Friday, 2018-08-24

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weshay|roverrlandy, it should merge in a minute00:16
rlandyyay - here we go now00:17
rlandyChange has been successfully merged by Zuul00:18
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rlandythank you zuul00:18
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rlandypinged paul with the merge status00:20
rlandyweshay|rover: thank you for getting that through00:24
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toskyanyone else would like to add a +w to this review?
toskyit has two +2 already13:32
rlandytosky: looking13:32
rlandyrfolco: weshay|rover: should we live dangerously and merge and
rlandy is needed for reproducer13:36
rlandybut we can still test the job13:36
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weshay|roverrlandy, you talk to paul?13:44
rlandyweshay|rover: no talking with nhicher13:44
rlandyon #sf-dfg13:44
rlandyI can wait for paul if you prefer13:44
rlandyhe's the support person now afaict13:45
weshay|rovergo 4 it13:45
rlandyweshay|rover: rfolco: ykarel: could I get some reviews on and (looking to merge)13:52
rlandysee discussion above and on #sf-dfg13:52
rlandyweshay|rover: ok - here we go - let's see what damage we do13:59
bogdandoshould the oooq_* flavor names quickstart creates be mathching those generated in
ykarelrlandy, sorry out of context for me, so u can try if earlier issues are fixed14:02
bogdandoI think I have a mismatch, as my instack env sets profiles to compute and control and not oooq_compute/control14:02
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bogdandoright, I see config/nodes/1ctlr_1comp.yml uses node.flavor w/o that oooq_ prefix...14:03
bogdandostill trying to add 2 + 2 to have something working with a simple command like -N config/nodes/1ctlr_1comp.yml virthost :)14:04
bogdandobut I have it 5 or 314:04
bogdandonot 4 ;(14:04
rascasoftrlandy, if you have time for this
rascasoftthanks a ton :)14:04
bogdandoshouldn't those in config/nodes refer to oooq_* flavors?14:05
bogdandowhat is the expected use case for those if not being used with the built in role to generate flavors?14:05
bogdandoand what am I missing to go with node config as is, w/o overriding dances ?14:07
bogdandomay be I just need14:08
bogdando  control: control14:08
bogdando  compute: compute?14:08
rlandywaiting for to merge ...14:09
rlandyrascasoft: your other review merged?14:10
rascasoftrlandy, yes milady14:10
rlandy merged14:10
rlandybogdando: reading back ...14:11
bogdandolong story short, trying to deploy with14:12
bogdando  control: control14:12
bogdando  compute: compute14:12
bogdandostep_overcloud_prep_flavors: false14:12
rlandyas long as the flavor can fit into what is defined in instackenv you are ok14:12
bogdandoIIUC that's the only suitable set matching the flavor names in node/config templates?14:12
rlandyso .. do those flavors exist14:12
rlandyie: openstack flavor list14:13
rlandywhat is returned?14:13
rlandyif your nodes are not sufficient, you will get a deploy error14:13
* rlandy checks your instackenv - sec14:14
bogdandoso I was only thinking of the defaults to let oooq users to deploy w/o additional overrides14:14
bogdandojust shoot -N and voila!14:14
bogdandoso perhaps we need to rebind those to oooq_ ? generated ones?14:15
rlandyhol don14:15
rlandybogdando: you may hit a problem with disk14:16
rlandycan you paste openstack baremetal node list14:16
rlandyand an ironic node-show on one node14:16
rlandyyou need a bigger disk than the flavor specified14:17
rlandyeven by 1GB is fine14:17
rlandylet's just check that14:17
ssbarnea|ruckweshay|rover sadly timeout seems to be consistent, even after recent changes, 100% failure rate --- not sure why this was not visible in dashboard.14:17
rlandyugh  - what do I need to get a merge on rdo-jobs???14:20
rlandybogdando: you with me?14:20
bogdandorlandy: yeah14:21
ssbarnea|ruckrlandy do you know how can I see older zuul logs? the default pagination does not include any successful build and I want to find one to compare with the failing one.14:21
rlandyssbarnea|ruck: which job?14:21
rlandyI can find you one14:21
ssbarnea|rucksee prev link I posted14:21
ssbarnea|ruckthe updates one that does timeout14:21
rlandylet me look14:21
bogdando| 0f8f277e-5ac7-47d6-b5e2-56b5e9f5c791 | control-0 | None          | power off   | clean failed       | True        |14:21
bogdando| properties             | {u'memory_mb': u'4096', u'cpu_arch': u'x86_64', u'local_gb': u'19', u'cpus': u'2', u'capabilities': u'profile:control,cpu_vt:true,cpu_hugepages:true,boot_option:local,cpu_aes:true,cpu_hugepages_1g:true'}14:21
bogdandoI thikn I have flavors mismatch :/14:22
rlandy u'local_gb': u'19'14:22
rlandy^^ too small14:22
bogdandoso to fix the things, we prolly need to relink all node/config files to use the generated oooq_ flavors14:22
bogdandothat worths a UX bug IMO14:22
ssbarnea|ruckwell, i think I found a trick, I filtered by project and I ended up seeing one from 21st14:22
rlandyssbarnea|ruck: you all set?14:22
ssbarnea|ruckrlandy: yeah, no need to bother. unless you know how to fix the timeout issue on updates ;)14:23
rlandyI see a successful job from 2214:23
rlandyssbarnea|ruck: not off hand:(14:24
rlandybogdando: the rest looks ok - you just need a big enough node14:25
rlandyssbarnea|ruck: ^^ that is the last successful job I can see14:25
rlandyafter that consistent failure14:25
bogdandorlandy: thanks!14:26
* bogdando creates a bug14:26
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1788875 in tripleo "quickstart creates oooq_foo flavors which do not match config/node templated names" [Undecided,New]14:34
bogdandosounds fair?14:35
bogdandoand an example for the path B
ssbarnea|ruckrlandy : maybe you can give a hint here
rlandysec - just helping rasca14:39
ykarelssbarnea|ruck, weshay|rover fs018 failed in master and rocky twice, any bug for it?14:40
ykarelack, good to have it as it's blocking both promotions now14:41
weshay|roverhas a list of promotion blockers14:46
weshay|roverand alerts14:46
ykarelweshay|rover, but i can't see fs018 there14:48
weshay|roverssbarnea|ruck, ^14:50
weshay|roverssbarnea|ruck, please write up the bugs on these14:50
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rlandyweshay|rover: do you want to 1-1 or too busy today?15:01
weshay|roverrlandy, need a few15:02
rlandyk - no rush15:02
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ssbarnea|ruckykarel|away : can you give me a link to the fs018 failure?15:06
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rlandywoohoo - we have a job trigger15:08
weshay|roverrlandy, ready in 3min15:08
ykarel|awayssbarnea|ruck, see last failure in: and and two more from current run(openstack-periodic):-
weshay|roverrlandy, k15:11
bogdandoweshay|rover: hi! looks gtg15:13
bogdandogood to goooo15:13
bogdandoalso folks, WDYT of
openstackLaunchpad bug 1788875 in tripleo "quickstart creates oooq_foo flavors which do not match config/node templated names, that fails the overcloud deployment" [High,Triaged]15:13
bogdandodid I describe it right?15:14
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rascasoftssbarnea, have you got 5 mins to discuss an issue I'm having?15:29
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weshay|roverssbarnea, need any help?15:32
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ssbarneawes, yep but let me finsh “late” breakfast first, see etherpad link15:44
weshay|roverssbarnea, which this one?
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weshay|roverrascasoft, you still around buddy?16:03
bogdandoweshay|rover: ditto
bogdandogood to go, imo16:04
rascasoftweshay|rover, here I am16:08
rascasoftfighting with pip, cache and cleanings16:08
rascasoft(loosing, of course)16:09
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weshay|roverrascasoft, want to try battling code.eng again? also what's the status on
openstackLaunchpad bug 1774653 in tripleo "HA test failed because it is unable to create an instance due to block device mapping invalid (failed to get volume)" [Critical,Triaged]16:11
weshay|roverrascasoft, alex wants to remove promotion blocker16:12
rascasoftweshay|rover, about codeng we should be done16:13
rascasoftweshay|rover, about the bug: I'd agree if I had the opportunity to run HA validations consistently (which is not the case)16:13
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weshay|roverrascasoft, ok.. I'm happy to support what ever you think is right.. just let alex know one way or another16:20
rascasoftweshay|rover, you need me to comment the bug?16:21
weshay|roverrascasoft, and or ping alex16:22
rascasoftweshay|rover, first step is to have consistent runs for master16:22
rascasoftweshay|rover, I'll do it immediately, master16:22
weshay|roverrascasoft, sounds like it should be open but not a blocker16:22
weshay|roverdepending on why it's inconsistent16:22
rascasoftweshay|rover, it's inconsistent because of all the CI integration problems I had to deal with in the last months, not for other reasons16:23
rlandyweshay|rover: job never started :( - checking on #sf-dfg16:26
weshay|roverugh k16:26
weshay|roverrascasoft, so.. ya.. we need you in at the tripleo-ci layer16:27
weshay|rovergetting there16:27
weshay|roverrascasoft, I would reraise it as a blocker once we're able to rebuild the issue consistently16:27
weshay|roverrascasoft, it can be a high priority bug w/o being a prod chain blocker16:28
weshay|roveror critical16:28
rascasoftweshay|rover, I obey my lord.16:28
rlandyrfolco: any ideas?? pls see #sf-dfg16:29
rascasoftweshay|rover, commented the bug and removed the tag16:29
rfolcorlandy, looking16:32
rfolcorlandy, where did you define that the job runs in check pipeline for browbeat ?16:33
rlandyrfolco: <rlandy> the job is defined here:
rfolcorlandy, no, I mean, the pipeline16:34
rfolcocheck: <my_job>16:34
rlandy<rlandy> the job is defined here:
rlandyrfolco: ^^16:37
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rfolcorlandy, hmm ... I am checking this
rfolcotrying to find another example that works... one project there that is in openstack-check pipeline16:43
rlandyrfolco: leagcy 053 s is only defined there as weel16:43
rfolcomy point is the full namespace vs on trigger:16:43
rfolcoits just the same as legacy-tripleo-ci-centos-7-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset042-master-tht16:47
rfolcochecking if this job triggers on tht16:48
rfolcohard to find file filter16:49
rascasoftrlandy, it failed while preparing the images
rascasoftwe'll never come to an end16:50
rlandyrascasoft: need to deal wit upstream now - will take a look later16:50
rlandyrfolco: the job is listed in zuul v316:50
rlandyit just never started16:50
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rfolcorlandy, ah you mean you see the job listed in zuul status page but it never runs or shows any progress ?16:57
rlandyyes - remains queued16:58
rlandywhich usually means the definition is not found16:58
rlandybut defined
rlandyunless I missed something16:59
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rlandyweshay|rover: ^^ ideas???16:59
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rfolcorlandy, still trying to understand ... I see the job queued there... odd17:16
weshay|roverrlandy, /me reads17:16
rlandyrfolco: talking with nhicher on #sf-dfg17:17
weshay|roverrlandy, re: 596370 ?17:17
rlandyweshay|rover: yep - but talking with rdo infra now17:18
rfolcorlandy, do we have a card for reparenting or can I add your patch to the same card as moving extra playbook to job config ? if so, I add you ass member there17:35
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rfolcooh jeez17:37
rfolcosorry s/ass/add17:37
rfolcoenglish can be embarrassing sometimes17:37
rfolcooh, I see... the thing is: your patch is a dependency for my card too, will add there just for reference17:38
rfolcothanks rlandy17:38
rascasoftrlandy, I think I've found where's the problem, for some reason in the config "download_overcloud_image" is not set to true, which causes the process of downloading the images not working and breaks the deploy17:39
rlandyrfolco: do you have +2 on
rascasoftrlandy, I'm testing it right now by passing an extra var and that step (I'm testing locally on the jenkins workspace using tag overcloud-prep-images) seem to work17:40
rascasoftrlandy, it would be useful to understand why I didn't need it before17:40
rfolcorlandy, sorry did not follow discussion, why revert?17:40
rascasoftrlandy, shouldn't this be part of the usual master config?17:41
rfolcorlandy, I do not have +2 there17:41
rlandyrfolco: paul wants us to test with depens on17:41
rlandyI am the only one who does :(17:41
ssbarneaweshay|rover: -- added fs018 failure info there - Failed running for designate, some hints would be needed.17:42
openstackLaunchpad bug 1788907 in tripleo "Failed running for designate" [Undecided,New]17:42
ssbarneaweshay|rover:  please +W (verbose resize failures) as I am again slowed down by it while debugging other builds.17:48
rascasoftrlandy, added also that download part17:48
rlandyrascasoft: reading back17:50
rascasoftrlandy, in any case it failed again. Is there any other option for ./ironic-python-agent.initramfs ?17:51
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rascasoftrlandy, I'm really out of energies and ideas17:52
rlandysorry - we're just trying to migrate rdo to v317:53
rascasoftrlandy, I really don't know what is going on here17:55
rascasoftrlandy, I'm turning off, too late here, see you next week17:55
rlandyrascasoft: ok - I'll look at it more this afternoon17:55
rascasoftrlandy, ok if you find something and I should do something please comment the review, I'll work on it17:56
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ssbarnearlandy: for some reason on my machine (repro') virt-resize fails because files are owned by root, running same task as root works, but inside reproducer we do not have any sudo: yes.18:11
ssbarneamy personal take is that we should need root access but at the same time I wonder how these file endup owned by root. i wonder if this a libvirt misconfig on my machine.18:12
rlandysame thing happened to me yesterday18:13
rlandyI use a diff dir for images18:13
rlandyand set permissions on that dir18:13
rlandyand then pass that dir as an extra-var18:13
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ssbarnearlandy: this sounds like a serious bug in reproducer, one that impacts its sole purpose. time to dig a little bit on how to fix it.18:17
ssbarneai need to find out who creates this files as root as i didn't see any become in fetch images code.18:18
rlandyssbarnea: ok - just kind of busy with rdo v3 atm and then I have to help with rascasoft's work so whatever you think18:18
ssbarneathanks, it really helped to get conf from you about this. at least I know is something to fix in repro.18:19
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weshay|roverrlandy, need anything?19:09
weshay|roverssbarnea, you still around/19:11
weshay|roverssbarnea, fyi.. is a promotion blocker, not an alert19:11
openstackLaunchpad bug 1788907 in tripleo "Failed running for designate" [Undecided,New]19:11
weshay|roverbecause it's only impacting the promotion jobs19:11
ssbarneaahh, ok. I added a line about this on your google doc.19:14
rlandyweshay|rover: just going through failure from test on removing legacy19:27
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weshay|roverrlandy, so it finally kicked?19:33
rlandyweshay|rover: yep and failed ...19:33
weshay|roverping for eyes19:33
rlandysee discussion on #sf-dfg19:33
rlandy<pabelanger> 2018-08-24 17:35:14,263 DEBUG zuul.AnsibleJob: [build: 5a7230d967cb4928bde619dfc92fa4b0] Ansible output: b"ERROR! the role 'legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts' was not found in19:33
rlandy<pabelanger> /tmp/tmp2yxuinem/5a7230d967cb4928bde619dfc92fa4b0/untrusted/project_3/
rlandy<pabelanger> b0/untrusted/project_3/
rlandyweshay|rover: see comment left here ...
rlandyso I tried to remove it - not so simple  - we get failures19:35
rlandyweshay|rover: tried this test patch ... - no good19:36
rlandywill have to work on what is really needed there19:36
rlandyso that is where we are19:39
rlandyweshay|rover: last comment there was ...19:43
rlandy<pabelanger> rlandy: that info can we read from the inventory now19:43
rlandyso we would need to rewrite that role to use inventory19:44
weshay|roverrlandy, I don't think this worked
weshay|roverrlandy, bah.. I added it to periodic :(20:07
rlandyweshay|rover: ok - judgment call here ...20:08
weshay|roverrlandy, which role do we need to rewrite?20:09
rlandyweshay|rover: sec - back to your change ...20:09
rlandysince 3rd party does not vote anyways, why the voting: false change?20:10
rlandywe can merge with rdocloud -120:10
weshay|roverrlandy, right20:10
weshay|roverrlandy, to get folks to respect the -120:10
weshay|roverfor humans20:11
* rlandy does not have faith in human respect20:11
rlandyI mean there is nothing wrong with the change20:11
rlandybut we should fix it20:11
weshay|roverrlandy, we are trying20:11
weshay|roverit's not easy20:11
rlandyok - I +2'ed20:13
rlandycan you w+1 on this or only I can?20:13
weshay|roverrlandy, I think you have to20:14
rlandyweshay|rover: done20:16
rlandyweshay|rover: ok - now back to my question ...20:16
rlandyweshay|rover: I put in this change ...
rlandywhich so far is working ok20:16
rlandyisn't not a complete rewrite of legacy20:17
rlandybut it does deal with the eeror20:17
rlandyyour call if I should try rewrite that role20:17
rlandyor see if this is good enough to get us by20:17
weshay|roverrlandy, looks for it20:17
rlandyweshay|rover: see progress so far on
rlandylet me know what you think20:18
weshay|roverrlandy, why was that not20:18
weshay|roverrole: legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts20:19
weshay|roverand where is the src for that20:19
* weshay|rover looking20:19
* weshay|rover sees it called here in the same way
rlandythat is the issue20:20
weshay|roveroh reallhy20:20
rlandycauses a dep on untrusted/project_3/
rlandy role 'legacy-copy-jenkins-scripts' was not found in20:22
weshay|roverrlandy, looks like it's pasisng20:22
* weshay|rover has a thought20:22
rlandyI just removed that call to see what it impacted20:22
rlandythis is like whack-a-mole20:22
rlandyweshay|rover: it wasn't passing when I removed the whole playbook20:24
rlandybut this could work20:24
weshay|roverrlandy, ya.. we need pre20:25
weshay|roverif that's what you mean20:25
weshay|roverrlandy, another way to see if we need that..
rlandyweshay|rover: not sure how that would help - we need to remove our call20:28
rlandyanyways - I'll have to ask paul if that is good enough a change or of he wants legacy gone altogether20:28
weshay|roverrlandy, ya.. just want to see what breaks20:31
rlandyme too20:32
rlandynothing like waiting for an explosion20:32
rlandyweshay|rover: were you tracking rascasoft's stuff at all?20:48
weshay|roverrlandy, I ff'd the internal branches for him20:48
weshay|roverrlandy, that is all I know20:48
rlandyweshay|rover: k - looks like he's getting as far as prep-images20:49
weshay|roverrlandy, which job?20:49
rlandywith an h20:49
rlandybetter than before - checking his error20:51
weshay|roverrlandy, hrm.. that worked on our jobs20:51
weshay|roverwhy doesn't he have logs :(20:52
weshay|roverrascasoft, man.. stegatzi20:52
rlandymay be my fault :(20:53
rlandyI'll fix that20:53
rlandyjenkins, why are you sooooooo slow??20:53
weshay|roverrlandy, his jobs were passing in your spot checks w/ fs001 right?20:54
weshay|rovercould be his config fell behind again20:54
weshay|rover --config $WORKSPACE/tripleo-environments/hardware_environments/ha-lab-cygnus/network_configs/float_nic_with_vlans/config_files/config.yml \20:54
rlandyI have no idea20:54
rlandyok - will collect logs now20:55
rlandylucky 2120:56
weshay|roverrlandy, did the osp-13 job ever work for you?20:58
rlandyweshay|rover: died on overcloud-deploy - because if node cleaning20:59
rlandyI was at the point of removing node cleaning and running agin20:59
rlandycan trigger that in a few20:59
rlandyyou see what I mean about dumping stuff??20:59
weshay|roverrlandy, ya.. we have you on too much21:01
weshay|roverrlandy, again21:01
weshay|roverI think if we can close out zuulv3.. on rdo things will fall back into place21:01
weshay|roverthe size of creating jobs for browbeat/ha-utils grew x5 after paul migrated zuul21:02
weshay|roverplanning is hard.. when the physics you plan w/ change21:02
rlandyweshay|rover: sec - mom on phone21:06
weshay|roverrlandy, say hi and good shaboos21:06
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rlandyweshay|rover: k - back ... not a big deal on rhos-13 - I have the change - will just trigger again21:18
rlandyrascasoft's job should collect logs if it fails again21:18
weshay|roverrlandy, I think ur good on
rlandyweshay|rover: ack - going to ping paul about it on #sf-dfg in a sec - just clearing ws on downstream21:31
rlandyweshay|rover: - with no node cleaning21:35
weshay|roverrlandy, and we want that across all versions ? no21:36
rlandyweshay|rover: remove cleaning - no21:36
weshay|roverrlandy, /me looking at
rlandyjust testing -the job is dnm21:37
rlandyI can put that in the ci-rhos config if need be21:37
rlandythis will just give us the chance to test it21:37
weshay|roverthe only change I see is ~/network.yml21:37
rlandyundercloud_clean_nodes: false21:38
rlandyplus the two changes we have in tqe21:38
weshay|roverya.. but for queens, rocky, master21:38
weshay|roverthat was off21:38
weshay|roverosp-13 is queens21:39
rlandyit was on21:39
rlandyI don;t plan to merge this21:39
rlandyjust test with it21:39
weshay|roverrlandy, if the internal job is using fs00121:40
weshay|roverit should be off the way I read it21:40
rlandyundercloud_clean_nodes should be true for queens21:40
rlandyin the merged version21:40
rlandyand false in my test version21:40
rlandycleaning is failing21:40
rlandyand leaving the nodes in a bad state21:41
* weshay|rover is confused21:41
weshay|roverbut ok21:41
rlandycausing 'no available node' errors21:41
weshay|roverso.. hrm21:41
rlandyI am trying to skip the cleaning21:41
weshay|rover k k21:41
rlandyand hope that leaves the nodes in a good state to deploy21:41
rlandymake sense?21:41
weshay|roverwell.. from what you say yes21:41
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rlandythe nodes get left in clean failed21:42
weshay|roverfrom your change no21:42
rlandyI need them in available to deploy21:42
weshay|roverundercloud_clean_nodes: >-21:42
weshay|rover  {% if release not in ['newton','ocata','pike'] -%}21:42
weshay|rover  true21:42
weshay|rover  {%- else -%}21:42
weshay|rover  false21:42
weshay|rover  {%- endif -%}21:42
weshay|roverqueens ^ is false21:42
weshay|roveroh crap21:42
weshay|roverI'm so wrong21:42
rlandynot really21:42
weshay|roverand tire21:42
* weshay|rover quits21:42
rlandyweshay|rover: log off for shabbos early :)21:42
weshay|roverrlandy, ok.. that's the sign.. /me needs to walk way for a bit21:42
weshay|roverrlandy, early.. it's already 5.4321:43
weshay|roverrlandy, have a good weekend.. shabat shalom :)21:43
* weshay|rover out21:43
rlandyI'm not logging off, saying you should21:43
rlandyshabbat shalom21:43
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rlandywe have logs now22:05
rlandyoh I see ... Required file "./ironic-python-agent.initramfs" does not exist.22:05
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