquell: dlrn creates a new hash automatically whenever a new merge in any of the project is detected09:57
quiquellTiming issue ?09:57
panda|rover|offjfrancoa: what does that mean ?09:58
panda|rover|offquiquell: anyway, the hashes in the two jobs differ10:01
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quiquellpanda|rover|off: I am back10:03
quiquellDo you want some bj sync ?10:03
chandankumararxcruz: it this review good to go ?10:04
panda|rover|offquiquell: remove the depends-on10:04
quiquellpanda|rover|off: Now this is passing upgrades... holy molly10:04
arxcruzchandankumar: yup10:04
jfrancoapanda|rover|off: I don't know what the error is about, with such a short log. It's in deploy-step-tasks but there are really no info to deduce where the problem is. maybe marios knows anything about it?10:05
chandankumarpanda|rover|off: bogdando please have a look at this review and
panda|rover|offquiquell: what's that ?10:06
panda|rover|offjfrancoa: there's some analysis in the bug10:06
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783399 in tripleo "containerized undercloud upgrade jobs isn't testing upgrades anymore" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)10:06
quiquellpanda|rover|off: That is the latest from our enchilada10:06
panda|rover|offjfrancoa: some errors in mistral maybe ?10:07
panda|rover|offquiquell: the problems was never that the upgrades didn't pass, it's that they were not doing the upgrade10:07
quiquellpanda|rover|off: And upgrades job is passing :-/ but upgrades tags are not there10:07
quiquellpanda|rover|off: Yep, now upgrades pass without doing upgrades :-/10:07
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panda|rover|offso now we merged this, and we need to rebase all the fixes on top of this ?10:08
mariosjfrancoa: o/ which job/issue?10:08
quiquellpanda|rover|off: They depend on this from the beginning10:08
quiquellpanda|rover|off: No problem with that10:08
mariosjfrancoa: nm (upgrades tags)10:09
mariosquiquell: panda|rover|off you mean we have a problem even after ?10:09
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panda|rover|offquiquell: marios please bj10:10
mariospanda|rover|off: ack gimme sec10:10
quiquellmarios: nop10:10
quiquellpanda|rover|off: Going to connect there too10:10
quiquellok ?10:10
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jfrancoamarios: yes, right. The thing is that Emilien's patch was failing yesterday for few jobs (minor updates and some others), and the minor updates one was failing with this error: but it's really hard to know what went wrong10:10
panda|rover|offquiquell: yes please10:11
panda|rover|offjfrancoa: you have time to join too ?10:11
jfrancoapanda: sure, why not. joining10:11
mariosjfrancoa: ack but apparently fixes the issue (and if you see diff it obsoletes EmilienM change)10:12
mariosassuming it works :)10:12
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1783399 in tripleo "containerized undercloud upgrade jobs isn't testing upgrades anymore" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to Emilien Macchi (emilienm)10:23
chandankumarkopecmartin: arxcruz please have a look at the epic card
chandankumarsince tomorrow I will be not available we are planning to do sprint planning on monday if it is ok?10:24
chandankumarkopecmartin: arxcruz if anything is not clear feel free to comment on the card10:28
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quiquellSo going  to rebase, EmilienM Changes in top of last one near gates10:33
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy- (1 more message)10:37
quiquellpanda|rover|off, marios, jfrancoa: just missing the +1w
panda|rover|offquiquell: have you removed the depends-on ?10:39
quiquellpanda|rover|off: yep10:40
panda|rover|offquiquell: we need to understand if all passes before +W10:40
quiquellpanda|rover|off: sure, agree just saying that it has already a 2 +210:40
panda|rover|offquiquell: ok10:41
quiquellpanda|rover|off: Looking at the file from failing update job this is the hash 959e1d7f755ee681b6f23b498d262a9e4dd6326f_4cbb181410:41
quiquellpanda|rover|off: And this is the repo
quiquellagain 20th of july10:44
quiquellpanda|rover|off:  the tht we are using have to be that or I am missing something ?10:44
quiquellJul 25 15:19:14 Installed: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-9.0.0-0.20180725034409.db72fcd.el7.noarch is the version installed10:49
quiquellpanda|rover|off: So it's 25th of fuly10:50
quiquellpassing updates job uses Jul 26 06:05:27 Installed: openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-9.0.0-0.20180726032504.bc64f12.el7.noarch10:51
quiquellSo it's newer10:51
quiquelljfrancoa, marios: I think this is the fix at THT
quiquellIs the only commit in the middle of fail and pass update job10:52
quiquellBut another stuf could have being updates, we have the gate broken after our merge :-/10:53
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sshnaidm|afkquiquell|bbl, seems like we need to separate jobs stats by rdo cloud and tripleo ci. Currently all problems of rfo cloud hide problems of tripleo ci and break statistics with 100% failures..11:26
quiquell|bblsshnaidm|afk: ack, a review coming in a few11:30
sshnaidm|afkquiquell|bbl, let's make then 2 upper rows, one with upstream and other with rdo cloud11:31
sshnaidm|afkquiquell|bbl, how do you extract json? via "sharing"?11:31
EmilienMquiquell|bbl: hey, so what's up?11:32
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quiquellEmilienM: Hello there11:32
quiquellEmilienM: At the end update job issue was non related, we have rebase your change in top of the one in the gates11:32
quiquellEmilienM: Possible suspect THT, as we were giving false possitives at updates jobs, checks were not checking11:33
EmilienMquiquell: ok so my patch should work pass the check jobs this time?11:34
quiquellEmilienM: We think so, after adding a Depends-On on it, update jobs was passing11:34
quiquellEmilienM: Now we are checking the rebase11:34
quiquellEmilienM: Will ping you with anything, sorry about the defect11:35
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Going to add two singlestats one with Upstream and one with RDO11:36
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EmilienMquiquell: it happens ;-)11:42
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quiquellsshnaidm|afk:, you can review it with just a docker-compose up over the change11:50
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: It will be at localhost11:50
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Can you open this ?
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, yep11:51
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: that's my laptop11:51
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, how about something like that?
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Just two things11:52
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Can I do a little change over it ?11:53
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: I like it, just a layout change11:53
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, of course, it's testing11:53
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: admin password ?11:53
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, but noop upstream jobs still have legacy jobs..11:54
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, the same as in tripleo-infra11:54
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, tell me if you log in11:54
quiquellOk, I am in11:56
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, and I filtered by name "/legacy-*/ which is not correct, names will change..11:56
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: "type" = 'upstream'11:56
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, need to have more strict differentiation11:56
quiquell"type" = 'rdo'11:56
quiquellLet me change this and the layout11:56
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: But like it better the two rows11:56
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, yeah, also want to add table of periodic jobs only (like we have table of noop and gate failures)11:57
quiquellYep that's a good idea, periocis are the gate version of RDO11:57
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sshnaidm|afkquiquell, so on one row will be noop upstream and gates, on other - noop rdo and periodics11:58
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quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Make sense totally11:58
sshnaidm|afkso we'll have also separate rows for different clouds11:58
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: The periodicity of a job in zuul is configured at pipeline or at job ?12:01
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, pipeline12:01
sshnaidm|afkopenstack-periodic and openstack-periodic-24hr12:02
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Going to filter by pipeline more thatn job_name12:03
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, yeah, jobs names change12:04
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quiquellsshnaidm|afk: You have change it directly in the dashboard-ci ?12:07
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Going to revert dashboard-ci to the previous version12:08
quiquellUntil we get right the other12:08
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sshnaidm|afkquiquell, I didn't save anything in dashboard-ci12:13
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, that was my testing vm12:14
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quiquellsshnaidm|afk: ok12:14
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quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Check it now, I have fix the queries12:24
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: And also add periodic table12:24
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, I see it in dashboard-ci too. I'm just not sure my vm has latest changes, better to try on dashboard-ci12:28
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quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Sure is not the same vm ?12:29
rlandyrfolco: ruck: hello12:29
quiquellI have revert them i can revert it again12:29
rfolco|ruckrlandy, o/12:29
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Is the same IP...12:30
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: is
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, f$%k12:30
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: :-/12:30
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, I was sure it's my vm12:30
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: no problem, is that in 30 minutes we have the planning and I was going to show it, going to revert this ok ?12:31
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, ok, so we are testing on production :D12:31
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, sure12:31
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Like big bosses :-)12:31
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: Good thing about grafana it has a "versions" option so you can revert from it12:31
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, but why to revert if you did it already?12:32
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: To be sure it's working ?12:32
rlandymarios: hi12:32
rlandymarios: need to pick your updates brain12:32
quiquellsshnaidm|afk: If you are ok with the changes, I will import them to code12:32
mariosrlandy: just joined a call sory12:33
mariosrlandy: talk in a bit/after planning12:33
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, yeah, totally12:33
sshnaidm|afkquiquell, and all the rest after demo12:34
rlandymarios: ok - one question ... (pls answer when you have time)... this file ... - look at the last start_irder - does that look to be in the right place to you?12:34
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy- (1 more message)12:37
rlandyquiquell: hi - newbie dashboard question12:37
rlandyquiquell|lunch: oh - when you get back from lunch, pls ^^12:38
sshnaidm|afkquiquell|lunch, will it build container too?12:38
sshnaidm|afkrlandy, ask, maybe I can help12:39
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm|afk: Yep, all is prepare for it, don't wory12:40
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm|afk: Just merge the commit12:40
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm|afk: For sure it will blow up before show it to the team :-P12:40
quiquell|lunchrlandy: shoot, will answer it12:40
sshnaidm|afkquiquell|lunch, no, no way :D12:41
quiquell|lunchsshnaidm|afk: Let's merge it after :-)12:42
rlandyquiquell|lunch: not urgent - but I was wondering how I could trace a failure/job history - of that was possible. I can wait until you demo12:42
quiquell|lunchrlandy: We have an exploration dashboard
quiquell|lunchrlandy: click on influxdb filter you can filter all the fields there12:42
rlandyquiquell|lunch: cool - that's what I am looking for12:43
rlandyoops - Sorry for the inconvenience12:43
rlandyPlease go back to your home dashboard and try again.12:43
quiquell|lunchrlandy: Also you can shere the specific search12:43
quiquell|lunchrlandy: for example
quiquell|lunchrlandy: the search is in the url so you can share it12:44
sshnaidm|afkrlandy, Influxdb filter  is in top left corner12:44
sshnaidm|afkquiquell|lunch, btw, look what I found:
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rfolco|ruckquiquell|lunch, I don't see a depends-on at
sshnaidm|afkquiquell|lunch, I don't know what it can do, but seems promising..\12:46
rlandyquiquell|lunch: thanks - will poke around12:46
* rlandy is very attached to job histories12:47
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quiquellsshnaidm: Was thinking that maybe we are doing too much at collect logs regarding grafana, we can move that offline12:52
quiquellsshnaidm: And reduce time jobs a little12:52
quiquellsshnaidm: Thats pull vs push :-)12:52
sshnaidmquiquell, yeah, need to think about it12:53
quiquellsshnaidm: yep both options have tradeoffs12:53
sshnaidmquiquell, actually we already do infludb sending with pull, just making files in the job12:53
sshnaidmquiquell, then a script pull these files12:53
quiquellsshnaidm: Just generate ara jsons at jobs, but pulling them from telegraf ?12:54
quiquellsshnaidm: Right now is injecting to influxdb at collect logs ?12:54
quiquellsshnaidm: Also graphite is there I think12:54
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quiquellsshnaidm: We can even generate the json offline, just getting the ansible.sqlite12:55
EmilienMquiquell: failing on updates, see in zuul12:55
EmilienM ---- the logs12:55
sshnaidmquiquell, we make files in collect logs, and then we pull these files with a script which sends them to influxdb.. This is because ports of influxdb in rdo are opened only to rdo cloud..12:55
panda|roverquiquell: when we first debated pull vs push, we realized that pull approach will take time and should be designed well12:55
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quiquellEmilienM: TL;DR ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host12:56
quiquellEmilienM: Going to recheck12:56
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quiquellEmilienM: upgrades is failing too for the same reason, doesn't make sense12:58
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quiquellUps my recheck was there already12:59
panda|roverquiquell: is this change using the the new bootstrap method ?12:59
quiquellpanda|rover: nope13:00
quiquellpanda|rover: subnodes_scp_deploy_env13:00
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rascamyoung, hi there! I got an alert about a "followup: quickstart older version and upgrade support" meeting, but I don't see anyone on the call, is this topic still valid?13:01
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quiquellEmilienM, panda|rover: maybe I broke something with the rebase13:01
myoungrasca: i think not, we're in sprint planning so I can't attend.  we haven't had a specific agenda for some time, but weshay_PTO still owns the meeting so I can't cancel13:02
myoungo/ morning folks, sprint planning starts now13:02
panda|roverquiquell: the other multinode jobs are workingf13:02
rascamyoung, ack13:02
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quiquellpanda|rover: Think so
quiquellpanda|rover: that's tripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode13:04
quiquellalso multinode queens and pike looks like working too13:04
quiquellMaybe I fucked it up with the featuresets13:05
EmilienMfolks sorry to ask again but... can we revert what rfolco|ruck did13:06
EmilienMand maybe rework on these patches13:07
EmilienMcan we stash the changes that we merged and revert in one patch13:07
rfolco|ruckEmilienM, rdo jobs fail the same way, I don't know how reverting it will fix updates job13:07
EmilienMrfolco|ruck: OVB jobs you mean?13:08
mariosrlandy: i will have a look after our call13:08
rfolco|ruckEmilienM, RDO 3rd party CI -> legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master13:09
rfolco|ruckEmilienM, I agree I broke updates TAGS but the error in overcloud controller updates (docker) seems to be unrelated.13:10
quiquellrfolco|ruck, EmilienM: Looks the issue go through the gates bcause we broke them13:11
EmilienMwhat's the problem with rdo jobs, what's the trace13:11
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rfolco|ruckEmilienM, correct me if I am wrong... but this is exactly the same error seen in zuul ci (updates) job.... but there the job is marked as SUCCESS somehow for my TAGS patch...13:13
quiquellrfolco|ruck: The version of EmilienM fix that passed updates have newer THT version13:15
quiquellEmilienM, rfolco|ruck: Don't know if THT can have break updates but they didn't detect it because we broke the gates13:16
quiquellso they have a false positive update job13:16
rfolco|ruckquiquell, show me please when the job really updated without this error13:16
EmilienMquiquell: show me the trace13:17
quiquellrfolco|ruck: EmilienM fix passing updates
quiquellrfolco|ruck, EmilienM: 585528,313:17
quiquellIt has the Depends-On13:18
quiquellIn the history you can find the last zuul and it's passing13:18
EmilienMit fails here ^13:19
quiquellfailing with tht  openstack-tripleo-heat-templates-9.0.0-0.20180725034409.db72fcd.el7.noarch13:19
EmilienMI don't think it's THT13:20
mariosrlandy: yeah looks like it might be a nit like it should be indented you mean?13:20
EmilienMsee the failure ^13:20
quiquellEmilienM: ack13:20
mariosrlandy: wrt
EmilienMquiquell: it fails to configure subnode13:21
quiquellEmilienM: Talking about the previous failure, this one doesn't make sense the other multinode jobs are working13:21
quiquellEmilienM: is not suppose to be there '13:21
EmilienMyou're asking me?13:22
EmilienMI don't know13:22
quiquellThe ip is ok we should be able to ssh it13:22
rfolco|ruckquiquell, I don't understand why with the depends-on it works13:23
rfolco|ruckin patchset 313:23
quiquellEmilienM: Let's wait to see if recheck goes beyond that13:23
quiquellrfolco|ruck: My only theory is newer tht13:24
quiquellrfolco|ruck: Depends-On make build-test-package kick in13:24
quiquellrfolco|ruck: Have check the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates and is newer in the working one13:24
rlandymarios: yep - not sure it's a nit though ... causing failure13:25
rlandymarios: ^^13:26
EmilienMquiquell: can I update (commit message) to trigger CI again?13:26
EmilienMso we don't want for all jobs to finish13:26
quiquellEmilienM: Totally, is what I am trying to do misserably13:27
EmilienMquiquell: done13:28
quiquellEmilienM: thanks man13:28
quiquellEmilienM: Let's see if they go beyond that13:28
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chandankumarpanda|rover: urgent fix to unblock promotion13:32
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panda|roverchandankumar: approved13:46
quiquellsshnaidm: We have to duplicate RDO/Upstream alarms if we want to have them splittted13:48
sshnaidmquiquell, why to split them..?13:48
quiquellsshnaidm: To have alerts for Upstream and alerts for RDO, but maybe is better to have them joined13:49
sshnaidmquiquell, oh, I see, if we have alerts for noop jobs, it will include both rdo and upstream, right?13:50
quiquellsshnaidm: Yep...13:50
quiquellsshnaidm: Leet's continue after the meeting or tomorrow, will explain it in the demo13:51
sshnaidmquiquell, ok, but I don't think it's so necessary to split them13:51
quiquellsshnaidm: It suppose to normalize one day or another13:52
sshnaidmquiquell, exactly13:52
quiquellsshnaidm: But still we want stats splitted13:52
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sshnaidmrfolco|ruck, panda|rover
sshnaidmrfolco|ruck, panda|rover this is still ongoing, just fyi14:11
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rfolco|rucksshnaidm, thanks. I thought it was resolved, then saw some errors this morning, then saw your chat about nodepools not spawning vms, then got confused...14:13
sshnaidmrfolco|ruck, also master phase 1 passed today \o/14:14
sshnaidmrfolco|ruck, phase2 should pass too. All that remains is master in tripleo ci, after chandankumar has his patches mrged14:15
rfolco|ruckhow do you know its only chandankumar patches ?14:15
rfolco|rucksshnaidm, ^14:15
sshnaidmrfolco|ruck, afaik yes, maybe also problem with scenario007, but I think it should have been resolved already..14:16
rfolco|ruckgood info thx for the update sshnaidm14:16
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master @, stable/queens:  (1 more message)14:37
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quiquellEmilienM, rfolco|ruck, panda|rover: The jobs are going beyond the problem, let's cross fingers14:40
quiquellHoly sh,14:42
quiquelltripleo-ci-centos-7-containers-multinode-pike network failure downloading delorean.repo14:42
quiquellFailed to retrieve repo file from after 10 retries14:42
quiquellgoing to leave it just to check that upgrade/updates jobs are workin g14:44
rfolco|ruckquiquell, what does this have with the problem?14:44
quiquellrfolco|ruck: Nothing... we are very unlucky :-/14:44
quiquellrfolco|ruck: Let keep it running to see that the other jobs works14:44
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chandankumarrfolco|ruck: scenario7 issue resolved in the mroning16:16
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chandankumarrfolco|ruck: scenario7 fix16:17
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rfolco|ruckchandankumar, thx for the update16:27
chandankumarrfolco|ruck: regaring pike delorean repo issue
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783540 in tripleo "RDO cloud is not in operational state" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)16:29
chandankumarrfolco|ruck: I will be out tomorrow, feel free to take over the bugs16:29
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rfolco|ruckchandankumar, why are you assigned to this bug, is this something you can fix ?16:31
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chandankumarrfolco|ruck: we need to sync with software factory dfg or tristinc can help16:31
chandankumarjoin #sf-dfg for software and #rhos-ops for rdocloud16:32
chandankumarboth are internal to RH16:32
rfolco|ruckchandankumar, already in both...16:33
panda|roverpike is failing is emilien\s patch16:33
panda|roverbut was working in PS316:33
rfolco|ruckpanda|rover, I think its the same error as
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783540 in tripleo "RDO cloud is not in operational state" [Critical,Triaged] - Assigned to chandan kumar (chkumar246)16:34
chandankumar2018-07-26 14:36:49.302409 | primary | ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host16:34
chandankumarit is recent failure16:34
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: yes, I'm not counting it as blocking16:35
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: if everything else passes, I'm going to merge it16:36
rfolco|ruckMay the gods of CI be with you panda|rover16:36
panda|roverthey never are16:36
rfolco|ruckpanda|rover, wait16:37
chandankumarwe donot know who will screw rdo cloud or upstream zuul nodepool16:37
panda|roverthe only god that favours me is the rotten luck16:37
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master @, stable/queens:  (1 more message)16:37
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chandankumarlast 2 weeks both screwed us16:38
panda|roverchandankumar: I've seen this in other jobs, starting a couple of hours ago16:38
rfolco|ruckpanda|rover, are you talking about merging emilien's fix ?16:38
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: yes16:38
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rfolco|ruckpanda|rover, PS5 did not report yet, finishing jobs, including updates one. And pike failed (voting). Whats the plan?16:40
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: that's what I was talking about16:41
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: I've seen pike pass in PS3, so I'm conting it as a success. it's failing with the infra problems. If everything else passes, I'm going to merge it.16:41
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rfolco|ruckpanda|rover, it passes with the depends-on, yes. Now if it passes without depends-on, so tht does not matter. Agreed to merge if it passes... we'll need one more recheck as pike is voting.16:43
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panda|rovertempest passed16:46
chandankumarpanda|rover: on the tempest patch pike failed16:46
panda|roverchandankumar: sorry, nevermind16:47
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panda|roverrfolco|ruck: updates failed16:47
rfolco|ruckpanda|rover, sure? I am not finding it in console16:48
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: 2018-07-26 16:37:23.788644 | primary | +(./ echo 'Playbook run of multinode-overcloud-update.yml failed'16:48
rfolco|ruckpanda|rover, I made a noop change on top of the tags fix (the one you -2) and it is running updates job only here
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: at this point on safe change could be to just unmigrate the job to the old parent16:52
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: the job is marked as success16:54
rfolco|ruckfalse positive16:55
panda|roverand this has nothing to do with the tags16:55
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panda|roverthe playbook clearly fails, but we are not registering this as failuyre16:55
rfolco|ruckexactly what was trying to explain in the call16:55
rfolco|ruckpanda|rover, ignore_errors in the task16:56
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: still it's our reponsibility, the playbook failed16:56
panda|roverno no16:56
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: it failed, with no ignore16:56
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: the playbook failed completely, and we are marking it as success.16:56
rfolco|ruckyep... ignore my comment above16:57
rfolco|ruckSet docker_startup_configs_with_default fact16:57
rfolco|ruckthis is failing consistently with the same error, same point....16:57
rfolco|ruckexcept on PS3 when we depends-on a newer tht review16:58
panda|roverthat patch from quique was merged16:58
rfolco|ruckpatch ?16:58
panda|roverI'm going to hit the red button16:58
panda|roverthis broke us completely16:59
panda|roverI knew it, using the for loop was unnecessary, and it's causing us trouble17:00
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: bj/gcerami17:01
panda|roverrfolco|ruck: we need to take action17:01
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1783857 in tripleo "TripleO CI jobs false positives" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)17:26
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chkumar|trekkmirror timed out17:33
chkumar|trekkpanda|rover: paul is looking into it on #openstack-infra17:34
panda|roverchkumar|trekk: ok, at this moment a lot is broken17:35
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chkumar|trekkpanda|rover: mirror fixed, i have done a recheck17:40
rlandypanda|rover: rfolco|ruck: is the patch marios wants merged ... looking at the rdocloud errors - if I recheck will that help at all? needs rebase?17:43
rlandyintrospection timeout on ocata17:45
rlandy"Overcloud minor update execution step failed..."17:45
rlandyupgdate failure on 3717:46
rlandystatus on that?17:46
panda|roverrlandy: it's complicated17:47
panda|roverrlandy: talking again about tests and quality so even whe updates fail, we are showing a success17:50
openstackLaunchpad bug 1783857 in tripleo "TripleO CI jobs false positives" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Gabriele Cerami (gcerami)17:50
panda|roverrlandy: but in other way, updates is broken, and not because of us17:50
rlandypanda|rover: right so we are n case 217:50
panda|roverrlandy: the failure we are seeing in updates is unrelated17:50
rlandypanda|rover: ack17:51
rlandywe can w+1 with theses failures17:51
panda|roverrlandy: we need someone for upgrades to help us understand what's happening17:51
rlandybut it depends if we should17:51
rlandypanda|rover: I did some investigation yesterday17:51
rlandyinto the updates failure17:52
panda|roverrlandy: maybe the updates fail for rdo network issues too, it fails on pakcage update, baye it's failing to download packages17:52
rlandygetting ...17:52
rlandypanda: note the ansible error17:54
rlandy u'fatal: [upstream-centos-7-rdo-cloud-0000075097]: FAILED! => {"msg": "Unexpected failure during module execution.", "stdout": ""}',17:54
rlandypanda|rover: ^^17:54
rlandy2018-07-26 16:24:44 |  u'An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was:             ^',17:55
rlandyrfolco|ruck and I looked into that yesterday17:55
rlandyI thought it was cleaned up today?17:55
panda|roverrlandy: it's not17:56
panda|roverrlandy: the updates jobs are failing with this
panda|roverrlandy: and since it's an error in package update step, it may be related to network errors in the repo17:57
rlandybut them why the ansible error?17:57
panda|roverrlandy: bj/gcerami ? I'm talking with rfolco|ruck too about this17:58
rlandywas asking marios about the misplaces start_order in the link above17:58
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/queens: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades @, stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: tripleo-ci-centos-7-scenario000-multinode-oooq-container-upgrades, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy- (1 more message)18:37
rookrlandy: how can I get onto something that has ran featureset53?18:51
rookI want to look at why this is failing :18:51
rook2018-07-25 21:35:15.305816 | tripleo-ovb-centos-7 | failed: [undercloud] (item=centos7) => {"changed": false, "cmd": ". /home/zuul/overcloudrc; openstack image list | grep 'centos7'", "delta": "0:00:04.091176", "end": "2018-07-25 21:35:15.286721", "item": "centos7", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2018-07-25 21:35:11.195545", "stderr": "volume version 3.52 is not in supported versions: 1, 2,18:51
rook3", "stderr_lines": ["volume version 3.52 is not in supported versions: 1, 2, 3"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}18:51
rlandyrook: I can't get you onto those nodes18:52
rlandyinfra might be able to18:52
rlandyask on #rdo18:52
rlandywe usually use the reproducer18:52
rlandyto do that sort of debug worl18:52
rlandythen it is your won node and you can work on it as you need18:53
rookagopi: ^ didn't you have issues with the reproducer?18:54
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agopiyeah rdo cloud was down rook18:59
agopiwill try again now18:59
agopiand if i get it to work18:59
agopiyou can hop on18:59
agopi rlandy19:00
agopii was seeing this19:00
rlandyagopi: I noticed that on other check jobs19:00
rlandynot your fault19:01
agopiack rlandy retrying reproducer now19:01
agopiwill ping if i see any other issue19:01
rlandyagopi: feel free to follow/ask on #rhos-ops19:01
rlandyas well19:01
agopiack rlandy19:01
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rlandyrfolco|ruck: if I want to run a reproducer on fs037, what's the a latest updated job that has shown that19:25
rlandyI have
rlandybut it's rebased on a milion changes19:25
rfolco|ruckrlandy, not sure what you mean19:35
rfolco|ruckneed a reproducer for ^ latest ps19:36
rfolco|ruckthe one that fails, isnt't it ?19:36
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rascarlandy, you still around by any chance?19:48
rlandyrasca: yes19:48
rascarlandy, hey hi, so I think that the latest review on the bm-ha-ovb things fix all that I need about rdocloud but...19:49
rascarlandy, I'm still getting the error "Error: Failed to apply catalog: Execution of '/usr/bin/getcert list' returned 1: Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut"19:49
rlandyrasca: can you link full log?19:50
rlandyor show where this is happening?19:50
rookagopi|brb: ack19:51
rascarlandy, sure19:51
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rlandypanda|rover: rfolco|ruck: have you see this error lately in ci?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1772807 in tripleo "default containerized undercloud install with local CA fails with "Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut"" [High,Triaged]20:37
rlandyrasca is hitting it20:37
rascapanda|rover, rfolco|ruck, I wonder why we're not giving importance on this ^^^20:37
rlandypretty consistently20:37
rascait is consistent on rdocloud20:37
rasca(I've just increased the importance to high)20:37
hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens-branch @,  (1 more message)20:37
rfolco|ruckrasca, too many critical problems, I'll take a look20:38
rascarfolco|ruck, don't want to harass you, I'll continue my tests on Monday20:39
rascarlandy, restarting dbus resolved the problem20:39
rlandyrasca: hmm - at least that springs you for the moment20:40
rlandywe need to raise that at escalation meeting20:40
rascarlandy, yeah but I've two choices20:40
rasca1) I go manual (it's an option, but it will not help us in automating rdocloud jobs)20:41
rasca2) I add a workaround patch (but don't like workarounds, do we?)20:41
rlandyrasca: or get it escalated and fixed20:42
rlandyyou're on those meetings20:42
rascaI AM THE OWNER20:43
rlandyrasca: cool -pull rank there20:43
rascarlandy, I've added the alert tag, the card should be created and then I'll escalate it20:45
rascarlandy, leaving now, thanks rlandy for your constant support20:45
rlandyrasca: ack - let's touch base tomorrow to talk about sprint work20:55
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hubbotFAILING CHECK JOBS on stable/ocata: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-1ctlr_1comp_1ceph-featureset024-ocata @, master: legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-container-to-container-upgrades-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-multinode-1ctlr-featureset037-updates-master, legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-queens-branch @,  (1 more message)22:37

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